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View of Plant Classification Using Leaf Images Processing


Academic year: 2022

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Plant Classification Using Leaf Images Processing

J. Vishalini1*,T.N. Kirubalini1, Dr. R. Subhashini2*

1*,1 UG Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India

2Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India

3Head, GIS and Remote Sensing, M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai [email protected], [email protected],

*[email protected],

Abstract.Plant exists everywhere. The plants are very much useful in balancing the environment. Usage of plants in the field of medical is wide developing. Rather than classifying plants based on molecules and biological methods,classification of plants based on leaf is found to be the first step. Our project aims at developing an image-based classification of plants with high accuracy. The features of the leaf such as, area, perimeter, width, height, aspect ratio, etc., are extracted, PCA is applied for dimensionality reduction and classified using SVM classifier.

Key words: Principal component analysis, Support Vector Machine, Feature extraction, plant classification.


Most of the plants we observe are multicellular. They have different types of cells which help them to perform different functions[8,9]. These cells are not visible to our naked eyes.

Currently, phylogenetic classification method is followed to classify them. Which mainly focuses on the evolutionary relationship of the plants[12,13]. At the earlier stage, plants where classified only based on their morphological features i.e. colour, shape of leaves, etc.

Plants are majorly classified into two major groups: Vascular and Non-Vascular plants. Non- Vascular plants are otherwise called as Bryophytes. Vascular plants are also called as tracheophytes[10,11,18].

Botanist use various methods to identify the plant species (mostly based on molecular

Fig. 1. Flow diagram of proposed scheme


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The rich development of digital processing techniques and also the development of information technology such as portable devices, digital cameras, etc[23,24]. allow us to do more hand in hand operations[16,17]. In case of digital processing techniques, there are various algorithms that deal with Image processing, image analysis, image enhancements and mapping. These methods are helpful in various areas of applications such as: Medical field, Chemotherapy, industrial automation, etc.(7) Image based classifications serve as much convincing approach for species identification and classifications. The user can simply take a picture in either a camera or a mobile phone to identify its name[18-20]. Rather than taking a sample, applying preservatives and identifying their species name, this method will be specific and optimising solution[4,5].

Image acquisition- In this step, the image of either the part of the plant or the whole plant based on the need is collected. Here the images of a leaf are obtained and the data set is created[1-3].

2Image Pre-processing

Pre-processing is done in order to improve the quality of the image, reduce the distortions and obtain the relevant features of the image.[3] The various steps involved in image pre- processing includes:

a. Back-ground subtraction: The technique used in computer vision and image processing to retrieve the foreground image only without the background noises.

b. BGR to Grey scale conversion: for extracting the features such as texture, shape, edges, etc. Coloured images are harder to progress. Hence, they are converted to gray scale.

c. Low pass filtering: smoothing the image helps us to adjust the pixel values to the chosen cut-off value.

d. Thresholding: Various thresholding methods are applied. Otsu thresholding performed so as to close any holes present in the leaf.


http://annalsofrscb.ro 78 3Feature Extraction

Feature extraction mainly refers to the geometric measurements of the leaf image obtained.

The three features such as colour, texture and shape-based features are extracted from the image [5].

a) Shape based features: Boundary extraction is done in order to extract the shape-based features such as aspect ratio, diameter of leaf, etc. Table 1 Shows features of shaped leaf

b) Texture based features: Thetexture-based features such as contrast, correlation and entropy are calculated using Haralick moments. Texture based features is showed in Table 2.

c) Colour based features: the mean and standard deviation of the RGB channels are considered as the colour-based features for extraction. Table 3 indicate the features of the colour.

Table 1. Shape based features

Table 2. Texture based features

Table 3. Colour based features Fig. 2. Pre-processing


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(ii)Covariance matrix is calculated.

(iii)Calculation of eigen value and eigen vectors is performed.

(iv)The dimension is reduced by turning out the eigen vector corresponding to the highest eigen value.

Feature vector = (eig1, eig2)

Principle component = (feature vector) T* (Scaled data) T Support Vector Machine:

Support Vector Machine is used to classify the data. The goal of SVM is to create the clear line or decision boundary so that we can easily categorise the data elements. SVM is generally classified into two types: a. linear and b. non-linear. When the data relies into exactly two classes, it is classified using linear SVM. Those which cannot be classified by linear SVM are classified using non-linear SVM. (Fig:3)

5 Results and Discussion

Lower accuracy is achieved with shape-based classification. While the combination of shape and colour-based classification gave a high accuracy of 90%. 17 features from the leaf is extracted and over 1600 images are used to train and test the performance. Due to the simplicity of the frame work, we can apply more concepts to improve the accuracy.

Fig.3. Flow diagram


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Fig. 4.Comparing accuracy scores of two different samples with and without considering rgb features.

6. Future Works & Conclusion

Our future works is to increase the number of species that is classified and also identifying the stress crop among the plant distribution over an area. This in turn helps to increase the productivity with lowering the expenditure.

The understanding of vegetation and classification of plants play a major role on describing the environment. This method helps in classification with better accuracy than other methods there by knowing the vegetation of a region. Our future work is in progress to achieve a better result.


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