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View of The Role of Blue Ocean Strategies in Achieving the Entrepreneurial Orientation: An Analytical Study


Academic year: 2022

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The Role of Blue Ocean Strategies in Achieving the Entrepreneurial Orientation: An Analytical Study

Fadhil RdahiGhabashAl-Ghazali

FacultyofAdministrationandEconomics,Universityof Kufa,Najaf,Iraq.Email:[email protected]

Abdul Hussein Ali mirdan Al-kalabi

FacultyofAdministrationandEconomics,Universityof Kufa,Najaf, Iraq.


The paper analyzes the roles of blue ocean techniques and if they impact entire entrepreneurship success. Since the blue ocean strategy is a current way for companies to meet difficulties and cope with environmental changes, the research findings are significant. In addition, blue ocean tactics show the strategic innovation of employees and the exclusive trend to create new items. To apply the blue ocean techniques to the investigated organization and to use the pioneering attitude to the investigated organization (risk-bearing, proactive, initiative, and creativity). From a theoretical perspective, probably the most recent of these strategies is the blue ocean strategies developed by organizations striving for transformation and renewal. It is a fresh opportunity to sail to blue seas that have not yet been found and have not reached the market. The function of these strategies in the pioneering orientation. Therefore this strategy is critical in attaining market leadership with innovation, risk, and the initiative to exploit forest possibilities and enter new markets. Assessing the reactions and views of the participants in the study community on the men's apparel factory in Najaf The score of one was not obtained entirely by the person who provided it. However, the hypothetical arithmetic tool (3) was used as the measuring tool to measure and assess the degree received by the people in the study sample.

Keywords: Blue Ocean Strategies, Entrepreneur Orientation, Innovation.

1. Introduction

The widespread market spread, the diversity of different types of global markets, the large size of commercial organizations and international markets, and the development of modern and new companies have led to many marketing and administrative disputes over maintaining companies' status and market share.

Future leading organizations do not excel through battles with competitors but create "blue oceans" in markets free of conflict around which any new areas have not yet been discovered. The external environment is characterized by constant change, instability, intensified competition on the one hand, and high calls for the need for public organizations and banks in particular to develop their structures,


systems, management methods, activities, and improvements in terms of their strategic capabilities on the other. The current research consists of four primary investigations. The first research is concerned with the research methodology from the study's problem, importance, and objectives. The second research is related to the theoretical framework of the research variables. The third research mentions the practical aspect and the testing of research hypotheses, and finally, the fourth research reviews the conclusions and recommendations of the study.

2. Literature Review 2.1. Blue OceanStrategy

The term blue ocean strategy is a modern term for scientific research, and the chapter on the use of this term is due to w.chonkim & Renee Mauborgne[1, 2]. The term blue ocean is a modern term in business in general. Its marketing management, in particular, is adapted from the pure blue watercolor and other polluted ones. One of those characteristics quoted philosophy as entering the business world thanks to researchers and thinkers to become one of the modern administrative philosophies adopted by organizations in their work under the name of the Blue Ocean.It is noticeable that industries never stop moving but change self-and-constantly.

Manufacturing processes are improving, and their markets are expanding. There is a capacity to create new industries and rebirth existing industries, making them look for needs that will be an area for their products[2, 3].Below is table(1)showing some of the researchers' contributions to determining the Blue Ocean strategy.

Table 1. Blue Ocean Concept Strategy to

The name of the researcher and the



1 Saxtoft,2008:6[4] It is a symbolic change to the new markets by the industry's early innovators and movers with no competition.

2 Baxter&lynne,2008:13[5]

It is a strategy to create new value for the organization and buyers and break the rule of swapping between low-value differentiation.

3 Loyton,2009:7[6]

It offers an ambitious message, and success depends not on fierce competition or costly marketing but on strategic moves that create value creation for organizations.

4 Peca,2009:51[7]

The Blue Ocean Strategy is a business strategy that stimulates the creation of a new market space rather than competition in existing industries.

5 Strau,2020:1[8] Organizations that create blue oceans struggle to make competitive autonomy by significantly increasing value and the organization itself.

