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View of The Predictive Value of Describing the Physical Condition in Terms of the Personal Struggle among the Players of the Directorates of Physical Training and Police Games in the Football Game


Academic year: 2022

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The Predictive Value of Describing the Physical Condition in Terms of the Personal Struggle among the Players of the Directorates of Physical

Training and Police Games in the Football Game

AyadRamadhanIbrahim (1) , Prof Dr. Mohammed na'amhassan (2)

(1)Master .Student.Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Babylon, Iraq.

(2) Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Babylon, Iraq.

[email protected] , [email protected]


The purpose of this paper is to identify the reality of describing the physical condition and personal struggle of the players of the directorates of physical training and police games in football. As well as identifying the degree of the description of the physical condition and personal struggle among the players of the directorates of physical training and police games in football. It also aims to identify the correlation between the description of the physical condition and the personal struggle of the players of the directorates of physical training and police games in the football game. The researchers used the descriptive approach due to its suitability and the nature of the current study and the method of correlational relationships.The research community included the players of the directorates of physical training and police games in the governorates of (Babylon, Diyala, Kirkuk, Maysan) in the football game, which numbered (233) players, while the research sample included (176) players.After the data obtained from the research sample was subjected and processed statistically after it was subjected to the scientific foundations and through the results obtained by the researcher from the study sample, the researcher concluded that the majority of the sample members enjoyed describing the physical condition and personal struggle.

Keywords: physical condition description, personal struggle


The practice of sports activities has positive effects on many diseases, including psychological diseases, and most of these diseases can be rid of the individual if he follows the system of practicing sports activities daily, even if it is for short periods of time, so that he will leave himself and get rid of the bad psychological state and feel confident, not necessarily The physical attributes possessed by the player represent not only the amount and type of sports exercises received by the player but also transcend to other psychological factors, including (personal struggle), which in turn affects the physical attributes of the player. Nowadays, man has become highly dependent on devices and equipment in the completion of his daily work , which changed his style and lifestyle, so it became necessary for him to perform a physical effort through which he maintains the physical qualities that he should be characterized by, and the most important of these qualities (physical strength, speed endurance, and the ability to do physical effort without reaching exhaustion, as well as his ability to Moving his body parts with flexibility and agility) on him, exercising for the player has become a necessity of life to maintain his health, and the human body is greatly affected by the nature of the life that he practices and works performed by.

Also, the personal struggle has a significant impact on the player’s possession of the physical qualities that qualify him to be able to reach achievement and competition, and since the research sample represents the players of the directorates of physical training and police games in the football game, we must study their psychological state and describe their physical condition by measuring personal struggle They have, and the importance of physical


attributes lies in that they play a prominent role in human health, psychological traits and personality, and that any defect or weakness in physical attributes will lead to negative effects on human health and the emergence of diseases for him. Psychological factors, including (personal struggle) among game players, are the directorates of physical training Police games in football are an important pillar for every work based on correct and effective scientific foundations that relies on modern training and psychological methods, as the progress of the training process depends on what the institution has of well-prepared human elements, a person may struggle to be independent or strive For specific career roles such as being a star player meaning I strive to be my beautiful self.

On this basis, the importance of the research lies in the predictive ability to describe the physical condition of the players of the directorates of physical training and police games in the football game by preparing a measure to describe the physical condition as well as preparing a measure of the personal struggle of the players of the directorates above in the football game, which leads to the development and improvement Describe their physical condition, which is reflected in the benefit and benefit and give positive results to the directorates of physical training and police games.

Research problem:

Measuring personal struggle is one of the various and objective methods that must be used in addition to the tests that measure the description of the physical condition, which has an effective role in raising the level of performance in addition to acquiring the scientific bases that support performance. Predictive to describe the physical condition in terms of personal struggle among the players of the directorates of physical training and police games, the football game, and given the effectiveness of the role played by the players of the directorates of physical training and police games in achieving advanced results and achievements through their good physical condition, which includes psychological factors, including personal struggle, so the researcher saw It is necessary to study this problem to identify the description of the physical condition through the personal struggle of the players of the directorates of physical training and police games in the game of football, so the researcher identified the problem of his research with the following questions:

- Is there a relationship between the description of the physical condition and the personal struggle of the players of the directorates of physical training and police games in the football game?

