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View of Psychological and Pedagogical Features of Ethical and Aesthetic Education of Students in Physical Education Classes


Academic year: 2022

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Psychological and Pedagogical Features of Ethical and Aesthetic Education of Students in Physical Education Classes


He is a senior lecturer at the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology

[email protected] Тel.:(+99890)512-93-99


Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology Head of the Department of "Physical Culture"

Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD) Associate Professor [email protected] Тel.:(+99890)711-22-72

Abstract. In this article, it is important to develop an active attitude to physical culture, to instruct students to enrich the acquired knowledge and impressions with aesthetic conten thought about.

Keywords: aesthetic education, physical culture, psychological process, emotional and aesthetic experiences, sports skills, physical abilities, cognitive activity.

Recognizing the psychological and pedagogical importance of the process of mastering the basics of academic disciplines in higher education, without denying the role and importance of other areas of education, the importance of this work in physical education classes and clubs will be required. After all, in this process, first of all, the maximum mobilization of the individual's abilities is required for the activities to be performed, ie medical-physiological, psycho- intellectual, practical indicators, skills, abilities, control knowledge and so on. Second, in addition to physical development, which is directly required by the state educational standards, aesthetic education is carried out, which is an integral part of the education of a harmoniously developed person. Therefore, the psychological aspects of aesthetic education necessary for this study are included - the person, his structure and aesthetic potential, interests and the role and place in his structure. The aim was to study the adolescent personality in terms of its structural components, taking into account the type that characterizes him, taking into account his activity in certain psychological and pedagogical situations. Exemplary features for students' interest in physical culture are their age characteristics, knowledge of individual characteristics,

- observation, education, thinking;

- The role of students in the field of perception, cognitive activity;

- Formation of students' interest in sports, physical education;

- Psychology of psychological sports creativity;

- Perception of sports performances and performances psychology;

- works of fine arts on sports

perception as an aesthetic object, based on them gradually affective emotional factor;


- The essence and mechanism of the psychology of emotional cognitive activity, as well as the emotional-psychological mood of students on the basis of evidence;

- emotional interest in physical culture, various sports, including national-traditional types, aesthetics;

- The emotional and psychological logic of the formation of interest in students;

- The emotional fund of lessons, their emotional-positive environment; emotional cognitive material, emotionally-positive and emotionally-active attitude to the object of interest, the proposed activity, favorite hobby, sport, one of its types;

- Enjoy the opportunity to get acquainted with the achievements of physical culture, the results of physical culture, sports, its aesthetics. These emotional experiences are psychological processes of aesthetic education of students in educational classes and classes, and play an important role in the expected results of research.

In the process of aesthetic education of students, including the development of interest in physical education, the following age characteristics were taken into account:

- growth and social recovery, activity, independence;

- Aesthetic lessons of new content, impressions, feelings, experiences, aspirations, interests and needs;

- self-awareness, influence, knowledge, management; work on samples;

- to develop a sense of ability to develop intellect, theoretical thinking, creative awakening, logical reasoning, reasoning on the process of education, in particular, the intellectualization of the process of aesthetic education;

- formation of the ability to perform complex tasks of educational and practical nature;

- To study the ability to easily master, describe, describe, draw conclusions in the field of art and aesthetics;

- to study the specific analysis of the material;

- develop the ability to think logically;

-thirst for new knowledge; enrichment with the human factor, creating a sense of interest in problems;

- Striving to define a stable range of knowledge in their interests and increase the level of their culture;

- to meet the needs of their peers for active participation in sports activities;

-Development of self-organization, willpower, the ability to form a system of personal personnel, to demonstrate their abilities, to acquire new qualities associated with the prospects of life.

The above-mentioned psychological and age characteristics of students include independence, curiosity (aesthetics, art, interest in sports), curiosity, mental ability, analysis, evaluation skills, ability to target needs, stability in suggestions, etc. 'to know the secret;

sensitivity, emotional and aesthetic impact, adaptation to the needs of various sports information.



Figure 1. The above-mentioned psychological and age characteristics of students

It is necessary to encourage them to strive for active creative activity, especially in the field of physical education.

They need to be able to express themselves, to recognize their own performance and evaluation.

Qualities such as self-improvement, striving for perfection should be in the center of attention.