Source: Researcher Preparation

Based on the above, the researcher believes that the concept of blue ocean strategy is one of the modern strategic management methods. It means constantly searching for markets that have not yet been discovered or new customers or management or marketing patterns and other objectives that exceed the expectations and desires of current and new customers and exceed the limits of the market, through creative


importance of blue ocean production, primarily competition in intensifying industries, and the pressure on costs and profits is increasing[2].

Here is a brief explanation of each of these dimensions:

1. Torule out. Organizations seek to exclude certain elements that the decision- maker deems unnecessary in their work, and these elements would reduce costs if excluded and not affected by the level of sale and quality, for example, excluding the sale of the organization's products in a single market location, excluding some working individuals who confuse the organization's work and are very high paid, as well as excluding some significant avoidable expenses to reduce costs for the production process

2. To shrink. In this dimension, some of the work procedures that the organization deems unnecessary are reduced and contribute to reducing costs.

For example, organizations exaggerate the services provided to customers, thereby increasing the percentage of the expenses without profit[2].

According to Al-Taie, 2009:7, not all ideas are transferable to products, whether goods or services. For economic, financial, technical, technological, social, and ethical considerations, pictures can be reduced through a logical and practical deletion process in which useless ideas are excluded. Some ideas may be good on paper but complex or urgent to implement.

3. The increase. That is, increasing some of the things that will have the ability to expand and improve the quality of the products they offer to the consumer.For example, increasing the place of sale of the organization's products and the way they are presented to these products, or increasing the level of quality in the resulting production, increasing their search for success factors to meet the needs and desires of the customer.

4. Innovation. This element deals with discovering entirely new resources for consumer value, creating new demand, and modifying the price strategy in the industry[4], as innovation is any new idea, new practice, or new expression for the individual adopted.

For example, the organization can create a distinctive brand supported by a network of processors with whom they share the same values about legitimate social, significant, and commercial responsibility.

This new brand can be adopted or placed in marketing efforts[9, 10]. Companies that succeed in finding blue oceans pursue a different strategic logic that we call value innovation.

2.2. The concept of a pioneering orientation strategy

The term leadership is used to denote creativity and innovation in various fields. It is one way to help organizations strengthen their competitive position in a complex and rapidly changing competitive environment. It is as defined as the process of combining creative and innovative ideas, procedures with crisis administrative and organizational skills to create the right individuals, money, and resources that work to meet a specific need and generate wealth from that process[11].

The organization's existence is to satisfy the needs and desires of customers and achieve the organization's goals by attaining profits. It relies on enhancing the customer's awareness of the organization's products and dealing with all the circumstances facing the organizations from examining the environment and looking for opportunities and attracting and maintaining customers now and in the future,


which is called the leading trend. Entrepreneurial-oriented organizations are characterized by their creative tendencies and risk-taking, and proactiveness.Unlike conservative organizations that are away from risk, have few creative levels, and are more afraid of the environmental trends that may affect them.Table 2 shows the opinions of a group of researchers and authors in determining the concept of entrepreneurial orientation

Table 2. The Concept of Entrepreneurship The Author, the

Year, and the Page Concept

1 UBRAN,2008:426[


A strategy based on initiative and integration of processes at the organization level to achieve success and improve the performance of organizations.

2 Baker&sinkula,200 9:447[13]

The range of operations that drive organizations to prioritize the exploitation of rare and unavailable opportunities for others and work to make profits based on the best competition centers

3 Awang


Behavior that affects the process, decision-making patterns, project management practices, and individuals leads to the organization's superior performance.

4 Bowl, 2011:73

The ability to create a new business and take the lead to take advantage of environmental opportunities and protects the risk of providing new creative products and services.

5 Revile et.al,2014:2

The strategic factor has a clear impact on the organization's survival and competition with other organizations.

