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View of Career Interest, Self-Efficacy and Perception of nursing as a profession among nursing students


Academic year: 2022

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Career Interest, Self-Efficacy and Perception of nursing as a profession among nursing students

1Soha Sobhy EL-SayedMahmmoud, 2Maha AbdeenKheder,

3Aisha EL-Sayed EL-Araby

1B.SC Nursing, Zagazig University, Egypt

2Assistant Prof. Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University, Egypt

3Lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University, Egypt Corresponding author: SohaSobhy EL-SayedMahmmoud, Email:[email protected]


Background:Nursing profession is considered as one of the most important carriers in health care delivery system which influenced by the rapid change in health services. So, it is important to measure how nursing students perceive this career and its value to the individual and the community. Aim of the study: toassess career interest, self- efficacy and perceptions of nursing as a profession among nursing students. Subject and Method: Research design: A descriptivecorrelation design was utilized in this study.Setting: This study was conducted atEL-Tall EL-Kabeir female nursing school.Subjects:All available nursing students in the academic year (2019-2020) (n=153).Tools of data collection: three tools were used:Career search questionnaire, general self-efficacy scale andPerceptions of professional nursing tool.

Results:revealed that (56.90%) the highest percentage of nursing students had high level of career interest. As well as the vast majority of nursing students had low level of self-efficacy (92.20%). Additionally, the majority of nursing students had a positive perception toward nursing profession (51.60%).Conclusion:There was statistically significant and positive correlation between nursing students' career interest and their perception of nursing as a profession.Recommendations:The need to establish training program for nursing students to improve and evaluate their self-efficacy.

Keywords:Career interest, Self-Efficacy, Perception, Nursing profession, nursing students


Nursing image is transmitted by how nurses introduce themselves in every setting from the classroom, to practical training, to professional meetings then to the workplace. The nursing profession suffers from staffing shortage; this shortage is resulting from increased demand compared with the supply of nurses. So, reinforcing career interest is the important factor to reduce occupational and organizational shortage among nurses (1).American Nurses Association (ANA) mentioned that nursing is the response of an individual against the existing or potential health problems and caring for them. There are many roles of nursing as caregiving, decision-making, advocating, managing, rehabilitating, providing comfort, communicating and coordinating, relaxing, educating, treating, career developing and researching and advising. But caregiving is the basic role of nursing which is a practiced profession. Therefore, nursing students must convert the theoretical knowledge learned in the class to practices are performing in the clinical environment (2).Moreover, nursing profession is characterized by autonomy, accountability, ethics, and advocacy. It is associated with specific attitudes and behaviors that demonstrate the beliefs of the nursing profession. It involves crucial interactions between nurses, patients, families, and other health professionals that take place daily. On the other hand, there are negative outcomes resulting from decreased these beliefs as costly increased nursing staff turnover, poor patient outcomes, and high attrition in the profession (3)..Additionally, nursing profession are extremely demanding, although nursing staff may face many challenges, including high-pressure environment, long


working hours, workplace hazards, short staffing and low compensation which leading to nursing students to change their perceptions toward future career choices and most of them have selected other jobs causing great shortage of nursing staffs(4).Nursing students are students who receive theoretical and practical education to enable them establish a link between patient and the complex healthcare environment. Teaching and learning processes require equal participation of both students and teachers. Thus, nursing students are no longer seen as passive recipients of knowledge but they should be contributing and engaged in teaching, learning and assessment processes. Although, nursing teacher has important role towards community and nursing students for achieving their education and career goals, solve their problems that cause barriers to educate, reinforce them to use their strength, effective use of teaching strategies and ensuring adequate support for learners(5).Self-efficacy is a basic concept of social cognitive theory that referred to individuals’ beliefs in their personal ability to achieve the desired results. Thus, it organizes career choices, educational achievements, effort, engagement, perseverance and motivation of the students and their response to face the rigors(6).As well as,Self-efficacy reinforce students’ interest in nursing career by enhancing nursing students' skills and knowledge also strengthens interest in mental healthcare practices.

