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View of Stages of Establishment and Development of Institutes for Retraining and Advanced Training of Public Educators


Academic year: 2022

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Stages of Establishment and Development of Institutes for Retraining and Advanced Training of Public Educators

(On the example of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

Xurramov Bahodir Sapparovich 1, Xudoyberdiyev Nurislom Nuraliyevich2, Razaqov Jasur Xolmirzoyevich3

1Surkhandarya regional center for retraining and advanced training of public educators Senior teachers of the department "Methods of exact and natural sciences"

2Surkhandarya regional center for retraining and advanced training of public educators Senior teachers of the department "Methods of exact and natural sciences"

3Senior teacher of physics of the department "Methods of exact and natural sciences" of the Territorial center of retraining and advanced training of public educators of Surkhandarya region


This article is devoted to the stages of establishment and development of institutions of retraining and advanced training of public educators of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The article provides an interpretation of the problems in improving the skills of public educators, as well as their scientific solutions.


educators, advanced training, lifelong education, methodological problems, organizational problems, professional development of teacher


The new concept of education until 2030, adopted by international organizations and developed countries, states that "the development of distance education, the development of new programs to teach this system, including the organization of high-speed Internet services and online courses that meet world standards" recognized1. Quality education through distance learning, high level development of teachers' skills and abilities, improvement of resources for distance learning, including one of the tasks set in the concept - "creating opportunities for regular quality education throughout life"2 This education system is aimed at developing a continuous level of methodological competence in the professional and creative activities of teachers, including computer science teachers.

As in the world education system, our country has been paying great attention to education since the early days of independence. In particular, the issues of professional development of teachers and their training on the basis of distance learning technologies, as well as the improvement of the methodological support of this system are being widely implemented.

At present, there are opportunities for computer science teachers to organize distance learning courses on the basis of modern equipment and advanced methods. At the same time, the introduction of computer science in production processes and distance learning, providing innovative knowledge in the educational process, continuous improvement of the competence of teachers of computer science is identified as a priority.

1Education 2030 Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action Towards inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all. ED‐2015/Education2030/1. . - 14 p.


2Inncheon declaration/Education 2030: Towards inclusive and euitable quality education ang lifelong learning for all (Word Education Forum, 19-22 may 2015, Incheon, Republic of Korea).


The Action Strategy for the Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan aimed at implementing these reforms states that “further improvement of the system of continuing education, continuation of the policy of training highly qualified personnel in line with modern needs of the labor market, radical improvement of general secondary education, foreign languages, computer science in-depth study of other important and demanding subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology”3. This, in turn, will increase the professional competence of teachers of computer science, the development of experienced specialists in educating young people, which will lay the foundation for the definition of promising areas of education in our country.


Back in the mid-80s of the twentieth century, national education systems around the world switched to a new paradigm - "quick response to rapid changes in the world."In accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 5, 2018 No PP- 3931 "On measures to introduce new principles of governance in the public education system", from November 1, 2018, regional centers for retraining and advanced training of public educators Transferred to the departmental subordination of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.In connection with the increased dynamism of the educational environment, the phenomenon of lifelong pedagogical education acquires an even more urgent sound: every teacher is obliged to work on his education all his life. Sociological studies show that the knowledge of specialists obtained at the university is rapidly aging and requires renewal every 4–5 years. these statements primarily concern teachers, heads of educational institutions, all teaching staff. This happens because curricula, school curricula and textbooks, requests and guidelines of graduates of secondary and general education institutions and their parents are constantly changing, the social order of society and the state is changing.The teaching profession came under strong pressure from all sides (students, parents, etc.). The outdated systems of higher education (training) and the systems of professional development of teachers have also come under public pressure. The processes taking place under the influence of the economic and socio-cultural processes of modern society in Russian education are a factor in the qualitative transformation of the vocational education system, including in terms of advanced training.Over the past twenty years, there has been significant activity in researching various aspects of professional development of teaching staff, some of which are presented in dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (Alekseev S.V., Vershlovsky S.G., Gromova T.V., Kriulina A. A., Krichevsky V.Yu., Tonkonogaya E.P., Chaporgina N.A. and others). Due to the multifaceted nature of the problem of improving the qualifications of teachers, many of its aspects remain “open” to this day.

The adoption of the lifelong education paradigm in modern society has set corresponding tasks for lifelong professional education, which in the pedagogical community is interpreted as “continuous professional development of teachers”. The role of the professional development system is thus changing dramatically. its main task is to create conditions for the teacher's self-development. Modernization of advanced training of teaching staff requires the

3Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 No PF-4947 "On the Action Strategy for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan." - “Collection of Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, 2017, No. 6, Article 70.


study and solution of a number of methodological, organizational and methodological, didactic and methodological problems.

Methodological problems of designing additional professional education for teachers in Uzbekistan are associated with:

- the choice of the idea of professional training (versatility, clustering, profiling, multilevel);

- the choice of the teacher's advanced training model (PC) (personality-oriented in the logical-cognitive aspect or the activity model).

Methodological problems of the process of professional development (PC) of teachers are characterized by the following parameters:

• terminological difficulty (understanding and separation of strategies, goals, functions, directions

PC teachers);

• an avalanche-like increase in the volume of information;

• inconsistency with the proclaimed necessity of PC (and certification as well) for improving the teacher's professional culture and the elaboration of the implementation mechanism in practice;

• Insufficient coordination and mobilization of actions on PC of teaching staff at the state, regional and local levels.

Organizational and methodological problems relate to the further improvement of the format of continuous professional development: formal, non-formal and informal education of teachers.