Source: Researcher preparation based on the literature received

The leading trend represents the decisive and fundamental factor in the success of the organizations. Still, we cannot rely on the ultimate direction to achieve the best performance and achieve success[15]. The leading companies are specific to attain better understanding and success unless enough internal resources are exploited appropriately and reach the best performance. Sharma&Gogia [16]noted that the leading trend is the trait that defines the top company's conduct. He created a composite measure that covers the dimensions of growth and the organization's financial success. in addition to promoting innovation, flexibility, and risk considerations, the leadership orientation has impacted the development of firms and their financial success. The pioneering method may also be used to establish a regulatory framework that encourages enterprises to attain their highest possible level of performance, capacity, and sustainability through self-driven development and improvement. We can summarize the Dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation as follows:

1. Creative: It is the main element in the pioneering trend because it represents the interest of organizations in adopting and supporting new ideas that contribute to the development of products, services, or processes and procedures in the organization.

Creativity also symbolizes the organization's strategic position on environmental assessment, demonstrating its willingness to create space to create new products and identify innovative ways to discover new markets[17, 18].


2. Proactive: This is thepossibility of organizations anticipating changes that can occur in the future. The problems they face and their ability to take initiatives to address them. It means that there is a preconceived perception of the opportunities available and expected to contribute to the development of new products or services to obtain the first mobile feature or the advantage of first market entry[19].

Proactivist is one of the essential qualities of leading organizations, which involves the desire of senior management to be the first to respond to customers' needs and achieve their wishes according to a better and new.

3. Risk tolerance: Most researchers have identified the pioneer as the person who bears the brain as an advantageous feature of leadership, as risk tolerance is an essential element and a necessary condition for the entrepreneurial-oriented organization.

The organization can face two types of risks: business and financial risks, business risks, business risks, business nature, dealing with situations such as uncertainty about future sales, the cost of inputs, etc., financial risks coping with uncertainties in interest rates, exchange rates, stock prices, etc.

4. Independence: Defined as the degree to which regulatory factors (individuals, flees) can work independently, make decisions, pursue opportunities, put forward a new vision or idea, and then monitor the results to the end[20, 21].

3. Hypotheses Development and Methodology

The Blue Ocean strategy is essential for for-profit organizations to continue in the business world between symmetrical companies. We must look for new markets and consumers as a strategic goal sought by all organizations to reach it. Especially after the transformations and changes that have taken place in the world of communication and technology and the ease of movement of goods and services from one country to another. so the direct reason that It pushes business organizations to adopt a leading approach for the organization to be unique in its products to keep pace with the changes taking place in the external environment to provide. It is new and innovative to gain strength and increase its market share over its competitors and from these strategies (Blue Ocean Strategy). It can identify the problem of study through many questions:

1. Does Blue Ocean Strategy Affect Entrepreneurship

2. Does the research organization have a vision of the Blue Ocean strategy?

3. Is the research organization seeking to apply these strategies for some of its dimensions to achieve the uniqueness of the local and international market?

4. Does leadership help the organization innovate and unique in its products?

5. What is the relationship between blue ocean strategy andentrepreneurial orientation?

The increasing number of manufacturers is intensifying competition among them, and the importance of studying is increasing:

1. Apply a modern marketing strategy tothe researchfactoryto achievethe entrepreneurialorientation of the organization.

2. The Blue Ocean strategy is a modern entry point on which organizations can meet challenges and keep pace with environmental change.

3. The trend of entrepreneurs helps organizations create a new product, bring it to the market and uniqueness of the product.


4. The Blue Ocean Strategy helps identify and develop creativity among individuals working in the strategic field.

The study aims to achieve the following:

1. Apply blue ocean strategy in public and research organizations by dimensions of blue ocean strategy(increase, exclusion, innovation, downsizing)

2. Applying entrepreneurship in organizations in general and the research organization by removing leadership (risk tolerance, proactiveness, initiative, creativity)

3. The ability of the research system to turn the ideas of theentrepreneur intoprograms and activities capable of keeping up with the environmental changes to adopt them.

Fourth: The hypothesis of the study

To achieve the study's objectives, the researcher relied on the formulation of the assumptions:

The first primary hypothesis:

There is a statistically significant correlation between the Blue Ocean strategy and theleading trend.

1 There is a statistically significant correlation between the increased strategy and the indicators ofentrepreneurship.

2 There is a statistically significant correlation between the exclusion strategy and the indicators of entrepreneurialorientation.

3 There is a statistically significant correlation between the innovation strategy and the indicators of entrepreneurialorientation.

