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3. Piecewise Polynomial and Splines 4. Natural Cubic Splines


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Splines and applications

Chapter 5. of the book The Elements of Statistical Learning by the Jerome Friedman, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani.

Bágyi Ibolya Applied Machine Learning Master, 2006-2007



Splines and applications

1. History of splines 2. What is a spline?

3. Piecewise Polynomial and Splines 4. Natural Cubic Splines

5. Methods

5.1 Function spline 6. Applications

6.1 Maple Spline Function 6.2 Interpolation with splines





7. Implementation of Spline

7.1 A programme for calculating spline 7.2 Testing

8. Glossary

9. Bibliography

Splines and applications


1. History of splines

ƒ originally developed for ship-building in the days before computer modeling.

ƒ Pierre Bézier



http://www.macnaughtongroup.com/s pline_weights.htm

2. What is a spline?

ƒ simply a curve

ƒ In mathematics a spline is a special function defined piecewise by polynomials. In computer science the term spline refers to a

piecewise polynomial curve.

ƒ The solution was to place metal weights (called knots) at the control points, and bend a thin metal or wooden beam (called a spline) through the weights.




http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piecewis e

3. Piecewise Polynomial and Splines

1.) A piecewise polynomial ftn


is obtained by dividing of X into

contiguous intervals, and representing f(x) by a separate polynomial in each interval.

- The polynomials are joined together at the interval endpoints (knots) in such a way that a certain degree of smoothness of the resulting function is guaranteed.



3. Piecewise Polynomial and Splines

Denote by

hj(X) : IRIR


jth transformation of X, j=1…M. We then model

a linear basis expansion in X.

2.) A piecewise constant:


- basis function :

- This panel shows a piecewise constant function fit to some artificial data. The broken vertical lines indicate the position of the two knots ξ1 and ξ2. - The blue curve represents the true function.


3. Piecewise Polynomial and Splines

3.) A piecewise linear

4.) continous piecewise linear


- basis function : three additional basis ftn are needed

- restricted to be continuous at the two knots.

- linear constraints on the parameters:

- the panel shows piecewise linear function fit to the data.

- unrestricted to be continuous at the knots.

- the panel shows piecewise linear function fit to the data.

- restricted to be continuous at the knots.


• - The function in the lower right panel is continuous and has continuous first and second derivatives.

• - It is known as a cubic spline.

• - basis function:

3. Piecewise Polynomial and Splines

7.) Piecewise cubic polynomial


- the pictures show a series of piecewise-cubic polynomials fit to the same data, with increasing orders of continuity at the knots.


3. Piecewise Polynomial and Splines


8.) An order-M spline

with knot is a piecewise-polynomial of order M, and has continuous derivatives up to order M-2.

- a cubic spline has M=4. Cubic splines are the lowest-oder spline for which the knot- discontinuity is not visible to the human eye.

- the piecewise-constant function is an order-1 spline, while the continuous piecewise linear function is an order-2 spline.

In practice the most widely used orders are M=1,2 and 4.


4. Natural Cubic Splines

Natural Cubic Splines

Cubic spline is a spline constructed of piecewise third-order polynomials which pass through a set of m control points.

The second derivate of each polynomial is commonly set to zero at the endpoints, since this provides a boundary condition that completes the system of m-2 equations.

This produces a so-called “natural” cubic spline and leads to a simple tridiagonal system which can be solved easily to give the coefficients of the polynomials.



5.1 Function Spline


x,y - two vectors or two lists z - name

d - (optional) positive integer or string

The spline function computes a piecewise polynomial approximation to the X Y data values of degree d (default 3) in the variable z. The X values must be distinct and in ascending order. There are no conditions on the Y values.