Individual characteristics of students, first of all, such features as observation and perception necessary for cognitive activity, their: analytical, synthetic and emotional typological classifications were studied. At the same time, the content of certain types, goals, tasks and activities of students may not be constant due to changes in the characteristics of the objects of interest. Therefore, changes in the attitude of adolescents to activities and the peculiarities of perception and observation are taken into account. First of all, the creative and social significance of the cognitive, aesthetic and analytical activities of adolescence, the psychological features necessary for sports to activate the improvement of their physical culture were considered. In addition, such aspects are considered as features of thinking aimed at solving the tasks set for students, its problematic nature, generalization.

An emotional factor that becomes consciousness, imagination, and understanding plays an important role in students ’emotional-cognitive activities. At the same time, the main goal is to organize and manage the practical sports activities of students through the aesthetic knowledge, imagination and concepts acquired in the field of physical culture and sports, ie the integration of knowledge into action as components of the psychological and pedagogical basis of the problem. . Age and individual characteristics necessary for the aesthetic education of students, taking them into account, also affect their interest in physical culture and sports.When students are introduced to the creative actions of athletes, the psychology of the audience, their level of awareness of the emotional and aesthetic criteria in sports increases in a certain way. This creates the necessary pedagogical basis for students to use social-personal motives, which include emotional-positive relationships, and then interest in physical culture and sports. interest in

E mp h as ize d p sy ch o lo g ic al a n d ag e c h ara ct eri st ic s of st u d en ts

independence, curiosity (aesthetics, art, interest in sports)

activity to learn, mental ability, analysis, evaluation skills, ability to target needs, stability in suggestions, ability to be influenced

sensitivity, emotional-aesthetic impact, adaptation to the needs of various sports information


emotional-cognitive conversations from the lives of champions, with specifics, situations and events; interest in learning activities; predict the results emotionally, increase their interest in physical culture and sports; enriches them with opportunities to participate in various activities, to increase their aesthetic level, physical, sports culture. Thus, first of all, the mechanism of cognition - spiritual enrichment and interest in sports and its elements in practice, has become a factor of need, emotional involvement of students in the objects of interest is an important condition for its formation. It is a guarantee of successful aesthetic education of emotional and spiritual connection with the act, the effective result of which is provided by words and illustrations. The pedagogical guarantee of this effect is the involvement of objects with high aesthetics in the social and aesthetic interests of adolescents - the beautiful body of a person, the aesthetic potential of various sports, the involvement of works of art in sports with the help of technical means. . In this way, students absorb the experience of aesthetic mastery of sports.

The feeling of pleasure that teenagers get from the "encounter" with the beauty of sports in physical education classes and clubs is an important psychological operation, and it is this factor that helps to deepen and master this beauty. The creation of beauty in this or that sport is a factor in their participation in demonstrations, involvement in various sports activities.

"The effective use of factors that have a strong psychological impact on the physical education of students is also an important aspect of aesthetic education. The use of biographical materials of the champions, the factual information about their highly evaluated performances, the psychological and pedagogical impact of the use of illustrative, photo and video materials will be effective.

The process of developing students' interest in physical culture is associated not only with the perception and observation of sports movements, but also with the aesthetic perception of works of fine art on the theme of sports, its features. After all, any form, level of perception is a psychological process. Therefore, these factors are recognized as the psychological and pedagogical basis of aesthetic education of adolescents in physical education classes and extracurricular activities.

Artistic perception of works of art is a holistic process accompanied by goal-oriented and aesthetic experiences. The completeness of the artistic perception of the features of sports aesthetics depends on the pre-given instructions. It is done for the process of perceiving works of fine art. It is an emotional-imaginative, analytical and evaluative plan - intellectually creative with a purpose; functional-analytical perceptions with aesthetics inherent in these sports, comments on the artistic and aesthetic impact of the work on the audience.

The formation of students' interest in physical culture is carried out first in the stages of a positive attitude to a specific goal-oriented interest after a simple curiosity, to the deepening that strengthens its connection with certain knowledge, and then to a stable deep interest. There is a dialectical connection between need and interest. Interest is a separate quality of a person, the lack of knowledge in his activity grows with the need to acquire new aspects of it. The development and implementation of a pelagic system that encourages students to turn their interest in physical culture into a need can be recognized as one of the main conditions of aesthetic education through physical education.

The emotional background and emotional environment of the lesson played an important role in the organization of the educational process. In the first we included the surrounding sports-


aesthetic field. The second is associated with the emotional and aesthetic image of the teacher, his ability to provide the class with strong emotional materials, the ability to activate students in various activities, especially sports, to influence their delicate emotional sphere.