Interest in teaching affects students' decisions to pursue academic careers, indicating the importance of career interest (7).Choosing a career is a complex method which is affected by many factors that vary between cultures and countries. These factors are luck, social values, standards political, economic, legal and systematic features, environmental circumstances and attitudes. Therefore, when a person had a positive perception towards the profession, he was accommodating to his profession and keeps a productive working life. Careers are life expressions of how an individual in the globe wants to be. So, career planning is a process that becomes part of the skills and experiences reservoir over time and allows the nurse to develop as a professional and achieve the goals (8).Nursing students' perception towards the profession plays an important role in the development of the profession and they are key assets of nursing profession (9).Recently, there is a significant change in nursing profession through the recent increase in professional independence and development of definitions for roles and performance. This change resulting from fast improvements in science and the development of new technologies in different areas.Though continuous education and advanced training are important factors to improve nursing profession (8).

Significance of the study

A nursing career is very demanding, with nurses suffering from a lot of pressure in their working environment, dealing with symptoms related to patients’ illnesses and conditions;

they experience low job satisfaction. Although nursing plays an important role in maintaining people's health, nursing staff are not well recognized by society to the extent that they deserve. Therefore, this has a certain impact on the value of the nursing profession, the extent of love felt for the profession, and passion for study among nursing students (10). Moreover, nursing education provides the professional support system and examples of conduct and knowledge for future generations of nurses. Part of the responsibility of educating nurses is in the recruitment and retention of capable groups. With a nursing shortage looming, resources should be spent into researching reasons for career choice into this respected profession

(11).Furthermore, in these days issued by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics that the total number of nursing staff members who work (207143) nurses in 2016 while in 2015 were (202491) an increase of about 2.3%. Additionally, the total number of graduates nursing collages are (4687) in 2016 while in 2015 were (2789) an increase of 68.1




The present study aimed to assess career interest, self- efficacy and perceptions of nursing as a profession among nursing students.

Research questions

1. What is the level of career interest of nursing students?

2. What is the level of self- efficacy of nursing students?

3. What is the level of perception of nursing as a profession of nursing students?

4. Is there relationship between career interest, self-efficacy and perception of nursing as a profession among nursing students?

II. Methodology Design

A descriptive correlation design was used for this study.


This study was conducted atEL-Tall EL-Kabeir female nursing school.


All available nursing students in the academic year (2019-2020) (n=153).


A questionnaire sheet was used to collect data for this study which was consisted of two tools.

Tool I: Career search questionnaire:

This tool contained two parts as follows: Part 1: Personal characteristics of nursing students, developed by the researchers to collect data about age, academic year and entering school on desire,part 2: Developed by Roberts (13) to measure nursing students' career interest. It included 23 items.Thenursing students' responses were measured on a three-point Likert scale ranging from interested (3) to no interested (1).The scores of the items were summed- up and the total divided by the number of the items, giving a mean score of the part. These scores were converted into percent score. The nursing students' score was consideredto be high if the percent score was 75% and more, moderate if the percent from 50% to less than 75% and low if the percent less than 50%. The reliability of the tool was measured by Cronbach alpha coefficient and it was0.86.

Tool II: General self-efficacy scale

It was developed by Schwarzer&Jerussalem(14)to assessgeneral sense of perceived self- efficacy among students. It consisted of 10 items.The nursing students' responses were measured on a three-point Likert scale ranging from always (3) to rarely (1). The scores of the items were summed-up and the total divided by the number of the items, giving a mean score of the part. These scores were converted into percent score. The score was considered to be high if the percent score was 75% or more, moderate if the percent from 50% to less than 75% and low if less.The reliability of the tool was measured by Cronbach alpha coefficient and it was 0.7.

