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View of Legal Knowledge of Sports Professionalism for the Players of the First-Class Basketball Clubs in Iraq a Descriptive Research on the Players of the First-Class Basketball Clubs in Iraq


Academic year: 2022

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Legal Knowledge of Sports Professionalism for the Players of the First-Class Basketball Clubs in Iraq a Descriptive Research on the Players of the First-

Class Basketball Clubs in Iraq

Prof. Dr. Mohsen Ali Al Saadawi, Assistant Lecturer. Ali MunjalSwenet Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, DhiQar University, Ministry of Higher

Education and Scientific Research, Iraq Abstract

The first includes an introduction to the research and its importance: The application of the professional system at the international and local levels has positives on sports and basketball in particular, and when you find sports institutions that follow good rules and committees, they issue special regulations and adopt good ideas that advance the professional system. The goals and objectives have been achieved and some have realized that This early fact made the rule of law and the dissemination of legal knowledge a method and method for its stability and prosperity, which is what made it go a long way in its progress and civilized construction, but this approach does not find its application in our Iraqi reality, as the legal culture is completely absent from the mind and attention of absent players even from sports clubs, and this is the void. Individuals suffer from it and do not understand the effects of the law and its importance in its regulation. Eve players

The second chapter included theoretical and previous studies: The researcher touched on that the topics were related to the topic of research from professional sports, sources of funding, components of professionalism, and the obligations of the player and the club. Previous studies and research were discussed. .

The third chapter included the research methodology and field procedures: The researcher used the descriptive survey method in line with the nature of the study community, which consisted of the Iraqi Premier League basketball players. The researcher built two measures of legal knowledge of sports professionalism and psychological compatibility after extracting the scientific bases and applying the appropriate statistical methods.


1. The scale prepared by the researcher (legal knowledge of sports professionalism) and the achievement of its scientific conditions is able to reveal what has been developed for it and is suitable for players of distinguished basketball clubs

2. The players of the distinguished basketball clubs are characterized by high levels of legal knowledge of sports professionalism and all its fields ((definitions, goals, committees and their specializations, (transfer, dismissal, replacement, loan) the free players except for player contracts

3. For players, Premier League clubs in the field of sports contracts is less than the percentage of buildings



1. Using the two search criteria, legal knowledge of professionalism and psychological compatibility, to identify the legal knowledge of sports professionalism among first-class basketball players.

2. Relying on the Sports Professionalism Law issued by the Iraqi Council of Representatives No. (60) for the year (2017) to guarantee the rights of players and the club.

3. The necessity of clarifying and specifying the contracts of sports professionals for players, coaches and administrative bodies

4. Take advantage of the two criteria by researchers and specialists in similar research and other team games.

Introduction to research

Introduction and importance of the research

He took sports professionalism as a profession and a craft for many reasons and many motives, including that professionalism has become today a profession from which players earn their money or generate money for clubs, and it is a reason to advance sports and improve performance. From players by contacting other players and gaining sports experience and skills that bring them sports creativity. Especially since we own our sports stadium, and some peoples realized this fact at an early age, so they made the rule of law and the dissemination of legal knowledge a method and a way for its stability and prosperity, which made it go a long way in its progress and civilizational construction, but this approach unfortunately does not find application in our Iraqi reality. Legitimacy is completely absent from the minds of the players and their interests, even absent from the sports clubs, and this is what has created a vacuum for individuals and a lack of understanding of the repercussions of the law and its importance in regulating the lives of players. As achieving this understanding positively reflects on the player's stability and balance

The importance of the research lies in revealing the extent to which basketball players know the Sports Professionalism Law No. (60) Of 2017, which was approved by the Iraqi Council of Representatives, the extent to which the beneficiaries implement its provisions, and the extent to which they are aware of the Sports Professionalism Law. The impact of this knowledge on its compatibility with the requirements of his sports life

Search problem

The legal regulation of contracts for the representation of professional players is of great importance both in theory and in practice. Therefore, the Iraqi Parliament issued the Sports Professionalism Law a new regulation to work in the field of sports in general and basketball in particular. It also obligated sports federations to work with this law by issuing legal regulations in accordance with its provisions. With the aim of developing Iraqi sports and raising the level of technical skill and organizing mechanism for professional sports in Iraq and sponsoring professional athletes inside and outside Iraq and the professional organization mechanism for local and foreign athletes and allowing Iraqi sports to participate in Asian championships and awakening this foreign experience in Maja for individual professional sports should be according to the researcher’s experience, There is no study to determine the legal knowledge of sports law


among elite league players, which the researcher considered the professionalism of this study because it deserves an Arab study. a study