5 5 . . Methods Methods



6.1 Maple Spline Function: y=sin(x)



> plot(sin(x),x=0..6);

> f:=x->sin(x);

> x1:=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6];

> fx1:=map(f,x1);

> plot([sin(x),spline(x1,fx1,x,'linear')],x=0..6,color=[red,blue],style=[line,line]);

> plot([sin(x),spline(x1,fx1,x,'cubic')],x=0..6,color=[red,blue],style=[line,line]);

> plot([sin(x),spline(x1,fx1,x,2)],x=0..6,color=[red,blue],style=[line,line]);

6 6 . . Applications Applications



6 6 . . Applications Applications

6.2 Interpolation with cubic spline

The function is f(x)=sin(π/2*x), x∈[-1,1]. Interpolant the function on -1, 0, 1 with cubic spline, which satisfied the following boundary conditions:

S´(-1)=f’(-1)=0 S´(1)=f’(1)=0 One seeks the cubic spline in the folowing form:

By stating the interpolant conditions, the continuity of the spline is satisfied:




6.2 Interpolation with cubic spline

In the same time the first and the second derivate of the spline needs to be also continous:

One obtains 6 equations involving 8 unknows, and in this way the Hermite condition needs to be taken into account:

Solve the system of equations. By using the equations 2), 3), 5) and 6) one can reduce the original system:

6 6 . . Applications Applications



6.2 Interpolation with cubic spline

Solving this:

One obtains a1-a2=0 and a1+a2=-1 => a1=a2=-1/2.

Finally the sought spline reads as follows:

6 6 . . Applications Applications


7.1 A programme for calculating spline

- procedure polynom creation

> creation_poly:=proc(d1,d2,x1,x2,y1,y2) local x,h:


unapply(y1*(x2-x)/h + y2*(x-x1)/h -h*h/6*d1*((x2-x)/h-((x2-x)/h)^3) -h*h/6*d2*((x-x1)/h-((x-x1)/h)^3),x) end:

7 7 . . Implementation Implementation of of Spline Spline



- Procedure spline

> s:=proc(x::list(numeric),y::list(numeric)) local n,i,j,mat,res,sol,draw,h1,h2,pol:

if nops(x)<>nops(y) then ERROR(„number of x and y most be equal") fi:




for i from 2 to n-1 do h1:=x[i]-x[i-1]:







for i to n-1 do







7 7 . . Implementation Implementation of of Spline Spline


7.2 Testing the programme

> test1:=s([0,1/4,1/2,3/4,1],[0,1/16,1/4,9/16,1]):

> display(test1,plot(x^2,x=0..1,color=blue));


7 7 . . Implementation Implementation of of Spline Spline


7 7 . . Implementation Implementation of of Spline Spline

7.2 Testing the programme

> test2:=s([0,1/100,1/25,1/16,1/4,16/25,1],[0,1/10,1/5,1/4,1/2,4/5,1]):

> display(test2,plot(sqrt(x),x=0..1,color=blue), view=[0..1,0..1]);



8 8 . . Glossary Glossary


piecewise: a piecewise-defined function f(x) of a real variable x is a function whose definition is given differently on disjoint intervals of its domain. A common example is the absolute value function.

spline: in mathematics a spline is a special function defined piecewise by polynomials.

In computer science the term spline refers to a piecewise polynomial curve.

cubic spline: is a spline constructed of piecewise third-order polynomials which pass through a set of m control points. The second derivate of each polynomial is commonly set to zero at the endpoints, since this provides a boundary condition that completes the system of m-2 equations. This produces a so-called “natural” cubic spline and leads to a simple tridiagonal system which can be solved easily to give the coefficients of the



9 9 . . Bibliography Bibliography


Jerome Friedman, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani (2001). The Elements of Statistical Learning, Basis expansion and regularization: 115-164.

Course (2001-2002). Symbolic and Numerical Computation. “Babes-Bolyai” University

Basis expansion and regularization – from site of Seoul National University


Spline Cubic – from Wolfram MathWorld


Piecewise – Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


Splines – from site of University of Oregon


Spline weight image – from site of MacNaughton Yacht Designs




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