The emotional potential of cognitive materials is enhanced not only by the high technical and highly artistic visual-illustrative materials, including the bright and extremely interesting content that corresponds to the kinetic image, but also by learning to distinguish and discuss the parameters of beauty in sports. taken into account. Not only spectacle, but also vocabulary became the object of emotional cognition. This factor allowed students to highlight the following as the most favorable conditions for emotional and cognitive activity:

- to promote the argument that it is necessary to set a clear goal in the acquisition of knowledge;

-emotional-cognitive load-load of materials;

- The emotional nature of the transfer of new knowledge, information material, its interest and emotional appeal, the ability to arouse in students a certain feeling and skill, creative emotion;

-create a state of emotional and aesthetic experiences;

- Periodic use of excerpts from various works about sports, legends of physical culture and sports, rich in emotional and folklore materials, especially games, poems of the Uzbek people;

-sports art, especially works of fine arts;

-pictures, TV and film materials; individual approach to students, taking into account their interests and needs;

- Physical activity - the creation of special conditions for students who can not see the load in other areas of physical education to feel the "victory" in the future - for students with a high level of physical ability - to create a relatively complex situation;

-connect the current learning objectives with the needs of the interests of students;

- Encourage students to be creative in their chosen sport, to solve problems boldly and independently;

-support emotionally active students with the formation of emotional interest in the task and assignment, explaining their importance and usefulness to the options.

There are a number of general and specific aspects to the implementation of aesthetic education of students in physical education classes and clubs through the influence of other areas, tools and factors. The pedagogical basis of the formation of aesthetic interest and need in students can include:

A) features of educational and external conditions, conceptual and pedagogical rules of their theoretical and practical character;

B) opportunities for the formation of this interest in students and their aesthetic upbringing;

V) target directions, orientation, tasks of practical solution of problems and pedagogical approach to its practical solution;

G) the model of the process, its structure and content, the classification of stages and the inevitability of the process;

D) the material carries out aesthetic education and contains interest;

Y) organization, management and management of the process and the development of optimal forms, methods, tools and conditions; general pedagogical requirements of the applied process and specific methodological directions;

J) The purpose of students' learning activities in the field of sports aesthetics;


3) raising and developing the level of aesthetic education, ways to improve this interest;

I) to consider the importance of physical education classes, folk games in extracurricular activities;

Y) visual and illustrative materials on sports, the essence and significance of works of fine arts, their correct selection, the content of conversations on various sports, research, requirements for the level of interest and methodological recommendations;

K) students, physical education teachers, material and technical equipment of lessons.

Our research shows that the following rules provide for the aesthetic education of students, their interest in physical culture and sports.

1) physical culture in the process of aesthetic education of students and forming an interest in sports.

2) socio-pedagogical problem - positive qualitative changes in a single system of personality traits, a guarantee of integrated development.

3) the need to use it in a context in which students themselves understand the importance of social and personal.

4) bright and emotional-cognitive historical-theoretical and interesting informative materials.

5) aesthetic potential of sports, as well as traditional national sports, folk games, their history and development. Folk dances in a complex of other educational means;

6) the need of students for self-improvement, the appeal to interdisciplinary communication in the process.

7) formation of interest in physical culture and sports in a certain system, gradually complicating the educational load of students.

8) physical culture as a whole or a separate type of sport,

to expand the range of educational materials that form a beneficial attitude to their history, the main object of sports aesthetics - the person, his creator, and so on.

9) development of students' orientation to the physical culture of the world and the need to enrich the aesthetic attitude, knowledge of this culture and the range of practical and sports interests; Transfer of acquired aesthetic and sports knowledge to the elements of sports, in general, the culture of exercise.

10) use of students' formed physical needs in self-improvement.

11) to address interdisciplinary relations in this process.

12) application of acquired aesthetic and sports knowledge in the culture of physical exercises; to assume that the individual is a cohesive, harmonious development.

Features of the educational environment, a sufficiently integrated aesthetic education of students, an excellent program of physical education, which in this process allows them to form an interest in physical culture and sports in a successful combination of theory and practice. The peculiarities of extracurricular activities in this area, their diversity, different scale, closeness to the interests and abilities of students are more time-consuming, accessible, social factors and their interrelationships and interdependence. Completion methods, techniques, tasks and assignments are an important condition for achieving the research goal.

