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View of Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis for Tourist Reviews


Academic year: 2022

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Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis for Tourist Reviews

H .Muthukrishnan 1, C.P.Thamil Selvi 2, Dr.M.Deivakani 3, V.Subashini 4, Savitha N.J 5, S.Gowdham Kumar 6

1Assistant Professor (Sr.G), Department of Information Technology, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode, Tamilnadu, India

2 Associate Professor, AHoD, V.S.B College of Engineering Technical Campus, Coimbatore.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul, Tamilnadu-624622.

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology, Chennai.

5 Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering, CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India

6 Training Officer, PSG Industrial Institute (PSGCT), Peelamedu, Coimbatore-641041. Tamilnadu.


Tourists want to know the good and bad aspects before going to tourist place of a city or country.

Often they search in social network websites to read previous visitors opinions. However, due to the large amount of reviews tourists find it extremely difficult to obtain useful opinions to make a decision about destinations, accommodation, restaurants, tours, and attractions. Unfortunately, some reviews are irrelevant and become noisy data. It finds difficult for the people to analyze the reviews.

In this situation Aspect-based sentiment analysis summarizes likes and dislikes of the people from reviews. The main purpose of the project is to collect the reviews from various sources and preprocess it to find the polarity and categorize each tourist reviews into different sentiments and the aspect term related with the each tourist reviews are being extracted to check the accuracy using models. This approach adopts language processing techniques, policies, and lexicons to address several sentiment evaluation challenges, and convey summarized results. According to the said results, the thing extraction accuracy improves considerably when the implicit elements are considered. Also, when using the identical dataset, the pro- posed approach outperforms gadget mastering methods that use Naive Bayes (NB). However, the use of those lexicons and guidelines as input capabilities to the NB version has achieved better accuracy.



The field of sentiment analysis includes the intersection of information retrieval, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence. People often share their knowledge, experience and thoughts with the surrounding world by means of Social Media in the form of blogs, forums, wikis, review sites, tweets and so on. This changed the way of communication between people and had a great impact in influencing social, political and economic behavior. By making the use of user generated opinions, there is a need for the companies, politicians, service providers, social psychologists, researchers and other actors for analyzing and implementing better decision choices. It allows every


individual to have a promising voice to build human collaboration capabilities on worldwide scale, enabling everyone to share their opinions through world-wide web. The demand for sentiment analysis is increasing because of the need to analyze and structure the hidden information. Companies across the world have implemented machine learning techniques to do this automatically.

[1]Sentiment Analysis identifies what the people like and dislike and helps in building things like recommendation systems and more targeted marketing campaigns.


This analysis gives you an understanding of the feedback you get from customers. You can get precise results in terms of the polarity of the input. However, the process to understand this can be more labor and cost-intensive as compared to other types.


This is a more sophisticated way of identifying the emotion in a piece of text. Lexicons and machine learning are used to determine the sentiment. Lexicons are lists of words that are either positive or negative. This makes it easier to segregate the terms according to their sentiment. The advantage of using this is that a company can also understand why a customer feels a particular way.

This is more algorithm-based and might be complex to understand at first.


This type of sentiment analysis is usually for one aspect of a service or product. For example, if a company that sells televisions uses this type of sentiment analysis, it could be for one aspect of televisions – like brightness, sound, etc. So they can understand how customers feel about specific attributes of the product.


This is a deeper understanding of the intention of the customer. For example, a company can predict if a customer intends to use the product or not. This means that the intention of a particular customer can be tracked, forming a pattern, and then used for marketing and advertising.


In Aspect-based sentiment analysis classification can be done by performing two tasks:

A) Aspects identification.

B) Sentiment classification of identified aspects into positive or negative.


