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View of System of Professional Competence Development of Future Teachers in the Field of Science and Communication


Academic year: 2022

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Received 05 March 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021.

14211 http://annalsofrscb.ro

System of Professional Competence Development of Future Teachers in the Field of Science and Communication

Yusupova Nazokatxon Vaxobxon qizi

Kokand Davlad pedagogical Physics Faculty of mathematics faculty of Mathematics Department of mathematics and informatics teacher


The article covers the content of preparation of students for their professional activities by means of science communication, pedagogical system of development of future teachers 'professional competences by means of science communication and the impact of science connections on the quality of students' knowledge and skills. Also, improving the preparation of the educational process on the basis of the linkage to science determines the content of this article in the knowledge of the components of the educational content, methods of activity, methods of creative activity and the continuity of education upbringing.

Key words:Professional activity, science, pedagogical system, knowledge and skills, content of education, methods of creative activity, unity of Education.


Creative models of improvement of preparation for the organization of the educational process of future teachers in World higher educational institutions on the basis of Science and communication are applied to the educational process. Adopted by international organizations and developed countries until 2030, it has been recognized as "an important activity that leads to strong and sustainable development goals that are the main driving force of educational development" in the new educational concept. In this regard, major projects are being implemented on improvement of teaching methodology, development of didactic and methodical preparations of students on the basis of advanced foreign experience, creation of electronic information educational resources, improvement of educational process on the basis of creative models, use of modern information and communication technologies.

Modernization of higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan improved the quality of professional training of teachers on the basis of experience, further improvement of psychological- pedagogical and methodological training of students in pedagogical higher education institutions, the basis of the formation of high-level competency in students was created. Bunda" further improvement of the system of continuous training, training of highly qualified personnel radically increase the quality of general secondary training " was defined as a priority task. As a result, the development of vocational training of future teachers kengay, sciencelararo communicationadorlik the possibilities of using printsips in educational processes kengay. Professional development in higher education of future teachers by means of intersubject communications kompetentsiyasini pedagogical-psychological analysis capabilities, the improvement of future teachers by means of intersubject communications kompetentsiyalarini professional development model, the stage of development of future teachers by means of intersubject communications professional kompetentsiyasini assign work tasks, such as the improvement of the methodological aspects and scientific research as the basis of many to be held in the education process plays an important role.


Science links the general knowledge of the Natural Sciences of the natural-scientific category, the general methodology and techniques of cognition (dialectics, structural-structural methods, physico-


Received 05 March 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021.

14212 http://annalsofrscb.ro

chemical methods of observation, terms, symbols, language of formulas, generality of units of measurement, mathematical apparatus), general complex problems (protection of nature, rational use of its resources, mastering of space, the World Ocean and energy, etc.), relies on the generality associated with the technical use of knowledge in modern production. The interconnections of the disciplines"

physics"," chemistry"," natural geography"," astronomy"," mathematics " consist in reflecting the object connections of the various forms of Matter movement that exist in nature.

The natural-scientific category includes general methodological, fundamental scientific ideas, laws and principleillarni (evolutionary development, conservation of matter and energy, periodicity, relativity, Principality, systematicity, linkage, symmetry) of Educational Sciences. In didactics, it was determined that science should be divided into three main types: meaningful-information, operational- active and organizational-methodical, based on the generality of the structure of Educational Sciences and the structure of the educational process, which is considered the object of separation of links into classes.

Any structural element of educational science serves as the basis for connecting science in the teaching process. In the content of each educational science (except for special Sciences) lies elements of methodological and ideological knowledge. Science links can be entered into a meaningful- informative type on the basis of the content of knowledge. The types of connections of this type are divided into:

1) according to the composition of scientific knowledge (faktological, conceptual, theoretical);

2) on the knowledge of cognition (philosophical, historical-scientific, that is, Gnostic, semiotic, logical);

3) on knowledge of orientation to values (ideological, that is, dialectical-materialistic, ideological- political, political-economic, ethical, aesthetic, legal).

We think that it will be correct to include the methods in the teaching and learning activities and skills of students in the teaching of various educational disciplines into the operational-active type.

Operation-the need to distinguish and implement a specific type of active connections from meaningful and process elements that determine the activity of cognition (science techniques; generalized methods of cognition, which include creative activity; specific qualifications and skills; in addition to the language of science), it includes other types of activities in the educational process of the pupils, which are determined by the structure of the educational science, and these types of activities are necessary for pedagogy to become the subject of training of future teachers in the higher educational institution, because exactly pedagogy in the higher educational institution the student

In the adequate case, a set of methods aimed at ensuring the study was used: theoretical (analytical synthetic, comparative-comparison, analogy), diagnostic (questionnaires, testing, observation, projected methodologies), prognostic (expert evaluation, generalization of independent evaluations), pedagogical experiment and mathematical methods (statistical processing of data, graphical representation of results, etc.


