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Split equality variational inequality problems for pseudomonotone mappings in Banach spaces


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DOI: 10.24193/subbmath.2021.1.13

Split equality variational inequality problems for pseudomonotone mappings in Banach spaces

Oganeditse A. Boikanyo and Habtu Zegeye

Dedicated to Professor Gheorghe Moro¸sanu on the occasion of his 70th anniversary.

Abstract. A new algorithm for approximating solutions of the split equality varia- tional inequality problems (SEVIP) for pseudomonotone mappings in the setting of Banach spaces is introduced. Strong convergence of the sequence generated by the proposed algorithm to a solution of the SEVIP is then derived without assuming the Lipschitz continuity of the underlying mappings and without prior knowledge of operator norms of the bounded linear operators involved. In ad- dition, we provide several applications of our method and provide a numerical example to illustrate the convergence of the proposed algorithm. Our results im- prove, consolidate and complement several results reported in the literature.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010):47H09, 47J20, 65K15, 47J05, 90C25.

Keywords:Pseudomonotone mapping, split equality variational inequality prob- lem, strong convergence, variational inequality.

1. Introduction

Let K be a nonempty, closed and convex subset of a real Hilbert space H, and T :C →H be a nonlinear mapping. The variational inequality problem (VIP), first introduced by Stampacchia [31] and Fichera [19] in 1964, is a problem that consist of finding an elementx ∈C such that hT x, y−xi ≥ 0 for all y ∈ C. For a nonlinear mappingT :C→H, we denote the solution of the VIP byV I(C, T) if it is nonempty. It is known thatxsolves the VIP if and only ifxis a fixed point of the map PC(I−λT) :C →C. Variational inequality problems have been studied extensively by several authors, thanks to their relevance in various applications in areas such as mechanics, physics, engineering, convex programming and control theory. Among these studies, VIPs for continuous and pseudomonotone maps will be of particular interest to us. Let us remember that if T is continuous and pseudomonotone, then V I(C, T) is closed and convex [26]. In [30, 33, 34], the authors studied algorithms for


solving uniformly continuous and weakly sequentially continuous pseudomonotone VIPs in Hilbert spaces. The distinctive feature of the algorithms constructed and analyzed in [33, 34] is mainly on the different Armijo-type line search rules used. For further reading on the VIP, particularly iterative methods for finding solutions of VIPs, the interested reader is referred to articles [2, 7, 10, 21–23, 25, 29, 38, 41], and their references.

Let K1 and K2 be nonempty, closed and convex subsets of real Hilbert spaces H1 and H2, respectively. Also let A : H1 → H3 and B : H2 → H3 be bounded linear mappings, whereH3 is another real Hilbert space. Consider two nonlinear mappings T : H1 → H1 and S : H2 → H2. The split equality variational inequality problem (SEVIP) is formulated as a problem of finding:

(x, y)∈K1×K2 such that (x, y)∈V I(K1, T)×V I(K2, S) andAx=By. (1.1) The SEVIP is quite general and it includes as special cases, split equality zero point problem (see, [18]), common solutions of the variational inequality problem [12], com- mon zeros of mappings [16], split equality feasibility problem [27], has been studied extensively by many authors and applied to solving many real life problems such as in modelling intensity-modulated radiation therapy treatment planning [8, 9], modelling of inverse problems arising from phase retrieval, and in sensor networks in comput- erised tomography and data compression [5, 17].

If, in (1.1), we considerH2=H3, andB =I, the identity mapping onH2, the SEVIP reduces to the split varitional inequality problem (SVIP) that was recently introduced by Censoret al.[10]. The SVIP consists of finding:

(x, y)∈K1×K2 such that (x, y)∈V I(K1, T)×V I(K2, S) andy=Ax, (1.2) that is, the SVIP constitutes a pair of VIPs, which have to be solved so that the image y=Ax, under a given bounded linear operatorAof the solutionxof the VIP inH1, is a solution of another VIP in another spaceH2. In Moudafi [27], it was noted that the SVIP generalizes the split fixed point problem, split variational inequality problem, split zero point problem and split feasibility problem (see also [3, 4, 6, 13–15, 35, 40], and the references therein). Many of the results cited above were obtained in the setting of real Hilbert spaces. In [11], Censoret al.studied an iterative algorithm that approximates a solution of the SVIP for a monotone mapping in Hilbert spaces and proved weak convergence results of the algorithm. In [6], Byrne et al.constructed a scheme which approximates the solution of the SVIP for monotone type mappings in Hilbert spaces and proved weak and strong convergence results of the scheme under certain assumptions.

Motivated by the work of Censoret al.[11], Byrneet al.[6] and Thonget al [33], we introduce and study a new algorithm for solving the SEVIP for uniformly continu- ous and weakly sequentially continuous pseudomonotone mappings in the setting of Banach spaces. Strong convergence of the proposed algorithm is proved under mild assumptions and without prior knowledge of operator norms of bounded linear map- pings involved. Some applications of the main results are also provided. A numerical example is given to illustrate the convergence of the proposed algorithm. Our results improve, consolidate and complement several results in the literature.


2. Preliminaries

Let E be a reflexive, strictly convex and smooth Banach space and let C be a nonempty, closed and convex subset of E. Consider the function φ : E×E → R, introduced by Alber [1], defined by

φ(y, x) =||y||2−2hy, J xi+||x||2, forx, y∈E, (2.1) whereJ :E→E is thenormalized duality mappingdefined by

J x:={x∈E:hx, xi=||x||2,||x||=||x||},∀x∈E.

