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View of Management Skills and Job Commitment Perceived by Workers in a Municipality of Peru in Times of Covid-19


Academic year: 2022

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Management Skills and Job Commitment Perceived by Workers in a Municipality of Peru in Times of Covid-19

Miryam Lora Loza1,Ronny Vizcarra Silvestre1,JoséCabrejo Paredes2, David Rodríguez Díaz3, Tomas Rodríguez Beas1, Yuri Vilca Bejarano4, DannyVillegas


1Postgraduate School, Universidad César Vallejo, Trujillo, Peru.

2Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Peru.

3School of Medicine, Universidad César Vallejo, Trujillo, Peru.

4Medicine School. Universidad César Vallejo. Trujillo,Peru.

5Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Jaén, Cajamarca, Peru.

*Corresponding author: [email protected] ABSTRACT

The objective of research was determining relationship between management competences of trusted public manager and labor commitment received byworkers of DistrictMunicipality of Pocollay, Peru in Covid-19 times. Research was descriptive - correlational in a cross-sectional design. Population was total number of workers of DistrictMunicipality of Pocollay (DMP) made up of 84 people. A census sample was used.

Likert-scalequestionnaireswereused. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and Spearman's range correlation. Results showed 51.2% of municipal workers perceive that management skills in their public managers show a high level relative to work commitment shown at an average level. An average level of worker engagement and its dimensions were evident, affective commitment, regulatory commitment and a high level of continuity commitment. A moderate and significant positive relationship was observed betweenperception of managementcompetences (GCc) of public manager in their results- oriented dimensions (OR) and teamwork (TE) with labor commitment (CL) of workers. A moderate and weak positive relationshipbetweenpublicmanager'sperception of GCc in hisvocation of service (VS) dimension with the CL was evident.

Keywords: Competence, commitment, pandemic, perception.


International Labour Organization (ILO), like many other organizations, has been relatively affected by current developments being caused by COVID-19, setting clear objectives different countries must take into account in order to improve quality of employability in different regions of world, this organization ensures employment will have to be decent for men and women around the world taking into account this problem at the global level, this being the agenda to be addressed in all participating countries in Europe and Latin America as proposed in its Centennial Declaration Convention 182. The success factor for addressing different problems in organizations provide service to public are fostering of managerial competencies in their managers, in a global scenario that has been modified, and processes of continuous improvement in capacities of their workers are a way to obtain commitments and goals posed by the public organization (Sánchez et al., 2020).

In this sense, Gonzales, (2019), points out management skills are an interpretation of talent, conduct and skills to face positions in different organizations, contributing to performance of their activities and functions for benefit of the institution where it exercises its responsibilities". Likewise, Díaz et al. (2018) mention that management skills, is the direct approach to improve professional, personal and institutional performance since over time and projection of continuous improvement in the organization are shown new demands for


conduct of a human group with technical and professional skills, requiring managers with optimal and adequate competencies focused on their actions within objectives that were entrusted for their fulfillment. Ontheotherhand, Chinchay (2018) conceptualizesmanagementcompetencies as "individual characteristics are perceived during job performance, and are identified by SERVIR where knowledge, skills and qualities differentiate a competitive manager in an organization". In addition, other authorsspecialized in subject, such as Quispe &Huarancca, (2018) take as a reference that management competencies are academic, personal and professional capacities achieve during experience and continuous training effectiveness in planning and control of an organization to achieve specific objectives.

In the same way labor commitment shows us theoreticalconcepts of specialistswhere Bayona et al. (2000) conceptualize in general variable organizational commitment in different terms that relate to the affective approach to organization and costs the associated workers manage to receive to leave the organization. Therefore, 3 perspectives of variable engagement, affective, continuity and regulatory jumped. Unlike Dolores& Jaya, (2018) they define that labor commitment is the budget allocation to each employee's psychological profile, which will be evaluated for the way they stay, talk and contribute to their organization which determines the identification degree of the employee with company and above all motivation level employee has in engaging with objectives of institution in which he works. From another point of view Anahuac& Pérez (2018) define labor commitment as a position where employee identifies with organization especially with the objectives, goals and above all wants to continue in organization as one of its members. In this sense, general objective of this research is determining relationship between the management competences of the trusted public manager and labor commitment perceived byworkers of DistrictMunicipality of Pocollay in Covid-19 times, in the city of Tacna, Peru in 2021.


Researchwas non-experimental, transceccional of correlationaltype. Research wasdeveloped at Municipality of Pocollay, Tacna in Peru. Study population was 84 workers hired in different modalities. Study variables were management characteristics and their characteristic dimensions: results orientation, vocation of service, teamwork, as well as variable labor commitment and its characteristic dimensions: affective commitment, commitment to continuity, normative commitment. Criteria for inclusion were: workers who carry out their administrative activities directly at headquarters of the municipality, their work relates to public attention and that shows employment relationship with the municipality. Sample was 84 workers (census sample).