Aspect identification is the primary task in opinion mining. Issues in Aspects identification:

In aspect identification task, there are three main issues.

a) It‟s difficult to identify the implicit aspects. Implicit aspects extraction has not been targeted by any of the existing approaches. For example, consider an opinion about a restaurant „Last night my family visited Good Wife restaurant, the taste was delicious‟. In this review text, the person implicitly


gives a sentiment as positive about an important aspect „food‟ which was not mentioned explicitly in the review text.

b) It‟s difficult to identify co-referential aspects. Co-referential aspects are the aspects which are mentioned in the reviews using synonyms. The co-referential aspects are less emphasized in the literature. Review sentences have different synonym words and expressions to depict an aspect. For example, ecosystem and biosphere are co-referential aspects because both refer to the environment.

c) It‟s difficult to identify the infrequent aspects, i.e. the aspects which are not frequently used in the review but have a great importance in the domain. Aspect identification methods are not effective in removing the irrelevant and completely neglected aspects


The second task of aspect-based sentiment analysis is sentiment classification of identified aspects; here there is a major problem in handling multi-aspect reviews. Classification of the multi- aspect reviews is a complex task because multiple aspects discussed in a review need to be considered and each aspect should be identified as either a positive or a negative sentiment.

Tourist aspect Opinion mining is a process of tracking the mood of the public about a particular product. Opinions can be essential when it‟s use to make a decision or choose among multiple option. Information-gathering behavior has always been to find out what other people think.

The availability of opinion-rich resources such as online review sites and personal blogs, and challenges arise, to understand the opinions of others people. Figure 1 shows the process of opinion mining.

Figure 1: Process of opinion mining 1.3. LEVELS OF TOURIST ASPECT OPINION MINING

Tourist aspect Opinion mining is extracting people‟s opinion from the web. It is also known as sentiment analysis. There are three tasks for opinion mining

1.3.1. Document-level Tourist aspect Opinion Mining

Document-level tasks are mainly formulated as word alignment problems where the input document should be classified into a few predefined categories. In subjectivity word alignment, a


document is classified as subjective or objective.

1.3.2. Sentence-level Tourist aspect Opinion Mining

Sentence-level opinion mining is performed at the sentence level. In opinion search &

retrieval and in opinion question answering, sentences are usually retrieved and ranked based on some criteria

1.3.3. Phrase-level Tourist aspect Opinion Mining

Phrase-level opinion mining performs finer-grained analysis and directly looks at the opinion. The goal of this level of analysis is to discover sentiments on aspects of items.


The area of opinion analysis is to predict the polarity of a piece of opinion text as positive or negative. Tourist aspect Opinion analysis tasks unnoticed due to lack of popularity. Here, the tasks related to opinion analysis are [5]

 Subjectivity Detection

 Sentiment Prediction

 Aspect Based Sentiment Summarization

 Contrastive Viewpoint Summarization

 Text Summarization for Opinions

 Predicting Helpfulness of Online Comments/Reviews

 Tourist aspect Opinion-Based Entity Ranking 1.4.1. Subjectivity Detection

The task is about determining a piece of text actually contains opinions or not. It is not much about determining the polarity of the text.

1.4.2. Sentiment Prediction

Sentiment task is about predicting the polarity of a piece of text usually positive or negative. People have studied sentiment prediction at the document level, sentence level and phrase level. This is an extremely popular task in the field of Tourist aspect Opinion Analysis.

1.4.3. Aspect Based Sentiment Summarization

This task goes beyond sentiment prediction The goal is to provide a summary in the form of star ratings or scores on each of these features. So the task involves finding features and then discovering the sentiments for each feature.

1.4.4. Contrastive Viewpoint Summarization

This task is about try to highlight contradiction in opinions were present. In contrastive viewpoints highlighted, people can get a better understanding of the opinions and under which condition it holds.

1.4.5. Text Summarization for Opinions

Instead of generating structured summaries of opinions, another useful summary format is to generate textual summaries. For example, a few sentences summarize the reviews of a product or a set of phrases acting as summaries.


1.4.6. Predicting Helpfulness of Online Comments/Reviews

The comments or reviews are helpful or insightful. Instead of displaying these comments or user reviews in chronological order, sorting the reviews by its helpfulness would improve user productivity. The goal of the task to automatically predicting the helpfulness of user reviews instead of just relying on user votes.

1.4.7. Tourist aspect Opinion-Based Entity Ranking

Tourist aspect Opinion based-entity ranking is the task of ranking entities based on opinions. The query is essentially "preferences" for the entity. The results would be the likelihood of the entities matching those preferences. So opinions on the entities match the specified preferences, the higher the rank.


