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View of Communicative Tasks as a Factor of Emotional Impact when Learning Communication in a Foreign Language


Academic year: 2022

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Communicative Tasks as a Factor of Emotional Impact when Learning Communication in a Foreign Language

Kuchiboev Mansur Abdumurotovich1, KabilovaGulchekhra Sattorovna2, BoboyorovSiroj Olimjonovich3

1Teacher, Samarkand State Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering,Department of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan

2Teacher, Samarkand State Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering,Department of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan

4Teacher, Samarkand State Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering,Department of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan


The article examines the current topic of modern methods of teaching foreign languages-the role of communicative tasks as an emotional factor in teaching communication in a foreign language. Emotional impact for the formation of foreign language communication skills and abilities with the help of communicative tasks is considered at this stage the development of methodological science as the main goal of teaching a foreign language, from which it will be known who, to whom, under what circumstances, why speaks.

Keywordsemotional factor, Communication tasks, emotional expressive vocabulary, bank of facts, Communication orientation, Situationality, Authenticity of tasks, imitative, transformational (paraphrasing) and reproductive.


Emotional impact for the formation of foreign language communication skills and abilities with the help of communicative tasks is considered at this stage the development of methodological science as the main goal of teaching a foreign language, from which it will be known who , to whom, under what circumstances, why speaks. Communicative tasks based on the speech needs of students and speech situations help to take students beyond the limits of purely educational activities, arouses the need to express opinions about what they have heard. The purpose of communicative tasks is to encourage students to solve new speech problems using linguistic, non-verbal and emotional means of influence.[1-p.26]

Main part: A lot of ingenuity is required when creating and formulating communication tasks. It is important to build them on fascinating material from real validity using emotionally expressive vocabulary on the topic, use humorous elements, games, music and singing. The teacher should accumulate a "bank of facts", a kind of collection of amazing, fascinating, humorous cases that can be turned into such tasks that increase interest and tone of communication, prompting them to speech acts, stimulating communication.

We will define our position on this issue and outline the distinctive characteristics of a communicative tsk.

1) Communicative focus. The task should be focused on the transmission, discussion


and interpretation of the content of the statement and correspond to the needs of the learners to communicate on a specific topic.

2) Situationality. The task should contain information about the context from which the communication materials were borrowed.

3) The task should be activity-oriented - aimed at assimilating various speech actions .. In real life, we perceive information not for retelling, but for the subsequent expression of our positive, negative or neutral attitude, analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization, interpretation. In this case, we should talk about the formation of speech actions when performing communicative tasks, which includes a stimulus, need, desire to express their opinion about what they have heard. [2-p.107]

4) The communicative task is learned during pair and group work by multiple repetition, where special attention is paid to verbal and non-verbal means of emotionality of the utterance.

5) Authenticity of tasks. Authenticity of communication tasks is understood as the degree of correspondence of the task to a real life communicative situation. [4-p.22] In other words, when performing an authentic task, students must perform the same communicative- cognitive functions that they would have performed in a similar situation in real life.

Emotionality of communicative tasks affects all components of learning. These are goals and objectives, the content of training, the organization of communication, methods and techniques of work, the educational process, control of the knowledge, skills and abilities of students. When compiling communicative tasks with emotional components, the interests and problems of concern to students are taken into account, for which it is necessary to select authentic material, select topics for discussion, taking into account the motivation of students.

Problematic presentation of the material encourages thinking, independent search for information, independent conclusions, generalizations. Taking into account the communicative need presupposes the selection of such educational material that appeals to the personal experience of students (cognitive aspect), to their feelings and emotions, encourages the expression of their own opinions, assessments, which stimulates the formation of value orientations. [6-p.76]

The implementation of communicative tasks provides for the implementation of two main goals: a) familiarity with the main events (general understanding of information). The listener's reaction depends on how emotionally this information is expressed and expressively expressed by the interlocutor (partner, communication participant) b) and this reaction (interest) directs the listener's (interlocutor's) thinking to find out the details of specific details, that is, we feel the need to express our opinion in response on this fact.

Pronunciation, lexical, grammatical skills and abilities, as well as listening skills and abilities in this case are formed in a complex, i.e. simultaneously while performing a communicative task.

The implementation of a communicative task can be carried out:

1. by one student, he will listen, read the communication task and make up his own oral or written answer;

2. by student pair, where the first student pronounces (reads) a communicative task using all kinds of audio-visual, as well as non-verbal emotionally influencing means, checks


the answer of his partner according to the ready answer written in his card, clarifies, shows, corrects the mistakes of his partner , repeat the communicative task again so that the partner tries to answer correctly again. This work can be continued until the second student has learned to pronounce correctly and answer completely correctly. The second student (answering), having listened to the communicative task, will try to answer him using the techniques of imitation, substitution, reproduction, transformation. The correct answer is automated by repeating the intended answer many times.

3. The communicative task is performed by a group of students. This methodology is reflected in cooperation training and project communication training methodology. [3-p.4]


The most effective results of the performance of communicative tasks are observed when organizing pair work. At the same time, the explanation of the communicative task by the teacher at the stage of familiarization and presentation and the communicative task with the use of all kinds of audio-visual and emotionally influencing means is of particular importance. This presentation of a communication task has a twofold methodological purpose: 1) to show the speech actions of each interlocutor how to emotionally influence the interlocutor by verbal or non-verbal means; 2) providing without translation understanding of the content of the communicative task, using all possible means of emotional impact. In this case, the means of emotional impact can be interesting and funny drawings, expressive words and phrases, facial expressions and gestures, pantomime, music, humorous situations.