It is known that ifE is uniformly smooth, then J is uniformly norm to norm con- tinuous on each bounded subset ofE (see, [32]). Furthermore, if Eis a reflexive and strictly convex Banach space with a strictly convex dual, thenJ−1 is a duality map- ping from E into E which satisfies J J−1 = IE and J−1J = IE (see, [32]). The generalized projection mapping, introduced by Alber [1], is a mapping ΠC :E →C that assigns an arbitrary pointx∈E to the minimizer, ¯x, ofφ(., x) overC.

Lemma 2.1. [1] Let C be a nonempty, closed and convex subset of a real reflex- ive, strictly convex, and smooth Banach space E and let x∈ E. Then φ(y,ΠCx) + φ(ΠCx, x)≤φ(y, x)for all y∈C.

Lemma 2.2. [20] Let E be a real smooth and uniformly convex Banach space and let (xn)and(yn)be two sequences inE. If either(xn)or(yn)is bounded andφ(xn, yn)→ 0 asn→ ∞, thenxn−yn→0, asn→ ∞.

Lemma 2.3. [1]LetCbe a convex subset of a real smooth Banach spaceE. Letx∈E.

Thenx0= ΠCxif and only if hz−x0, JEx−JEx0i ≤0,∀z∈C.

Consider the functionV :E×E→R, studied by Alber [1], defined by V(x, x) =kxk2−2hx, xi+kxk2, for allx∈E andx∈E.

Lemma 2.4. [1]Let E be reflexive, strictly convex and smooth Banach space with E as its dual. Then for allx∈E andx, y∈E,

V(x, x) + 2hJE−1x−x, yi ≤V(x, x+y).

Lemma 2.5. [28] If E is a smooth Banach space and {ti} ∈(0,1) with PN

i=1ti = 1, then


z, JE−1XN






tiφ(z, xi).

Lemma 2.6. [37]Let(an)be a sequence of nonnegative real numbers such thatan+1≤ (1−βn)annδn, for all n ≥ 1, where (βn) ⊂ (0,1) and (δn) ⊂ R satisfying



βn=∞, andlim sup


δn ≤0. Then, lim

n→∞an= 0.

Lemma 2.7. [24] Let (an) be a sequence of real numbers such that there exists a subsequence (ni) of (n) such that ani < ani+1 for all i ∈ N. Then there exists a nondecreasing sequence (mk) ⊂N such that mk → ∞ and max{amk, ak} ≤amk+1. In fact, mk= max{j≤k:aj< aj+1}.


Lemma 2.8. [39]LetEbe a reflexive and smooth real Banach space. Then, there exists α >0such that hx−y, JEx−JEyi ≥α||x−y||2 for allx, y∈E.

Lemma 2.9. [36] Let E be a reflexive and smooth real Banach space. Then for each x, y∈E, we have φ(y, x)≥ 12||x−y||2.

Lemma 2.10. LetCbe a closed and convex set in a reflexive real Banach spaceE,hbe a real-valued function on E, and K be the set {x∈C :h(x)≤0}. If K is nonempty andhis Lipschitz continuous onC with constantL >0, then

φ(x,ΠKx)≥ 1

2L2(h(x))2, for all x∈C. (2.2) Proof. Clearly (2.2) holds for all x∈K. Hence, it suffices to show that (2.2) holds for every x ∈ C\K. Let x ∈ C but x /∈ K. Since K is closed, there exists y ∈ K such that φ(x, y) = φ(x,ΠKx). It follows from the Lipschitz continuity of h that

|h(x)−h(y)| ≤Lkx−yk. Sincex /∈K andy ∈K, we have h(x)>0 andh(y)≤0.

Thus, from Lemma 2.9, we have

h(x)≤h(x)−h(y) =|h(x)−h(y)| ≤L||x−y|| ≤L

2φ(x,ΠKx)12 ,

and hence the conclusion follows.

Definition 2.11. LetT :C→E be a mapping. ThenT is called

(a) sequentially weakly continuous on C if for each sequence (xn) ⊆ C converging weakly tox∈C, the sequence (Axn) converges weakly toAx;

(b) monotone ifhx−y, T x−T yi ≥0 for eachx, y∈C;

(c) pseudomonotone onC if for allx, y∈C,

hy−x, T xi ≥0 implies hy−x, T yi ≥0. (2.3) Remark 2.12. In [30], Shehuet al. asserted that using the Monte-Carlo approach, it can be shown that the mapT :R2→R2 defined by

T(x, y) =

x2+ (y−1)2

(1 +y),−x3−x(y−1)2

is pseudomonotone onR2. The correctness of this method/approach in verifying pseu- domonotonicity of an operator is questionable. We claim that there could still be a pair of points, say (x, y),(u, v)∈R2, such that the implication (2.3) does not hold.

Indeed, (2.3) fails to hold for a pair of points (0,1) and (−1,2) in R2, as shown by simple computations below

hT(0,1),(−1,2)−(0,1)i= 0≥0 and hT(−1,2),(−1,2)−(0,1)i=−4<0.