Tool III: Perceptions of professional nursing questionnaire

It was developed byRocchiccioli (15)to measure perceptionthrough survey data collection on nursing school students. It consisted of 37 items that are grouped into three dimensions (nursing practice, nursing value and nursing public image). Where nursing practice consisted


of 13 items, while nursing value consisted of 11 items and nursing public image consisted of 13 items.The nursing students' responses were measured on a three-point Likertscale ranging from agrees (1) to disagree(3). For each domain, the scores of the items were summed-up and the total divided by the number of the items, giving a mean score of the domain. These scores were converted into percent score. The score was considered to be high if the percent score was 75% or more, moderate if the percent from 50% to less than 75% and low if less. The reliability of the tool was measured by Cronbach alpha coefficient and it was 0.87.


The field work of this study was executed in one month started from the middle of October to the middle of November; 2019.The researcher clarified the aim of the study to each student either individually or through group meetings. Each student was given an opportunity to complete the questionnaire under the guidance and the supervision of researcher. Nursing studentscompleted the questionnaires at the same time of distribution and took about 15-20 minutes.


A pilot study was carried out on 10 % of study subjects (10 nursing students) to test applicability, feasibility, practicability of the tools. In addition, to estimate the time required for filling in the questionnaire sheets. Nursing students were selected randomly and excluded from the main study sample and the necessary modifications were done according to the results of the pilot study.

Content validity:

The questionnaire was translated into Arabic; and then content and face validity were established by a panel of four expertsfromnursing administration and community nursing departments at the faculty of nursing, Zagazig University, and one expert at the faculty of nursing, Suez Canal University. Experts were requested to express their opinions and comments on the tool and provide any suggestions for any additions or omissions of items.

According to their opinions all recommended modifications were performed by the researcher.

Administrative and ethical considerations

Official permissions were obtained from the dean of the Faculty of Nursing,Zagazig University, and approval to conduct the study was obtained fromheadmaster of the EL-Tall EL-Kabeir Female Nursing School.The researcher obtained lists of students’ number of each class in the school, offer an explanation of study objectives, as well as an individual oral consent was obtained from each participant in the study.Nursingstudentswere given an opportunity to refuse or to participate and they were assured that the information would be used confidentially and used for the research purpose only. Confidentiality was confirmed by maintaining anonymity of subjects' data.

Statistical analysis

Data entry and statistical analysis were done using the statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 20.0. Quantitative data were expressed as the mean ± SD & median (range), and qualitative data were expressed as absolute frequencies (number) and relative frequencies (percentage). Percent of categorical variables were compared using Chi-square test.

Spearman's correlation coefficient was calculated to assess relationship between various study variables, + sign indicated direct correlation and - sign indicate inverse correlation, also values near to 1 indicated strong correlation and values near 0 indicate weak correlation. All


tests were two sided. P-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant (S), and p-value ≥ 0.05 was considered statistically insignificant (NS).


Table 1: Shows personal characteristics of studied nursing students.The stable indicated that

< 50% of students had age < 17 year (mean± SD 16.8±0.94). The highest percent of them were in third year (39.2%) while the lowest were in first year (26.1 %). Also, 50% to < 75%

of them entered the nursing school on desire.

Figure 1:illustrateslevel of career interest among studied nursing students It clarified that (56.90%) of studied nursing students had high level of career interest.

Figure 2:Presentstotal self- efficacy level among studied nursing students. It showed that (92.20%) of studied nursing students had low level of self-efficacy.

Figure 3: Reveals level of perception of nursing practice, nursing value and nursing public image among studied nursing students. It portrays that (88.20 %) of nursing students had high level of perception of nursing value,while (56.90 %) had high level of perception of nursing practice. But (40.50%) the minority of them had high level of nursing public image.

Figure 4: Illustrates level of perception of nursing as a profession among studied nursing students. It displays that (51.60%) of studied nursing students had high level of perception of nursing as a profession.

