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View of Academic Compatibility in Terms of Mood Disorders in the Circumstances of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) among Students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences


Academic year: 2022

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Academic Compatibility in Terms of Mood Disorders in the Circumstances of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) among Students of the Faculty of Physical

Education and Sports Sciences

AmjedKadhim Abdul Hussein1,Prof. Dr. Haidar Abdul Ridha Al-Khafaji2

1 Master .Student. Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Babylon, Iraq .

2 Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Babylon, Iraq.

[email protected] , [email protected] Abstract

The purpose of the study is to identify the degree of academic compatibility, mood disorders and moral anxiety among students, as well as to identify the differences in academic adjustment, mood disorders and moral anxiety between male and female students, as well as knowing the correlational relationships between academic compatibility, mood disorders and moral anxiety among students, and then predicting academic compatibility in terms of mood disorders among students.

The researcher followed the descriptive approach using the survey method, correlational relationships and predictive studies, and this is consistent with the requirements of his research and achieving his goals. The main research sample consisted of (120) male and female students from the third stage in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Babylon for the academic year (2020-2021). By (90) male and (30) female students, they were chosen by the stratified random method. The researcher prepared two scales of academic compatibility and mood disorders according to the scientific bases used in preparing the scales.

The researcher concluded that the students have academic compatibility and mood disorders close to the average, while female students have high academic compatibility, and low and stable mood disorders. There is also a strong correlation between academic adjustment and mood disorders among students, and an efficient predictive regression equation has been developed to predict the degree of students' academic adjustment in terms of the degree of their mood disorders.

Keywords: academic compatibility, mood disorders


The phenomenon of compatibility is one of the important common and basic concepts in psychology in general, and mental health in particular, to the extent that it was pointed out that psychology is the science of compatibility study, the compatibility of the individual (the student) or his incompatibility with the requirements of his life situations dictated by his nature which is its psychological structure in response to those situations, and academic compatibility enjoys the attention of psychologists and researchers because of its great importance in achieving sound psychological development, whose positive effects are represented in their academic compatibility and their enjoyment of a high level of compatibility in various aspects of their lives, behavior and activity.

The student’s life in general, which affects his academic compatibility, is full of difficulties, especially in light of the coronavirus (COVID-19), which hinders him from achieving his goals and satisfying his motives. He loses hope and becomes robbed of many psychological disorders


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such as fear, depression, anger, shame, or self-pity, anxiety, helplessness, disappointment for his negative interpretation of life accidents, and these disorders resulting from failure and failure in the face of difficulties lead to a change and disorder in the mood and thus affect the Mood components, so that the student does not bring the student closer to achieving his goals, and does not achieve the compatibility and academic stability that he aspires to.


- Preparing measures of academic compatibility and mood disorders for third-year students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Babylon University

- Identifying the degree of academic compatibility and mood disorders among students.

- Identifying the differences in academic compatibility and mood disorders between male and female students.

- Identifying the correlations between academic compatibility and mood disorders among students.

- Develop an equation to predict academic compatibility in terms of mood disorders and moral anxiety among students.

Research methodology and field procedures:

Research Methodology:

The researcher followed the descriptive approach using the survey method, correlational relationships and predictive studies, and this is consistent with the requirements of his research and the achievement of its objectives.

Community and sample research:

The main research sample consisted of (120) male and female students from the third stage of the morning in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Babylon for the academic year (2020-2021), and by (90) male and (30) female students who were chosen by the stratified random method.

Search tools:

- Academic Compatibility Scale - Mood disorder scale

Field Research Procedures:

Procedures for preparing search criteria:

- Academic Compatibility Scale:

After reviewing the literature and previous studies that dealt with the subject of academic compatibility, the researcher adopted the academic compatibility scale prepared by (1) which is a measure applied to a sample of students of the fourth stage of the faculties of physical education and sports sciences for some universities of the Middle Euphrates for the academic year(2019-2020), the scale consists of (45) paragraphs, each paragraph has four alternatives for the answer, which are (Fully agree, agree, disagree, absolutely disagree), and they have positive weights (1,2,3,4) and negative (4,32,1) . The researcher has modified the answer alternatives and modified some paragraphs to fit the research sample.

- Mood Disorder Scale: For the purpose of measuring and identifying mood disorders among students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, the researcher prepared a scale of mood disorders based on (2), and it is a scale applied to a sample of players of some team games in the universities of the central and southern regions In Iraq,


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the scale consists of (42) items, for each item, five alternatives are (to a very large degree, to a large extent, to a moderate degree, to a small degree, to a very low degree), and they have positive weights (1,2,3,4,5) and negative (5 ,4,3,2,1). The researcher made some modifications to some paragraphs to fit the research sample.