Example 2.13. Let the mapS:R2→R2be defined by S(x, y) =

x2+ 1 + (y−1)2

(1 +y),−x3−x

1 + (y−1)2 . Claim 1:S is not monotone. Indeed, for the pair (1,0) and (−1,−1), we have


Claim 2:Sis pseudomonotone. To this end, we assume thathS(x, y),(u, v)−(x, y)i ≥0 is true for each pair (x, y),(u, v)∈R2. This means that

x2+ 1 + (y−1)2

(1 +y)(u−x) +


1 + (y−1)2



which implies that

x2+ 1 + (y−1)2

[u+uy−x−xv]≥0 for all (x, y),(u, v)∈R2. Therefore,u(1 +y)−x(1 +v)≥0 for all (x, y),(u, v)∈R2. Sinceu2+ 1 + (v−1)2>0 for anyu, v∈R, we have for any (x, y),(u, v)∈R2,

hS(u, v),(u, v)−(x, y)i=

u2+ 1 + (v−1)2

[u(1 +y)−x(1 +v)]≥0.

Lemma 2.14. [26]LetK be a nonempty, closed and convex subset of a smooth, strictly convex and reflexive real Banach space E. Let A be a continuous pseudomonotone mapping fromK intoE. Then,V I(K, A)is closed and convex, andp∈V I(K, A)if and only ifhx−p, Axi ≥0, for allx∈K.

3. Main results

In the sequel, we shall make use of the following assumptions:

Assumption 1:

(A1) LetE1 andE2 be uniformly smooth and uniformly convex real Banach spaces with dual spaces E1 and E2, respectively, and let E3 be a real Banach space with dual spaceE3.

(A2) LetA :E1→E3 andB :E2 →E3 be bounded linear mappings with adjoints A:E3→E1 andB :E3→E2, respectively.

(A3) LetC⊆E1andD⊆E2 be nonempty, closed and convex subsets.

(A4) Let T :E1 →E1 and S :E2 → E2 be uniformly continuous pseudomonotone mappings that are sequentially weakly continuous on bounded subset of C and D, respectively.

(A5) Let Γ := {(p, q) ∈ C ×D : hx−p, T pi ≥ 0,∀x ∈ C,hy−q, Sqi ≥ 0,∀y ∈ D, andAp=Bq} 6=∅.

Assumption 2:

(B1) Letξ= min{ξ1, ξ2}, whereξ1andξ2are constants given in Lemma 2.8 associated withJE1 andJE2, respectively.

(B2) Letl∈(0,1),µ >0 andλ∈(0,µξ).

(B3) Let (αn) ⊂(0, e] ⊂(0,1), for some constante > 0, be such that lim

n→∞αn = 0 andP


(B4) Let 0< γ≤γn ≤ ξkAxn−Bynk2

2[kAJE3(Axn−Byn)k2+kBJE3(Axn−Byn)k2] forn∈Ω ={n∈N:Axn−Byn 6= 0}, otherwiseγn=γ >0.

Now, we introduce our algorithm for the SEVIP.

Algorithm 3.1

For arbitraryx0, u∈Candy0, v∈D, define an iterative algorithm by 1. Step 1. Compute:un= ΠCJE−1


JE1xn−γnAJE3(Axn−Byn) and r1(xn, un) =xn−un.

Computevn= ΠDJE−1



ands1(yn, vn) =yn−vn. 2. Step 2. Compute:zn= ΠCJE−1


JE1un−λT un

andr2(un, zn) =un−zn. Computewn= ΠDJE−1



ands2(vn, wn) =vn−wn.


3. Step 3.Computefn=un−τnr2(un, zn), whereτn =ljn andjn is the smallest non-negative integerj satisfying

hr2(un, zn), T un−T(un−ljr2(un, zn))i ≤µkr2(un, zn)k2 (3.1) andgn=vn−κns2(vn, wn), whereκn=lhn andhnis the smallest non-negative integerhsatisfying

hs2(vn, wn), Svn−S(vn−lhs2(vn, wn))i ≤µks2(vn, wn)k2. (3.2) 4. Step 4.Compute:xn+1=JE−1


αnJE1u+ (1−αn)JE1ΠCnun , where

Cn:={x∈C:hx−fn, T fni ≤0}, (3.3) andyn+1=JE−1


αnJE2v+ (1−αn)JE2ΠDnvn , where

Dn:={y∈D:hy−gn, Sgni ≤0}. (3.4) 5. Step 5. Setn:=n+ 1 and go toStep 1.

Lemma 3.1. Assume that Conditions (A1) - (A5) and (B1) - (B4) are satisfied. Then, the sequences (xn)and(yn)generated by Algorithm 3.1 are well defined.

Proof. It is enough to show that the search rules in (3.1) and (3.2) are well defined, and the setsCn andDn are nonempty.

Sincel∈(0,1) andT is continuous onC, it follows that

hr2(un, zn), T un−T(un−ljr2(un, zn))i →0, as j→ ∞.

On the other hand, since kr2(un, zn)k > 0, there exists a non-negative integer jn satisfying inequality (3.1). Similarly, from the continuity of the mapping S on D, there exists a non-negative integerhn satisfying inequality (3.2).

Furthermore, since Γ6=∅, choose (p, q)∈Γ. Then by Step 3 of the algorithm,fn∈C and gn ∈ D for each n ≥ 0, and hence by Lemma 2.14, hp−fn, T fni ≤ 0 and hq−gn, Sgni ≤0 for eachn≥0. Hence,p∈Cn andq∈Dn for eachn≥0, showing

thatCn6=∅ andDn6=∅ for eachn≥0.

Lemma 3.2. Assume that Conditions (A1) - (A5) and (B1) - (B4) are satis- fied. If (un), (zn), (vn) and (wn) are sequences generated by Algorithm 3.1, then ξλ−1kr2(un, zn)k2≤ hr2(un, zn), T uniandξλ−1ks2(vn, wn)k2≤ hs2(vn, wn), Svni.

