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View of Effect of Positive Thinking on Covid-19 Patient Healing


Academic year: 2022

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Effect of Positive Thinking on Covid-19 Patient Healing

R. Rudi Alhempi1

Department of Management, STIE Persada Bunda Pekanbaru, Indonesia Email: [email protected]

Irma Salamah2

Department of Management, STIE Persada Bunda Pekanbaru, Indonesia Email: [email protected]

Elvi Lastriani3

Department of Management, STIE Persada Bunda Pekanbaru, Indonesia Email: [email protected]


Even though there has not been found a specific vaccine to fight the corona 19 virus, there is still hope for recovery from this virus. This study aims to see the relationship of positive thinking to the recovery of positive patients with Covid 19. This research is a type of survey research classified into associative research, namely research that looks for the relationship between two variables using the product moment correlation equation. The population and sample of this study were SIP students of Class 49 Wira Adhibrata Sanskara Sukabumi, West Java with a total sample of 124 students who were positively exposed to Covid-19, who were the Dharma Hartono Battalion. The results of the analysis show that there is a relationship between a positive attitude and the recovery of a positive patient with Covid 19. The direction of the correlation is negative, which indicates that the length of healing is negatively correlated with openness. The higher a person's open attitude, the less time it takes to heal (the faster).

Based on the results of this study, the authors also recommend five steps that can be taken in order to help accelerate the healing of Covid 19 positive patients, namely by 1) providing guidance and counseling (Intensive Guidance and Counseling), 2) providing adequate intake of vitamins and nutrients (Providing Vitamin and Nutritious Food), 3) doing regular exercise (Regular Exercise Implementation), 4) implementing a healthy rest pattern (Sufficient Rest Time), and 5) providing training in relaxation techniques and breathing exercises (Relaxation Technique and Respiratory Training).

Keywords: Positive Thinking, Healing Covid-19 Patients.


Novel Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) is a disease caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-Cov-2). WHO has declared this outbreak a world health emergency on April 24, 2020. This virus has spread to 213 countries, 2,959,929 cases, 202,733 died, and 742,855 recovered. In Indonesia, 9,511 patients were confirmed positive for Covid-19, 773 people died, and 1,254 people recovered (WHO, 2020; Task Force, 2020).

The facts that occur in the field are that patients who are exposed to the corona virus are automatically confused, worried, anxious, and various unwanted things start to cross their minds such as no longer being able to meet children and wives, not being able to meet family, isolated, there is no cure. and who knows when there is a cure What is imagined and crossed the minds of most corona positive patients is that death will soon pick up. They feel very close to death. In essence, what clings to their minds are negative thoughts so that this will reduce their immunity. Even though it is precisely strong immunity that plays a very important role in curing patients exposed to the


corona virus. Balachandar, et al (2020) emphasize that counseling and moral support are very important to help corona positive patients recover. This counseling and moral support will help eliminate negative thoughts, and replace them and positive thoughts.

In addition, self-management is needed, in order to be able to totality of thoughts, desires, and movements resulting from a combination of intellectual, emotional, spiritual and physical to organize, organize and manage oneself so that you can think openly about a problem, so that you can change yourself for the better by rejecting things that are if it's negative. With this concept of self-management, everyone can certainly control the thoughts, words and actions they do, so that everyone can avoid bad things and increase good deeds such as being able to reject every stressful situation because stress can block everyone's ability to think and create. rational decisions; able to understand information deftly, clearly and accurately; can control yourself related to physical and mental health. The process of improving self-management is carried out by identifying feelings, being honest and keeping away from negative thoughts.

The spread of the corona virus today has not stopped. This virus is still growing, it is still contagious because the link in the chain has not been broken. Two hundred and thirteen countries, including Indonesia, have taken various measures to deal with the increasingly widespread spread of this virus. This is done by the government so that there are not many victims. This is done by the government so that the chain of spread of this virus is broken and the life of the nation, state and international life can return to normal. The government has done various things. Various policies have been taken and implemented such as banning homecoming, restricting international flights and domestic flights, eliminating all forms of activities that create crowds, promoting calls to stay at home, and promoting calls for the adoption of healthy living. All parties must take part and participate in fighting Covid 19. So far, as seen in various online and offline media, it seems as if the only ones who are obliged to fight this virus are the government, TNI, Polri, Doctors, Nurses, Midwives, and other health workers, even though everyone is highly educated in this country, people who understand and understand, you should take part in fighting Covid 19. For example, by participating in educating the surrounding community who still underestimate Covid 19. Today there are still many people who still gather without heeding the government's appeal.

