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Runtime Verification


Academic year: 2022

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Course 6 – 11 November 2019 Adrian Iftene [email protected]


Recapitulation course 6







Spring Framework

Runtime Verification

Model Checking


Java MOP



Concern - a feature point, or requirement

Crosscutting concern - a feature point that cannot be encapsulated in one class

Aspect - the code for new functionality

Join Points - a specific point in the execution of the

program (method calls, constructor invocations, exception handlers)

Pointcuts - a structure and syntax for selecting join points

Advice - code to be executed when a join point is reached

Introductions (Inter-type declaration) - the ability of aspect oriented programs to alter existing program

structure (adding members to existing classes, adding methods, etc.)



A crosscutting concern is a concern that needs to be applied in many different compilation


◦ “All exceptions must be logged”

◦ “Capture all sql statements produced by the application”

◦ “Cache all data that is rarely changed”

◦ “Record all changes to the account for historical purposes”

◦ “Timing, authentication, and persistence”


Java Code Aspect

public class Student { public aspect StudentAspect {

ajc compiling

public class WeavedStudent {



pointcut name([parameters]): designator(ajoinpoint);

Designators: execution, call, initialization, handler, this, args, target


type ([parameters]) : joinpointid (param list) { … }

Type can be: before, after (returning, throwing) and around


call (* * Student.* (*))

call (* * . (*))

call (* * . (..))

call (* * Student+.* (*))

call (public void Student+(. .) throws Exception+)



How do you explain the result below?








+ 41771 1322291826194 void student.Student.setName(String) - 41771 1322291826196 void student.Student.setName(String) + 41771 1322291826196 void student.Student.setGrade(int)

+ 41771 1322291826196 StringBuilder java.lang.StringBuilder.append(int) - 41771 1322291826196 StringBuilder java.lang.StringBuilder.append(int) + 41771 1322291826196 String java.lang.StringBuilder.toString()

- 41771 1322291826196 String java.lang.StringBuilder.toString() + 41771 1322291826196 void java.io.PrintStream.println(String) - 41771 1322291826196 void java.io.PrintStream.println(String) - 41771 1322291826199 void student.Student.setGrade(int) + 41771 1322291826199 void student.Student.setMaxGrade() + 41771 1322291826199 void student.Student.setGrade(int)

+ 41771 1322291826199 StringBuilder java.lang.StringBuilder.append(int) - 41771 1322291826199 StringBuilder java.lang.StringBuilder.append(int) + 41771 1322291826199 String java.lang.StringBuilder.toString()

- 41771 1322291826199 String java.lang.StringBuilder.toString() + 41771 1322291826199 void java.io.PrintStream.println(String)






With PostSharp, you can easily write and apply custom attributes that add new behaviors to your code - tracing, thread management, exception handling, data binding, and much more

Write an Aspect



Just annotate relevant methods with the aspect:

You can also apply the aspects to many classes and methods in a single line, without even touching the source code of these classes.


An open source application framework for Java

The first version (Rod Johnson) was released with the publication of book Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development in October 2002

The framework was first released under the Apache 2.0 license in June 2003. The current version is 5.0.0 (http://projects.spring.io/spring-framework/)

The core features can be used by any Java application, but there are extensions for building web applications on top of the Java EE platform

It is very popular in the Java community as an

alternative to, replacement for, or even addition to the Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) model



Inversion of Control container

Aspect-oriented programming

Data access

Transaction management


Remote Access framework


Batch processing

Authentication and authorization

Remote Management





Join point: a point during the execution of a program

Introduction: declaring additional methods or fields on behalf of a type

Target object: object being advised by one or more aspects

AOP proxy: an object created by the AOP framework in order to implement the aspect contracts


A point during the execution of a program, such as the execution of a method or the handling of an


A set of join points is described as a pointcut

In Spring AOP, a join point always represents a method execution

A locus of points where execution will happen



Declaring additional methods or fields on behalf of a type

Spring AOP allows you to introduce new interfaces

(and a corresponding implementation) to any advised object

For example, you could use an introduction to make a bean implement an IsModified interface, to simplify caching