Proof. Using Lemma 2.3 and the definition ofzn, we have hz−zn, JE1un−λT un−JE1zni ≤0, ∀z∈C.

In particular, forz=un ∈C, we obtainhun−zn, JE1un−JE1zni ≤λhun−zn, T uni.

Using Lemma 2.8, we obtain

ξkr2(un, zn)k2≤ξ1kun−znk2≤λhun−zn, T uni.

The second inequality of the lemma can be proved in a similar way.


Lemma 3.3. Assume that Conditions (A1) - (A5) and (B1) - (B4) are met.

Let (p, q)∈Γ,Fn(x) =hx−fn, T fniandGn(y) =hy−gn, Sgni. Then (i)Fn(p)≤0 andFn(un)≥τn ξλ−1−µ

kr2(un, zn)k2, and (ii) Gn(q)≤0 andGn(vn)≥κn ξλ−1−µ

ks2(vn, wn)k2.

In particular, ifr2(un, zn)6= 0ands2(vn, wn)6= 0, then Fn(un)>0andGn(vn)>0, respectively.

Proof. (i) Since (p, q)∈Γ, it follows thatp∈VI(C, T) andq∈VI(D, S).

By Lemma 2.14,Fn(p) =hp−fn, T fni ≤0 for eachn≥0.

Next, we observe from Step 3 of the algorithm and the definition ofFn that Fn(un) =hun−fn, T fni=hτnr2(un, zn), T fni=τnhr2(un, zn), T fni.

But from the search rule (3.1), hr2(un, zn), T un−T fni ≤µkr2(un, zn)k2, which to- gether with Lemma 3.2 imply that

Fn(un) =τnhr2(un, zn), T fni ≥ τn

hhr2(un, zn), T uni −µkr2(un, zn)k2i

≥ τn


ξλ−1kr2(un, zn)k2−µkr2(un, zn)k2i . Obviously, ifr2(un, zn)6= 0, then from Condition (B2), we haveFn(un)>0.

(ii) The proof is similar to the proof of part (i) above.

Lemma 3.4. Assume that Conditions (A1) - (A5) and (B1) - (B4) hold.

(a). If there exist (unk)⊂(un) and(znk)⊂(zn)such that (unk)converges weakly to x∈E1 andτnkkunk−znkk2→0as k→ ∞, thenx∈VI(C, T).

(b). If there exist (vni)⊂(vn) and(wni)⊂(wn) such that (vni)converges weakly to y∈E2 andκnikvni−wnik2→0 asi→ ∞, theny ∈VI(D, S).

Proof. (a). By considering two possible cases onτnk, we first show that

k→∞lim kunk−znkk = 0. (3.5) Case I: Assume that lim inf

k→∞ τnk>0.

Then there exists a constantτ >0 such thatτnk≥τ >0 for allk∈N. Then kunk−znkk2n−1






. (3.6)

Therefore, (3.5) follows from (3.6) and the assumption in the lemma.

Case II: Assume that lim inf

k→∞ τnk= 0.

In this case, we take a subsequence (nkj) of (nk) if necessary, we assume without loss of generality that

k→∞lim τnk = 0 and lim

k→∞kunk−znkk=a >0. (3.7) Letfk =1lτnkznk+ 1−1lτnk

unk. Using (3.7), we get

k→∞lim kfk−unkk= lim

k→∞l−1τnkkunk−znkk= 0. (3.8) SinceT is uniformly continuous on bounded subsets ofC, it follows from (3.8) that kT fk−T unkk →0 ask→ ∞.


From (3.1), we have hT unk−T fk, unk −znki> µkunk−znkk2, and it follows that kunk−znkk →0 ask→ ∞. This contradicts (3.7), hence the limit in (3.5) must hold.

Finally, we show thatx∈VI(C, T).

Since C is weakly closed, we have x ∈ C. Furthermore, from the fact that JE1 is uniformly continuous on bounded subsets ofE1, we have


k→∞kJE1unk−JE1znkk = 0. (3.9) From Lemma 2.3 andzn ∈C, we gethz−znk, JE1unk−λT unk−JE1znki ≤0 for all z∈C, which implies that

hz−znk, JE1unk−JE1znki −λhunk−znk, T unki ≤λhz−unk, T unki. (3.10) Taking the limit inferior ask→ ∞and using (3.9), we get

lim inf

k→∞hz−unk, T unki ≥0 ∀z∈C. (3.11) Thus the inequality in (3.11) implies that we can choose a decreasing sequence of positive real numbers (δk) such that (δk) converges to zero ask → ∞, and for each δk there existsNk, the smallest positive integer, such that

hz−unj, T unji+δk≥0 ∀j≥Nk and ∀z∈C. (3.12) Since (δk) is decreasing, the sequence (Nk) is increasing.

Note that if there exists N >0 such that T uNk = 0 for all k ≥N, then it can be shown easily thatx∈VI(C, T).

On the other hand, if there exists a subsequence (Nki) of (Nk), again denoted by (Nk), such thatT uNk 6= 0 for allk∈N, thenhaNk, T uNki= 1 for eachk∈N, where

aNk= JE−1

1T uNk

kT uNkk2.

From (3.12), we deduce thathz+δkaNk−uNk, T uNki ≥0 for eachk∈Nandz∈C.

SinceT is pseudomonotone, it follows that

hz+δkaNk−uNk, T(z+δkaNk)i ≥0 ∀k∈N and ∀z∈C. (3.13) But by our assumption, (uNk) converges weakly to x ∈ C. Also T is sequentially weakly continuous onE1implies that (T uNk) converges weakly to T x. Moreover, we can suppose thatT x6= 0 (otherwise,xis in VI(C, T)) and so

0≤ kT xk ≤lim inf

k→∞ kT uNkk.