The main practical direction of the research is the aesthetic development of students' personality. The main focus of aesthetic education of students; optimization with the development


of his interest in physical culture and especially in sports.

There are specific pedagogical rules for the involvement of students in forms of physical education, which should be taken into account in the process of teaching them to perceive the aesthetics of sports, the perception of beauty, which is one of the important pedagogical foundations of the problem. Among them are the following. First of all, the socio-pedagogical significance of the research; the unity of education, upbringing, development and practical integration of the tasks of problem solving; active emotional-cognitive activity of students;

to be able to freely find their advantages over sports and to understand them aesthetically;

The structure of the process is characterized by the focus on stabilization, enrichment and improvement of students' aesthetic interest in physical culture and sports.

To see student sports in the new world, to fully understand its beauty on the basis of serious pedagogical directions; The emotional-cognitive factor of this interest is formed in students. It is necessary to use the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in sports, in the future.

In the field of physical culture and sports, it is necessary to form a general or specific interest, to improve the general physical culture of students by analyzing it with the fine and performing arts.

It is necessary to introduce students to the path of beauty in sports, to meet the interests and needs of teenagers in the field of physical culture and sports. Considering all aspects of students' interest in physical culture, sports and their aesthetics as a personality trait; It is necessary to consider the structural-logical components of the process model, such as motivational, emotional-cognitive and educational-forming, intellectual-creative, analytical-evaluative nature and activity. Focusing students' interests on folk sports, their moral and aesthetic aspects - to promote the full development of the individual's physical and general culture - is a modern requirement for solving interdisciplinary problems and the implementation of integrated approaches. The main task is to use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in physical culture and sports, to improve sports performance techniques.

On the one hand, the aesthetic education of students in physical education classes and sports classes may seem unnatural. Because usually aesthetic education means art and literature in the first place. But in fact, the visual arts, literature, music have more opportunities in the aesthetic education of physical education than the factors of external influence. This idea can be substantiated by the following factors:

First, art, physical education, and the only object of influence that is human. In this sense, they - artistic creativity and sports activities have the same sphere of influence.

Secondly, and most importantly, the aesthetic perceptions, concepts, ideals formed in students under the influence of art and literature can be "distorted" as a result of certain external influences, if possible, through the product of physical culture - exercise The beautiful man formed remains as beautiful. This is obvious.

Thirdly, sport as a conscious activity of human beings has a number of advantages, as the main means of shaping the external beauty of the athlete's body, as a creator of human beauty.

Thus, sport plays both an objective and a subjective role in ensuring the "aesthetic quality" of the human body.

It is determined by the harmonious consideration of moral and aesthetic categories in the process of formation of physical culture within the pedagogical and psychological bases of aesthetic education of students in physical education classes. Any defect in moral or aesthetic norms deprives a person of a positive assessment of a quality. The observations of


N.Ye.Shchurkova in this regard are exemplary. He says that we divide girls and teenagers into talented and incompetent, "stars" and "leaders".

But we can not say anything about the peculiarities of educating the beautiful and the unattractive. Because in theory there is no information about it. The practice of upbringing shows that when a child is beautiful, he is treated differently. His position in any team will be different.

While their merits are overestimated, their shortcomings are overestimated. This begs the right question. What is the criterion of being beautiful, that is, aesthetically pleasing? Physical education gives the right answer to this question. The main requirements of the standard of beauty are the correct posture of the head, various control of the movement of the body and its parts, light and beautiful steps, aesthetic control of movements in general, physical training. Behavior of those engaged in sports or rhythmic gymnastics.

Take a look and you will be convinced. Deficiencies in this regard, especially among students, lead girls of this age to deviate from ethical norms in their behavior. They begin to understand that to be attractive is to dress and make up. This is especially noticeable in girls. This is a common situation.

Another important component of the pedagogical basis of this process is the fact that the aesthetic education of students in physical education classes should have both theoretical and practical significance. One of the most effective ways to teach a person to see, comprehend, and appreciate beauty is to use classical examples of painting and sculpture.

Another important aspect of the pedagogical basis of aesthetic education of students in physical education classes and sports classes is related to the aesthetic organization of the environment in which classes and sports classes take place. A teacher who is committed to the aesthetic education of students through exercise is required to organize each element in the gym in a way that meets aesthetic requirements. Their shape, color, installation, placement in relation to each other, in terms of art, composition and composition form a whole beautiful ensemble. After all, the notion of inner and outer beauty is formed in such an environment.