Determine the validity of the paragraphs of the two scales:

Determining the validity of the paragraphs of the academic compatibility scale:

For the purpose of determining the validity of the paragraphs of the modified academic compatibility scale, the researcher presented the modified scale with the original to a group of (13) experts and specialists, and after emptying all the data obtained from the forms and processing them statistically by (chi-2) test, it was found All paragraphs were valid except for (8) paragraphs. It is (40,33,30,27,17,15,9,2) because the calculated value of (Chi-2) was not significant, and thus the scale consisted of (37) paragraphs, taking into account the observations and modifications mentioned, and table (1) shows that.

Table (1) shows the opinions of experts and specialists in the paragraphs of the academic compatibility scale, the calculated value of (chi-2) and the type of significance.

variable Paragraphs Count

Paragraphs Agreeing Disagreeing Chi-2 value

Sig level

Type sig

Academic compatibility

1,3,5,6,7,8,10,11 12,13,18,19,21,22,23 ,

24,25,28,29,31,32,34 ,

35,36,38,41,42,43,44 ,


30 13 0 13 0,000 Sig


37 6 12 1 9,30 0,000 Sig

39 1 11 2 6,23 0,000 Sig

2,9,15,17,27,30,33,40 8 10 3 3,76 0,006 Sig

Determining the validity of the Mood Disorder Scale items:

For the purpose of determining the validity of the paragraphs of the modified mood disorders scale, the researcher presented the modified scale with the original to a group of (13) experts and specialists. All paragraphs were valid except for (1) paragraph, which is paragraph (14) because the calculated value of (Chi-2) was not significant, and thus the scale consisted of (41) paragraphs, taking into account the notes and modifications mentioned, as show in the table (2) .

Table (2) shows the opinions of experts and specialists in the paragraphs of the mood disorders scale, the calculated value of (Chi-2) and the type of function.

variable Paragraphs Count

Paragraphs Agreeing Disagreeing Chi-2 value

Sig level

Type sig


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Mood disorders

2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,16,17,18,19,20 ,

21,22,23,24,25,26,27 ,

28,29,30,31,32,33,34 ,

35,36,27,28,39,40,41 ,


39 13 0 13 0.000 Sig

1,5 2 12 1 9.30 0.000 Sig

14 1 10 3 3.76 0.006 Sig

Prepare answering instructions for the two scales:

The instructions for the two scales were developed that explain to the student how to answer their paragraphs, and it was taken into account in preparing these instructions that they are clear and easy to understand, and it was mentioned in the instructions to choose the response that applies to the student more than others. And not to use another colleague to answer and he was asked to answer all the paragraphs of the standards frankly and accurately, and that his answer will be strictly confidential and is for scientific research purposes only, and to ensure that their names are not written. The instructions for answering were placed on the scale without referring to the name of the scale, as Cronbach indicates that “the explicit naming of such scales may push the respondent to falsify the answer or refrain from giving an accurate answer” (3). Exploratory experiment:

The researcher conducted an exploratory experiment on (3/3/2021) on a sample of (10) students who were selected in a stratified random manner by applying the two scales through the electronic class (classroom). The purpose of this experiment was to identify the work obstacles facing the researcher during the conduct of the basic experiment, the validity of the paragraphs of the two scales, their clarity and understanding of the research sample, as well as the students’

ability to answer electronically, in order to overcome the difficulties and obstacles that accompany the implementation of the experiment’s implementation, as they were allowed to inquire about Any ambiguity in the instructions and paragraphs of the two scales and making any observation related to them, and it became clear from this experience that the instructions and paragraphs are clear, as the exploratory sample completed the answer to all the paragraphs of the two scales with an average time of (30) minutes, and thus the two scales became ready to be applied to the sample preparation for the purpose of statistical analysis.

Apply the two scales to a sample:

The researcher applied the experiment to a sample of (120) male and female students on (Sunday) corresponding to 7/3/2021 through the electronic class (classroom) and the electronic questionnaire (Google Drive). An external paper was answered, and then the student photographed the answer and sent it to the researcher immediately after answering on his website in WhatsApp and Telegram. After completing the application of the two scales, the researcher pulled and collected the forms in order to conduct the preliminary statistical analysis of the scales items.

Scale correction:

Students' answers were corrected on the academic compatibility scale using the correction key prepared for this purpose. The scale consisted of (37) items, and it contains five alternatives to the answer: (always - often - sometimes - rarely - never) and grades (1,2,3,4,5) were given respectively for the positive items and the scores (5,4,3,2,1) for the negative paragraphs, and the results of the correction showed that the arithmetic mean was (116.78), the median (114), the standard deviation (18.23), and the skew coefficient (0.417).