Since (uNk)⊂(unk) and (δk) converges to zero ask→ ∞, we obtain that 0≤lim sup


kaNkk= lim sup



kT uNkk

≤ lim supk→∞δk

lim infk→∞kT uNkk ≤ 0 kT xk, and hence kδkaNkk →0 as k→ ∞. Therefore, taking the limit in (3.13) ask→ ∞, we get hz−x, T zi ≥ 0 for all z ∈ C. In view of Lemma 2.14, we conclude that x∈VI(C, T).

Part (b) of the Lemma can be proved in a similar way.


Remark 3.5. If in Lemma 3.4,T :E1→E1andS:E2→E2are uniformly continuous and monotone mappings, then for allz∈C, we have from (3.10)

hz−znk, JE1unk−JE1znki + λhznk−unk, T unki ≤λhz−unk, T unk−T zi + λhz−unk, T zi ≤λhz−unk, T zi.

Taking the limit ask→ ∞, we get 0≤ hz−x, T zi. It then follows from Lemma 2.14 thatx∈VI(C, T). Similarly, we gety∈VI(D, S).

Lemma 3.6. Let (xn)and(yn)be sequences generated by Algorithm 3.1. Assume that the Conditions (A1) - (A5) and (B1) - (B4) hold. Then (xn) and(yn) are bounded.

Hence,(un),(vn),(zn) and(wn)are bounded sequences.

Proof. Let (p, q)∈Γ. Thenp∈VI(C, T),q∈VI(D, S) andAp=Bq.

Denote qn = JE−1


JE1xn−γnAJE3(Axn −Byn)

. Then un = ΠCqn and so from Lemmas 2.1 and 2.4, and the properties of the mappingV, we obtain

φ(p, un) ≤ φ p, JE−1



= V(p, JE1xn−γnAJE3(Axn−Byn))

≤ V(p, JE1xn)−2hqn−p, γnAJE3(Axn−Byn)i

= φ(p, xn)−2γnhqn−p, AJE3(Axn−Byn)i

= φ(p, xn)−2γnhAqn−Ap, JE3(Axn−Byn)i. (3.14) Furthermore, from Lemma 2.5, Lemma 2.1 and (3.14), we have

φ(p, xn+1) ≤ αnφ(p, u) + (1−αn)φ(p,ΠCnun) (3.15)

≤ αnφ(p, u) + (1−αn)φ(p, un)

≤ αnφ(p, u) + (1−αn) [φ(p, xn)

− 2γnhAqn−Ap, JE3(Axn−Byn)i]. (3.16) Similarly, if we denotetn=JE−1


JE2ynnBJE3(Axn−Byn) , then

φ(q, vn)≤φ(q, yn) + 2γnhBtn−Bq, JE3(Axn−Byn)i, (3.17) and therefore, from Lemma 2.5, Lemma 2.1 and (3.17)

φ(q, yn+1) ≤ αnφ(q, v) + (1−αn)φ(q,ΠDnvn) (3.18)

≤ (1−αn) [φ(q, yn) + 2γnhBtn−Bq, JE3(Axn−Byn)i]

+ αnφ(q, v). (3.19)

Denote Υ =φ(p, u) +φ(q, v) and Θn =φ(p, xn) +φ(q, yn). Then adding (3.16) and (3.19), we get

Θn+1≤(1−αn)[Θn−2γnhAqn−Btn, JE3(Axn−Byn)i] +αnΥ. (3.20) Now observe that

−hAqn−Btn, JE3(Axn−Byn)i=−hAxn−Byn, JE3(Axn−Byn)i

−hAqn−Axn, JE3(Axn−Byn)i − hByn−Btn, JE3(Axn−Byn)i

≤ kqn−xnk kAJE3(Axn−Byn)k − kAxn−Bynk2

+ kyn−tnk kBJE3(Axn−Byn)k. (3.21)


From Lemma 2.8 and the definition ofqn, we obtain kqn−xnk ≤ 1

ξ1nAJE3(Axn−Byn)k ≤ γn

ξ kAJE3(Axn−Byn)k. (3.22) Similarly, from Lemma 2.8 and the definition oftn, we obtain

kyn−tnk ≤ γnξ−1kBJE3(Axn−Byn)k. (3.23) Combining (3.21), (3.22) and (3.23), we obtain

− 2γnhAqn−Btn, JE3(Axn−Byn)i ≤ −2γnkAxn−Bynk2 + 2γ2nξ−1[kAJE3(Axn−Byn)k2+kBJE3(Axn−Byn)k2]

≤ −γkAxn−Bynk2 (3.24)

for all n ∈ Ω, where the last inequality follows from Assumption (B4). If n /∈ Ω, thenAxn−Byn= 0, and in this case inequality (3.24) follows trivially. Finally, using (3.24) in (3.20), we obtain Θn+1 ≤(1−αnnnΥ. By mathematical induction, Θn ≤max{Θ0,Υ} for all n ≥0, showing that the sequence (φ(p, xn) +φ(q, yn)) is bounded, which implies that (φ(p, xn)) and (φ(q, yn)) are bounded. By the properties ofφ, we conclude that (xn) and (yn) are bounded. Consequently, (un), (vn), (zn) and

(wn) are bounded.