In the methodological literature, the following types of communicative tasks performed by pair work are distinguished:

1. Informative communication tasks. In this case, the first student reports information about any event or fact. The second student confirms, disagrees, disagrees or agrees.

2. Incentive communication tasks. In this case, the first student, referring to the second, expresses a request, prohibition, explanation.

3. Evaluation communication tasks. To the first student's message, the student expresses joy, approval, disapproval, disappointment, satisfaction, disagreement, regret, surprise.

When completing communication tasks, students follow the instructions (attitudes) of the teacher expressed orally or written in cards. E.I. Passov gives five generalized types of speech tasks (attitudes), designed to provide the emotional impact of communicative tasks:

1. message - notify, report, make a report, let know, inform;

2. explanation - to characterize, show, concretize, clarify, accentuate, highlight, note, sharpen attention;

3.approval - to recommend, advise, confirm, justify, support, think, suggest, wish, praise, excuse, congratulate, thank;

4. condemnation - to criticize, refute, object, deny, reject, shame, accuse, protest, challenge;

5. persuasion - prove, substantiate, assure, persuade, induce, inspire, push, insist, . [2- p.92.]

The formation of communication skills and abilities with the help of communicative tasks using the emotional factor takes place in four stages:

1. Preparatory stage. At this stage, the teacher prepares a communicative task on the topic, draws up cards for pair work and takes measures to multiply them sufficient for the whole


class [6-p.10] communicative tasks for assimilation in one lesson); determines in advance student pairs (or groups) for pair work; ensures the authenticity of tasks, compliance with communicative situations and speech needs of students; prepares audio-visual and support, verbal and non-verbal means (objects and drawings, a series of drawings, screen means, extra-linguistic means: facial expressions and gestures, pantomime, music and singing, elements of humor) necessary for uninterrupted understanding during the presentation of a communicative task;

2. Presentation (explanation, demonstration) of the communication task. At the same time, the teacher will explain and show the rules for performing speech actions during the performance of each communicative task by student pairs, showing at the same time the use of various audiovisual and extra-linguistic, emotionally influencing means. At the same time, he is obtained by the students to fully understand the content of the communicative task and the speech techniques performed.

3. Consolidation of the communicative task. The first reinforcement takes place during the lesson. For this 60% of the study lesson time is recommended. Pupils in pair work begin to master pronunciation, listening comprehension, performing speech actions during listening and responding to the task. Pair work on assimilation continues until (by repeating each task many times) so that each student pair has fully mastered the task.

Secondary reinforcement is organized in a computer class, where each student completes the communicative task for the second time with the help of paused exercises, recorded audio- visual in the memory of computers. In this case, the fulfillment of each task occurs by repeated repetition of the answer to the heard and simultaneously written task during pauses.

The third reinforcement is organized using homework. Each student is given a task after hearing a communicative task through a dictaphone, tape- recorder, and write written answers to each task.

4. Fourth stage. At this stage, control and assessment of the formed skills and abilities of students in the implementation of communicative tasks is carried out. Usually this stage is organized in the next lesson as a test and assessment of students' knowledge. At the same time, the teacher can use various forms of knowledge testing that require spending the least time of the lesson.

According to the method of organizing the performance of communicative tasks, there are four types of communicative exercises performed in the following sequence: imitative, substitutional, transformational (paraphrasing) and reproductive.

1.Imitative communication tasks, suggesting an imitative response to the heard replica in affirmative, negative forms. When performing which the responding student finds linguistic forms in the replica of his partner to express a certain thought and uses it in speech without changing. For instance:

Having listened to the remark of your partner, express agreement (disagreement) using the imitation technique.

1-student: -Today after classes we will go to the stadium to play football, won’t we?

2-student: -I agree, today after classes we will go to the stadium to play football

2. Substitutional communication exercises are characterized by the fact that lexical units are substituted in the forms of another grammatical sign or structure. For instance:


Having listened to your partner's remark, repeat the remark replacing the real

"theater" with one of the words written on your card.

1-student: After class, Karim is going to the theater.

2nd student: After class, Karim will go to the cinema (stadium, library, canteen, to his grandmother, home), etc.

Substitutional communication tasks can be organized by replacing words with synonyms or antonyms. For instance:

Mind your partner if he is wrong.

1-student: -Book A. Dumas "The Count of Monte Cristo" is a very boring novel.

2-student: -What are you! This is a very interesting novel.

3. Transformational communication exercises involve paraphrasing the interlocutor's remarks, which is expressed in changing the order of words (interrogative, negative forms of the verb, the person of the verb, the number of the noun, the tense of the verb). For instance:

Having listened to your partner's direct speech, transform it into indirect speech 1-student: -I have not read the novel by A. Dumas "The Count of Monte Cristo"

2-student: -You say that you have not read the novel by A. Dumas "The Count of Monte Cristo".

4. Reproductive communication exercises involve the reproduction of previously mastered lexical and grammatical units in students' replicas, for example:

Having listened to your friend's remark, clarify his words using previously learned vocabulary.

1-student: -Yesterday at the train station I met a very interesting person ..

2nd student: - Whom did you meet? A famous artist?


Thus, communicative tasks are a form of communication, specially organized in such a way that it provides a controlled choice of the speaker's emotional strategy, actualizes the relationship of the participants in communication, causes their activity and natural motivation of speech activit.


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