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On a Fredholm-Volterra integral equation


Academic year: 2022

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DOI: 10.24193/subbmath.2021.3.12

On a Fredholm-Volterra integral equation

Alexandru-Darius Filip and Ioan A. Rus

Abstract. In this paper we give conditions in which the integral equation x(t) =

Z c


K(t, s, x(s))ds+ Z t


H(t, s, x(s))ds+g(t), t∈[a, b],

where a < c < b, K ∈ C([a, b]×[a, c]×B,B), H ∈ C([a, b]×[a, b]×B,B), g∈C([a, b],B), withBa (real or complex) Banach space, has a unique solution inC([a, b],B). An iterative algorithm for this equation is also given.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010):45N05, 47H10, 47H09, 54H25.

Keywords: Fredholm-Volterra integral equation, existence, uniqueness, contrac- tion, fiber contraction, Maia theorem, successive approximation, fixed point, Picard operator.

1. Introduction

The following type of integral equation was studied by several authors (see [11], [2], [3], [6], [1], [5], [10], [7], . . . ),

x(t) = Z c


K(t, s, x(s))ds+ Z t


H(t, s, x(s))ds+g(t), t∈[a, b], (1.1) wherea < c < b,K∈C([a, b]×[a, c]×B,B),H ∈C([a, b]×[a, b]×B,B),g∈C([a, b],B), with (B,|·|) a (real or complex) Banach space.

The aim of this paper is to give some conditions onKandH in which the equa- tion (1.1) has a unique solution inC([a, b],B). To do this, we shall use the contraction principle, the fiber contraction principle ([9], [13], [10], [11]) and a variant of Maia fixed point theorem given in [8] (see also [4]).

2. Preliminaries

Let us recall some notions, notations and fixed point results which will be used in this paper.


2.1. Picard operators and weakly Picard operators

Let (X,→) be anL-space ((X, d),→; (X, τ),d →; (X,τ k·k),k·k→, *;. . .). An opera- tor A : (X,→)→ (X,→) is called weakly Picard operator (W P O) if the sequence (An(x))n∈Nconverges for all x∈X and the limit (which generally depends onx) is a fixed point ofA.

If an operatorAisW P O and the fixed point set ofAis a singleton, i.e., FA={x},

then, by definition,Ais called Picard operator (P O).

For aW P O,A: (X,→)→(X,→), we define the limit operatorA: (X,→)→ (X,→), by A(x) := lim

n→∞An(x). We remark that,A(X) =FA, i.e., A is a set retraction ofX onFA.

2.2. Fiber contraction principle

Regarding this principle, some important results were given in [12] and [13].

Fiber Contraction Theorem. Let (X,→) be an L-space, (Y, d) be a metric space, B :X →X,C :X×Y →Y and A:X×Y →X×Y, A(x, y) := (B(x), C(x, y)).

We suppose that:

(i) (Y, d)is a complete metric space;

(ii) B is a W P O;

(iii) C(x,·) :Y →Y is anl-contraction, for allx∈X; (iv) C:X×Y →Y is continuous.

ThenA is aW P O. Moreover, if B is aP O, thenA is aP O.

Generalized Fiber Contraction Theorem.Let (X,→)be anL-space and(Xi, di),i= 1, m, m ≥ 1 be metric spaces. Let Ai : X0×. . .×Xi → Xi, i = 0, m, be some operators. We suppose that:

(i) (Xi, di),i= 1, m, are complete metric spaces;

(ii) A0 is aW P O;

(iii) Ai(x0, . . . , xi−1,·) :Xi→Xi,i= 1, m, areli-contractions;

(iv) Ai,i= 1, m, are continuous.

Then the operator A:X0×. . .×Xm→X0×. . .×Xm, defined by A(x0, . . . , xm) := (A0(x0), A1(x0, x1), . . . , Am(x0, . . . , xm)) is aW P O. Moreover, ifA0 is aP O, thenA is aP O.

2.3. A variant of Maia fixed point theorem

We recall here the following variant of Maia fixed point theorem, given by I.A.