An introduction is known as an inter-type declaration in the AspectJ community


Object being advised by one or more aspects

Also referred to as the advised object

Since Spring AOP is implemented

using runtime proxies, this object will always be a proxied object



An object created by the AOP framework in order to implement the aspect contracts (advise method

executions and so on)

For example, in the Spring Framework, an AOP proxy will be a JDK dynamic proxy or a CGLIB proxy


Recapitulation course 6







Spring Framework

Runtime Verification

Model Checking


Java MOP



Verification: comprises all techniques for showing that a system satisfies its specification

Runtime Verification: Runtime verification deals with those techniques that allow checking

whether a system under scrutiny satisfies or violates a given safety property

It aims to be lightweight verification technique

complementing verification techniques such as

model checking or testing


Run of systems produces lots of observations

What we can verify?

◦ Is it correct?

◦ Does it have the necessary performance, reliability, scalability, security?

◦ Output is correct accordingly with the input?

◦ The hardware components are used properly?

◦ Usability is respected?

Each of these questions is a property that

needs to be checked



Runtime verification (RV) is concerned with

monitoring and analysis of software or hardware system executions

Involves three basic techniques:

◦ theorem proving (using mathematics)

◦ model checking (with automated verification)

◦ Testing

The field is referred as runtime verification,

runtime monitoring, runtime checking, runtime reflection, runtime analysis, dynamic analysis,

symbolic dynamic analysis, trace analysis, log file



A “software failure” is a deviation between

observed behavior and required behavior of a software system

A “fault” is identified by the deviation of current status in compared with expected state of the system

An “error” is a mistake that belongs to programmer error resulting in a “fault” and possibly a “software failure”


Model Checking is an automatic technique for verifying finite-state reactive systems

Model Checking is a method for formally verifying finite-state concurrent systems

Problem: Given a model of a system, test

automatically whether this model meets a given specification



An important class of model checking methods are specified using temporal logic formulas

Temporal logic – a formula is not true or false in a static way in a model

Temporal logic models contain several states and a formula can be true in some states and false in others

The model is a transitional system and properties are temporal formulas


Now Future time

Past time



In our case, we have hardware or software systems, and the specification contains safety requirements

(i.e. the absence of deadlocks and the identification of critical states that can cause the system to crash)

Checking the system involves:

Using a descriptive language for the model checker

Encode concerned properties using the model checker language specification

Running the model checker with: model and formulas as input




Direct observation for simple traces of events

Programmer, tester on a small data volume

Comparison between expected and obtained

Custom checker

Start from simple scripts (Perl, Python, Java script)

We can check the correspondence between values, if the values belonging to a domain, the QoS

We can use monitors, logs, aspects

Checker for a suitable property specification language

Can be formal: use the formal semantics for checking the satisfaction


Runtime verification concerns only detect violations or compliance with fairness properties

The execution of a software system (“run”) is

considered as a possible infinite sequence of states of the system

States can be: variable assignments or sequences of actions issued and performed by a system

Formally, an execution is considered as a possible infinite word or trace

Execution of a system is a finite prefix of that run or a

finite trace 40


Checking the execution of a system in relation to a fairness property is the responsibility of the monitor

The basic functionality of such a monitor is to decide if the current execution satisfies a property

We can extrapolate and say that check at runtime, in terms of mathematical and formal attempts to develop techniques able to provide a response regarding the inclusion of a word (trace) in a language (set of states of a system)


Online monitoring - involves using a monitor to check the current execution of a system

Offline monitoring - involves using a monitor for a finite set of executions recorded

In terms of runtime verification, monitors are automatically generated from a high-level




The concept of “safety property” trying to capture a behavioral property related to the execution trace

Basic characteristic is given by the fact that once violated (property), it can not be satisfied