We propose an integrated lexicon and rule-based aspect-based NBsentiment analysis approach to extract Tourist aspect mobile apps aspects and classify the corresponding implicit and explicit sentiments. This approach is selected due to the nature of the targeted dataset, which consists of short reviews and irregular sentences related to the various aspects of the Tourist aspect mobile apps. This project highlighted the significance of the rule-based over other approaches as it depends on manually [11].

One of the approaches that are widely used in aspect identifications to consider opinion words as a good potential candidate for implicit aspect extraction. Thus, the designed algorithm first looks for opinion words that directly denote aspect according to the lexicon. Otherwise, if the opinion word cannot determine the aspect category, the algorithm will search for the nearest aspect term in the same sentence with maximum window size of two with more priority to the right side, since the adjective usually occurs before the term.

The pair of identified opinion word and aspect term will be looked up in the lexicon in order to determine the aspect category illustrates the algorithm to extract the explicit and implicit aspects.

This function returns two arrays where the first array (aspect Indices) represents the indices of the aspect terms in the review and the second array (aspect Categories) represents the aspect categories to the corresponding aspect terms in the first array will provide better result.


 It does not require much human experience in the domain of the problem compared to the rule- based approach.

 It needs less effort in identifying features for training.

 It provides a brief overview of the people‟s judgment about a product.

 The additional rules settings have been added to measure the performance improvement.

 It adopts them in the algorithm is to handle some of the challenges in SA.

 It can help in identifying the weaknesses and strength points of the provided services.

 It offers better services that will retain customers and keep them satisfied.

 This increases the client‟s satisfaction and happiness and aligns.



One of the most common problems is missing data. Many datasets contain missing, malformed and erroneous data. The first step in the proposed algorithm is to split the review into sentences based on punctuations that identify a sentence end, such as the full-stop, question mark and exclamation mark [2]. This would have an important impact on linking the polarity score with the right aspect term without interfering with irrelevant sentences. In addition, the review subject is added as the first sentence of the review. Next, the sentences are tokenized where for each token, punctuations are removed and all letters are converted to lowercase.

However, the preprocessing tasks do not perform normalization, such as removing repeated characters. The reason is that the aspect sentiment scoring phase, are responsible to treat it as intensification which affects the polarity score. For example, the proposed approach consider the word „„great” as „„very great”. Finally, stop words will be marked to be out of any of the following phases by using a customized list of stop words such as „„the”, „„an” and „„of”. This list has been initiated by studying the domain and the reviews in the dataset


Aspects categories are vital for the aspect extraction task in sentiment analysis. To address this requirement in the Tourist aspect domain have defined a set of aspects categories according to the written standards by Android, Apple .The resulting aspects categories were User Interface, User Experience, Functionality and Performance, Security, and Support and Updates[3]. These aspects categories are used in this study.


The approach that has been followed employs the populated lexicons reduced by . Basically, the algorithm as Function 2represents, navigates through the sentences and once an opinion word is identified, its polarity score is retrieved through the lexicon and linked with the extracted aspect. In the experiment, we applied several settings to the algorithm in order to identify opinion words in a sentence in addition to the use of the lexicons. For instance, various rules are adopted to handle negations, intensification, down toners, repeated characters, and the special case of negation-opinion rules.

The usage of NB has multiple benefits like comparable or better performance than other machine learning models like and most importantly boasts a significant reduction in model building time[4]. Training time is an important aspect in our work given its high probability to be adapted into an online and real-time application.


The algorithm targets to determine the star rating for different aspects extracted in the review. The five-star rating scale (1–5) is chosen in the experiment, where: a one-star expresses a very negative sentiment toward this aspect, two-star expresses a negative sentiment, three-star expresses a neutral sentiment, four-star expresses a positive sentiment, and five-star expresses a very positive sentiment[6]. This can play a crucial role in understanding users „feedback toward


Specific aspects rather than a general feedback where the smart Tourist aspect apps owners can be aware of the areas of pains and gains of their customers


Fig 3: Vader score for each review

Vader analyzer is simple and fast. We can use it as an initial tool before building a heavy machine learning model to figure out the trend in the data.