Everyone who is available for this must participate in accordance with the capacity they have as mentioned earlier, namely helping to educate the public to be more aware of the Covid 19 outbreak.

However, Covid-19 is actually a scourge for everyone, without exception.

Everyone today has the potential to be exposed to this virus if they are not introspective and careful. Everyone must have an attitude against Covid-19 by disciplining themselves by always wearing a mask, keeping a distance and frequently washing hands with soap. Attitude towards oneself is able to develop self-concept into a positive self- concept so that a person does not see himself as helpless, weak, failed, unfortunate and others. Of course this is very detrimental to yourself. Thinking patterns certainly affect a person's health level. With positive thinking, a person tends to be healthier because his mind is able to deal with stress and is easier to live a healthy lifestyle and ultimately is less susceptible to disease. Medical personnel today are at the forefront of fighting this virus but every health facility has a different treatment of patients who come to the hospital itself. Because until today, there has not been a specific vaccine against Covid- 19. However, there are several treatments carried out by doctors in Indonesia to help


recover Covid-19 patients. For mild symptoms, doctors usually recommend rest, drink lots of water and consume pain relievers such as paracetamol.

Based on the information above that positive thinking has a great influence on the chances of healing Covid 19 patients, this study focuses on examining the effect of positive thinking on the recovery of Covid 19 patients.Positive thinking is a thinking activity that we do with the aim of building and evoking positive aspects of it.

ourselves, be it in the form of our potential, enthusiasm, determination and self- confidence. Thinking is an international psychological activity, and occurs when a person encounters a problem that must be solved. Thus, in thinking that one connects one understanding with another in order to get a solution to the problem at hand (Soemanto, 1998). Wasty S said that thinking is a dynamic process that takes three steps of thinking, namely the formation of understanding, the formation of opinions and the formation of decisions. Thinking can be defined as a personal activity that aims to solve problems (Dakir, 1999).

According to Solso (1988) thinking is a process of representing new thoughts formed from changes in form through information in a complete interaction of thought added to decisions, abstraction, simplification of reason, imagination and problem solving. Thought is also an internal process whose existence can be seen from behavior.

Psychologists say positive thinking is a commonly used method of motivation to improve a person's attitude and promote personal growth. Positive thinking is a person's thinking ability to assess the experiences in his life, as valuable material for subsequent experiences and consider them as a life process that must be accepted. Peale stated that individuals who think positively will get positive results and individuals who think negatively will get negative results (Peale, 2006). Positive thinking can also be interpreted as a way of thinking that departs from good things, which can ignite the spirit to make changes towards a better standard of life. In this context, positive thinking has become a system of thinking that directs and guides someone to leave negative things that can weaken the spirit of change in their souls (Arifin, 2011).

Positive thinking is the basic potential that encourages humans to act and work by investing all of their human capabilities. Positive thoughts are when you feel anxious but feel greater pleasure, see things that are enlightening and do not fill your mind with negative thoughts (El-bahdal, 2010). Positive thoughts are thoughts that can build and strengthen personality and character. This also means that we can become more mature, more courageous in facing challenges and do healthy things (Sakina, 2008: 2). Positive thinking is a mental attitude that involves the process of entering thoughts, words, and images that are constructive (building) for the development of the mind. (Arifin, 2011).

From the general definition above, it can be concluded that positive thinking is a thinking activity carried out with the aim of building and evoking positive aspects of ourselves, both in the form of our potential, enthusiasm, determination and self- confidence so that it raises good feelings, behaviors, and things. and has become a system of thinking that directs and guides a person to leave negative things that can weaken the spirit of change in his soul. Seeing the importance of positive thinking and the amount of benefits that can be obtained from positive thinking to increase body immunity, the authors try to further analyze the relationship of positive thinking to the recovery of positive patients with Covid 19.