Theorem 3.7. Suppose the Assumptions (A1) - (A5) and (B1) - (B4) hold. Then the sequence ((xn, yn)) generated by Algorithm 3.1 converges strongly to (x, y) ∈ Γ, where(x, y) =Q

Γ(u, v).

Proof. Let (x, y)∈Γ be such that (x, y) =Q

Γ(u, v). Denote

Λn = 2h(xn, yn)−(x, y),(JE1u, JE2v)−(JE1x, JE2y)i.

Then for someM1>0, we have

Λn+1 = 2 [hxn−x, JE1u−JE1xi+hyn−y, JE2v−JE2yi]

+ 2 [hxn+1−xn, JE1u−JE1xi+hyn+1−yn, JE2v−JE2yi]

≤ Λn+M1[kxn+1−xnk+kyn+1−ynk]. (3.25) Since the sequences (un) and (zn) are bounded by Lemma 3.6, the sequence (fn) is bounded. But T is uniformly continuous implies that there exists L > 0 such that kT fnk ≤Lfor alln≥0. We can then deduce that for eachn≥0, the mappingFn is Lipschitz continuous with Lipschitz constantL >0.

Now, from Lemma 2.1,

φ(xCnun) ≤ φ(x, un)−φ(ΠCnun, un). (3.26) Using Lemmas 2.10 and 3.3, we obtain

φ(ΠCnun, un)≥L1τn2kr2(un, zn)k4 (3.27) for someL1>0. Combining (3.26), (3.27) and (3.14), we get

φ(xCnun) ≤ φ(x, xn)−2γnhAqn−Ax, JE3(Axn−Byn)i

− L1τn2kun−znk4. (3.28)


From the definition ofxn, the properties of the mapV and Lemma 2.4, φ(x, xn+1) = V(x, αnJE1u+ (1−αn)JE1ΠCnun)

≤ V(x, αnJE1x+ (1−αn)JE1ΠCnun) + 2αnhxn+1−x, JE1u−JE1xi

= φ(x, JE−1


αnJE1x+ (1−αn)JE1ΠCnun )

+ 2αnhxn+1−x, JE1u−JE1xi. (3.29) Using Lemma 2.5, (3.29) and (3.28), we obtain for someKb1>0,

φ(x, xn+1) ≤ (1−αn)φ(xCnun) + 2αnhxn+1−x, JE1u−JE1xi

≤ (1−αn) [φ(x, xn)−2γnhAqn−Ax, JE3(Axn−Byn)i]

+ 2αnhxn+1−x, JE1u−JE1xi −Kb1τn2kun−znk4. (3.30) Similarly, we deduce that for eachn≥0,

φ(yDnvn) ≤ φ(y, vn)−φ(ΠDnvn, vn), (3.31) and also, for someKb2>0, we derive

φ(y, yn+1) ≤ (1−αn) [φ(y, yn) + 2γnhBtn−By, JE3(Axn−Byn)i]

+ 2αnhyn+1−y, JE2v−JE2yi −Kb2κ2nkvn−wnk4. (3.32) Denote Θn=φ(x, xn) +φ(y, yn) and Υ=φ(x, u) +φ(y, v). Then combining (3.30), (3.32) and (3.24), we get



(3.33) for someL>0. Furthermore, from (3.15), (3.26) and (3.14), we obtain

φ(x, xn+1) ≤ αnφ(x, u) + (1−αn) [φ(x, xn)−φ(ΠCnun, un)]

− 2(1−αnnhAqn−Ax, JE3(Axn−Byn)i. (3.34) Similarly, from (3.18), (3.31) and (3.17), we obtain

φ(y, yn+1) ≤ αnφ(y, v) + (1−αn) [φ(y, yn)−φ(ΠDnvn, vn)]

+ 2(1−αnnhBtn−By, JE3(Axn−Byn)i. (3.35) Adding (3.34) and (3.35), and using (3.24), we obtain for someM >0

Θn+1≤ΘnnM−γkAxn−Bynk2−[φ(ΠCnun, un) +φ(ΠDnvn, vn)], which implies that

φ(ΠCnun, un) +φ(ΠDnvn, vn) +γkAxn−Bynk2 ≤ Θn−Θn+1

+ αnM. (3.36) Finally, we show that the sequence (Θn) converges strongly to zero asn → ∞. For this, we consider two possible cases on (Θn).


Case I. Assume that there existsn0∈Nsuch that the sequence of real numbers (Θn) is decreasing for alln≥n0. It then follows that (Θn) is convergent. Taking the limit in (3.36) asn→ ∞, we get

n→∞lim kAxn−Bynk= 0. (3.37)

From the definition ofqn, Lemma 2.1, Lemma 2.4 and (3.22), we have φ(xn, un) ≤ φ(xn, JE−1


JE1xn−γnAJE3(Axn−Byn) )

= V(xn, JE1xn−γnAJE3(Axn−Byn))

≤ V(xn, JE1xn)−2hqn−xn, γnAJE3(Axn−Byn)i

≤ φ(xn, xn) + 2γn2ξ−1kAk2kAxn−Bynk2.