Research Objectives

1. Building a measure of legal knowledge of sports professionalism for first-class basketball players

2. Getting acquainted with the legal knowledge of the sports professionalism of the players of the first-class basketball clubs in Iraq

Research areas

 Human field: 2021 Premier League basketball players

 Moneyfield Wales: from 01/12/2019 to 1/4/2021

 Spatial area: halls, squares and basketball courts Theoretical studies


Professionalism in the language of “demanding a craft to earn it (1).

Kamal El-Din and Khalil 2006 mentioned: "Man's practice of his activity as a craft, by practicing it regularly and continuously, with the aim of achieving a material return that depends on it as a means of subsistence (2).

Professional sport

Sports professionalism, like the professionalism of any other activity, requires a professional player to take a career from playing the game regularly and continuously in order to achieve a financial return on which the means of livelihood depends. For the player, but above that there must be a professional contract concluded between the player and the club and this is always what the professional regulations stipulate (3).

It is “a profession practiced by a sports person on a regular and continuous basis through the practice of a specific sports activity, with the aim of achieving a reliable financial return as a means of living during a specified and agreed period. Contract” (4)

Rehab Mohamed El-Sayed (2008), quoting Kamal Darwish and others, said: "The professional system depends mainly in its application on providing permanent sources of funding, as funding is the basis for the success of the professional system" (5).

Research methodology and field procedures Research Methodology

Therefore, the researcher had to choose the descriptive approach using two survey methods, as it is related to the nature of the study problem and its solution.


The research community and its sample

The research community was determined for the players of the excellent basketball clubs for the year 2020, which numbered (144) players distributed over (12) sports clubs in Iraq, with (12) players for each club and the exclusion of 7 foreign players. The research community (137) became players, and they were divided as follows. The build sample was 100 players, and the scale was re-scaled on the same application sample after 4 months and 5 players for the exploratory sample.

Procedures specific to the field of research Determine the areas of the scale

In order to determine the areas of the legal knowledge scale for sports professionalism, the Sports Professionalism Law issued by the Iraqi Council of Representatives No. (60) For the year (2017) was adopted on six chapters. Browse Legal Finder. The researcher concluded that five areas are based on the first; second, third, fourth and fifth chapters. And the failure to adopt Chapter VI for its inclusion of general provisions, which is the number of its proposed paragraphs as follows: - (The field of definitions and objectives is 8 paragraphs, committees and their tasks are 9 paragraphs, the field of player contracts is 12 paragraphs, the field of transfer, exemption, substitution and loan is 11 paragraphs and the field of players’ free time is 10 paragraphs)The ternary scale was chosen (I know, I'm not sure, I don't know) and the weights were given: (I know 3 degrees I'm not sure 2 degrees I don't know 1 degree.)

Display the initial version of the measure

The initial version of the scale was presented to a panel of judges with experience and competence in the field of general psychology, sports psychology, management, organization, tests and measurement, in order to ascertain the validity and importance of the scale items. To the field in which they are placed and judge the answers using (Ka2) for one sample and each case calculated the condition is true when calculating (K2) is a function (0.05) and agreement is 100%

Strength of the discriminatory elements in the scale

Discriminatory power means “the extent to which items are able to distinguish between items with higher levels and those with lower levels of players in relation to the domain that items measure” (6(

Thus, the researcher has two groups, the upper and lower, and the strength of each of them (31) images, while the degrees of the upper group ranged (141-121) degrees and the range of the degrees of the lower group ranged. . (101-88) For the purpose of calculating the discrimination coefficient for each of the items of the scale (50) items (a clause, the researcher used the t-test by the Statistical Bag for Social Sciences) SPSS and the t-value was considered statistical. It acts as an indicator to mark items

Through statistical methods, we find that the limits of the mathematical circles in the upper and lower degrees ranged between (2.963 - 4.07), while the least arithmetic circles between the group (0934 - 0129) ranged from the value of T (6.879 - 2,180(By comparing the level of significance