4.1. Word Frequency

Let's get the most frequently observed words from the positive reviews and negative reviews, respectively, to see the difference, if any.



Load Review

Preprocessing Aspect Sentiment


Overall Weight prediction NB Review

Classifica tion Result


Fig 4: Word frequency in positive and negative reviews

It seems like the term frequency doesn't tell us anything about the text. We can observe that there is no difference between the top-k word list for both positive reviews and negative reviews.

If we think about it, this result seems obvious. If a customer was really satisfied with breakfast, they would mention the word, 'breakfast', in their review. Even if a customer didn't like their breakfast, they also would mention the word, 'breakfast', in their review.

4.2. Mutual Information

Mutual information tells you how much you learn about X from knowing the value of Y (on average over the choice of Y) [8].Since we found the word frequency is not a good indicator for the sentiment analysis, we will examine mutual information for an alternative metric.

Fig 5: Mutual Information-Unigram


Fig 6: Mutual Information-Bigram

If we observe words having high Mutual Information scores in a review, we would learn a lot about the sentiment of review, (positive or negative).

4. 3. Point-wise Mutual Information

Similar to MI, PMI is measuring for single event where MI is the average of all possible event.The events P(x,y) = P(0,1) means the event of the review is negative but the specific word is existing in that review.

Fig 7: PMI score for negative and positive reviews in both unigram and bigram



Fig 8: PMI score chart for negative and positive reviews in both unigram and bigram

The above figure shows the visualization of positive and negative unigram and bigram words which will helps us to identify the positive and negative aspects from the review and which will helpful for them to improve their serviews from the negative words and also maintain it from the positive words. It will also help the customers to identify the hotel on a specific basis.[9] From the vader score analyzed on each review is used to find the top hotel on specific area by find the average of vader score value on the specific hotel.


Aspect-primarily based sentiment analysis is taken into consideration as one of the difficult tasks in sentiment analysis area of research. It is crucial that each one feedbacks are understood and categorized so that smart Tourist aspects can rely on this channel to concentrate to their customers.

Therefore, this can be taken into consideration as a aspect for future smart services improvements and optimizations that exceed the people‟s expectations. In this regard, an integrated lexicon and rule- based method turned into hired to extract explicit and implicit issue as well as sentiment type for these elements. We proposed framework that extracts information about tourism from the twitter, analyzes the extracted information in various perspectives, and visualizes the output of the analysis.

The target tasks were tourism information extraction and PIN classification of the extracted information on the basis of tourist places aspects. The solution to overcome the limitations was introduced in the form of a proposed framework consisting of six phases. Resultantly, tourists could easily get meaningful information about any tourist place that would be helpful to make a decision about tour to any tourist place. Tourists who want to have a tour read the opinions of previous visitors



amount of opinions available on social networking websites

In this have a look at, an included lexicon and rule-based model has been chosen. This model utilized the manually generated lexicons in this have a look at with hybrid regulations to handle a number of the key challenges in aspect-primarily based sentiment analysis mainly and sentiment evaluation in general. This approach reported high performance consequences thru an included lexicon and rule-primarily based model. The technique confirmed that integrating sentiment and aspects lexicons with numerous regulations settings that handle various demanding situations in sentiment evaluation, such as handling negation, intensification, downtowners, repeated characters, and special instances of negation-opinion policies, outperformed the lexicon baseline and other regulations combinations .


An aspect based approach is followed initially, MMNB is utilized to model topic opinion and natural language processing approaches are used to specify the dependencies on a sentence level.

However, better rating was observed in case of high priced products depicting high levels of customer satisfaction and better quality of the products than the low-priced products. The sentiment orientation of the top tourist was found out to be positive coupled with high positive sentiments of joy, trust, anticipation and surprise. An extensive evaluation study was conducted and revealed very promising results [7]. The results are very encouraging and indicate that the system is fast, scalable and most of all accurate in analyzing user reviews and in specifying users‟ opinions and stance towards the characteristics of the method. Also results showed that the system can provide comprehensive method information in a concise way. Finally, a future work criterion ensemble learning is formulated to evaluate the performance of user query goal aspect and some security can be provided for the generated aspects and data [10]. Experimental results on user click-through logs from a commercial query engine demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed.


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