This research is a type of survey research, namely by collecting data and information. of the respondents using a questionnaire. Based on the technical statistics, this research is classified into associative research, which is research that looks for the relationship between two variables using the product moment correlation equation.

Product moment correlation is a popular correlation technique used by researchers. This technique was proposed by Karl Pearson in 1900. Its use is to determine the degree of relationship between two variables. Product moment correlation includes parametric statistical techniques that use interval or ratio data.

The population and sample of this study were SIP students of Class 49 Wira Adhibrata Sanskara Sukabumi, West Java. The total population of this study was 700 students who were positively infected with Covid-19. The sample was selected using purposive sampling technique and obtained a study sample of 124 students who were positively exposed to Covid-19, who were the Dharma Hartono Battalion. This study was conducted in March - April 2020 at Setukpa Sukabumi, West Java. The data analysis technique used in this study is descriptive analysis by describing the process and results of guidance, counseling, and positive thinking training for positive patients with Covid-19 in Setukpa, Sukabumi, West Java.

In general, the correlation is denoted by r with the value of r not more than the price (-1 ≤ r ≤ +1). For the meaning of the price of r, it can be consulted on the following table of interpretation of the value of r.

Table 1. Interpretation of the correlation coefficient value r

Interval Coefficient Relationship Level

0,800 – 1,000 Very strong

0,600 – 0,799 Strong

0,400 – 0,599 Strong enough

0,200 – 0,399 Low

0,000 – 1,999 Very low

The plus minus sign on this correlation index figure functions only to show the direction of correlation, so not as an algebraic sign (when compared with r table, it is not necessary to pay attention to the minus sign) If the correlation index number is plus (+) then the correlation is positive and the direction of the correlation is one-way, whereas if the correlation index is minus (-), then the correlation is negative and the direction of the correlation is opposite; and if the correlation index number is equal to 0, then this shows there is no correlation. Thus, we can distinguish the direction of correlation into two, namely one-way and one-way-opposite.


Descriptive analysis

According to Ghozali is an analysis that provides or describes data seen from the mean (mean) standard deviation, maximum and minimum variance. As for the results of this study, in broad terms, the respective variables are shown in the table below;

Table 2. Description of research data

Statistic Length of Healing with Open Attitude

Total 3596 9790


Average 29 78.95

Max 45 100

Min 12 37.5

Varian 93.61 121.24

S.D 9.68 11.01

Based on these data, it can be seen that the average length of recovery for SIP Class 49 Students Wira Adhibrata Sanskara Sukabumi who is positively exposed to Covid-19 is of 29 days, the longest time is 45 days and the fastest time is 12 days. The average value of the open attitude of SIP Class 49 Wira Adhibrata Sanskara Sukabumi students who were positively exposed to Covid-19 was 78.95, where the maximum score was 100 and the minimum score was 37.5.

Positive Thinking is a thinking activity carried out with the aim of building and evoking positive aspects of ourselves, both in the form of potential, enthusiasm, determination and our self-confidence so as to generate good feelings, behaviors, and things and has become a system of thinking that directs and guiding a person to leave behind negative things that can dampen the spirit of change in his soul. Regarding positive thinking variables, researchers conducted a process of guidance, counseling, and positive thinking training for positive patients with Covid-19 in Setukpa, Sukabumi, West Java. The results of the distribution of positive thinking from SIP Class 49 Wira Adhibrata Sanskara Sukabumi students who were positively exposed to Covid-19 are shown in Figure 1 below.

Fig. 1. Distribution of open attitude of respondents

From this figure it is known that as many as 2 respondents (2%) have a very low open attitude, 10 respondents (8%) have a low open attitude, as many as 18 respondents (14%) have a moderate open attitude. Most of the respondents were at a high level of open attitude with a percentage of 63% or 78 respondents, the rest were at a very high level of open attitude as many as 16 respondents or (13%).