- Is it possible to predict the description of the physical condition through the struggle of the players of the directorates of physical training and police games in the game of football?

Research objective:

- Identifying the reality of describing the physical condition and personal struggle of the players of the directorates of physical training and police games in football.

- Identify the degree of the description of the physical condition and personal struggle of the players of the directorates of physical training and police games in football.

- To identify the correlation between the description of the physical condition and the personal struggle of the players of the directorates of physical training and police games in the football game.

- Predicting the description of the physical condition in terms of the personal struggle among the players of the directorates of physical training and police games in the football game.


Research hypotheses:

- There is a correlation between the description of the physical condition and the personal struggle of the players of the directorates of physical training and police games in the football game

Research methodology and field procedures:

Research Methodology:

The researcher used the descriptive approach due to its suitability and the nature of the current study and the method of correlational relationships.

Community and sample research:

The research community included the players of the directorates of physical training and police games in the governorates of (Babylon, Diyala, Kirkuk, Maysan) in the football game, which numbered (233) players, while the research sample included (176) players.

Field research procedures:

The researchers chose the scale prepared by (DiyarAwni 2015)to measure personal struggle.

Determining the validity of the psychological scale:

The validity of the paragraphs of the scale was determined in accordance with the study sample by presenting it to a number of experts and their number was (5) experts in the field of sports psychology, measurement, and evaluation to show their validity in measuring the goal for which they were set, where they obtained a percentage of 100% agreement through the use of the (chi-2 test) Based on the results, the scale was adopted to apply it to the research sample

Exploratory experience:

The two researchers conducted their exploratory experiment, which lasted for a week, in order to take the data on the scales and also calculate the scientific bases of the scale. It was conducted on (8) players from the directorates of physical training and police games. The main objectives of the exploratory experiment were as follows:

- Ensure the validity of the psychological scale to indicate its suitability to the nature of the current work.

- Knowing the time required to apply the scale.

- Calculation of the practical foundations (honesty, consistency, objectivity).

- The possibility of the work team if it was capable and interactive with the current research and its procedures.

Scientific bases of the scale:

After the personal struggle scale was applied to the exploratory research sample (8) players from the directorates of physical training and police games in the football game, the data were taken to calculate the scientific bases.

- Honesty of the scale:

The opinions of experts in calculating honesty were approved after it was presented to a group of sports psychology, measurement, and evaluation experts to show its suitability to the nature of the current work. Their number was (5) experts, and the results were positive.

- Scale stability:

The stability is nothing but “the test that gives similar results or the same results if it is applied more than once in similar conditions” (1). When re-applying the scale to the sample of the pilot experiment and using a coefficient between the test scores on the


scale, it was found that the value of the Pearson correlation coefficient has reached (0.89) which is a high value that indicates that the scale is stable.

Scale correction:

The physical condition description scale consists of (21) items, and the personal struggle scale consists of a set of phrases, represented by (44) items. The highest score for the scale describing the physical condition is (105) and the lowest score is (21) while the hypothetical mean has reached (63), and the highest score for the personal struggle scale is (220) and the lowest score is (44), while the hypothetical mean has reached (132). )

Main experiences:

The scale was applied to the research sample on 2/3/2021.

Statistical methods:

The search data was processed through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).

Presentation, analysis and discussion of the results of the physical condition and personal struggle scales

Table (1) shows the values of the arithmetic mean, hypothetical mean, standard deviation, t- value, and their significance for the domains of the Personal Struggle Scale.

