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View of The Teacher’s Role in the Effective Organization of the Lesson Process in Foreign Language


Academic year: 2022

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The Teacher’s Role in the Effective Organization of the Lesson Process in Foreign Language

Rakhmatova Sunbula Ahmadjonovna, Aytmuratova Perxan Genjibaevna, Normuradova Nasiba Saydullaevna, Rakhimova Nigora Atakulovna,

Ibragimova Dilbar Sadulayevna

Department of Languages, Samarkand State Medical Institute,Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

Abstract: The article is discussed that in the process of teaching language to medical students, foreign language teachers should take into account that the main direction of their students is a medicine, and all these teaching materials should be selected from a medical point of view based on real facts andthe main role of the teacher considered in providing medical students with the necessary tools for successful communication in a foreign language.

Keywords: medical, medical students, competence, communication, teaching process, collaboration.


With the expansion of international relations between countries around the world, including the strengthening of Uzbekistan's integration into the world community, the need for specialists whose professional skills are directly related to the level and quality of knowledge of foreign languages is growing. Today, a graduate of a higher education institution must show readiness to enter into business relations with representatives of other countries, including in the field of medicine. One of the main tasks of a foreign language teaching in medical educational institutions requires the teacher to be highly skilled in developing students' communicative competence, sufficient for professional communication in a foreign language.


Today, when a teacher is required to think in a new way, it is very important to analyze the level of his knowledge. Of course, the professional knowledge and competence of the teacher are of particular importance.

The concept of "competence" (Latin "Competere" – means to conform) represents the following essences:

-The word competence in a broad sense - means the ability to apply existing knowledge and skills in practical experience in solving general or specific complex problems.

-Professional competence is the ability to effectively apply knowledge and skills in practice when solving problems related to professional activities.


Competence is a sign of activity that leads to the expected result. It is a product of specialist’s knowledge and skills to apply it in practice. Competence differs from knowledge in that a task cannot be defined or assessed without practical implementation. Competence is an important criterion of competence, which manifests itself as a result of repeated use in different situations, as well as in problem situations.

Currently, the competencies required from a university professor-teacher are divided into the following types:

• regular enrichment of knowledge by the professor-teacher be ready to work, improve the acquired skills, keep abreast of modern news;

• have the skills and abilities to use all types of information and communication technologies in the educational process;

• understandable and independent activity (independent thinking, goal setting, correct use of textbooks and additional resources);

• be able to take responsibility for their actions in the initiative;

• be able to think critically and positively solve problems that arise during the lesson;

• be able to establish pedagogical communication based on cooperation, mutual understanding, empathy, mutual respect and trust;

• have deep professional knowledge.

Criteria of professional knowledge and ability of a modern university professor include:

Social literacy is the ability to form an effective form of interaction with the audience during the lesson, to communicate with young people and to create a healthy spiritual environment.

Methodological knowledge is the ability to communicate all knowledge, experiences to young people in an understandable, fluent language, the effective use of educational technologies and methods.

Professional knowledge is the ability to have deep and versatile knowledge in his field of science and discipline, the ability to work on himself. Today's student, due to a great interest in science and innovation, as well as knowledge of modern information and communication technologies, can achieve great success in the pedagogical process only if he knows the system of his needs, requirements for the teacher.

To effectively engage in pedagogical activities the teacher's ability should be available in the following types:

- Cognitive abilities - that is, a teacher with this ability knows science not only within the course, but also much broader and deeper, constantly monitors discoveries in his field, knows the material perfectly, is very interested in it, and also carries out research.

- Ability to explain - to be able to explain the material so that it is understandable to


students in order to awaken students' interest in independent and correct thinking. The teacher should be able to change the teaching material, if necessary, in order to explain to the students what is easy, what is difficult, what is simple and what is unclear.

- A gifted teacher takes into account the level of knowledge and maturity of students, imagines what they know and what they don't know yet, what they have forgotten.

- The ability to observe is the personality of the student and his or her psyche, psychological observation associated with the ability to understand situations. Such a teacher can also perceive subtle changes in the student's psyche based on small symptoms, small external signs.