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I also corrected the students' answers on the scale of mood disorders using the correction key prepared for this purpose. The scale consists of (41) items, and it also contains five alternatives to the answer, which are (always - often - sometimes - rarely - never) and grades (1,2,3,4,5) were given respectively for the positive items and grades (5.4) ,3,2,1) for the negative paragraphs, and the results of the correction showed that the arithmetic mean was (119.82), the median was (122), the standard deviation was (12.46), and the skewness was (-0.638).

Statistical analysis of the paragraphs of the two scales:

Ability to discriminate

To extract the discriminatory ability of the two scales, the researcher used the method (the two peripheral groups) through the results of the forms of the sample numbers amounting to (120) forms, as the researcher followed the following steps:

- Arranging the students' scores on the scale in descending order from the highest score to the lowest.

- Determining a percentage of (27%) of the higher grades and (27%) of the lower grades of the forms, because this percentage achieves two groups with the maximum possible size and differentiation, as the sample in each group reached (32) students.

- Identifying the discriminatory ability for each paragraph by using the t-test for two independent samples by the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (spss), and the T-value was considered a statistically significant indicator to distinguish the paragraph, and the two tables (3, 4) show that

Table (3) shows the arithmetic means and standard deviations of the upper and lower groups and the calculated T-value and its significance in calculating the discriminatory ability of the academic compatibility scale.



Upper group

Lower group

T value Sig level

Sig type Mean standard

deviation Mean standard deviation

1 4.40 1.10 3.06 0.24 3.72 0.00 Sig

2 2.56 1.18 1.69 0.40 2.67 0.01 Sig

3 3.90 1.17 1.40 0.97 9.25 0.00 Sig

4 3.65 1.40 3.65 1.03 0.00 1.00 Non sig

5 4.68 1.01 4.56 0.78 -0.55 0.58 Non sig

6 2.68 1.28 1.93 0.24 3.25 0.00 Sig

7 3.34 1.36 2.68 0.82 2.65 0.01 Sig

8 4.65 0.90 4.12 1.62 1.62 0.11 Non sig

9 4.50 3.37 2.00 1.56 3.79 0.00 Sig

10 4.59 0.71 1.37 0.97 15.07 0.00 Sig

11 3.00 1.21 1.21 0.49 7.67 0.00 Sig

12 3.81 1.30 2.12 0.49 6.84 0.00 Sig

13 3.25 1.31 1.21 0.60 7.90 0.00 Sig

14 4.87 0.33 4.09 1.39 3.07 0.00 Sig

15 2.90 1.39 2.53 0.94 1.25 0.21 Non sig


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16 4.37 0.94 2.00 0.71 11.34 0.00 Sig

17 4.56 0.56 3.62 0.83 5.27 0.00 Sig

18 3.81 1.09 2.40 1.01 5.34 0.00 Sig

19 3.18 1.22 3.15 1.22 -0.10 0.91 Non sig

20 3.53 0.91 1.15 0.44 13.18 0.00 Sig

21 3.75 1.36 2.84 0.80 3.22 0.00 Sig

22 4.12 0.90 3.62 0.94 2.16 0.03 Sig

23 3.90 1.25 1.53 0.87 8.77 0.00 Sig

24 4.06 1.18 2.56 0.94 5.57 0.00 Sig

25 3.65 1.03 1.59 1.21 7.31 0.00 Sig

26 3.78 1.26 2.84 0.72 3.64 0.00 Sig

27 4.50 0.87 1.31 0.59 17.00 0.00 Sig

28 3.56 1.24 2.00 0.50 6.58 0.00 Sig

29 3.62 1.26 1.25 0.67 9.38 0.00 Sig

30 4.25 1.24 3.87 0.65 1.50 0.13 Non sig

31 1.78 1.31 1.37 1.03 1.37 0.17 Non sig

32 4.34 1.00 1.21 0.79 13.82 0.00 Sig

33 4.25 1.24 1.81 1.30 7.64 0.00 Sig

34 4.90 0.39 3.75 1.66 3.82 0.00 Sig

35 4.09 1.14 2.68 0.99 5.23 0.00 Sig

36 4.35 1.18 1.87 0.84 -10.34 0.00 Sig

37 4.65 0.65 3.64 0.75 3.53 0.00 Sig

It is clear from Table (3) that the items of the academic compatibility scale were distinct, which indicates the acceptance of all of them, depending on the calculated (t) values and the significance level that came less than the significance level (0.05), except for (7) items that were undistinguished depending on The calculated (t) values and the significance level at which it came is greater than the significance level (0.05), and thus the scale consists of (30) items.