4 There is a statistically significant correlation between the reduction strategy and the indicators of entrepreneurialorientation.

The second main hypothesis:

There is a statistically significant impact related to the Blue Ocean strategy in achieving the leadingdirection,and the following emerges:

1. There is a statistically significant impact on the strategy of increasing theleadership trend.

2. There is a statistically significant impact of the exclusion strategy in the leading direction.

3. There is a statistically significant impact of innovation strategy in theentrepreneurial orientation.

4. There is a statistically significant impact of the reduction strategy in theleading direction.

The limitations of thestudy include the following:

1. Spatial boundaries: The men's clothing factory in Najaf has been selected because it is one of the productive organizations and has an interest in production fields.

2. Time limits: The study extended from 3/3/2018 to 29/4/2018.


4. The Results

Table3shows the responses of the study sample members of the staff and management of the men's clothing factory in Najaf and at the detailed level of blue ocean indicators as follows:

Table (3). Descriptive Statistics to The government has also been arithmetic medium

Standard deviation

Order of relative importance

1 X1 4.41 0.836 Second

2 X2 4.39 0.703 Third

3 X3 4.10 1.068 Fourth

4 X4 4.46 0.674 First

5 X5 3.98 0.790 Fifth

General index of after-increase 4.27 0.814

6 X6 4.41 0.631 First

7 X7 4.05 0.740 Fourth

8 X8 4.24 0.860 Second

9 X9 4.05 0.805 Fifth

10 X10 4.15 0.760 Third

General indicator of exclusion dimension 4.18 0.759

11 X11 4.17 0.946 Third

12 X12 4.29 0.680 First

13 X13 4.27 0.672 Second

14 X14 4.15 0.727 Fifth

15 X15 4.17 0.892 Fourth

General Indicator of The Dimension of Innovation

4.21 0.783

16 X16 4.24 0.663 Third

17 X17 4.07 0.905 Fifth

18 X18 4.37 0.698 First

19 X19 4.37 0.697 Second

20 X20 4.36 0.652 Fourth

General index of the dimension of downsizing

4.25 0.723

Source: Researcher preparation based on spas results

It is clear from the previous table.

1. Index increase: It is clear from the results of table (3)that the overall weighted arithmetic medium of the increasing index was (4.27) and with a standard deviation capacity (0.814). It was found that the general arithmetic medium is greater than the average measurement tool of(3). This that the indicator of increase is clear to the members of the study sample

2. Exclusion Index: It is clear from the results of table(3)that the generally weighted arithmetic medium of the exclusion index was (4.18). With a standard deviation of (0.759) and after comparing the general arithmetic medium with the hypothetical arithmetic medium of(3), it became clear that the available arithmetic medium is


greater than the hypothesis. This means that the exclusion index is clear to the members of the study sample. Based on the above, it is clear that the study sample in the company agrees on its interest in moving away from selling in one location and studying and excluding some elements in the production process that the decision-maker deems inappropriate.

3. Innovation Index: It is clear from the table (3)that the overall weighted computational medium of the innovation index reached(4.21). With a standard deviation capacity(0.783). It is clear that the general arithmetic medium is greater than the hypothesis and t. Based on the above, it is clear that the company is interested in the selection of the study and is based on encouraging innovation, especially when designing new products and the aim of the plant to continue the process of creation, especially in the production processes where innovation contributes to increasing and expanding the markets.

4. The reduction index: It is clear from the results of table(3)that the generally weighted arithmetic medium of the reduction index was (4.25) and with a standard deviation capacity (0.723). After comparing the general arithmetic medium with the hypothetical mathematical medium of(3). It became clear that the available arithmetic medium is greater than the hypothesis, and this is evidence of the maturity of the reduction index at the sample. Based on the above, the company constantly seeks to reduce the production time to reduce waste in time and reduce the amount of waste in the raw material and reduce it toa minimum.

After describing the responses of the study sample from the management and factory staff at the level of blue ocean indicators, it is necessary to determine the relative importance of each hand to choose the priorities of the sample's interest in the factory.