Statistical description of variables was used for data analysis using dual-input frequency tables. Spearman's rank correlation was used to establish the degree of relationship between managerial competencies and work commitment.


Table 1 shows 51.2% of municipal workers at Covid-19 times perceive management skills in their public managers show a high level relative to variable labor commitment shown at an average level.

Table 1. Management skills and labor commitment received by workers from a municipality in Peru in Covid-19 times.

Management Competences

Labor Commitment


Nº %

Low Nº %

Medium Nº %

High Nº %


Low 1 1,2 0 0,0 0 0,0 1 1,2

Medium 0 0,0 12 14,3 1 1,2 13 15,5

High 0 0,0 43 51,2 27 32,1 70 83,3

Total 1 1,2 55 65,5 28 33,3 84 100

Table 2 shows 83.3% of staff of municipality perceive a high level of managerial competence in trusted public manager. Similarly, 73.8% perceive a high level in their results-oriented dimension, 91.7% receive a vocation of high service and only 71.4% of workers receive teamwork. Which leads us to understand workers perceive a high level of management skills public managers show in their performance and so respectively for each dimension as shown in table 2, mentioning that in the dimension teamwork it slightly exceeds 71.4% by placing it on a high scale slightly, which leads us to interpret perception is not being perceived in its entirety by the staff in charge of public managers called trusted managers by the municipality.

Table 1. Perception of management skills in workers in a municipality in Peru in Covid-19 times.

Perception of management competencies

Management skills dimensions Results


Vocation of service


N.º % N.º % N.º % N.º %

Low 1 1.2 1 1.2 1 1.2 0 0.0

Medium 13 15.5 21 25.0 6 7.1 24 28.6

High 70 83.3 62 73.8 77 91.7 60 71.4

Total 84 100.0 84 100.0 84 100.0 84 100.0

Table 3 shows 65.5% of municipal staffmaintainanaveragelevel of labourcommitment, similarly 66.7% show an average level of Affective Commitment, 53.6% reflect a high Continuity Commitment and 40.5% an average level and 57.1% of workers responded that they maintain an average regulatory commitment to institution. This also leads us to understand commitment level shown by workers with respect to their employment commitment to entity where it clearly shows 65.5% located at an average level of commitment to its activities, leading us to analyze the dimensions such as affective and normative commitment located at an average level and that of continuity at a high level with 53.6% in a slight way where 40.5% is located at the average level which would lead us interpret there is a large part of staff who do not want continue working or are looking better opportunities than institution offers.

Table 2 Level of labor commitment in workers in a municipality in Peru in Covid-19 times.

Level of labor commitment

Dimensions of labor commitment Affective


Continuity commitment

Regulatory commitment

N.º % N.º % N.º % N.º %

Low 1 1.2 4 4.8 5 6.0 16 19.0

Medium 55 65.5 56 66.7 34 40.5 48 57.1

High 28 33.3 24 28.6 45 53.6 20 23.8

Total 84 100.0 84 100.0 84 100.0 84 100.0


Table 4 shows that 42.9% of workers in theDistrictMunicipality of Pocollay in Covid-19 times. Tacna, 2021 perceive that management competencies in its public managers in their Results Orientation dimension show a high level relative to the variable Labor Commitment at an average level.

Table 3 Relationship between perception of management skills in their results-oriented dimension with labor commitment in workers of a municipality in Peru in Covid-19 times.

Orientation to result Labor commitment


Nº %

Low Nº %

Medium Nº %

High Nº %

Low 1 1,2 0 0,0 0 0,0 1 1,2

Medium 0 0,0 19 22,6 2 2,4 21 25,0

High 0 0,0 36 42,9 26 31,0 62 73,8

Total 1 1,2 55 65,5 28 33,3 84 100

Table 5 shows 59.5% of workers in DistrictMunicipality of Pocollay in times of Covid-19 in Tacna, 2021 perceive that management competencies in its public managers in Vocation of Services dimension show a high level in relation to variable Labor Commitment at an average level.

Table 4.Relationship between the perception of management skills in its dimension Vocation of service with the labor commitment in workers of a municipality of Peru in Covid-19 times.

Vocation of service

Labor Commitment

Total Nº % Low

Nº %

Medium Nº %

High Nº %

Low 1 1,2 0 0,0 0 0,0 1 1,2

Medium 0 0,0 5 6,0 1 1,2 6 7,1

High 0 0,0 50 59,5 27 32,1 77 91,7

Total 1 1,2 55 65,5 28 33,3 84 100

Table 6 shows 41.7% of workers in DistrictMunicipality of Pocollay in times of Covid-19 in Tacna, 2021 perceive that management competencies in its public managers in Teamwork dimension show a high level in relation to variable Labor Commitment at a medium level.