(signature) we did not find that there are undistinguished paragraphs, and this means that there are no discriminatory differences for those paragraphs between the upper and lower groups, and therefore no paragraph was excluded

Internal consistency coefficient

The discrimination coefficient between the upper and lower groups measures the strength of each item and does not determine the homogeneity of the items in measuring the behavioral phenomenon, so the internal consistency coefficient is used as it provides us with evidence of the homogeneity of the items" ([7]) and the coefficient of internal consistency "which is the correlation coefficient between the scores of each item And the overall score of the scale” (8(The researcher used the internal consistency coefficient in analyzing the paragraphs of any fidelity scale that measures the arithmetic items using the internal test (the total score of the scale) by creating a correlation between the score of each item and the total score of the scale. It was used as a parameter of Pearson's law of simple correlation to extract the correlation between the scores of the sample quantity (100) in each paragraph and to indicate the total score of the scale using the statistical coefficient. bag.spss: It turns out that the correlation coefficient is high and that all correlation coefficients are statistically significant compared to the significance level (0.05) for the sample, and this means that all items of the scale are honest in measuring what was designed. . to measure and coherence with each other to measure the property to be measured.

Scientific bases for the two scales

Structured honesty: This type of honesty was calculated through the following 1-The method of the two extreme groups

The discriminatory power of vertebrae was extracted from which vertebrae capable of distinguishing between individuals with high scores and individuals with low scores were identified.

2-internal consistency

The researcher used the internal consistency coefficient in analyzing the items of the two scales, ie calculating the validity of the items of the two scales using the internal criterion by finding the correlation relationship between the degree of each item and the overall result of the dimension. to which it belongs, as well as the total score of the scale. This type of validity is achieved through the use of the simple (Pearson) law of correlation, which shows the internal consistency of a measure of legal knowledge of sports professionalism.


In order to find the coefficient of stability of the two scales, the researcher relied on half of the soft segmentation, and relied on the data obtained from the members of the research sample, which amounted to (100) players for the paragraphs of the legal knowledge scale for sports professionalism. Which amounted to (50(Extract the correlation coefficient between the set of scores of the two halves using the simple correlation coefficient (Pearson) using the statistical bag (E). SPSS) as the extracted stability coefficient (before correction) means stability for only half of the scale, for full stability of this scale, the measurement was performed on two halves of the two


scales, the first half of the individual sequence answers. and the second half of the pairwise sequential answers, then the Spearman-Brown equation was calculated and the correlation coefficients were of high index

Table (2(

Shows the coefficients of the stability coefficients for the two scales by dividing the midway using the correction factor

Legal knowledge of sports professionalism

No axles

stability before correctionPearson Stability after

correction Braun Spearman

the scale as a whole 0,826

0.895 Main experience

After completing all the requirements and procedures for designing and building the two standards of legal knowledge for sports professionalism, which consists of five axes and by )50( paragraphs

Statistical means : Statistical data were processed by using the statistical program )SPSS(

Presentation and analysis of the results Table () 2

It shows the identification of the legal knowledge of the sports professionalism of the players of the first-class basketball clubs

variable Arithmetic

mean standard

deviation hypothetical

mean Calculated

t value degree

of freedom error

level Indication

Definitions and goals 22.150

4.076 16

15.088 99

0.000 moral

Committees and their functions 21,089

4.662 18

8.725 99

0.000 Moral

Sports Contracts 20,690

3,656 24

7.357 99

0.000 Moral

Transfer, dispensation, replacement and loan 26,590

4.701 22

9.763 99

0.000 Moral

emptied players 24.090

4.250 20

9.624 99

0.000 Moral

Legal knowledge 114,609

4.269 100

11,000 99

0.000 Moral

To achieve this goal, Standart applies the legal knowledge of professional sports and the extent of the psychological compatibility of the players of the Premier League basketball clubs, with a total