• Formal - Courses with university professors, experts and facilitators to be awarded a degree, diploma or certificate.

• informal - focus on the learning process, search, focus on school. School / university partnership. Networks for common interests, disciplines, innovations. Communities of Practice.

• informal - individual, private. Includes: conversations in the teacher's room, one-time lectures, communication with the family, with friends, reading specialized magazines, television, videos, unplanned casual conversations, hobbies, interests.

• Informal and informal schemes for professional development are usually implemented through organized communities of teachers - associations, associations, professional virtual communities, regional associations of teachers in Uzbekistan, etc.

The Master-Teacher must thoroughly master pedagogical technologies, possess high personal, moral, intellectual, socially significant qualities. In this regard, the domestic system of advanced training is focused not only on giving teachers a certain additional amount of modern knowledge, but on stimulating their cognitive activity, creative searches, and personal growth.

As soon as the most responsible period for the work of public educators and teachers came, there was a need to study the innovations in their professional activities.

In the implementation of such a responsible task, the role of training institutions is great, aimed at improving the skills of students in accordance with modern requirements, the development of their ICT competence.

The A.Avloni Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Public Educators is one of the leaders in addressing this issue. The center has been working to improve the education system for almost a century. The institute is one of the key links in the development of the public education system. In particular, it has been a leading organization in the implementation of tasks such as ensuring the high efficiency of the educational process in retraining and professional


development of managers and specialists, the pursuit of scientific research, the development of creative skills and independent thinking skills.

Order No. 329 of the Department of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 20, 2007 "On approval of plans for retraining and advanced training of managers and teachers of public educational institutions for 2008", Order of the Department of Public Education dated May 24, 2008 "On teachers' theory of advanced pedagogical and information technologies" On the basis of the order No. 153 "On measures to improve practical knowledge"

and a block of special sciences with a total of 64 hours, training was organized on the basis of two modules. Module on the theory of science and teaching methods - 46 hours, Module on advanced pedagogical technology and their application - 18 hours.

In the process of creating and piloting new basic curricula, the Department of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved the "State requirements for advanced training of leaders and teachers of public education" approved by the Board of the Board of Public Education of February 15, 2009 No 2/5-HB. improvement and creation of new ones for previously non-existent categories. Therefore, the revised and supplemented state requirements for training courses in accordance with the new basic curricula of advanced training, together with the curricula and training programs of the Academic Council of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan named after A. Avloni on February 4, 2012 1 / 6.3 Approved by Order No. 227 of July 25, 2012 and published in summary form. In particular, in accordance with the basic plan of the in-service training course for teachers of computer science, the block of specialty sciences has a total of 82 hours, teaching on the basis of four modules. The module on the theory of science and teaching methods - 40 hours, the module of pedagogical technologies in teaching science - 24 hours, information technology in teaching science - 12 hours, the topic of the competition - 6 hours4.

At the same time, the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 26, 2017 "On measures to further improve the system of training, retraining and advanced training of public educators" was adopted. According to this decision, training is a radical reform of the system. In the HTV system of the Republic of Uzbekistan there are 5 state pedagogical institutes for teacher training, 14 regional institutes for retraining and advanced training of public educators, and in accordance with the Resolution, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami has been designated as a base higher education institution for regional centers.

Professional development of teachers of "Informatics and Information Technologies", approved by the Protocol No. 5 of the Coordinating Council of November 22, 2017 and the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 30, 2017 In accordance with the basic plan for the course modules included in the block "Specialized disciplines" of the "Basic Curriculum" for the course, the block of special disciplines for a total of 72 hours was organized on the basis of three modules. The module for teaching computer science and information technology is 48 hours, the module for modern approaches and innovations in teaching computer science and information technology is 16 hours, and the competition module is 8 hours.

In accordance with the master plan for the training modules included in the block

"Specialized sciences" approved by the joint decision of the Ministry of Public Education, IT and

4A. Bahramov, R. Kenjaev, T. Kadyrov, B. Khurramov and others. VI-set of standard curricula and programs on modules that are part of the block of "Specialty Sciences" of the curriculum of advanced training courses for public educators. Tashkent, 2012. - 44 b.


Communications Development, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education on November 20, 2020 No 49 Q / Q training was introduced on the basis of three modules. The module of teaching methods of computer science and information technology - 46 hours, the module of innovative approaches in teaching computer science and information technology - 24 hours, the module of elective sciences - 40 hours5.

Therefore, "Lifelong professional development education" is being introduced, which provides for the annual training of public educators. Under the previous arrangement, only 20 per cent of teachers were involved in in-service training each year, while under the new arrangement, 100 per cent of teachers are in-service every year. Previously, 144 hours of in- service training was provided once every 5 years, but under the new system, teachers will be involved in at least 36 hours of training each year.

It is stipulated that public educators can improve their skills not only in the Ministry of Public Education, but also in any higher education institution or non-governmental educational institution located in the regions. These trainings are absolutely free and can be done through an electronic platform. at the same time, it is possible to read in any area.

Conclusion In conclusion:

- Efforts to develop the scientific potential of public educators in the Republic of Uzbekistan are the next step in raising the level of the system of professional development to another level;

- shows that the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan pays special attention to the system of education, in particular, advanced training;

The goals and objectives of this system, defined in the Regulations on retraining and advanced training of public educators, determine the specific areas of activity for the institutions of this system;

- Implementation of the measures set out in the resolution will create conditions for further professional development of teachers;

- Strengthening the material and technical base of retraining and advanced training of teachers through the implementation of measures set out in the resolution provides a basis for training using modern technical means.

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