Safety properties can be applied over finite or

infinite traces


A monitor is a specialized automated, without terminal states

Ḿ =(S, s


, M: S x ∑ → S)

Properties of a monitor

Ĺ*( Ḿ ) = { w ϵ * | M (s0,w) ↓}

Ĺ (Ḿ ) = { u ϵ | M (s0,w) ↓} for all w ϵ prefixes(u)}

Ĺ*, (Ḿ ) = Ĺ*( Ḿ )  Ĺ ( Ḿ )



General idea of running for a monitor

Specialized automated will be triggered by events generated by the system that we observe

For each new event observed, the monitor moves from current state into another state

If transition function is undefined for the current state and for the current event => monitored

property is violated at that point




The observation mechanism extracts property relevant and filtered system states at designated points, e.g., when property-specific events happen

The verification mechanism checks the obtained

abstract trace against the (monitor corresponding to the) property and triggers desired actions in case of violations or validations




The first component (the header) will include information about monitoring, generation and

integration. Can be added information regarding the purpose and logic used to define properties for


In the second part (body) monitored properties are declared, these formulas will be associated with

certain logic plug-ins, according to the used formal semantic

Last part (handler) is the code declared by

programmer for cases when property is respected or violated



Example: for global property “always (x > 0)”

Observation mechanism – is related to updates of the variable x and the relevant state information (or

snapshot) to extract is the value of x => a sequence of values of x

Verification mechanism - checks whether the value of x is larger than zero

=> Observation and verification are independent



scope = class logic = ERE


[static int counter = 0; int writes = 0;]

event open : end(call(* open(..))) {writes = 0;};

event write : end(call(* write(..))) {writes ++;} ; event close : end(call(* close(..)));

formula : (open write+ close)*


violation handler{ @RESET; }

validation handler{ synchronized(getClass()){

File.log((++counter) + ":" + writes); } }


MOP specification for file profiling




scope = global logic = ERE

SafeEnum (Vector v, Enumeration+ e) { [String location = "";]

event create<v,e>: end(call(Enumeration+.new(v,..))) with (e);

event updatesource<v>: end(call(* v.add*(..))) \/

end(call(* v.remove*(..))) \/ ...

{location = @LOC;}

event next<e>: begin(call(* e.nextElement()));

formula : create next* updatesource+ next


validation handler { System.out.println("Vector updated at "

+ @MONITOR.location); }


MOP specification for safe enumeration


Authentication before use

Execution 1, correct


begin end


begin end

Execution 2, incorrect



class Resource { /*@

class-scoped SafeUse() {

event authenticate : after(exec(* authenticate())) event use : before(exec(* access()))

ptltl : use -> <*> authenticate }


void authenticate() {...}

void access() {...}




Enforce authentication before use

Execution 1, correct


begin end


begin end

Execution 2, incorrect but corrected





Enforce authentication before use

class Resource { /*@

class-scoped SafeUse() {

event authenticate : after(exec(* authenticate())) event use : before(exec(* access()))

ptltl : use -> <*> authenticate

violation { @this.authenticate(); } }


void authenticate() {...}

void access() {...}




JavaMOP is an MOP development tool for Java

JavaMOP follows a client-server architecture

◦ The client part includes the interface modules and the JavaMOP specification processor

◦ The server part contains a message dispatcher and logic-plugins for Java

The specification processor employs AspectJ for monitor integration => JavaMOP translates

outputs of logic-plugins into AspectJ code




Vector v=new Vector();

v.add(new Integer(10));

Iterator i =v.iterator();

v.add(new Integer(20));


JVM: ConcurentModificationException

Fail-fast iterator



package mop;

import java.io.*;

import java.util.*;

HasNext(Iterator i) {

event hasnext after(Iterator i) : call(* Iterator.hasNext()) && target(i) {}

event next before(Iterator i) : call(* Iterator.next()) && target(i) {}

ptltl : next implies (*) hasnext

@violation {

System.out.println("next called without hasNext!");