It also determines which indicators are more important and influential in the leading direction, and this can be clarified as in the following table:

Table (4). Order of relative importance of blue ocean indicators The main


Sub-variable arithmetic medium

Standard deviation

Order of importance Indicators

Ocean Blue

Increase index 4.27 0.814 First

Exclusion index 4.18 0.759 Fourth

Innovation Index 4.21 0.783 Third

Downsizing Index 4.25 0.723 Second

Source: Researcher preparation based on spas results

Table 4 shows the order of relative importance from the sample point of view in the factory for blue ocean indicators, where the index of increase ranked first, and the reduction index ranked second. The innovation index ranked third, and the exclusion index ranked fourth.

The decision-maker must then arrange his strategic decisions in light of these outputs and prioritize the indicators that have received the slightest attention to improve and develop them to achieve the leading direction.

In this paragraph,the analysis and presentation of the responses of the sample members to the questionnaire form related to indicators of entrepreneurial orientation and the following (risk tolerance, proactive, independence, creativity) werealso addressed. The five-year Likert scale was also used and relied on the extreme


hypothetical arithmetic medium (3), and the following are the indicators of entrepreneurial orientation:

Table (5). Computational circles and standard deviation of entrepreneurial indicators

# Variables arithmetic


Standard deviation

Order of relative importance

1 Y1 4.02 0.758 Fourth

2 Y2 4.24 0.663 First

3 Y3 3.66 0.990 Fifth

4 Y4 4.05 0.705 Third

5 Y5 4.22 0.759 Second

Overall risk-taking dimension index 4.04 0.775

6 Y6 4.46 First

7 Y7 4.22 0.745 Third

8 Y8 4.29 0.750 Second

9 Y9 4.20 0.749 Fourth

10 Y10 4.15 0.910 Fifth

General indicator of proactive dimension 4.28 0.776

11 Ey11 4.13 0.678 First

12 Y12 4.39 0.771 Al , Thanba

13 Y13 4.20 0.679 Third

14 Y14 4.12 0.714 Fourth

15 Y15 4.32 0.758 Fifth

General Indicator of Post-Independence 4.23 0.720

16 Y16 4.39 0.737 First

17 Y17 4.02 0.651 Fifth

18 Y18 4.29 0.602 Second

19 Y19 4.17 0.667 Third

20 Y20 4.17 0.834 Fourth

General Indicator of The Dimension of

Creativity 4.12 0.698

Source: Researcher preparation based on spas results

After describing the responses of the study sample of officials and staff at the Men's Clothing Factory in Najaf at the level of indicators of entrepreneurial orientation, it is necessary to determine the relative importance of each

Indicator to identify the priorities of the sample's interest in the factoryand determine which indicators are more important

It is clear from the previous table.

1. Risk tolerance index: Table 5shows that the overall arithmetic medium of the risk tolerance index (4.04) and with a standard deviation of capacity (0.775) and after comparing the general arithmetic medium with the hypothetical arithmetic medium Adult (3), it turns out that the public arithmetic medium is greater than the hypothetical arithmetic medium, which means that the majority of the sample members agree, due to the high level of awareness of the study sample because of the importance of the role played by this indicator in the field of the work of the research organization.


2. Proactive Index: Table 5shows that the overall arithmetic medium of the aggressive index was (4.26) and with a standard deviation of capacity (0.776) and after comparing the general arithmetic medium with the hypothetical arithmetic medium of 3, It turns out that the public arithmetic medium is greater than the hypothetical mathematical medium (3) and this confirms the agreement of the majority of the members of the sample on the availability of paragraphs of this indicator, and this is due to the high level of awareness of the study sample to the importance of the role played by this indicator in the field of the work of the research organization.

3. Independence Index: Table 5shows that the overall arithmetic medium of the proactive index was (4.23) and with a standard deviation of capacity (0.720) and after comparing the general arithmetic medium with the extreme hypothetical arithmetic medium (0.720) 3). It turns out that the public arithmetic medium is larger than the 3-. It indicates the homogeneity of the sample answers and the clarity of the questions they have. Based on the above, it is clear that the company can solve and address the problems that occur and enter new markets.