Table (4) shows the arithmetic means and standard deviations of the upper and lower groups and the calculated T-value and its significance in calculating the discriminatory ability of the mood disorders scale



Upper group 27%

Lower group

27% T value Sig


Sig type Mean standard

deviation Mean standard deviation

1 3.09 1.17 2.90 0.92 -0.70 0.48 Non sig

2 4.50 0.76 3.09 1.17 5.68 0.00 Sig

3 4.28 1.11 2.78 1.53 4.46 0.00 Sig

4 2.71 1.07 2.62 1.32 -0.31 0.75 Non sig

5 4.21 1.17 2.81 1.26 4.33 0.00 Sig

6 5.56 0.94 3.12 1.33 4.95 0.00 Sig

7 3.18 0.89 2.43 0.98 3.19 0.00 Sig


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8 4.50 0.95 4.50 0.80 0.00 1.00 Non sig

9 2.40 1.04 1.65 1.03 2.88 0.00 Sig

10 2.50 1.07 1.96 0.89 2.14 0.03 Sig

11 4.40 0.83 2.96 1.37 5.04 0.00 Sig

12 3.09 1.56 2.06 0.92 -3.20 0.00 Sig

13 4.50 0.95 3.71 1.34 2.67 0.00 Sig

14 4.43 0.98 2.53 1.07 7.39 0.00 Sig

15 3.25 1.27 2.71 1.38 -1.60 0.11 Non sig

16 2.78 0.87 2.40 1.28 -1.36 0.17 Non sig

17 4.40 0.97 2.78 1.40 5.36 0.00 Sig

18 2.40 0.87 1.62 1.00 3.31 0.00 Sig

19 2.15 0.73 2.09 1.43 -0.21 0.82 Non sig

20 4.12 1.45 1.78 1.06 7.34 0.00 Sig

21 2.03 1.46 1.90 0.92 0.40 0.68 Non sig

22 2.40 1.23 1.65 1.16 -2.50 0.01 Sig

23 2.65 1.03 1.87 1.28 2.67 0.01 Sig

24 3.06 0.84 2.96 1.28 0.34 0.73 Non sig

25 3.21 1.06 2.34 0.86 3.59 0.00 Sig

26 3.37 1.23 1.96 1.12 -3.37 0.00 Sig

27 4.28 1.14 3.15 1.41 3.49 0.00 Sig

28 4.21 1.21 1.62 1.03 9.19 0.00 Sig

29 4.31 1.25 3.09 1.02 4.25 0.00 Sig

30 3.65 0.97 2.93 1.36 2.42 0.01 Sig

31 3.06 1.50 1.59 1.01 3.46 0.00 Sig

32 3.12 0.87 1.53 0.80 7.61 0.00 Sig

33 1.84 1.37 1.25 0.80 2.11 0.03 Sig

34 3.28 0.77 2.28 1.46 3.41 0.00 Sig

35 2.59 0.97 1.53 0.87 4.56 0.00 Sig

36 3.65 0.82 1.65 1.15 7.97 0.00 Sig

37 3.12 0.79 2.34 1.09 3.26 0.00 Sig

38 4.53 1.01 2.84 1.11 6.34 0.00 Sig

39 3.03 0.64 2.46 1.50 1.94 0.05 Sig

40 3.00 0.56 2.90 1.55 0.32 0.74 Non sig

41 4.12 1.31 2.46 1.41 4.85 0.00 Sig

The results of Table (4) show that most of the paragraphs of the mood disorders scale were distinguished. So it was accepted, depending on the calculated (t) values and the level of significance which came smaller than the level of significance (0.05), except for (9) paragraphs that were undistinguished depending on that the calculated (t) values and the significance level that came at it is greater than the significance level (0.05), and thus the scale consisted of (32) items.


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Internal consistency coefficient:

The internal consistency was ascertained by calculating the correlation relationship between the degree of the paragraph and the total score of the two scales, as the Pearson correlation coefficient was used in that and for all members of the sample numbering (120) male and female students by means of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (spss), and the two tables (5, 6) show that.

Table (5) shows the values of the correlation coefficient between the paragraph score and the total score of the academic compatibility scale.



correlation coefficient

Level sig

Type sig No.