Data Analysis Result a. Prerequisite

Test The classical assumption test to be carried out is the normality test and the homogeneity test. The normality test is used to determine whether the score distribution is normally distributed or not. The normality test uses the Kolmogorov Smirnov test,


data is normally distributed if the significance is more than 0.005. Kolmogorov Smirnov calculations were used with the help of the SPSS 16 program.

Table 3. Tests of normality

Variables Kolmogorov-Smirnova

Statistic df Sig.

Duration of Healing .120 124 .100

Open Attitude .237 124 .210

Based on the results of the analysis in the table above. It can be seen that the significance value is 0.100 and 0.210. Based on these results, the data used in this study has met the prerequisites for normality because the significance is more than 0.005.

After conducting the normality prerequisite test, the next step is to conduct the homogeneity prerequisite test. The homogeneity test at this stage uses the Levene test.

The test was analyzed using the SPSS 22 program. The data can be said to be homogeneous if the sig value is> 0.05. The results of the homogeneity analysis can be seen in the following.

Table 4. Test of homogeneity of variances

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

.016 1 246 .801

Based on the results of the analysis in Table 75 above. It can be seen that the significance value is 0.801. Based on these results, the data used in this study have met the homogeneous prerequisites.

b. Hypothesis Testing

This research is classified into associative research, namely research that looks for the relationship between two variables using the product moment correlation equation.

Product moment correlation is a popular correlation technique used by researchers. This technique was proposed by Karl Pearson in 1900. Its use is to determine the degree of relationship between two variables. Product moment correlation includes parametric statistical techniques that use interval or ratio data. In general, the correlation is denoted by r with the value of r not more than the price (-1 ≤ r ≤ +1).

Table 5. Correlations variables

Variables Statistic Duration of Healing Open Attitude Duration of Healing

Pearson Correlation 1 -.481

Sig. (2-tailed) .004

N 124 124

Open Attitude

Pearson Correlation -.481 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .004

N 124 124

Result of the product moment correlation coefficient between the two variables. The value obtained is -0.481 means that there is a fairly strong (negative) relationship between the length of healing variable and the open attitude variable. The plus and minus sign on this correlation index number functions only to show the direction of correlation. If the


correlation index number is plus (+) then the correlation is positive and the direction of the correlation is one-way, whereas if the correlation index is minus (-), then the correlation is negative and the direction of the correlation is opposite. Thus, it can be seen that the direction of the correlation is negative, which indicates that the duration of healing is negatively correlated with openness. The higher a person's open attitude, the less time it takes to heal.


Healing someone who is suffering from a disease, the medicine for the disease already exists, is still not an easy thing. Moreover, curing someone who is exposed to a deadly virus and there is no vaccine to this day is certainly a very difficult thing.

However, this did not prevent the Setukpa Sukabumi students of West Java from continuing to fight in order to recover from this virus.

Although a special vaccine has not been found to fight the corona 19 virus, hope for recovery from this virus remains. This is proven by the number of patients who recovered in the world from a total of 2,959,929 cases, as many as 742,855 (25.10%) people recovered. This number is more than the number of patients who died, which was 202,733 (6.8%). In Indonesia alone, the number of confirmed cases is 9,511 people with the number of patients who recovered as many as 1,254 people (13.18%) and the number of patients who died was 733 people or the same as 8.1%.

From the data above, it can be seen that the cure rate is higher than the death rate.

In other words, the chances of recovering from Covid-19 are enormous. Various studies continue to be carried out by scientists in the world so that the conclusion is that the key to a patient's recovery is in their immunity. Government Spokesperson for Corona Virus Handling, Achmad Yurianto said, only immunity can ward off all types of viruses, including COVID-19. And strong immunity can only be obtained if the patient is able to think positively and not everyone is able to think positively so that more real follow-up is needed.

1. Providing Guidance and Counseling (Intensive Guidance and Counseling) Not everyone is able to think positively when facing the very big trials in his life.

Especially if it threatens his safety. So, if they are allowed to, they will get lost in their own thoughts and feelings so that from the days of their immunity, their bodies will obey. If left untreated, their condition will get weaker and this can be fatal. The virus will be more and more virulent in the body and something that is unwanted will no longer be avoided.