No. scale Arithmeti

c mean

Standard deviatio


hypothetica l mean

T value

Sig level

Type Sig 1 Description of the

physical condition

76.525 8.246 63 10.373 0.00

0 Sig

2 personal struggle 172.175 19.597 132 12.966 0.00

0 Sig

Table (1) shows the results of the physical condition description scale after analyzing the data, as results appeared with arithmetic mean (76,525) and a standard deviation (8.246), and by comparing the arithmetic mean with the hypothetical mean of (63) degrees, it was found that there are visible differences, so they were tested with the t-test -test) to identify the statistical significance of these differences and that the calculated (T) value amounted to (10.373) which is greater than the (Sig) value of (0.000), which means that the difference is significant.As for the results of the personal struggle scale data with arithmetic mean (172.175) and a standard deviation(19.597) and by comparing the arithmetic mean with the hypothetical mean of (132) degrees, it was found that there are apparent differences, so they were tested with a t-test to identify the statistical significance of these differences, and that the calculated (t) value amounted to (12.966), which is greater than the value of ( Sig) amounting to (0.000) and this means that the difference is significant.

It is clear from the results shown in Table (1) that the answers of the sample on the scale were of a distinct level and thus the scale became a reliable scientific means to measure the personal struggle owned by the players of the physical training directorates and police games in the game of football.

The physical attributes are the attributes that enable the athlete to be able to perform various motor skills and for all kinds of multiple sports activities and constitute the cornerstone for reaching the athlete to the highest levels of sports. Basic physical attributes and that every sports activity has different physical requirements, it has become important to determine the basic physical attributes required to succeed in each type of sports activities and on the basis of these attributes, players are selected for a specific sports activity, for example, sports with a repetitive character, one movement such as swimming And running is considered endurance as one of the most important physical attributes in such sports, and the level of


development of physical attributes is considered one of the general indicators in the selection process (2). Personal struggle is defined as “the ideal goals that a person tries to achieve as supportive representations and individual and cognitive support, and it is a major expression of future direction and goals.” life" (3).

Identify the relationship between the description of the physical condition and the personal struggle):

To achieve this goal, the simple correlation coefficient (Pearson) was used as follows: - Table (2) shows the nature of the interrelationships between the variables under investigation Variables Correlation

coefficient value

Level sig Type sig

Description of physical condition X personal struggle

0.322 0.000


Table (2) shows that the simple correlation coefficient (Pearson) between the description of the physical condition and the personal struggle was (0.322), which is a direct correlation coefficient, that is, there is a direct relationship, and the level of significance is (0.000)

Devising a predictive equation describing the physical condition and personal struggle

In order to achieve the main objective of the study, which included (devising a predictive equation describing the physical condition in terms of personal struggle) (and for the purpose of obtaining a predictive value, simple linear regression equations were used through which to predict this relationship, as follows:-

- Extracting the quality indicators of the linear regression equation model:

Table (3) shows the quality indicators of the linear regression equation model Variables

correlation coefficient

The nature

of the link

Contribution percentage

Alienation coefficient

Confidence ratio of the correlation coefficient

F value

Level sig

Type sig Description

of physical condition and personal struggle

0.322 Sample 0.104 0.964 0.036 4.400

0.043 sig

It appears from Table (3) that the value of the interpretation coefficient (the Contribution percentage ) for the simple correlation coefficient between the description of the physical condition and the personal struggle amounted to (0.104), and the same table indicates that the value of the test (F), calculated for the simple correlation coefficient, has reached ( 4.400), which is a function at the level of significance (0.043), and therefore the model represents the relationship between the variables under consideration the best representation.

- Extracting the values of the regression equation coefficients:

The researchers shed light on the shape of the linear regression, and the values of the coefficients of the linear regression between the variables, as shown in Table (4)

Table (4) shows the estimated values for predicting the characterization of physical condition in terms of personal struggle

Variables The nature of the worker

factor value


standard T value Level sig Type sig



Constant A 53.186 11.196 4.750 0.000 Sig

personal struggle

B1 0.136 0.065 2.098 0.043 sig

Its shows from Table (4), regarding the values of the regression equation, that the physical condition is described in terms of personal struggle. A predictive equation or an expected value can be deduced for the emotional response of each player, as follows:

Predictive value Description of physical condition(y) = A+(B1*The value of personal struggle)

Predictive value Description of physical condition(y) = 53.186+(0.136*172.175)=76.600 Thus, the main objective of the research has been achieved through the development of a predictive equation describing the physical condition in terms of personal struggle.