- Speech ability is the ability to express one’s thoughts and feelings clearly and distinctly through speech as well as through gestures.

- The teacher’s speech will always be student-centered in class.Even if the teacher is explaining new material, analyzing or evaluating the student’s response, his or her speech is always characterized by his or her inner strength, confidence, and interest in what he or she is saying.

- Organizational skills - firstly, to organize a team of students, to motivate them to solve important tasks, and secondly, to organize their work. Organizing his own work means being able to plan and control his work properly. Experienced teachers have a unique sense of time - the ability to properly distribute the work according to time, to reach the deadline.

- The ability to win prestige means to have a direct emotional and volitional impact on students and on this basis to win prestige. The reputation is formed not only on this basis, but also on the knowledge of the subject by teachers, kindness, delicacy, and so on.

Students have great respect for the teacher, who is not rude, and can produce honest requirements.

- The ability to behave correctly is the ability to approach students and be able to establish very effective relationships from a pedagogical point of view, the presence of pedagogical delicacy.

- The ability to see the future is expressed in the ability to see the consequences of one's actions, to represent the student's skills in a future career, to predict what qualities should be developed in students. It is important for a teacher to have the ability to distribute attention - all the features of attention are developed - strength, mobility, controllability, mobilization, etc.

- In addition to the listed abilities, the teacher must have a number of positive qualities - determination, perseverance, hard work, humility.



In the process of learning a foreign language, the educational function is reflected in the formation of a patriotic worldview, a sense of duty, honor and dignity of the individual, moral consciousness, skills and abilities, a variety of communication (foreign colleagues, patients, their family members, etc.), direction of professional information, the use of specific medical terms, the need for strict adherence to the rules of medical ethics. At the same time, the role of the teacher in introducing new methods, means and forms of development of students' speech in a foreign language into the educational process is of particular importance. To solve such professional problems, a competitive medical worker must have a good command of Russian, Latin, the basics of medical terms and at least one foreign language.

The need for medical personnel to know a foreign language is that at this time, in the situation of pandemics, international online meetings with foreign doctors, such as teleconferences, have become commonplace, as in the case of the corona virus disease. If a healthcare professional does not know the language, how can he participate in them? Also, foreign patients can go to the hospital for help, so it can be difficult to make a diagnosis without knowing the language when communicating with the patient. Almost all information on the Internet is written in foreign languages. Knowledge of a foreign language allows students to improve their qualifications in a foreign country and work in foreign clinics. Nowadays, the study of foreign languages by doctors has become a vital necessity. Therefore, when teaching the language to medical students, foreign language teachers require great skill in the selection of all teaching materials from a medical point of view that the main focus of the students they teach is medicine.

Therefore, the teacher needs to take into account their requirements for good language skills, their efforts to increase confidence and reduce communication misunderstandings, which require high professionalism. With this in mind, not only translation, memorization of vocabulary is often used, but also the use of various video materials (communication between a doctor and a patient, doctor's behavior in emergency situations, video materials related to real situations, for example, to various examination processes). The role of language teachers is important, for example, the teacher's communicative competence is useful in organizing role plays during the lesson on the following topics, such as “In a pharmacy”, “In a doctor's office”, “In a clinic” or “A doctor and a foreign patient”.

Given the similar requirements, there are many methods and techniques for teaching students a foreign language, but it is impossible to teach a language using only one of them. The easiest way to convey to the students that it is important for the teaching of language - it is effective to use all the methods of teaching, and it requires a lot of skills on the part of teachers. We cannot teach effectively without knowing the knowledge of the students.


Firstly, foreign language teachers will need to develop effective ways of teaching the language.

To do this, students need to be able to pronounce words correctly and read fluently, that is, to develop students' automatism. Automatism is the result of learning, repetition, and practice. This ability allows students to develop the habit of responding automatically. Spiritual teaching is understood as a teaching method; in which new knowledge is closely related to previous knowledge. Waiting for a reward teaches them to find the meaning of a word in context. This is a powerful factor in managing behavior. Intrinsic motivation is a motivational ability that comes from within the student and not from any external factors. One of the factors that helps students establish the foundation for understanding speech is self-confidence, which reinforces the "I Can"

factor. We cannot effectively teach a language to students without knowing the level of knowledge of a foreign language. When teaching the language to medical students, each teacher should take into account the fact that the main focus of students is on the field of medicine.