Table 5Relationship between the perception of management skills in their teamwork dimension with the labor commitment in workers of a municipality in Peru in Covid-19 times.


Labor commitment

Total Nº % Low

Nº %

Medium Nº %

High Nº %

Medium 1 1,2 20 23,8 3 3,6 24 28,6

High 0 0,0 35 41,7 25 29,8 60 71,4

Total 1 1,2 55 65,5 28 33,3 84 100

In Table 7, Spearman's range correlation test indicates a moderate positive ratio (r=0.287) and significance (p < 0.05) of management skills and work commitment. This suggests municipal staff perceive management skills in their senior managers at a high level, while labor commitment is perceived at an average level. On the other hand, Spearman's correlation test


shows there is a moderate positive relationship (r =0.337) and significance (p < 0.05) between results-oriented dimension and labor engagement. Similarly, there is a moderate positive relationship (r=0.299) between teamwork dimension and the work commitment.

However, a moderate and non-significant positive relationship (p > 0.05) was evident between service valuation dimension and employment commitment. This suggests there is a high level of perception of municipal workers in the result-oriented dimension of variable managerial competences of their public managers, perception of workers in face of teamwork dimension is at a high level, perception of workers in face of service vocation dimension of variable managerial competences is shown at a high level but these results are at an average level with respect to labor commitment.

Table 7. Relationship between management skills and labor commitment received by workers in a municipality in Peru in times of Covid-19.

Management competencies

Work commitment Spearman’s rank correlation

Coefficient P value

0,287 0.008


Results orientation 0,337 0.002

Vocation of service 0,179 0,102

Teamwork 0,299 0.006


In relation to management skills and work commitment; results of research are similar to those reported by Chávez et al., (2015), Chinchay, (2018), Gonzales & Vilca (2018) and M.

Gonzales, (2019) where correlation between managerial competencies and job performance show a strong correlation positive indicating the variables are oriented to a result with the job performance in an institution being developed by managers, allowing to adapt to new conditions as required by the objectives. Otherwise they show ustheresults of Araujo &Toro (2018) where they determine management competencies and the organizational climate are important in organizations. Where managers and teams in their entirety showed high percentages of development, performance and competencies in organizations, this because organization shows actions for workers’ benefit to promote identity of each member with their institution managing to reduce certain risks could affect specific objectives of organization.

The high level of management competences and their dimension’s orientation to results and teamwork, perceived by workers of municipality with regard to their public managers trusted in Covid-19 times, in addition to vocation dimension of service perceived at a high level, evidence that officials and workers in municipality after first year of pandemic are aligned in achieving objectives for benefit of institution. In this regard we notice a high perception by the human group working in that institution, this has a very closerelationshipwithresultsshownbyChinchay (2018) which in hisresearch shows us workers of districtmunicipality of Miguel Checa show a highlevel of perception in management competences and their dimensions. Otherwise ithappenswithwhat Gonzales & Vilca (2018) demonstrates in researchto perceive managementskills in districtmunicipality of Yurawhere a lowlevel is obtained, this suggests levels of perception in municipalities with respect to management competences prior to pandemic are shown in a variable range of low to medium and high, where the level of perception is moderate, understanding what the level of perception of such a variable would be before covid-19 in the municipality. That is why, what Balboa (2017) raised in a similar study conducted before pandemic, where the level of


perception by workers in front of their public managers is 51.5% and shows that it is regularly sufficient, 33.8% is sufficient and 14.7% is insufficient which leads to determination that level of perception of management skills before Covid-19 is at a medium level and manifests itself weakly in municipality.

Themoderateaveragelevel of labourcommitmentperceivedbymost workers and in their dimensions of affective commitment, regulatory commitment, in addition to moderate high level of continuity commitment dimension, shows public workers and managers do not show a high level of commitment to municipality in Covid-19 times, this could be explained by institution's lack of attention to its workers during Covid-19. The oppositeispointedoutby Hernández Espino (2018) who determines thelevel of organizational commitment of workers and managers to Provincial Municipality of Chincha ishigh and manifestsitself considerably with 64.4% demonstrating there is a cut of interest on part of the institution towards its staff and we interpret that during the time of social isolation in 2020 workers perceived a possible disinterest and lack of concern on part of municipality towards their workers.


Municipallityworkersperceivethat management competences and their characteristic dimensions; orientation to results, vocation of service and teamwork of trusted public manager of municipality in Covid-19 times at a high level. An average level of worker engagement and its dimensions were evident, affective commitment, regulatory commitment and a high level of continuity commitment. A moderate and significant positive relationship was observed between the perception of management competences (MC) of public manager in their results- oriented dimensions (RO) and teamwork (TW) with labor commitment (LC) of workers. A moderate and weak positive relationshipbetweenpublicmanager'sperception of GCc in hisvocation of service (VS) dimension with LC was evident.


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