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Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable


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Recapitulare IP – 4 Octombrie 2010 Adrian Iftene [email protected]


Recapitulare – noțiuni pe care ne vom baza


Modele de dezvoltare

Etapele dezvoltării proiectelor

Ingineria cerințelor

Diagrame UML

Design patterns (GRASP, GOF)

Quality assurance


Calitatea programelor



Ingineria programării (Software engineering)

Modele de proiectare (Design models)

Ingineria cerinţelor (Requirements identification)

Diagrame UML (UML diagrams)

Design patterns

Testare şi debug (Testing and debugging)

Întreţinere (Maintenance)

Metrici software (Software metrics)

Managementul proiectelor (Project management)

Drepturi de autor (Author rights)


Cuvinte cheie din definiție:

Dezvoltarea de aplicații mari

Principii inginerești

Programe sigure și eficiente

Funcționare, întreținere, retragere

Software engineer

Gestionare proiect: coordonare echipe, comunicare, planificare, buget



efectuăm activitaţile indicate de etapele dezvoltării programelor

Exemple de modele de dezvoltare:

Ad-hoc: descurcă-te cum poţi

Modelul în cascadă (cu feedback)


Modelul în spirală

RUP (Rational Unified Process) (Inception, Elaboration, Construction, Transition)

XP (Extreme Programming)





Este o disciplină inginerească care se ocupă de toate aspectele dezvoltării unui program

Propune adoptarea unei abordari sistematice şi organizate a procesului de dezvoltare


Propune folosirea tehnicilor şi instrumentelor adecvate având în vedere

problema care trebuie rezolvată

restricţiile impuse

resursele disponibile


Analiza cerinţelor (Requirements analisys)

Proiectarea architecturală (Arhitectural design)

Proiectarea detaliata (Detailed design)

Scrierea codului (Implementation)

Integrarea componentelor (Integration)

Validare (Validation)

Verificare (Verification)

Întreţinere (Maintenance)


Se stabileşte

ce anume vrea clientul ca programul să facă

Scopul este înregistrarea cerinţelor într-o manieră cât mai clară şi mai fidelă




Sfătuirea clientului

Cine? Project Manager, Program Manager sau Business Analyst

De ce?



Programul este împarţit în module sau componente mai simple, care pot fi abordate individual


Se proiecteaza fiecare modul al aplicaţiei, în cele mai mici detalii

Diagrame UML

UseCase, clase, interacțiuni, secvență, colaborare, stări, activități, pachete

Reverse & Forward Engineering









Proiectul detaliat este transpus într-un limbaj de programare

Acesta se realizează modular, pe structura rezultată la proiectarea arhitecturală folosind design patterns


Modelul big-bang

Modelul incremental


“Design patterns capture solutions that have

developed and evolved over time” (GOF -

Gang- Of-Four

(because of the four authors who wrote it),

Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable

Object-Oriented Software)

In software engineering (or computer science), a design pattern is a general repeatable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design

The design patterns are language-independent strategies for solving common object-oriented



1. Pattern name

2. Problem (when, context, list of conditions)

3. Solution (elements, relationships, responsibilities) 4. Consequences (results, understanding, evaluation) 5. Intent, also known as, motivation, applicability,

structure, participants, implementation, known uses




Creational patterns

Structural patterns

Behavioral patterns

Fundamental, Partitioning, GUI, Organizational Coding, Optimization Coding, Robustness

Coding, Testing, Transactions, Distributed

Architecture, Distributed Computing, Temporal, Database, Concurrency patterns


GRASP - General Responsibility Assignement Software Patterns (Principles)

Ne ajută să alocăm responsabilităţi claselor şi obiectelor în cel mai elegant mod posibil

Exemple de principii folosite în GRASP:

Information Expert

(sau Expert),



High Cohesion


Low Couplig



Polymorphism, Pure Fabrication, Indirection, Protected Variations


Problemă: dat un anumit comportament

(operaţie), cărei clase trebuie să-i fie atribuit?

Soluţie: asignez o responsabilitate clasei care are informaţiile necesare pentru îndeplinirea acelei responsabilităţi

O alocare bună a operaţiilor conduce la sisteme care sunt:

Uşor de înţeles, Mai uşor de extins, Refolosibile, Mai robuste


Măsură a gradului de dependenţă a unei clase de alte clase

Tipuri de Dependenţă:

este conectată cu, are cunoştinţe despre, se bazează pe

O clasă care are cuplaj mic (redus) nu depinde de “multe” alte clase; unde “multe” este

dependent de contex

Probleme cauzate de cuplaj: greu de modificat, greu de înțeles în izolare, greu de refolosit

Vizualizare: diagrame de clase și diagrame de colaborare


Coeziunea este o măsură a cât de puternic sunt focalizate responsabilităţile unei clase

O clasă ale cărei responsabilităţi sunt foarte

strâns legate şi care nu face foarte multe lucruri are o coeziune mare

Probleme cauzate de o slabă coeziune:

greu de înţeles, greu de refolosit, greu de menţinut

delicate, astfel de clase sunt mereu supuse la schimbări


Abstract Factory groups object factories that have a common theme (PC-Server-Workstation)