Secondly, in the field of medicine there is an excellent opportunity to work with original materials related to life situations that any person in the world can face. A foreign language teacher is encouraged to use all aspects of the language, namely linguistic, sociolinguistic, pragmatic and strategic, in order to improve the effectiveness of language teaching. The course process must cover all provided competencies. Each part of the lesson requires grammar and vocabulary. When language learners switch to phrases and begin to use them in a wide variety of situations, its first meaning prevails in the first stage of translation of any word. Language serves to analyze the initial impression of a word. After that, they can move on to next steps, such as the pragmatic meaning of the word, that is, the next goal is to allow students to speak. To enrich the goal, students need to know linguistic forms, meanings and functions.

The language used in the learning process should include as many expressions as possible in a real context. Therefore, teachers should focus on the communication process, and not only on the assimilation of language forms. Students must work at a language level. They need to talk about the peculiarities and coherence of the language in which sentences are connected. Students should be given the opportunity to express their opinions. Of course, they can make a number of mistakes during the presentation, but mistakes must be made and must be seen as a natural result of developing communication skills. If the exercise is aimed at fluency of speech, the teacher does not need to correct the students; he simply marks the mistake and then can return further. One of the main tasks of the teacher is to create situations that facilitate this communication. Interaction between students helps develop collaborative relationships.

In a conversation, the interlocutor chooses not only what to say, but also how to say it. The grammar and vocabulary that students study are selected depending on the situation and the role of the interlocutors. During the lesson, students should also be given the opportunity to listen to


the spoken language as it is used based on real events. Finally, to make the most of the lesson time, students often work in pairs or small groups to reach the lesson goal more quickly. The maximum time allotted for communication with each student should be used. Students are encouraged to use language creatively and independently when completing tasks and solving problems. Student’s tasks include working with exercises and real-life texts. Such tasks include:

visiting a doctor, communicating with a doctor and a patient, calling a doctor, solving problems, writing a prescription and explaining it to a patient, organizing something, and so on.

For example, when students work in pairs on the topic of "Respiratory system", the following task can be given:

1. Make a real situation between a doctor and a patient using following words:

Treat, a sore throat, feel pain, recommend, three time a day, sneezing, breathe poorly, gargle,…..


2. Discussthefollowingquestions:

1. How do you treat a cold?

2. Do you have any special method?

3. What other methods of treating the common cold have you heard about in the media or from friends and family?

Or tasks such as informing students about the latest advances in medicine, such as discussing with students the latest news about coronavirus disease, which is currently a global problem for all of humanity, will significantly speed up language learning. Finally, the assessment should be based primarily on the correct performance of tasks, and not on the accuracy of language forms.

In general, the effective use of teaching methods and tools has a positive effect on the field of teaching foreign languages.

For example, as a teacher in a classroom, he may encourage students to find answers, rather than just give answers. Initially, they may divide their students into two or three groups and ask them to show a picture of the human body, find the names of organs, write and pronounce the medical terms associated with this picture without naming the topic. Then the teams will need to create “Mind mapping” of the body with definitions. Each group will walk up to the board and do presentation of their work with the method of “Mind Mapping”. Students not only draw, but also in a short time learn to work in groups, listen to each other. At the same time, writing and presentation work expands their ability to convey their point of view to the public. This is one of the methods used in the educational process.


However, in general, there is currently no single correct method of language learning.


Obviously, not all teachers and students can demonstrate the superiority of one method over another for the comparative study of a foreign language. Therefore, it should be try different methods and techniques to improve the effectiveness of training. The need to use different tools may vary from one teacher to another, but all methods must be applied in the teaching and learning process. But qualified teachers always use all methods appropriate to the learning environment.


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