of 100 players. When the t-test for the middle sample showed that the value of V is calculated (15.088) when the error is 0.000) and the degree of freedom (99) as the arithmetic mean is greater than the logical mean, this shows that the good research sample was the arithmetic mean of the committees axis and the specialization Y where it was (21.089) degree and standard deviation (4662) degrees, while the default mean was (18) and when- one-sample test showed that the calculated value of t was (8.725) at an error level (0.000) and with a degree of freedom (99), as the mean Arithmetic is great. r from the mean of the hypothesis, and this indicates that the research sample is good, and the arithmetic mean of the mathematical contracting axis was (20,690) degrees and the standard deviation (3.656) degrees, while the hypothetical mean was (24) and when the t-test for one sample showed That the value of T is calculated (7.357) at the error level (0.000) and with a degree of freedom (99), and since the arithmetic mean is greater than the hypothetical mean, this indicates that the research sample is not good, and the arithmetic mean was for the axis of transmission, distribution, replacement and loan (26.590) degrees and the standard deviation (4.701) degrees, while the default mean was (22) and when the t-test for one sample was conducted, it was found that the calculated value of t was (9.763) at an error level (0.000) and with a degree of freedom (99). Since the arithmetic mean is greater than the hypothetical mean, this indicates that the research sample is good and that the arithmetic mean of the axis was full-time players (24.090) degrees and standard deviation (4.250) degrees while the middle hypothesis (20) when the procedure of the Tai test showed For one sample that the value of V is calculated (9.624) at the level of error (0.000) and degree of freedom (99) since the arithmetic mean is greater than the hypothetical mean, this indicates that the research sample is good.

Discuss the results

The possession of distinguished basketball players in legal knowledge of professionalism is attributed to the realization of the research sample that professionalism has become a basic pillar in progress, advancement and continuous development in its intellectual and skill concepts, psychological and social adaptation, excellence and achieving the best level of performance And knowledge of professional law in its various chapters (definition and objectives, athlete contracts, transfer, loan, and secondment of players) meanings related to the life of the professional player, they are binding rules for the protection and enforcement of rights. of duties.

A professional player and building it on sound foundations enjoy a decent life in which the principles of justice and freedom prevail, when the player realizes his rights and duties.

This is consistent with what Ali Mohamed Hattab (2017) said: “For a player to be a professional, he must play the game regularly, periodically and continuously and benefit from it in life, and this is stipulated by the highest professional regulations in the world.” (9(

Abdel Hamid Othman Al Hilfi 3007 confirmed that the professional contract of the player or coach is not subject to specific rules. Although it is subject to the general rules and principles to which all contracts are subject, a specific legal description of the professional contract must be given that is useful in knowing the legal system (10(


Conclusions and recommendations Conclusions

1. The scale prepared by the researcher (legal knowledge of sports professionalism) and verification of the scientific conditions capable of revealing the situation for him and the suitability of the distinguished basketball club players

2. The players of distinguished basketball clubs are characterized by high levels of legal knowledge of sports professionalism and all its magazines ((definitions, goals, committees and their specializations, (transfer, exemption, replacement, loan)) liberating players except for the player. Shrinking.

3. He got the players of the Premier League clubs in the field of sports contracts with a percentage less than the level of the building.


1. Using the legal professional knowledge scale and appropriate psychological treatment to identify the legal knowledge of professional sports among first-class basketball players.

2. Relying on the Professional Sports Law issued by the Iraqi Council of Representatives No.

(60) For the year (2017) to guarantee the rights of players and the club.

3. The need to clarify and define professional sports contracts for players, coaches and administrative bodies

4. The usefulness of the two scales for researchers and specialists in similar research and other team games.

5. The opening sessions to introduce the players, coaches and administrative bodies by specialists to introduce the profession law and explain its paragraphs.


1. HazemAlwan Mansour: Building a Scale for Self-Concept and Techniques for Handball Players (PhD thesis), University of Baghdad, 2001.

2. Hassan Ahmed El-Shafei, Abdel-Rahman Ahmed: The Strategy of Sports Professionalism in Sports Institutions, Alexandria, Dar Al-Wafaa for Printing and Publishing, 1, 2009.

3. Rehab Mohamed El-Sayed: The Legal Regulations for Sports Professionalism in the Arab Republic of Egypt, Master's Thesis, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Alexandria University, 2008.

4. Abdul Hamid Othman Al-Hafni: A Contract for a Professional Football Player (Concept, Legal Nature and Legal System) in the State of Kuwait and Some Other Countries, First Edition, Kuwait, College of Law, 1995.