} }



Map SafeEnum_v_map = makeMap();

pointcut SafeEnum_updatesource0(Vector v) : call(* Vector.add*(..))&&


after (Vector v) : SafeEnum_updatesource0(v) { Map m = SafeEnum_v_map;

Object obj = null;

obj = m.get(v);

if (obj != null){

Iterator monitors = ((List)obj).iterator();

while (monitors.hasNext()) {

SafeEnumMonitor monitor=(SafeEnumMonitor)monitors.next();


if (monitor.suceeded()) {//validation handler

} }//end of while }//end of if



1) On-line:

http://fsl.cs.illinois.edu/index.php/JavaMOP4 http://fsl.cs.illinois.edu/index.php/MOP

http://www.kframework.org/tool/run/javamop Steps:

a) Specify the monitor + run it

b) The result (a new class and an aspect (the monitor)) must be added in an AspectJ project

c) At AspectJ project must be added a new test class d) Run the project and it must work

2) Off-line: At command line:

ajc -1.5 -cp <AspectJ runtime library>:<Apache Commons Collection library> -input <the base program root folder>




Implement a monitor for your project (max 2




A look at aspect-oriented programming:


Implementing caching with AspectJ:


Debugging Class Loading with AOP: http://www.cubeia.com/index.php/articles/63- debug-class-loading

Using AOP in C#: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/UsingAOPInCSharp.aspx

NKalore: http://aspectsharpcomp.sourceforge.net/

EOS: http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~eos/

AspectC++: http://www.aspectc.org/

1st conference on Runtime Verification: http://www.rv2010.org/

J-LO: http://www.sable.mcgill.ca/~ebodde/rv//JLO/index.html

SOA: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa480021.aspx

AOP Introduction: http://sewiki.iai.uni-


Strategies in AOP: http://www.guzzzt.com/files/coding/aspect_strategies.pdf

PostSharp: http://www.sharpcrafters.com/postsharp

Semantics advice: http://www.eclipse.org/aspectj/doc/next/progguide/semantics- advice.html

Runtime Verification Ionut Apetrei:



AOP with AspectJ: http://www.tomjanofsky.com/AspectJ.pdf

AspectJ tutorial: http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~mdeters/doc/slides/aspectjtutorial.pdf

AspectJ for Multilevel Security:


Dynamic analysis of SQL queries:


AOP: http://www.cojan.go.ro/PP/index7.htm, http://www.cojan.go.ro/PP/index8.htm

DeLap, M., et al.: Is Runtime Verification Applicable to Cheat Detection?


Sokolsky, O.: Run-time verification, 2006,


Chen, F., Roșu, G. MOP: An Efficient and Generic Runtime Verification Framework.

OOPSLA’07, ACM press, pp 569-588, 2007

Ghoshal, S., Manimaran, S., Rosu, G., Serbanuta, T., Stefanescu, G.: Monitoring IVHM Systems using a Monitor-Oriented Programming Framework, 2008


Model Checking: http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~modelcheck/ed-papers/mc.pdf , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_checking

Introduction to program monitoring: http://www.runtime-



10 “It is obligatory to take into account the cultural and political path dependencies of the countries and the secularization effects”, Detlef Pollack, Olaf Müller,

• Prolog (pro gramming in log ic) is a logic-based programming language: programs correspond to sets of logical formulas and the Prolog interpreter uses logical methods to

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The second reason for focusing on Herbrand interpretations is more theoretical. For the restricted language of definite programs, it turns out that in order to determine whether

Thus, if Don Quixote is the idealist, Casanova the adventurous seducer, Werther the suicidal hero, Wilhelm Meister the apprentice, Jesus Christ will be, in the audacious and

– Players, Objectives, Procedures, Rules, Resources, Conflict, Boundaries, Outcome. •

The logic of beliefs represents the general framework in which a logic of religion could be developed, meaning a logic of religious concepts. The different approaches of

Amir Pnueli - proposed that temporal logic should be used for checking continually operating