The content of preparation of students for their professional activities by means of science communication in future teachers, model of development of future teachers 'professional competences by means of science communication and the impact of science connections on the quality of students' knowledge and skills in future teachers are covered.

Improving the preparation of the educational process on the basis of the linkage to science determines the content of our research work on the content of knowledge, methods of activity, creative methods of activity and the continuity of education upbringing components of the educational content.


Received 05 March 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021.

14213 http://annalsofrscb.ro

The future teachers were determined on the basis of the content, methods, tools and forms of preparation of students for their professional activities (restoration of knowledge, renewal of knowledge, correction of knowledge, application of knowledge, prediction) in the field of science communication.

Pedagogy in the process of teaching in the institution of Higher Education showed that the very meaning and versatility of the concept of "science connections", as long as the essence of this concept can not be the same definition. Fanlararo links event multilayer. The regulation of the meaningful significance of this concept, just like the regulation of the types of links in science, can only be based on a systematic approach. The didactic phenomenon of "fan link" as a system has a structure consisting of three elements:

1) knowledge (qualifications) of a single field of science);

2) knowledge (qualifications) of another field of science);

3)the links of this knowledge (skills) in the teaching process.

Active methods (analytical, comparative, logical, independent work, problematic research) and tools (visual aids, lesson development, didactic abandonment)of training process on the basis of science- based communication for future readers constitute the methodical system. It was carried out on the basis of the following didactic functions, based on the improvement of the effectiveness of the pedagogical activity of the future teacher:

restoration of knowledge restoration of knowledge acquired in the context of education on the subject of communication (chemistry, biology, geography) for educational, educational and developmental purposes, teaching analytical and logical thinking;

update of knowledge expand their knowledge on sciencelararo communicationadorlik (chemistry, biology, geography) in future readers, develop on the basis of clear evidence;

correction of knowledge analysis of the knowledge gained in the field of science (chemistry, biology, geography) in future students and elimination of inadequacies;

to apply knowledge to transform into a personal by practicing throughout the course of sciencelararo communicationadorlik (chemistry, biology, geography) in future learners;

the future teachers of the prediction will be able to develop their knowledge on the subject of science (chemistry, biology, geography) into a personal and scientific worldview.

One of the main educational tasks of science connections is the formation of a general system of knowledge that reflects the connections between future teachers and students of the secondary school through them about Real life, various forms of Matter movement. The formation of a holistic scientific worldview requires of course to take into account science connections. Complex approach in education special courses studied at the pedagogical higher education institution, as well as the task of connecting the disciplines of psychological-pedagogical and methodical Sciences. In such circumstances, the links between the subjects of both mutual and humanitarian and technical categories will be strengthened, knowledge transfer, use and comprehensive thinking skills will be improved.


It was found that the results of the student's activities on the implementation of science linkage in secondary school can be assessed during the period of pedagogical practice, and therefore the student's activities are subject to the invariant system of vocational training in a pedagogical higher educational institution – the system of teaching that or that science in the school. It was proved that pedagogy is the basis for the preparation of future teachers in higher educational institutions for the implementation of science linkage in secondary school.



Received 05 March 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021.

14214 http://annalsofrscb.ro

Science links pedagogy is the most important factor in improving the process of preparing future teachers in the higher educational institution. The methodological function of the links in science is ensured when they are used by students as a method of systematic assimilation of knowledge, as well as as as as a method of improving the process of training in the system of educational science, its organization as a whole. In this regard, the decisive role of pedagogy in increasing the productivity of teaching the fundamentals of Sciences in a higher educational institution is related to the selection and improvement of the content of various educational sciences with a view to the intended purpose, it was determined that these Educational Sciences will only result in the conditions of mutual adaptation and coordination,

Recommendations. Based on the links of science to the development of professional competence of future teachers, the organization of the levels of conceptual, theoretical, philosophical on the basis of pedagogical approaches;, pedagogy of future teachers from the textbook of "mathematics" to the methodological recommendations and conclusions for the University, the productive use of pedagogical methodological knowledge and skills in the development, the mutual integration of It is recommended to improve the psychological, pedagogical, methodological, linguistic, conceptual, theoretical, philosophical connections of pedagogical opportunities in the development of professional competence of future teachers through the means of science communication.


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