Rus in [8]:

Theorem 2.1. LetX be a nonempty set,dandρbe two metrics onX andA:X →X be an operator. We suppose that:

(1) there existsc >0such that d(A(x), A(y))≤cρ(x, y), for allx, y∈X; (2) (X, d)is a complete metric space;

(3) A: (X, d)→(X, d)is continuous;


(4) A: (X, ρ)→(X, ρ)is anl-contraction.


(i) FA={x};

(ii) A: (X, d)→(X, d)isP O.

3. Operatorial point of view on equation (1.1)

LetX :=C([a, b],B) andT :X →X be defined by T(x)(t) :=

Z c a

K(t, s, x(s))ds+ Z t


H(t, s, x(s))ds+g(t), t∈[a, b].

Forx∈X, we denote byu:=x


[c,b]. Ifxis a solution of the equation (1.1) (i.e. a fixed point ofT), then

u(t) = Z c


K(t, s, u(s))ds+ Z t


H(t, s, u(s))ds+g(t), t∈[a, c] (3.1) and

v(t) = Z c


K(t, s, u(s))ds+ Z c


H(t, s, u(s))ds +

Z t c

H(t, s, v(s))ds+g(t), t∈[c, b]. (3.2) LetX1:=C([a, c],B),X2:=C([c, b],B) and

T1:X1→X1,T1(u)(t) :=the second part of (3.1),

T2:X1×X2→X2,T2(u, v)(t) :=the second part of (3.2).

The mappingsT1 andT2 allow us to construct the triangular operator

T˜:X1×X2→X1×X2, T˜(u, v) := (T1(u), T2(u, v)), for all (u, v)∈X1×X2. Remark 3.1. If (u, v)∈FT˜, thenu(c) =v(c). So the functionx∈X, defined by

x(t) :=

(u(t), t∈[a, c]

v(t), t∈[c, b]

is a fixed point ofT, i.e., a solution of (1.1).

Remark 3.2. For (u0, v0)∈X1×X2 we consider the successive approximations cor- responding to the operator ˜T, (un+1, vn+1) = ˜T(un, vn),n∈N. We observe that, for n∈N,un(c) =vn(c). So, the function xn, defined by

xn(t) :=

(un(t), t∈[a, c]

vn(t), t∈[c, b]

is in X.


Remark 3.3. LetY ⊂X1×X2 be defined by

Y :={(u, v)∈X1×X2 |u(c) =v(c)}.

The operator R : X → Y, defined by R(x) := (x [a,c], x

[c,b]) is a bijection. From the above definitions, it is clear thatT(x) = (R−1T R)(x) and the˜ nthiterate of T is Tn=R−1nR.

In conclusion, to study the equation (1.1) (which is equivalent with x=T(x)) it is sufficient to study the fixed point of the operator ˜T. If (u, v) ∈ FT˜ then R−1(u, v)∈FT.

4. Existence and uniqueness of solution of equation (1.1)

In what follows, in addition to the continuity ofH,K andg, we suppose onK andH that:

(i) There existsL1∈C([a, b]×[a, c],B) such that:

|K(t, s, ξ)−K(t, s, η)| ≤L1(t, s)|ξ−η|, for allt∈[a, b], s∈[a, c], ξ, η∈B. (ii) There existsL2∈C([a, b]×[a, b],B) such that:

|H(t, s, ξ)−H(t, s, η)| ≤L2(t, s)|ξ−η|, for allt, s∈[a, b], ξ, η∈B. (iii)



L1(t, s) +L2(t, s)2

dtds 12


The basic result of our paper is the following.

Theorem 4.1. In the above conditions we have that:

(1) The equation (1.1)has inC([a, b],B)a unique solution x.

(2) The operatorT˜ is a Picard operator with respect tounif.→ . Let FT˜={(u, v)}.

(3) The operatorT is a Picard operator with respect tounif.→ andFT ={x}. More- over, x=R−1(u, v).

Proof. From the remarks which were given in §3, it is sufficient to prove that the operator ˜T is a Picard operator with respect to the uniform convergence onX1×X2.