Table 2:Presentscorrelation between different study variables as reported by studied nursing students,it shows that nursing students’ career interest was significantly and positively correlated with their perception of nursing as a profession and their self-efficacy(r = 0.34, p=.0001 and r = 0.17, p=0.038, respectively). In addition, there was positive and significant correlation between nursing students’ perception and their self-efficacy (r =.19, p=0.018).

Table 3: Shows relationship between nursing students’ career interest and their personal characteristics. It’s clear from the table there was statistically significant relation between nursing students career interest and their personal characteristics regarding (age, academic year and entering school on desire) where p= (0.03, 0.035 & 0.039, respectively.

Table 4: Illustrates relationship between nursing students’ self-efficacy and their personal characteristics. It is obvious from the table that there were no statistically significant relations between nursing students’ self-efficacy and their personal characteristics p>0.05.

Table 5: Displays relationship between nursing students’ perception of nursing as a profession and their personal characteristics.It shows that there were statistically significant relation between nursing students’ perception level and their personal characteristics regarding academic year and entering school on desire where p= (0.001 & 0.029 respectively).


Nursing as a profession has existed throughout history, although it has evolved considerably over time. In the current healthcare system, nurses are one of the most trusted healthcare professionals with a significant role to play in the treatment and medical care of the sick (16). Nursing as a profession is depending on nursing students and their perception toward the profession which plays an important role not only in achieving student success but also in the development of the profession. Thus, there is a need to promote nursing professional image in the community especially in the Egyptian community which its idea toward nursing profession was not improved properly. Although, the perception of nursing as a profession in Arab countries is changing to the best and nowadays it is considered one of the appreciated and trusted profession (17).Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess career interest, self- efficacy and perceptions of nursing as a profession among nursing students.Regarding the level of career interests perceived by studied nursing students; the present study findings


showed thatmore than the half of studied nursing students had high level of career interest.This finding might be due to the increasing desire to help others and increasing awareness among nursing students as result of the improvement of nursing education and the diverse work environment.The current study finding was in agreement with previous studies, such as the study conducted byAbouHashish(18), who investigatedthe effect of career- awareness sessions on perceived career and talent development self-efficacy and career barriers among nursing student, in Egypt; and another one conducted byGore et al.(19),who understood the patterns and predictors of interest in a nursing care in order to inform ways of ensuring a viable future workforce, in Australia.Aswell,Isaac et al.(20),whoexploredwhether interest levels or self-efficacy are associated with rural or remote career intentions, in Australia.On the other hand, this result was incongruent with the prior study carried out by Stroup (21), who investigated investigate Hispanic/Latino college students’ consideration of nursing as a career choice, in US.Regarding the level of self-efficacyas perceived by studied nursing students; the present study findings revealed that the vast majority of studied nursing students had low level of self-efficacy.The potential explanation for this result may be attributed tolack of self-confidence among nursing students because they believe that they are not capable of performing complicated tasks and they have lack in a sense of commitment to their profession so they are avoiding challenges. . The current study findings went in the same line with that of a study conducted byRichard& Carrie (22) , who described the level of the self-efficacy among the third-year undergraduate nursing students, in China. Furthermore, this result was in disagreement with previous study carried out by Kim &Yun (23), who examined the academic self-efficacy, achievement motivation and career aspirations of the students and to identify the affecting factors on their career aspiration, in Korea.Moreover, there is another study is carried out by HassanKhani et al.(24), who investigated the relationship between self-efficacy and learning motivation among nursing students which found that the level of self-efficacy was average. Regarding the perception of nursing as a profession among studied nursing students.the present study findings illustrated that more than the half of studied nursing students had high level of perception of nursing as a profession. This result might be due tothat nursing picture is improving and viewed as one of the acknowledged and suggested professions. Also, student’s perception varies depending on age, educational level, social and professional experience where some perceive nursing as a caring profession while others perceive nursing as a profession that helps people to gain better health. The current study findingwent in line with other previous studies as the study conducted byAbd El-Ghany et al.(25), who explored perception about the image of the nursing profession, in Yemen; and another one carried out by Mai et al.(10), who described the attitudes and perceptions toward nursing profession, in China. As well, Ibrahim et al.(26), who explored and compared the undergraduate male nursing students’ perceptions about the Image of the Nursing Profession, in Egypt. While, this result incongruent with previous studies such as the study conducted byMarcinowicz et al.(27), who conducted an in-depth analysis of the reasons why Polish students choose nursing as a profession and their later perception of the job based on experiences acquired during the nursing course, in Poland; another one conducted byGlerean et al.(28), who described young people's perceptions of the nursing profession, in United Nations.Concerning domains of perception of nursing which comprises to three domains namely nursing practice, nursing value and nursing public image. The present study findings showed that the level of perception of nursing practice was high. The potential explanation for this result may be attributed tothat the practical training considers is an essential part of the educational plan in nursing schools to make the nursing students more skilled and professional.This finding is supported by other prior studies as the study conducted byKonuk&Tanyer(2), who identified the caring behaviors, perceptions and associated factors of the nursing students, in Turkey; another one carried out by Tonhoma et