5. Ali Muhammad Hattab: Legal Regulations for Sports Professionalism, Iraq, Al-Diwaniyah, Zero One Press for Printing and Publishing 2017.

6. Ali Mahdi Kadhim: Building a Unified Scale of Personality Traits for Middle School Students in Iraq (PhD thesis), IbnRushd College, University of Baghdad, 1994.

7. Kamal El-Din Darwish and Khalil El-Saadani: Professional Football, Cairo, Al-Kitab Publishing Center, 2006.

8. Presentation: Marine Parking Scales, New York, McGrawhill, 1961.


M LQ) 1 (

The names of the experts in determining the validity of the paragraphs of the two scales

No The name

The scientific title Specialization


1 Abdul SattarJabbar ligature professor

sports psychology College of Physical Education

and Sports Sciences / University of Basra

2 AmerSaeed Al-Khikani professor

sports psychology College of Physical Education

and Sports Sciences / University of Babylon

3 Abdel HalimGabrNazzal professor

Management and Organization College of Physical Education

and Sports Sciences / University of Basra

Dr. Abdul KadhemJalil 4 Hassan professor

sports psychology College of Physical Education

and Sports Sciences / University of Basra

5 Dr. InaamQassemKhafif professor

educational psychology College of Education for

Human Sciences / University of DhiQar

Dr. Mithaq Ghazi 6 Muhammad professor

Tests and Measurement College of physical education

and sports sciences / University of DhiQar

Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab 7 Hassan

professor sports psychology

College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences /

University of Basra

8 Karim Atta Karim Dr

professor educational

psychology College of Education for

Human Sciences / University of DhiQar

Dr. Abd al-Abbas Abd al- 9 RazzaqAbboud professor

sports psychology College of physical education

and sports sciences / University of DhiQar

10 spring gesture inside

professor Tests and

Measurement College of physical education

and sports sciences / University of DhiQar

10 Dr. Ahmed Kazem Fahd professor

sports psychology College of Physical Education

and Sports Sciences / University of Basra

11 Dr. Raad Abdel Amir Finjan professor

sports psychology College of Physical Education

and Sports Sciences / University of Babylon

Supplement (2(


In the name of of Allah the Merciful Dear athlete

Good greeting

The two researchers intend to conduct his study entitled "The Impact of Legal Knowledge of Sports Professionalism for First Class Basketball Players in Iraq". Since you are a participant in this study, please read the scale paragraphs carefully and mark the bottom of the paragraph that you think you know.

Legal Knowledge Scale

Definitions and goals

No Paragraph

I know Not sure

I do not know

1 Sports professionalism is a profession or craft to achieve a

financial return in accordance with a contract between the contracting parties

Sports Foundation Every organization that works in the sports 2 field in accordance with the laws

3 The professional contract is an agreement between the athlete

and the sports organization according to a mechanism and a specific time in return for a wage

A professional athlete who works in the sports field and 4 receives a financial salary as a salary

5 The Sports Professionalism Committee specializes in the

sports and administrative field and supervises the professionalization process

The mediator represents the professional player or club with 6 the aim of concluding a professional contract between them Dispensation The sports institution permanently abandons the 7

professional athlete according to an official letter Secondment: Transferring the services of a professional athlete 8

from one sports institution to another Committees and their functions

There is a committee called the Sports Professionalism 1 Committee by the decision of the Basketball Association


2 The Sports Professionalism Committee is composed of a

president, a deputy and three members, two from outside the federation, one of whom has legal qualifications The Professionalism Committee takes its decisions by an 3

absolute majority

In the event of equality, the side on which the president voted 4 will prevail

The committee confirms the requests submitted to it within a 5 maximum period of seven days

Specializes in looking into the requests of clubs and 6 professional athletes

Penalties are imposed on violators of the Professional Sports 7 Law and the Federation's regulations

Appeals submitted by the club or professional player are 8 considered by the Appeals Committee

The Appeals Committee considers the appeals within a 9 maximum period of 15 days

Athletes Contracts

1 The contracts between the professional athlete and the club are

documented in the federation after all contract conditions are met

2 The contract is issued in four copies for the professional

athlete, the club and the federation, and one copy to the Professional Committee

It is agreed in the contract on the financial contract, and the 3 value of the contract is divided over the contract years