correlation coefficient

Level sig

Type sig

1 0.17 0.05 Sig 20 0.61 0.00 Sig

2 0.28 0.00 Sig 21 0.30 0.00 Sig

3 0.64 0.00 Sig 22 0.23 0.01 Sig

4 - - Failed by

the previous procedure

23 0.60 0.00 Sig

5 - - Failed by

the previous procedure

24 0.50 0.00 Sig

6 0.34 0.00 Sig 25 0.51 0.00 Sig

7 - - Failed by

the previous procedure

26 0.36 0.00 Sig

8 0.27 0.00 Sig 27 0.74 0.00 Sig

9 0.43 0.00 Sig 28 0.51 0.00 Sig

10 0.73 0.00 Sig 29 0.64 0.00 Sig

11 0.45 0.00 Sig 30 - - Failed by

the previous procedure

12 0.51 0.00 Sig 31 - - Failed by

the previous procedure

13 0.49 0.00 Sig 32 0.73 0.00 Sig

14 0.29 0.00 Sig 33 0.53 0.00 Sig

15 - - Failed by

the previous procedure

34 0.42 0.00 Sig

16 0.65 0.00 Sig 35 0.48 0.00 Sig

17 0.42 0.00 Sig 36 0.30 0.00 Sig

18 0.45 0.00 Sig 37 0.12 0.08 Non sig

19 - - Failed by


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the previous procedure

The results of Table (5) show the values of the correlation coefficient calculated between the degree of each paragraph in the total score of the scale, which was a function of all paragraphs because the values of the significance level were smaller than the significance level (0.05), except for paragraph (37) and thus the number of acceptable paragraphs became (29) paragraphs.

Table (6) shows the values of the correlation coefficient between the paragraph score and the total score of the mood disorders scale.



correlation coefficient


sig Type sig No.


correlation coefficient


sig Type sig

1 - -

Failed by the previous procedure

22 -0.20 0.04 Sig

2 0.43 0.00 Sig 23 0.21 0.03 Sig

3 0.28 0.00 Sig 24 - -

Failed by the previous procedure

4 - -

Failed by the previous procedure

25 0.32 0.00 Sig

5 0.11 0.09 Non Sig 26 0.30 0.00 Sig

6 0.46 0.00 Sig 27 0.29 0.00 Sig

7 0.23 0.01 Sig 28 0.62 0.00 Sig

8 - -

Failed by the previous procedure

29 0.35 0.00 Sig

9 0.30 0.00 Sig 30 0.25 0.00 Sig

10 0.18 0.04 Sig 31 0.13 0.08 Non Sig

11 0.48 0.00 Sig 32 0.47 0.00 Sig

12 -0.22 0.03 Sig 33 0.20 0.05 Sig

13 0.30 0.00 Sig 34 0.38 0.00 Sig

14 0.48 0.00 Sig 35 0.37 0.00 Sig

15 - -

Failed by the previous procedure

36 0.57 0.00 Sig

16 - - Failed by 37 0.34 0.00 Sig


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the previous procedure

17 0.50 0.00 Sig 38 0.52 0.00 Sig

18 0.32 0.00 Sig 39 0.27 0.00 Sig

19 - -

Failed by the previous procedure

40 - -

Failed by the previous procedure

20 0.50 0.00 Sig 41 0.46 0.00 Sig

21 - -

Failed by the previous procedure

The results of Table (6) show the values of the correlation coefficient calculated between the degree of each paragraph in the total score of the scale, which was a function of all paragraphs because the values of the significance level were smaller than the significance level (0.05) with the exception of paragraphs (5, 31), and thus the number of valid paragraphs became (30) a paragraph.

Psychometric properties of scales:

The validity of the two scales:

The researcher adopted two types of validity to verify the validity of the two scales:

- Content Validity (Experts): The content validity was confirmed by presenting the items of the two scales to a group of experts in educational and sports psychology, testing and measurement, and most experts agreed on the validity of the items of the two scales.

- Validity of the hypothetical formation: This validity was verified in the two scales through statistical analysis of the items by calculating the discriminatory ability and the internal consistency coefficient for the items.

Stability of the two scales:

Stability was calculated using two methods:

- Half-split method: This method depends on dividing the test whose stability is required to be determined into two equal parts after applying it to one group. The two halves by extracting the t-value for them, its calculated value for the academic compatibility scale reached (1,128) and for the mood disorders scale (1,144). When comparing it with the tabular value of (F) at two degrees of freedom (119,119) and a level of significance (0.05), it turns out that it has no statistical significance. Then extract the correlation coefficient between the total scores of the two halves using Pearson's method by the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (spss), The correlation coefficient was (0.81) for the academic compatibility scale and (0.80) for the mood disorders scale. Since the extracted correlation coefficient means stability for only half of the test, and in order to obtain complete stability of the test, the Spearman-Brown equation was applied, thus the value of the test reliability coefficient reached (0.89) for the academic compatibility scale and (0.88) for the mood disorders scale. They are high indicators of stability.


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Cronbach's alpha coefficient:

The equation was applied to a sample of (120) male and female students using by the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (spss),and it appeared that the value of the stability coefficient of the academic compatibility scale was (0.91) and mood disorders (0.90), which is a high indicator of stability.

Main experience:

In order to achieve the rest of the research objectives, the researcher applied the main experiment using the two scales in their final form through (Classroom) on the main research sample of (120) male and female students on (Sunday) corresponding to 3/21/2021 (in the same way as the experiment of preparing the two scales), then The forms were checked, corrected, and their data was filled in special forms, after which the statistical processing of the data was carried out as required by the research objectives.