al.(29), who analyzed the perception of students and nurses regarding the insertion of students in the professional nursing practice, in Brazil. Additionally, this finding was incongruent with a previous study carried out by Hunt et al.(30), who established the situation regarding practical assessment failure rates for student nurses, in England. Moreover, the current study results revealed that the level of perception of nursing value was very high.Thisresult might be due tothe development in nursing education which emphasis in learning nursing values to students which consider an essential guide for educating and evaluating the learning outcomes for nursing students.This result goes in line with previous studies as study carried out by Poorchangizi et al.(31), who investigated the importance of professional values from nursing students’ perspective, in Iran; and another one conducted by Kavradim et al.(32), who determined the relationship between compassion and professional values and the factors that affect the perceptions of nursing students, in Turkey.Additionally, the result of the present study revealed that the level of perception of nursing public image was low. The potential explanation for this result may be attributed to the public is still inaccurate, negative image and considers the nursing is undesirable profession. Also, this public image is predominantly based on misconceptions and stereotypes, which find their origins in distorted images of nurses in the media. The media plays a part in perpetuating the stereotype of the nurse as angels of mercy, the doctor's handmaiden and other distorted images as well as the public usually consider the nursing is a duty of female individuals only. This result is supported by a previous study carried out by Marcinowicz et al. (27). On the other hand, this result was in disagreement with previous studies carried out by Ibrahim et al.(26)andAbd El-Ghany et al.(25).Regarding to correlation between study variables, the current study demonstrated that there was a positive correlation between nursing students’ career interest and their perception of nursing as a profession.This mean that the higher the career interest, the higher perception of nursing as a profession. The possible explanation for this result might be due to that students who are interested in nursing, aware of its value and have desire to work as a nurse have positive perception towardnursingprofession.This result is supported by a previous studiessuch as the study conductedby Pereira (33), who investigated how college students who attended a career planning project perceived work, their career, and relations between both and interpersonal relationships, in Brazil; and another one conducted byYilmaz et al.(34), who investigated the effect of career-planning event for nursing students on their conceptualizations of the nursing profession and their career plans, in Turkey. On the contrary, this result was in disagreement with a previous study carried out by Saks et al. (35), who explored the 18-19-year-old students’ perceptions and attitudes to the teaching profession, in Estonia.Additionally, the finding of the current study revealed that there was another positive correlation between nursing students’ career interest and their self- efficacy,this mean that the higher career interest, the higher self-efficacy. The best rational for this result lies in the importance of self-efficacy to help the students to succeed in achieving goals, so it affects student’s career interest, performance, productivity and achievement. This result is in accordance with Güdel et al.(36), who reported the results of an empirical study on adolescents’ interest, self-efficacy, and vocational interest in technology and design, in Switzerland, while, this result was in disagreement with a previous study that carried out by Nauta(37), who examined ways in which career interests, self-efficacy, and the big five personality dimensions are associated with later career exploration, in US.The finding of the current study demonstrated that there was a positive correlation between nursing students’