Taking the limit asn→ ∞and noticing (3.37), yieldφ(xn, un)→0 asn→ ∞. Using Lemma 2.2, we obtain

n→∞lim kxn−unk= 0. (3.38)

Similarly, starting with the definition oftn, we obtain

n→∞lim kyn−vnk= 0. (3.39)

Moreover, we also obtain from (3.36) and Lemma 2.2

n→∞lim kΠCnun−unk= 0 and lim

n→∞Dnvn−vnk= 0. (3.40) From the definition ofxn and Lemma 2.8,

kxn+1−unk ≤ ξ1−1nJE1u+ (1−αn)JE1ΠCnun−JE1unk

≤ αnK11−1kJE1ΠCnun−JE1unk, (3.41) for some constant K1 > 0. Since JE1 is norm to norm uniformly continuous on bounded subsets ofE1, we conclude from (3.40) and (3.41) that

n→∞lim kxn+1−unk = 0. (3.42)

Therefore, combining (3.38) and (3.42) yield

n→∞lim kxn+1−xnk= 0. (3.43)

Similarly, one can show that

n→∞lim kyn+1−ynk= 0. (3.44)

Since (xn) and (yn) are bounded by Lemma 3.6, we obtain from (3.33) Lh


≤Θn−Θn+1nΛn+1, (3.45) But the convergence of (Θn) and Assumption (B3) imply that

n→∞lim τnkun−znk2= 0 and lim

n→∞κnkvn−wnk2= 0. (3.46)


Now, we deduce from Lemma 3.6 that ((xn, yn)) is a bounded sequence in C×D.

Therefore, there exists a subsequence ((xnk, ynk)) of ((xn, yn)) such that ((xnk, ynk)) converges weakly to (x, y) inE1×E2and

lim sup


Λn= lim

k→∞Λnk. (3.47)

It then follows that (xnk) converges weakly toxinE1and (ynk) converges weakly toy inE2. From (3.38), (unk) converges weakly toxinE1and from (3.39), (vnk) converges weakly toy in E2. Using (3.46) and Lemma 3.4, we conclude thatx∈VI(C, T) and y∈VI(D, S), respectively. Moreover,

kAx−Byk2≤2hAx−Axnk+Bynk−By, JE3(Ax−By)i+kAxnk−Bynkk2. Since (xnk) converges weakly to x, it follows that (Axnk) converges weakly to Ax.

Similarly, (ynk) converges weakly to y implies that (Bynk) converges weakly to By.

Using (3.37), we getAx=By. Consequently, (x, y)∈Γ.

From (3.25), (3.47), (3.43), (3.44) and Lemma 2.3, we obtain lim sup


Λn+1 ≤ lim sup


Λn+M1lim sup



= lim

k→∞Λnk+M1 lim


= 2h(x, y)−(x, y),(JE1u, JE2v)−(JE1x, JE2y)i

≤ 0. (3.48)

Finally, from (3.33), we have Θn+1≤(1−αnnnΛn+1. Therefore, from (3.48) and Lemma 2.6, we conclude that (Θn) converges to zero asn→ ∞. That is,φ(x, xn)→0 andφ(y, yn)→0 asn→ ∞. Hence by Lemma 2.2, we have (xn) and (yn) converges tox andy, respectively.

Case II. Assume that there exists a subsequence (Θni) of (Θn) such that Θnini+1 for all i ≥ 0. Then in view of Lemma 2.7, we can define a nondecreasing sequence (mk)⊂Nsuch thatmk → ∞ask→ ∞and



k+1 and Θk ≤Θm

k+1 (3.49)

for allk∈N. Following similar steps as in Case I, we derive lim sup


Λmk+1≤0. (3.50)

From (3.33) and (3.49), we obtain αmkΘm

k+1 ≤ αmkΛmk+1, which reduces to Θm

k+1 ≤ Λmk+1. Taking the limit as k → ∞ and using (3.50), we conclude that Θm

k+1→0 as k→ ∞. Again from (3.49), it follows that Θk →0 ask→ ∞. There- fore, φ(x, xk) → 0 and φ(y, yk) → 0 as k → ∞. Hence by Lemma 2.2, we have

xk→x andyk→y as k→ ∞.

If u = 0 and v = 0, then Algorithm 3.1 can be used to locate an element of the solution with the minimum norm.

Corollary 3.8. Let the Assumptions (A1) – (A5) and (B1) – (B4) hold. Then, the sequence ((xn, yn))generated by Algorithm 3.1 withu= 0 =v converges strongly to the minimum norm point(x, y)∈Γ, that is,(x, y) =Q



Corollary 3.9. Assume thatT :E1→E1 andS:E2→E2 are uniformly continuous and monotone mappings. Let the Assumptions (A1) – (A3), (A5) and (B1) – (B4) be satisfied. Then the sequence((xn, yn))generated by Algorithm 3.1 converges strongly to(x, y)∈Γ, where(x, y) =Q

Γ(u, v).

Proof. The mappings T andS are pseudomonotone, hence by Lemma 3.6, (xn) and (yn) are bounded. It then follows from (3.46) and Remark 3.5 thatx∈VI(C, T) and y ∈VI(D, S), where xand y are weak cluster points of (xn) and (yn), respectively.

The rest of the proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 3.7.

4. Applications

In this section, we apply our main result to solve the following problems: split equality zero point problem (SEZPP), common solutions of the variational inequality problem, common zeros of pseudomonotone mappings, split variational inequality problem, split zero point problem (SZPP), split equality feasibility problem (SEFP) and split feasibility problem (SFP).

4.1. Split equality zero point problem

If C = E1 and D = E2, then the SEVIP reduces to the SEZPP, which is to findx ∈ T−1(0) andy ∈ S−1(0) such thatAx = By, where T−1(0) = {p ∈ E1 : 0 =T p} and S−1(0) = {q ∈ E2 : 0 = Sq}. Denote the solution of this problem by z={(p, q)∈E1×E2:p∈T−1(0), q∈S−1(0) andAp=Bq}.