Statistical means:

The researcher used the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (spss),to extract the research results through the use of the following statistical laws: arithmetic mean, standard deviation, simple correlation coefficient (Pearson), chi-square, skew coefficient, standard error, t-test for one sample, test (v) For independent samples, Cronbach's alpha coefficient, Spearman- Brown equation, predictive linear equation.

Presentation and discussion of the results:

Presentation and discussion of the results of academic compatibility scores and mood disorders:

For the purpose of identifying the results of academic compatibility scores and mood disorders among students, the achieved arithmetic means were compared with the hypothetical mean of the scale by calculating the differences between them using a one-sample t-test and the two tables (7, 8) show that.

Table (7) shows the significance of the differences between the arithmetic mean of the sample and the hypothetical mean, and the statistical significance in the academic compatibility of the students.

Variables Sample No.


Arithmetic mean

Standard deviation

hypothetical mean

T value

Sig level

Sig type

academic compatibility

students 90 85,73 16,73 87 0,71 0,475 Non



students 30 98,46 16,13 87 3,89 0,001 Sig


students 120 88,91 17,42 87 1,20 0,231 sig


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By noting Table (7), it becomes clear to us that the students have a weakness in academic compatibility despite the convergence of the average score, and that the female students have good academic compatibility, and that the students, in general, have academic compatibility close to the hypothetical mean of the scale.

The researcher attributes the reason for the poor academic compatibility among students to the lack of sports activities and practical lessons and the feeling of constant anxiety in light of the Coronavirus, and that most of the study subjects are difficult to understand in light of the adoption of electronic study, which leads to a low level of performance, and this was confirmed by (Mustafa Hussein) (4) The result of a decrease in the level of performance as a result of achieving a number, time, or a small distance, which is usually followed by reprimanding oneself and blaming others, and a feeling of discomfort and self-satisfaction, and this, in turn, leads to poor academic compatibility (4). While there are some students who have good academic compatibility through high arithmetic circles, it was found that students with high scholastic compatibility are more positive in their thinking about themselves, study events, competition, conditions and the environment in which they live, and they focus on success and proper compatibility.

The researcher attributes the reason for the students’ enjoyment of good academic success to the fact that the electronic study is consistent with their tendencies and interests in light of the presence of the Coronavirus and the strong desire for electronic study, which in turn helps the students to save time, which reduces effort and fatigue, which in turn leads to excellence and a feeling of satisfaction(4). that high achievement is usually followed by a feeling of satisfaction from those around it, whether teachers or colleagues, and this in turn leads to the student’s self-confidence and his feeling of satisfaction, and thus achieving academic compatibility (4).

Table (8) shows the significance of the differences between the arithmetic mean of the sample and the hypothetical mean and the statistical significance in the mood disorders of the students.

Variables Sample No.


Arithmetic mean

Standard deviation

hypothetical mean

T value

Sig level

Sig type

mood disorders


90 89,84 13,39 90 0,11 0,912 Non


female students

30 83,60 12,03 90 2,91 0,007 Sig

all students

120 88,28 13,29 90 1,41 0,160 Non


By noting Table (8), it becomes clear that students have moderate mood disorders, female students do not have mood disorders, and students, in general, have moderate mood disorders.


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By noting Table (8), it becomes clear that students have moderate mood disorders, female students do not have mood disorders, and students, in general, have moderate mood disorders.

The researchers attributes the presence of mood disorders among students to the negative interpretation of life accidents, a lot of responsibility, a lack of self-esteem and the presence of many stressful stimuli that encounter it, as well as the fear of failure in studies and what is accompanied by practical lessons during training and the acquisition of skills and planning abilities, as well as physical and psychological preparation for exams and tests and the responsibility placed on This, is due to their preoccupation with thinking about events and changes in light of the Coronavirus , electronic study and loss of hope, and the accompanying fear, anxiety and tension, and this contributes to their high mood disorders, and (Abdul Rahman Ibrahim, 2008)(5) confirmed that one of the causes of mood disorders is a loss of self-esteem and loss of hope. And the negative interpretation of the accidents of life (5).

The researcher attributes the reason for the female students enjoying a few mood disorders, due to the interest in self-esteem and interest in preparing lessons in light of the electronic study, and the accompanying lack of fear of the difficulty of the exam, which causes a moderate mood, as well as the lack of nervousness in the face of unexpected situations in the practical or theoretical side of the study, and therefore lack The presence of tension or making mistakes at work, and this leads to moderation of mood.

Presenting and discussing the results of the differences in academic adjustment and mood disorders between male and female students:

For the purpose of identifying the differences between male and female students in academic compatibility and mood disorders, the arithmetic means achieved were compared by calculating the differences between them using the (t) test and Table (9) shows this.