4. Innovation Index: Table 5shows that the overall arithmetic medium of the proactive index was (4.21) and with a standard deviation of capacity (0.698) and after comparing the general arithmetic medium with the hypothetical mathematical medium of 3, It turns out that the public arithmetic medium is greater than the 3-year hypothetical arithmetic medium, which means that most of the sample members agree, due to the high level of awareness of the study sample due to the importance of the role played by this indicator in the field of the work of the research organization.

After describing the responses of the study sample of officials and staff at the level of indicators of entrepreneurial orientation. It is necessary to determine the relative importance of each hand to choose the priorities of the sample's interest in the factory and to identify any indicators that are more important and influential in the leading direction, and this can be explained as in the following table:

Table (6). Ranking of the relative importance of indicators of entrepreneurial orientation The main


Sub-variable arithmetic medium

Standard drift Order of importance

Indicators Entrepreneurial


Bearing indicator


4.04 0.775 Fourth

Proactive index 4.26 0.776 First

Initiative Index 4.23 0.720 Second

Creativity Index 4.21 0.698 Third

Source: Researcher preparation based on spas results

It is clear from table 6that the order of relative importance from the point of view of the sample in the factory for indicators of leading orientation where the proactive index ranked first, and the index carrying the initiative ranked second. While the creativity index ranked third and the risk tolerance index ranked fourth. On the above, the decision-maker must prioritize the indicators that have received less importance than the sample answer to take care of them and identify ways to contribute to the success of the pioneering trend when adopting the Blue Ocean strategy.


This paragraph focuses on measuring the correlations between blue ocean variables and leading orientation variables through the central hypothesis and sub-hypotheses contained in the study. Spearman and the use of the test were used to test the

significance of the correlation transactions.

To test and prove the central hypothesis, it is necessary to test the four ideas emanating from the centralpremise:

1. Test the first hypothesis:

To establish the validity of the first hypothesis or not, the following statistical assumptions will first be tested:

- The idea of nothingness(HO):The lack of statistically significant correlation between the increase strategy

and indicators of entrepreneurial orientation.

- The hypothesis of existence (H1):There is a statistically significant correlation between the increased strategy and the indicators of entrepreneurial orientation.

- It can be explained whether the hypothesis is accepted or not, depending on the following table of calculator outputs and based on the program(SPSS V20)as follows:

Table 7. Results of correlation between the strategy index and the indicators of entrepreneurial orientation

Adopted variable Independent variable

Entrepreneurial orientation

Indicators of entrepreneurial orientation

Level of significant Carrying

the locomotive

proactive Initiative Creativity Increase


Index 0.738** 0.349* 0.398* 0.245* 0.375* %5 %1

(t) 2.021 2.704


(t) Accept the first sub-hypothesis

Degree of confidence

The result %95 %99

Source: Researcher preparation based on spas results

It is clear from the results contained in Table 7, the existence of a positive significant correlation and statistical significance at the level of righteous (&= 1%) between the index of increase strategy and indicators of entrepreneurialorientation, where the overall correlation (0.738), which supports the calculated value (t) of(2.704). It is greater than the level of extreme significant 2.021 At the level of significantity (%1), it is noted that there is a strong relationship between the strategy of increase of (0.398*) and it does not stray much from the rest of the variables of the leading orientation as the severity of the relationship is close, which indicates the acceptance of the hypothesis of nothingness (HI). the rejection of the alternative hypothesis (HO), i.e., the result is accepted with a degree of confidence of (99%). Accordingly, there is interest from the men's clothing factory management and workers in Najaf with the increased strategy indicator.


2. Sub-hypothesis II:

- The hypothesis of nothingness (HO):There is no statistically significant correlation between the exclusion strategy and the trends of the entrepreneurial orientation.

- The Hypothesis of Existence (HI): D has crowned a statistically significant correlation between exclusion strategy and leading orientation indicators.

This can be explained in the following table, which shows correlations between the strategyExclusion, entrepreneurial indicators, andcalculated(t)values.