Corollary 4.1. Assume that z6=∅. Let the Assumptions (A1), (A2), (A4) and (B1) – (B4) be satisfied withC=E1 andD=E2. Then the sequence ((xn, yn))generated by Algorithm 3.1 converges strongly to(x, y)∈z, where(x, y) =Q

z(u, v).

4.2. Common solutions of the variational inequality problem

LetE =E1 =E2 =E3,A=I andB =I. In this case, the SEVIP reduces to finding common solutions of two variational inequality problems for pseudomonotone mappings. DenoteF ={(p, q)∈C×D:hx−p, T pi ≥0,∀x∈Candhy−q, Sqi ≥0,

∀y∈D such that p=q}.

Corollary 4.2. Assume that F 6= ∅. Let the Assumptions (A1), (A3), (A4) and (B1) – (B4) be satisfied with E = E1 = E2 = E3 and A = I = B. Then the sequence ((xn, yn)) generated by Algorithm 3.1 converges strongly to (x, y) ∈ F, where(x, y) =Q

F(u, v).

4.3. Common zeros of pseudomonotone mappings

Let E = E1 = E2 = E3, A = I and B = I. If C = E and D = E, then the SEVIP reduces to finding common zeros of pseudomonotone mappings. Denote F0 ={(p, q)∈E×E:p∈T−1(0) and q∈S−1(0) such that p=q}.

Corollary 4.3. Let the Assumptions (A1), (A4), (B1) – (B4) be satisfied withC=D= E=E1=E2=E3 andA=I=B. IfF0 6=∅, then the sequence((xn, yn))generated by Algorithm 3.1 converges strongly to(x, y)∈ F0, where (x, y) =Q

F0(u, v).


4.4. Split variational inequality problem

IfE2=E3andB=I, then the SEVIP reduces to the split variational inequality problem (SVIP) which is to find x∈V I(C, T) andy ∈V I(D, S) such thatAx=y.

DenoteT ={(p, q)∈C×D:p∈V I(C, T), q∈V I(D, S) andAp=q}.

Corollary 4.4. Assume that the Assumptions (A1) – (A4) and (B1) – (B4) hold with E3 =E2 and B =I. IfT 6=∅, then the sequence ((xn, yn))generated by Algorithm 3.1 converges strongly to (x, y)∈ T, where (x, y) =Q

T(u, v).

4.5. Split zero point problem

LetE =E2 =E3 and B =I. IfC =E andD =E, then the SEVIP reduces to the SZPP which is to findx∈T−1(0) and y∈S−1(0) such thatAx=y. Denote S={(p, q)∈E×E:p∈T−1(0), q∈S−1(0) andAp=q}.

Corollary 4.5. Assume that the Assumptions (A1), (A2), (A4), (B1) – (B3) and (B4) with B =I hold. IfS 6=∅, then the sequence ((xn, yn)) generated by Algorithm 3.1 converges strongly to (x, y)∈ S, where (x, y) =Q

S(u, v).

Remark 4.6. (a). If E=E1=E2=E3,S= 0,A= 0 andB = 0, then Theorem 3.7 can be used to find solutions of variational inequality problems for uniformly contin- uous pseudomonotone mappings that are sequentially weakly continuous on bounded subsets ofE as well as for uniformly continuous monotone mappings. If in addition, we take C=E andD =E, then Corollary 4.1 will approximate zeros of uniformly continuous pseudomonotone mappings that are sequentially weakly continuous on bounded subsets ofE and also zeros of uniformly continuous monotone mappings.

(b). In view of Corollary 3.9, and the discussion in this section, one can use the results of this section to find solutions of split equality zero point problem for uniformly con- tinuous monotone mappings, common solutions of the variational inequality problem for uniformly continuous monotone mappings, common zeros of uniformly continuous monotone mappings, split variational inequality problems for uniformly continuous monotone mappings, split zero point problem for monotone mappings.

(c). The special cases of the above results can be obtained by taking E1 = H1, E2=H2 andE3=H3 to be real Hilbert spaces.

Note that ifE=H, a real Hilbert space, thenJE=I, the identity mapping onH, and ΠC =PC, the metric projection onto C. A well known example of a uniformly con- tinuous, monotone and hence pseudomonotone map isI−PC. Henceforth,E1=H1, E2 =H2 andE3 =H3 are real Hilbert spaces,C ⊂H1 andD ⊂H2 are nonempty, closed and convex subsets. Also A:H1→H3 and B :H2→H3 are bounded linear mappings with adjointsAandB, respectively,T =I−PC andS=I−PD. Thus, we obtain the following applications in Hilbert spaces.

4.6. Split equality feasibility problem

Replacing T with I−PC and S withI−PD, then the SEZPP reduces to the SEFP which seeks to findx∈Candy∈Dsuch thatAx=By. Denote

Γ0 ={(p, q)∈C×D:Ax=By}.



Although it is possible to construct supplementary directions for projection in the general case of an inconsistent problem like (1) (see [12]), we shall refer in this section to

nonlinear reaction-diffusion, positive solution, conserved integral, bifurcation, variational formulation, Lagrange multiplier, finite elements method.. Popoviciu” Institute

Lipschitz duals, meaning spaces of Lipschitz functions on a metric linear space, were used to study best approximation problems in such spaces (see [10]).. A good account on

Jungck, Common fxed points of contntuting and con2atible iltaps' on conpol(t, Proc Aller.. Math,

b) operatoríal equation (homogeneous boundary conditions). The operator A is symmetrical. From a theoretical point of view, the introduction of the homogeneous boundary

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However, only the middle crossing point of the dispersion curves of