Table (9) shows the significance of the differences between male and female students in academic compatibility and mood disorders.

Variables Sample No.


Arithmetic mean

Standard deviation

T value

Sig level

Sig type

Academic compatibility.


90 85,73 16,73

3,64 0.000 Sig female


30 98,46 16,13


disorders students

90 89,84 13,39

2,26 0,025 Sig


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female students

30 83,60 12,03

Table (9) shows that there is a statistically significant difference in academic compatibility between male and female students and in favor of female students, meaning that female students have better academic compatibility than male students. It is also noted that there is a statistically significant difference in mood disorders between male and female students and in favor of male students. This means that students have a higher level of mood disorders than female students

Presentation of the results of the correlation coefficient between academic adjustment and mood disorders among students:

Table (10) shows the values of the simple correlation coefficient between academic achievement and mood disorders among students.

Variables R value Level sig Type sig

Academic compatibility-

mood disorders -0,733* 0,000 sig

The results of Table (10) show that the value (R) calculated to calculate the correlation coefficient between academic success and mood disorders among students was statistically significant, as the significance level (Sig) was less than the significance level (0.05). This indicates a strong correlation between the two variables and is one of the important indicators that enable the researcher to make predictions. The emergence of a correlative relationship between mood disorders and academic adjustment can be attributed to the influential role of mood disorders that were clarified by the sample responses. It may be a result of life’s anguish, failure and failure in facing difficulties that do not bring them closer to achieving their goals, negative interpretation of life accidents, and poor ability to perform physically, socially and at work, especially in light of the Coronavirus, electronic study, environmental conditions and lack of social support.

Presentation and discussion of linear regression equation indicators for predicting academic fit by mood disorders:

The researchers used the simple linear regression equation for the purpose of arriving at predictive equations, and table (11) shows the values of the (predictive) simple regression equation concerned with the relationship between academic adjustment and mood disorders, and the proportion of the contribution of mood disorders to students’ academic adjustment, and table (12) shows the predictive equation.

Table (11) shows the correlation coefficient and the percentage of the contribution of mood disorders to the students' academic compatibility.

Variables correlation coefficient


Contribution ratio


Standard deviation

F value

degree of freedom

level sig dependent independent

academic mood 0,733 0,538 9,07 137,30 118-1 0,000


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compatibility disorders

It is clear from Table (11) that the proportion of the contribution of mood disorders to the students’ academic compatibility was good, and this is confirmed by the calculated F value of (137,30), which indicates that the co-variance between the variables was large, as the value of (F) was a statistical function. At the level of significance (0.000), which is less than (0.05), which is an important indicator of the predictive quality indicators. Figures (1) and (2) show the nature of the sample distribution and the simple regression line between the two variables.

Fig.(1)shows the normal distribution of the sample.

Fig. (2) Represents the simple regression line between the two variables


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Table (12 shows the predictive regression equation for academic adjustment through the mood disorders of students.



T value

Level sig

Type Nature sig


Value coefficient

mood disorders A 138,046 31,90 0,000 Sig

B - 0,560 11,71 0,000 Sig

Predictive regression equation

Academic compatibility = the value of the constant- coefficient (A) + (B x the degree of the student’s

mood disorders on the scale .)

Table (12) shows that the constant amount of the mood disorders variable is significant in its relationship to academic compatibility. It indicates an inverse relationship between the two variables. An increase in the degree of mood disorders in parameter (B) is offset by a decrease in the students' academic compatibility. Meaning that an increase in the degree of mood disturbances (-0.560) is accompanied by a decrease in the degree of academic compatibility by (1) degrees. As for the coefficient (A) in this equation, which represents a fixed amount, it expresses the degree of academic compatibility by (138,046) when the degree of mood disorders (the predictor) associated with this variable, which is the compatibility, is (zero). It was also shown from Table (12) the significance of the regression parameters by testing them with a value (t), which appears to be a function at the level of significance (0.000). To ensure the efficiency of the predictive regression equation, we give the following applied example:

If we assume that the score of one of the students in the mood disorders scale was (88), then his expected score according to the academic agreement is as follows:

Academic compatibility = 138.046+ (-0.560 x 88) = 88.76, which is almost equal to the arithmetic mean score of the sample on the academic fit scale of (88.91).


- Students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Babylon have academic compatibility and mood disorders close to the hypothetical mean of the scale.

- The female students have high academic compatibility and low mood disorders.

- Female students have better academic compatibility than male students, and male students are moodier than female students.

- There is a strong correlation between academic compatibility and mood disorders among students.

- The researchers were able to develop an efficient predictive regression equation in predicting the degree of students’ academic compatibility in terms of their mood disorders.