Builder constructs complex objects by separating construction and representation (fast food menu)

Factory Method creates objects without specifying the exact class to create (Hello <>, Open/New


Prototype creates objects by cloning an existing object (editor for music scores, Cloneable/clone)

Singleton restricts object creation for a class to only one instance (Logger system)

Not in GOF book: Lazy initialization, Object pool, Multiton, Resource acquisition is initialization


Adapter allows classes with incompatible interfaces to work together (Wrapper, Plug-socket)

Bridge decouples an abstraction from its implementation (Shapes-OS)

Composite composes zero-or-more similar objects (compositions, container, pictures, employees)

Decorator dynamically adds/overrides behavior (Christmas tree)

Facade provides a simplified interface (compiler, glass-building, JDBC, store keeper)

Flyweight use sharing to reduce the cost (MS Word - characters formatting)

Proxy provides a placeholder (surrogate) (MS Word –


Chain of responsibility delegates commands to a chain (contextual Help, multi level filter)

Command creates objects which encapsulate actions and parameters (restaurant waiter)

Interpreter implements a specialized language

Iterator accesses the elements sequentially

Mediator allows loose coupling between classes (control tower)

Memento provides the ability to restore an object to its previous state


Observer allows to observer objects to see an event (Excel graphs)

State allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes (TCPConnection)

Strategy allows one of a family of algorithms to be selected on-the-fly at runtime (+-* context)

Template defines an algorithm as an abstract class, allowing its subclasses to provide

concrete behavior (Game: initialize, makePlay,…)

Visitor separates an algorithm from an object structure


With more than 20 design patterns to choose from, it might be hard to find the one that

addresses a particular design problem

Approaches to finding the design pattern that's right for your problem:

1. Consider how design patterns solve design problems 2. Scan Intent sections

3. Study relationships between patterns

4. Study patterns of like purpose (comparison) 5. Examine a cause of redesign

6. Consider what should be variable in your design


1. Read the pattern once through for an overview

2. Go back and study the Structure, Participants, and Collaborations sections

3. Look at the Sample Code section to see a concrete example

4. Choose names for pattern participants that are meaningful in the application context

5. Define the classes

6. Define application-specific names for operations in the pattern

7. Implement the operations to carry out the

responsibilities and collaborations in the pattern


Validare: ne asigurăm că programul îndeplineşte cerinţele utilizatorului

Construim produsul corect?

Verificare: ne asigurăm că programul este stabil şi că funcţionează corect din punctul de vedere al dezvoltatorilor.

Construim corect produsul?

Unit testing


Refers to planned and systematic production

processes that provide confidence in a product's suitability for its intended purpose.

A set of activities intended to ensure that products satisfy customer requirements

QA cannot absolutely guarantee the production of quality products, unfortunately, but makes this more likely

Two key principles characterize QA:

"fit for purpose" - the product should be suitable for the intended purpose, and


Price Time



ISO 9000 is a family of standards for quality management systems

Some of the requirements in ISO 9001 (from ISO 9000 family) include

a set of procedures;

monitoring processes;

keeping adequate records;

checking output for defects;

regularly reviewing individual processes;

facilitating continual improvement




Problems: communication, incomplete requirements, design

Bug: Effects, Prevention, Life cycle

Professional testing?

Unit, Acceptance, Regression

Manual & Automation testing

Usability, security

Internationalization & localization


După livrare

Sunt descoperite greșeli ce trebuie reparate

Pot apărea schimbări în specificații

Pot apărea noi cerințe

Instruirea celor ce vor folosi produsul

Întreținere = gestionarea acestor tipuri de probleme







Metrici de bază

KLOC: Kilo Lines Of Code (mii linii de cod)

Effort, PM: Person – Month (Om – lună)



Pagina cursului de IP Adrian Iftene (2009 și 2010) http://thor.info.uaic.ro/~adiftene/Scoala/2009/IP/

Pagina lui Ovidiu Gheorghieş (a lucrat cu Adriana G.) http://thor.info.uaic.ro/~ogh/ip/

Ian Sommerville: Software Engineering, Addison Wesley, 2001

Craig Larman: Applying UML and Patterns, Addisson Wesley, 2002

Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vissides: Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Addisson Wesley, 1998




According to nonverbal communication literature, the words we use effect 7%, our voice qualities (tone, pitch etc) 38%, while body language effects 55% on our

(chain of responsibility, command, interpreter, iterator, mediator, memento, observer, state, strategy, template method, visitor).. • modele crea Ń ionale: abstractizeaz ă

developed and evolved over time” (GOF - Gang-Of- Four (because of the four authors who wrote it), Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object- Oriented Software)..  In

model driven agile development, patterns of enterprise application architecture, test-driven development, refactoring: code architecture..  Object oriented design classes:

 O clasă care face multe lucruri care nu sunt relaționate sau face prea multe lucruri are o coeziune mică (slabă)..  Sunt principii vechi în

developed and evolved over time” (GOF - Gang-Of- Four (because of the four authors who wrote it), Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object- Oriented Software).  In

 Prefer small, cohesive interfaces - Interface is the interface type + All public members of a class.  Divide &#34;fat&#34; interfaces into

 Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vissides: Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Addisson