In order to apply the Fiber contraction principle, we shall prove that:

(j) T1: (X1,unif.→ )→(X1,unif.→ ) is a Picard operator;

(jj) T2(u,·) : (X2,k·kτ)→(X2,k·kτ) is a contraction.

Let us prove (j).

We consider on X1, the norms k·k and k·kL2. By using the assumptions (i) and (ii), we have the following estimations:

|T1(u1)(t)−T1(u2)(t)| ≤ Z c


|K(t, s, u1(s))−K(t, s, u2(s))|ds +

Z t a

|H(t, s, u1(s))−H(t, s, u2(s))|ds


≤ Z c


L1(t, s)|u1(s)−u2(s)|ds+ Z c


L2(t, s)|u1(s)−u2(s)|ds

older’s inequality

Z c a

L1(t, s)2ds

12 Z c a

|u1(s)−u2(s)|2ds 12

+ Z c


L2(t, s)2ds

12 Z c a

|u1(s)−u2(s)|2ds 12

. By taking the max

t∈[a,c]in the above inequalities, there exists a real positive constant c:= max


Z c a

L1(t, s)2ds 12

+ max


Z c a

L2(t, s)2ds 12

such that

kT1(u1)−T1(u2)k≤cku1−u2kL2, for allu1, u2∈X1. On the other hand, we have that

kT1(u1)−T1(u2)kL2 = Z c


|T1(u1)(t)−T1(u2)(t)|2dt 12

≤ Z c


Z c a

(L1(t, s)ds+L2(t, s))2ds

ku1−u2k2L2dt 12

= Z c


Z c a

(L1(t, s) +L2(t, s))2dsdt 12

ku1−u2kL2, for allu1, u2∈X1.

By using the assumption (iii), it follows that the operator T1 is a contraction with respect tok·kL2 onX1.

The conclusion follows from the variant of Maia theorem.

Let us prove (jj).

Fort∈[c, b] andML2 := max

t,s∈[c,b]L2(t, s), we have that

|T2(u, v1)(t)−T2(u, v2)(t)| ≤ Z t


|H(t, s, v1(s))−H(t, s, v2(s))|ds

≤ Z t


L2(t, s)|v1(s)−v2(s)|ds


Z t c



Z t c


eτ(t−c) τ . It follows that

|T2(u, v1)(t)−T2(u, v2)(t)|e−τ(t−c)≤ ML2

τ kv1−v2kτ.


By taking max

t∈[c,b]and by choosingτ > ML2, there exists a real positive constant l:=ML2

τ <1 such that

kT2(u, v1)−T2(u, v2)kτ ≤lkv1−v2kτ, for allv1, v2∈X2. Remark 4.2. Let K := R or C, |·| be a norm on B := Km (|·|1, |·|2, |·|, . . .), a < c < b,K= (K1, . . . , Km)∈C([a, b],Km) andH = (H1, . . . , Hm)∈C([a, b],Rm).

In this case, the equation (1.1) takes the following form















x1(t) = Z c


K1(t, s, x1(s), . . . , xm(s))ds +

Z t a

H1(t, s, x1(s), . . . , xm(s))ds, t∈[a, b]

... xm(t) =

Z c a

Km(t, s, x1(s), . . . , xm(s))ds Z t


Hm(t, s, x1(s), . . . , xm(s))ds, t∈[a, b].


From Theorem 4.1 we have an existence and uniqueness result for the system (4.1).

In the case whenB is a Banach space of infinite sequences with elements inK (c(K),Cp(K),m(K),lp(K),. . .) we have from Theorem 4.1 an existence and unique- ness result for an infinite system of Fredholm-Volterra integral equations.


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Alexandru-Darius Filip Babe¸s-Bolyai University,

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Statistics-Forecasts-Mathematics, Teodor Mihali Street, No. 58-60,

400591 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

e-mail:[email protected] Ioan A. Rus

Babe¸s-Bolyai University,

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, 1, Kog˘alniceanu Street,

400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania e-mail:[email protected]



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