Conclusions and Recommendations:


- The effectiveness of the personal struggle scale among the players of the directorates of physical training and police games

- The majority of the sample members, who are the players of the directorates of physical training and police games in football, enjoyed the personal struggle.

- It is possible to predict the description of the physical condition by measuring the personal struggle of the players of the directorates of physical training and police games in the football game.


- Increasing interest in the development and improvement of the physical condition and personal struggle among the players of the directorates of physical training and police games in the game of football.

- The necessity of adopting predictive equations to reveal the level of players with psychological variables.

- Conducting similar studies using counselling programs to improve the level of physical condition and personal struggle among the players of the directorates of physical training and police games in football.


 Nader Fahmy and HishamAmer: (2005); Principles of Measurement and Evaluation in Education, 3rd Edition, Amman, Dar Al-Fikr, p. 145.

 Nawal Mahdi Al-Obaidi and Fatima Abdel-Malki: (2008);The Science of Sports Training, Baghdad, Dar Al-Arqam Office for Printing, p. 14

 Emmons, R. A &BeruChashvili, M. (2006): Striving to be Good: Moral Balance in consumer choice (2) European Advances in Consumer research, University of Nebraska-Lincolin, USA.


Appendix (1)

The Personal Struggle Scale Finalized

No. paragraphs always

apply to me

Apply to frequently

Apply to Sometimes

does not apply to


not apply never to

me 1 Trying to get rid of my

fears in life

2 I get frustrated when my struggle in my work leads me to failure

3 I keep thinking about starting new projects 4 My ambition is to achieve

the highest levels of success in my training and life

5 I want to know more about the world

6 Feel proud of engaging new people in sports 7 I like to do all the work I

face for the purpose of development

8 I'm trying to fix things with my family رسأ 9 I like to be open to others 10 I want my friends to treat

me like I treat them 11 I hope to get social

support from my colleagues in training 12 I want to spend more time

with my friends, loved ones and family

13 I like to be a best friend among my best friends 14 Living in peace with

others and helping them is one of the highest morals for players

15 I try to stick to my deadlines and commitments

16 My responsibility to my family and others is a promise I made to myself 17 It is an honor for me to


protect my children 18 It scares me that I do not

have the ability to

persuade, this is evidence of my weakness

19 My ability to influence others adds to the feeling of being in control of them

20 Competing to be the star player fulfills all my dreams and goals in the fields of training

21 Feeling Powerful When Supporting Charity 22 I still stick to the

behaviors that maintain my physical health 23 Make sure that I am open

to the civilizations of the world to advance my knowledge

24 Enjoy as I add myself a sports experience for self- development

25 I will do everything in my power for my personal and health development 26 Take care of my

appearance because it is part of my personality 27 I feel that my emotions

are negative and read them in the eyes of others 28 I need to improve my

image in the eyes of others to make a good impression on them 29 I accept challenges that

can allow me to make a positive change in my personality

30 I avoid causing any bad feelings in others 31 I withdraw from the

situation when I can't achieve something positive


32 I am seeking to establish a family that will be my extension on earth 33 Make an effort to create

things that have an impact on others

34 I feel that I have a special role in serving others in society

35 I have confidence in my own impulses and needs 36 Commit to praying to be close to God Almighty 37 I wish to live a simpler

life like our good ancestor and stay away from modern life

38 Make sure my life is moderate and in line with my religious beliefs 39 I have patience through

thick and thin 40 The thought of the

paradox of life is always on my mind

41 I feel energized despite my age

42 My family and I go to recreational places for recreation and rest

43 Have fun with my friends to get away from boredom 44 I try to add an atmosphere

of fun in stressful situations



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