4 Medically confirm the fitness of the athlete before contracting

5 The family of a professional athlete who died during training or competitions is entitled to all the amounts stipulated in the


6 The club shall bear all expenses for the treatment of a

professional athlete who is injured during training or competitions

A professional athlete may negotiate a new contract 90 days 7 prior to the end of the contract


8 The Sports Court in Iraq shall be the competent court to

resolve disputes between the parties to professional contracts within a maximum period of 15 days and for discrimination 30


A professional athlete or club may appeal to the International 9 Federation

The contract is considered legal only after approval by the 10 Basketball Association

A professional athlete is entitled to contract for a period of (1- 11 5) years

It is permissible to contract with a professional athlete under 12 the age of 18, provided that his guardian is present

Transfer, dispensation, replacement and loan

1 The athlete is free to contract with any sports institution if the term of his contract expires or is canceled by a decision of the Sports Professionalism Committee, or he appeals within the

legal period

The athlete is free if the contract is terminated by agreement of 2 the parties

An athlete is free if he does not pay his salary for three 3 consecutive months

An athlete is free if he does not participate in less than 10% of 4 official tournaments and competitions

A professional athlete may be dispensed with after fulfilling 5 the conditions for dispensation

The athlete is required to submit the dispensation to the 6 Federation within seven days from the date of the request It is not permissible to hold on to a professional athlete after 7

obtaining a contract outside Iraq

8 The club may not replace a number of its players during the

registration period in accordance with the instructions and regulations of the Federation

If he replaces a professional athlete and his contract period has 9 not expired, it is considered a termination


It is possible to loan one or more professional players for a 10 certain period within the contract period

11 The Basketball Association has the right to demand the rights of a professional athlete outside Iraq in the event that he does

not obtain his rights

emptied players

1 The club is obligated to place a professional athlete at the

disposal of the country he represents on the basis of his nationality

To place the professional athlete at the disposal of his country 2 in accordance with the decision of the International Federation Putting the professional athlete at his country's disposal for the 3

friendly match within 48 hours

4 The professional athlete shall be placed at the disposal of his country within (4-5) days of the qualifying match prepared for

an international competition

5 Putting the professional athlete at the disposal of his country

within 14 days of a competitive stage before the opening match

6 The athlete is obligated to put himself at the club’s disposal

within 24 hours at most from the end of the match, and 48 hours if the match was played under another association.

The club will be notified of the expected travel dates within 7 ten days

8 The club has the right to reduce the disposal period for the

sports institution in the coming times in the event of non- compliance with the instructions

The athlete is punished with financial compensation in case of 9 violation of the instructions

The athlete shall be penalized by preventing the claim at 10 disposal for the next match in the event of repeated violations

1. Hassan Ahmed El-Shafei, Abdel-Rahman Ahmed: The Strategy of Sports Professionalism in Sports Institutions, Alexandria, Dar Al-Wafaa for Printing and Publishing, 1, 2009, pp.


2. Kamal Al-Din Darwish and Khalil Al-Saadani: Professionalism in Football, Cairo, Al-


Kitab Publishing Center, 2006, p. 41

3. Abdul Hamid Othman Al-Hafni: The Contract of the Professional Football Player in the State of Kuwait, First Edition, 1995, p. 25

4. Hassan Ahmed Al-Shafei, Abdul Rahman Ahmed 2009: previous source, pp. 12-13

5. Rehab Mohamed El-Sayed: The Legal Regulation of Sports Professionalism in the Arab Republic of Egypt, Master Thesis, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Alexandria University, 2008, p. 191

6. Presentation: Marine Parking Scales, New York, McGrawhill, 1961.p450

7. HazemAlwan Mansour: Building a Scale for Self-Concept and Techniques for Handball Players (PhD thesis), University of Baghdad, 2001, p. 59.

8. Ali Mahdi Kadhim: Building a Unified Scale of Personal Attributes for Middle School Students in Iraq, (PhD thesis), IbnRushd College, University of Baghdad, 1994, p. 113.

9. Ali Muhammad Hattab: The Legal Regulation of Sports Professionalism, Iraq, Al- Diwaniyah, Zero One Press for Printing and Publishing 2017.

10. Abd al-Hamid Othman al-Halfi 1995: previous source p. 17



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