For this reason, the most effective way to foster positive thinking in order to increase body immunity is through Guidance and Counseling. This is supported by Balachander, et al. (2020) who emphasize that counseling and moral support are very important to help corona positive patients recover. This counseling and moral support will help eliminate negative thoughts, and replace them and positive thoughts. Positive thinking is a thinking activity that we do with the aim of building and arousing positive aspects of ourselves, both in the form of potential, enthusiasm, determination and our self-confidence. Emotional intelligence and positive thinking can improve mental health (Bita, et al., 2013).

Through guidance and counseling, Covid-19 positive patients have a place to share and ask questions. So, he doesn't feel alone. Moreover, in counseling and counseling, positive motivation is always given to recover. This is very helpful for the patient. The patient will often think about what he wants (healing) rather than think about what he


does not want (death). Thus, their subconscious will be stimulated and as a result they will be eager to carry out other actions necessary for his recovery.

2. Provision of Vitamins & Nutritious Food (Providing Vitamins and Nutritious Food)

To increase immunity, Covid-19 positive patients must also get adequate intake of nutrients and vitamins. So that their bodies are not sluggish and they still have the energy to keep them active. The same thing was conveyed by Butler and Barrientos (2020) that a complete vitamin and nutritious diet must be a priority and also that Covid 19 patients must have healthy eating habits to reduce the long-term effects and complications that can be caused by Covid-19.

3. Regular Exercise (Regular Exercise Implementation)

Exercise can release hormones that cause a person to feel more excited because his body is actively moving. Regular exercise is applied in Setukpa for 14 days to maintain the physical and stamina of students who are exposed to Covid 19. Regular exercise also helps to keep thinking positively because by exercising, time can be filled with activities that are more beneficial than just sitting around and lamenting one's fate.

4. Sufficient Rest Time

A pattern of adequate rest is also applied in Setukpa. With adequate rest, stamina is maintained. It also helps increase immunity in the body so that it is stronger and able to stop the development of the virus. Of course, lack of rest can cause a more severe and fatal disease. Lack of rest will cause a person to feel dizzy and weak. From that, during the treatment period, adequate rest patterns are always applied.

5. Provision of Relaxation and Respiratory Techniques (Implementation of Relaxation and Respiratory Technique).

The next step is to provide relaxation techniques and breathing exercises.

Relaxation and breathing exercises have many benefits for the body. In addition to relieving stress, relaxation techniques will lower your heart rate, making it more relaxed. Makes blood circulation smoother and better in removing waste substances in the body. If you want to maintain a healthy heart, then relaxation is a mandatory requirement. In addition, relaxation and breathing techniques are also useful for relieving stress. The body will be calmer and can control stress hormones. So that positive patients with Covid-19 will be more controlled and better at maintaining mental health. Relaxation can improve blood circulation. Relaxation can also reduce high blood pressure. When relaxed, the patient is also calmer and in a better mood. The patient becomes happier and can control his anger. This will greatly contribute to keeping the immunity of Covid-19 patients strong so that they can stop the development of Covid- 19 in the body.


The results of the analysis show that there is a relationship between positive attitudes and the recovery of positive patients with Covid 19. The direction of the correlation is negative, which indicates that the duration of recovery is negatively correlated with openness. The higher a person's open attitude, the less time it takes to heal (the faster). Based on the results of this study, the authors also recommend five steps that can be taken in order to help accelerate the healing of Covid 19 positive patients, namely by providing guidance and counseling (Intensive Guidance and Counseling), providing adequate intake of vitamins and nutrients (Providing Vitamin


and Nutritious Food), do regular exercise (Regular Exercise Implementation), apply healthy rest patterns (Sufficient Rest Time), and provide training in relaxation techniques and breathing exercises (Relaxation Technique and Respiratory Training).

This study is certainly still far from perfect, so further research is needed. Future researchers can explore by expanding the scope of the study to see if Covid-19 patients do not recover simply because they do not think positively or there are other factors.

This is very interesting for further research because as it is known, elderly patients who have complications from a history of certain diseases are more susceptible to being attacked by this virus.


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