Table 8. Results of correlation relationships between exclusion strategy index and leading trend indicators

Adopted variable Independent variable

Entrepr eneurial orientat


Indicators of entrepreneurial orientation

Level of significant Carryin

g the locomoti



e Initiative Creativit y Increase Strategy

Index 0.632** 0.422** 0.607** 0.595** 0.593** %5 %1

value (t) 2.021 2.704

Significance (t)

Acceptance of the second sub-hypothesis

The result %95 %99

Source: Researcher preparation based on spas results

It is clear from the results contained in table8of the previous the existence of a significant positive correlation and statistical significance at the level of significant (&= %1) between the exclusion strategy index and the indicators of entrepreneurial orientation. The overall correlation (0.632***) was supported by the value(t)calculated and the adult (0.632**), 2.704). It is higher than the level of significance of (2.021) at the level of significant (1%),and it is noted that there is a strong relationship between the strategy of exclusion and risk tolerance as it reached (0.422**) and is not far from the rest of the variables of the irrigation orientation AD if the severity of the relationship is close. Here the alternative hypothesis (HI) will be accepted, and the assumption of nothingness(HO)will be rejected, i.e., the result is obtained with a degree of confidence of (99%)

3. Sub-hypothesis 3:

- The lack of statistically significant correlation between innovation strategy and entrepreneurial orientation indicators.

- The premise of existence(HI) has culminated in a statistically significant correlation between innovation strategy and leading trends.

This can be explained in Table 9,which shows correlations between innovation strategy, entrepreneurial orientation indicators, and calculated(t) values.


Table (9). correlation between innovation strategy index and leading trend indicators Adopted


Independent variable

Crowned, Leading

Indicators of the pioneeringcrowning

Level of significant Carrying

the locomotive

proactive Initiative Creativity Increase Strategy

Index 0.894** 0.703** 0.757** 0.651** 0.581** %5 %5

(t) value 2.021 2.704

Sign (t)

Acceptance of the third sub-hypothesis

Degree of confidence

The result %95 %99

Source: Researcher preparation based on spas results

It is clear from the results contained intable9of theprevious, the existence of a significant positive correlation and statistical significance at the level of significant (&= %1) between the innovation strategy index and the indicators of entrepreneurial orientation,where the overall correlation (0.894**)reached, that the value supports this (t)calculated and extreme (2.704) which is higher than the level of significance of (2.021) at the level of significant (1%). It is noted that there is a strong relationship between innovation strategy and creativity, reaching (0.581**) and is not far from the rest of the variables of the leading orientation as the severity of the relationship is close. This confirms the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis and the rejection of the idea of nothingness. The connection can be explained by the fact that the employees and management of the men's clothing factory in Najaf are interested in the innovation strategy and are essential pillars to achieve the leading direction.

4. Sub-hypothesis 4:

- The hypothesis of nothingness(HO): There is no statistically significant correlation between the reduction strategy and the indicators of entrepreneurial orientation.

- H-Hypothesis: D has culminated in a statistically significant correlation between the reduction strategy and the indicators of entrepreneurial orientation.

This can be explained in Table10,which shows the correlations between innovation strategy, entrepreneurial indicators,and calculated values(t).

Table 10. correlation between the reduction strategy index and the indicators of entrepreneurial orientation

Adopted variable Independent variable

Entrepreneurial orientation

Indicators of entrepreneurial orientation

Level of significant Carrying

the locomotive

proactive Initiative Creativity Increase

Strategy Index - 0.105 0.584** 0.655** 0.525** 0.420** %5 %1

(t) Value 2.021 2.704

sign (t)

Acceptance of the fourth sub-hypothesis

Degree of confidence

The result %95 %99

Source: Researcher preparation based on spas results


It is clear from the results contained in table10of the previous the existence of a significant negative correlation and statistical significance at the level of significance (==5) between the reduction strategy indexes. The indicators of leading orientation, where the total correlation(-0.105), that the calculated value supports this (t) The figure (2.704) is higher than the significant level of 2.021 at the level of significance(5%). It is noted that there is a strong relationship between the strategy of reduction and creativity, which reached 0.420 and did not stray much from the rest of the variables of the leading orientation as the severity of the relationship is close. This confirms the rejection of the premise of nothingness and the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis. The connection can be explained by the fact that there is little interest on the part of the research company in the downsizing strategy. This is reflected in the indicators of entrepreneurship, i.e., if the reduction strategy is used will lead the organization to achieve entrepreneurship. And with a 95% confidence