Thus, the aesthetic upbringing of students is an important social problem. Its relevance increases with the attitude to physical culture and sports. Because the health of the younger generation is the key to the success and prosperity of society and the state. Aesthetic education of students is especially effective when physical education classes interact with extracurricular activities, as well as subjects, in particular, subjects of the social category.

Aesthetic education in this process is optimized by the formation of interest in physical culture, sports aesthetics. In particular, the main parameters of beauty in sports, the aesthetic perception of some of its types, ensure the effective conduct of the educational process.

The process of aesthetic education of students in physical education classes and extracurricular activities gives the expected effect when carried out consistently, taking into account the psychological aspects of problem solving and identifying the pedagogical basis.

The model of aesthetic education through the formation of students' interest in physical culture, sports, its aesthetics Aesthetic education through physical education as a whole process includes the following components:

- Activation of students' interest in emotional and psychological mood, motivational work, sports aesthetics;

- Aesthetic education of students, choosing the interest in the process of learning in the field of physical education. Theoretical and practical preparation of students for the aesthetic


perception of sports, some of its types;

- to reflect the knowledge and requirements of students in the field of sports aesthetics in any activity related to their interests and abilities;

- Independent development of students' interest in spiritual and sports aesthetics at the level of aesthetic requirements.

In the context of aesthetic education in all types of sports, including national-traditional types, historical-theoretical, knowledge of sports aesthetics, various information about sports, and some of its types in the activity, for example, in the impressions of interaction. includes the basics of perception, reflecting the precious power and interesting aesthetics.

One of the main tasks of aesthetic education in the complex of physical education is the formation of students' interest in physical culture and sports aesthetics. This task represents an urgent socio-pedagogical problem. However, due to the lack of pedagogical organization of the life of the new generation, enrichment of the spiritual and aesthetic content of student life, sports aesthetics in schools in our country, the interest in this culture is not high, the integrated development of students' personalities. rmaqda.

It is important for students to take an interest in physical culture as a process that shapes their internal need for that culture.

The process of aesthetic education, taking into account the age characteristics of students - through educational and psychological-pedagogical interaction with educational materials, activates the activities of aesthetic cognition in the field of emotional and motivational mood, physical culture and sports.

It is organized in connection with the acquisition of the theory and practice of aesthetic perception of sports, the acquired knowledge, impressions and skills, active-creative reflection in the task, the development of interests and skills, exercise, sports performance. All this optimizes the interest of students in sports aesthetics. Interest is a factor that ensures the spiritual and aesthetic enrichment and physical health of students.

Aesthetic education of students is carried out in physical education classes. In the process, their spiritual outlook expands. They begin to understand more deeply that they are a factor in achieving physical and aesthetic perfection.

As a result, the appearance of students becomes more beautiful and perfect. The main criterion of aesthetic education is the pursuit of inner and outer beauty, which leads the student to perfection. The perfect man is a social phenomenon as an active participant in society.

Students are involved in developing an active attitude towards physical culture, instructing them to enrich the acquired new knowledge and impressions with aesthetic content. It is important for sports aesthetics to form an interest in sustainable emotional cognition for one of its types as part of physical culture. A positive attitude to this system serves to enrich the aesthetic knowledge of students, to deepen and strengthen the purposeful interest, thus turning it into a stable interest, a need. Thus, the knowledge acquired by students in the field of sports aesthetics serves not only to master the cultural and aesthetic elements, but also the physical exercises, their complex.

The effective effect of sports aesthetics on the activities of students in the field of sports health is manifested in the fact that it is possible to involve all students in this or that activity, even those who belong to a special medical group. It is necessary to take an individual and differentiated approach to education, to provide students with the necessary psychological, pedagogical and methodological conditions.

It has been observed in practice that in the lessons of physical education in the aesthetic


education of students there are positive changes in their personal qualities in two directions. An interest in physical education has now become a necessity as they have embraced this type of activity as a necessary component of personal maturity. As mentioned above, this case has become widespread. Those in the special group also began to show interest in physical culture on a regular basis. Second, students began to perceive sports not only as a means of physical development, but also as a means of spiritual and aesthetic maturity through the understanding, perception, and personal attitude to its aesthetic components.


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