1- FirasMuhaisin Abdul Amir: (2020); Mental motivation and academic compatibility and their relationship to the skill self in the handball lesson for students, Master's Thesis, College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Babylon University.


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2- Hawra Muhammad Ali Hassan Al-Saeedi: (2017); Mood disorders and their relationship to emotional intelligence among players of some team games for the teams of universities in the central and southern regions, Master’s thesis, College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, DhiQar University.

3- Cronbach , L.J. (1970) Essential of Psychological testing, New York , Harper and Pow.

4- Mustafa Hussein Bahi and others: (2002);Mental health in the field of sports theories - applications, 1st edition, Egypt, Anglo-Egyptian Library.

5- Abdul Rahman Ibrahim: (2008);Al-Mughni in Psychiatry, 1st Edition, Aleppo, Shuaa Publishing and Science.

Appendix Appendix (1)

Academic Compatibility Scale in its final form Dear Student... Greetings

In the scale instructions below, the researcher requests you to read them carefully in order to accurately answer the paragraphs of the scale, which is not to mention the name, and answer

all the paragraphs by placing a mark (√) in the field that applies to you in front of each paragraph, and that your answer will be strictly confidential and is for research purposes

Scientific only.

With thanks and gratitude

No. Paragraphs Always frequently Sometimes Scarcely never


My university studies are in line with my tendencies and

interests, even with the coronavirus


I think that most of the subjects are difficult to understand in light of the adoption of electronic studies 3

My colleagues ignore me in some situations during the lecture

4 I get tired quickly if I have too many problems


I have a strong desire to study everything related to physical education

6 I think the teachers feel the affection for me


I prefer to be absent from practical lectures whenever I can


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8 I usually feel embarrassed to contact teachers

9 I'd rather live in a dream world than think about reality

10 I feel that the future is dark for me in light of the coronavirus 11

I find encouragement from my parents to study and attend it in spite of the coronavirus

12 My parents think most of my actions are wrong

13 I feel bored and upset while learning math skills

14 I prefer to spend most of my studying time playing games 15 I get distracted a lot during the

electronic lecture

16 I get a headache for no reason during the lecture

17 I feel like falling asleep during the electronic lecture

18 I often hesitate to ask the teacher what I don't understand 19

I'm afraid to answer the

teacher's question even though I know the right answer

20 I feel tired from too many electronic lectures


I have a great desire to get out of the practical lecture for fear of catching the epidemic 22 I rely on others to do my


23 I get so upset when I take exams that I can't study


I get annoyed with sticking to the school system when I see the spread of the epidemic 25 I feel miserable


I'm trying to cheat in the online exam because there is no sergeant

27 I consider myself a naughty person in the electronic lecture


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Appendix (2)

Definitive Mood Disorder ScaleDear Student... Greetings

In the scale instructions below, the researcher requests you to read them carefully in order to accurately answer the paragraphs of the scale, which is not to mention the name, and answer

all the paragraphs by placing a mark (√) in the field that applies to you in front of each paragraph, and that your answer will be strictly confidential and is for research purposes

Scientific only.

With thanks and gratitude 28

I think lying is the best way for a person to get rid of his

problems 29

My resolve weakens when I fail for the first time in a certain business

No. Paragraphs Always frequently Sometimes Scarcely never

1 I get nervous if I make any mistakes in my work

2 I don't find it difficult to deal with strangers

3 I get annoyed when my teacher criticizes me

4 I am good at quickly analyzing complex situations around me 5 My love for sports makes me

excel at it 6

I'm one of those people who take things simple and uncomplicated


I have insomnia and difficulty sleeping because I am busy thinking about exams 8

My intense sense of the feelings of my colleagues makes me pity them

9 I feel bad when my class performance is poor

10 I get frightened and upset faster than my other colleagues 11 I get nervous in some

unexpected situations 12 I take care of preparing my


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lessons even if I fail the exam 13

I compete as hard as I can in exams even if I'm not sure of success


I tolerate my fellow students despite their wrong actions against me

15 I use my positive emotions to interact with others

16 I get confused every time I think about the exam 17

I can contain all the feelings of stress that hinder my

performance in my lessons 18

Unfortunately, I am one of those people who get angry quickly


I think that studying is meaningless when I see the spread of the epidemic among people

20 I get frustrated when things don't go well


I feel annoyed as a result of colleagues criticizing my performance

22 I can easily switch from negative to positive emotions 23 I try to be nice to everyone I


24 I can't keep my cool when my teacher annoys me in class 25 I can achieve success even with

the epidemic

26 I lose my temper easily during class

27 I'm always in a good mood 28 My face blushes or changes


29 I worry about what other people think of me

30 I am afraid that the exam will be difficult



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