Table 11. Relationships between blue ocean strategy and entrepreneurial orientation Adopted variable

Independent variable


orientation T vale Significant(t) level Ocean Strategy

Blue 0.200* 2.704 2.021

Result (decision) Statistics)

There is a correlation and statistical significance between the two variables, positive and robust, at

level 5%

Degree of confidence

%95 Source: Researcher preparation based on spas results

It is clear from the above results in a table (11)that there is a positive relationship of significant significance between the blue ocean strategy and the leading orientation, as the link between them (0.200*). The calculated value(t)(2.704) is greater than the level of significance of 2.021, which indicates acceptance of the hypothesis(HI)and the rejection of the ideaof nothingness(HO), i.e., a correlation between the blue ocean strategy and the pioneeringorientation.

From the above, it is clear that the interest of the management and staff of the study community in the Blue Ocean strategy contributes to achieving the leading trend on other companies, factories, and institutions.

Once our main and subsidiary hypothesis has been established, it is possible to clarify the order of the link force for the value of spearman as described in table (12)thefollowing:

Table 12. The order of correlation between blue ocean strategy and entrepreneurial orientation

Entrepreneurship Order

Increase strategy 0.738** Second

Exclusion strategy 0.632** Third

Innovation Strategy 0.894** First

Downsizing Strategy - 0.105* Fourth

Source: Researcher preparation based on spas results

Through the table above, it became clear that the innovation strategy came first, and then came the process of increase in the second place. Then the process of exclusion came in third place while the process of downsizing came in fourthplace.


5. Conclusions and Discussion

It turns out that the research organization has knowledge and knowledge of the practice of the Blue Ocean strategy. Nonetheless, it does not result in a theoretical or practical application.It turns out that the organization is interested in increasing by multiple places of sale and increasing it to increase market share.It has been found that the Organization has an interest in the exclusion strategy by excluding some aspects of the unnecessary production process and excluding operational expenses that lead to the inflation of the final cost.It turns out that the organization has a great interest in innovation strategy, especially when designing new products and creating new markets, where it came first in terms of correlational strength.It turns out that the organization has little interest in the downsizing strategy and has received less attention than other strategies, ranking fourth in terms of correlational strength.The Blue Ocean Strategy contributes to adding innovative value with little cost to the research organization if it adopts this strategy.It turns out that there is a solid positive significant correlation between the increase strategy and the proactive index, which indicates that the company has the knowledge and broad knowledge to be one of the leading organizations in introducing new products.It turns out that there is a solid positive significant correlation between the exclusion strategy and the risk tolerance index, which shows that the organization can ascertain and seize new opportunities.It turns out that there is a solid positive significant correlation between innovation strategy and innovation index, which shows that the organization can innovate in its field.It turns out that there is a significant negative correlation between the downsizing strategy and the proactive index, which shows that the organization does not have the appropriate efficiency to reduce inappropriate elements.In light of the study's conclusions, a series of recommendations will be formulated, including; The need to apply the Blue Ocean strategy, especially in organizations that seek to achieve the leading direction on other organizations.The organization that wants to implement this strategy should considercombining this strategy, which consists of four primary cells (increase, exclusion, innovation, downsizing), and be enough with the reality of the research organization.The organization's management should take care of the innovation strategy and encourage it among individuals working in production and marketing and urge them to present ideas that will achieve the leading direction. The need to take care of the strategy of increase by; Search for new and multiple markets.

Use advanced methods to display products to increase sales. The need to focus on the blue ocean downsizing strategy by; Reducing production time to reduce waste intime.

Reducing unnecessary expenses. Reduce internal and external errors in the quality of its products. Focus on the blue ocean exclusion strategy by; You will exclude reliance on sale in one location.You will keep out unnecessary expenses.You are going to keep some salesmen who have notproven successful. Some machines and machines that are unnecessary for the production process will be removed. Finally, The need to apply these strategies according to priorities by conducting a thorough study and knowing whichmethod needs to be used effectively before other systems and the need for approach may change from time to time and according to leadership.



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