perception and their self-efficacy. This mean that the higher perception, the higher self- efficacy. From researcher point of view the nursing students who have a good perception to be a nurse who feel more challenged and motivated with nursing study which in turn lead to high level of self-efficacy.This result was supported by previous studies such as study carried out by Boswell(38), who investigated the relationship between perceived knowledge of


research, research self-efficacy, interest in learning about research, and interest in performing research-related tasks in one’s career, in US; another one conducted byMueller et al.(39) , who looked at and describe the relationship between nursing students’ perception of the staff nurses’ attitudes about them, in US; also, another study carried out by Bayat, &Salehiniya(40), who examined the perception of educational research environment and academic self- efficacy, in Iran.Regarding to Relation between study variables and nursing students’

personal characteristics the current study revealed that there was statistically significant relation between nursing students’ personal characteristics (age, academic year and entering nursing school on desire) with their career interest.It clears that young students < 17 years have high level of interest compared to student equal or more than 17 years old. This result was incongruent with other a previous study carried out by Fillman (11), whoexplored the relationship between self-efficacy, career interest, and perceptions of nursing as a profession in undecided and nursing undergraduate students, in US. Meanwhile, it obvious that students in first year and second year have higher level of career interest than students in third year.This result could be because that older students in the third year are facing a lot of problems in clinical training and they realize the difference between theoretical study in nursing education and reality in the workplace as well as no found cooperation between nursing students and staff nurses in the hospitals but desiring to enter nursing school leading to students are becoming more interested in nursing. This result was in disagreement with previous study carried out by Gore et al.(19).Additionally, the findings of current study showed that there was no statistically significant relations between nursing students’ personal characteristics and their self-efficacy. The possible explanation for this result is that Bandura stated that people actions and beliefs are guided by their beliefs about how successful they can be in performing a task; rather than their personal characteristics. This result was supported by a previous study carried out by Fillman (11).Moreover, The current study illustrated that there was statistically significant relation between nursing students’ academic year and their perception level. It clears that students in first year and second year had higher levels of perception than third year students. This may be due to contributing factors as work condition; clinical training and relationship with medical staff are making older students to change their perception to nursing profession to be worse. This result was in disagreement with a previous study carried out by Khater(9), who assessed nursing students’ attitude toward nursing profession and achievement motivation, in Egypt.Furthermore, there was statistically significant relation between students’ desire to entire nursing school and their perception level. The possible explanation for this result is that when students are entering nursing school on desire, this result from they have a good perception about nursing profession and they are becoming more proud when to be a nurse. This result was supported by previous study carried out by Abd El-Ghany et al. (25).


In the light of of the main study results; it can be concluded thatthe nursing students’ career interest and self-efficacy were significantly and positively correlated with their perception of nursing as a profession. In addition, there was positive correlation between nursing students’

career interest and their self- efficacy. Moreover, that there was statistically significant relation between nursing students’ personal characteristics and their career interest. And there was no statistically significant relation between nursing students’ personal characteristics and their self-efficacy.


Based on the results of this study it is recommended that: to develop, promote and enhance self-efficacy among nursing students these includes:


 Enhance nursing students’ self-efficacy through:

- Using peer role models.

- Fostering in a spirit that creates a positive and motivating climate.

- Apply training programs that enhance self-efficacy among nursing students.

 Developing good relationship between nursing teachers and nursing students through:

- Effective communication skills to be able to express their feelings, attitudes, and needs.

- Accept individual differences of students - Accept expression especially negative feeling.

- Constructive criticism is given in a pleasant atmosphere.

- Ask about their problems.

 Promoting problem-solving opportunities for nursing students and improving their decision-making abilities.

 Development of multiple learning media by using a variety of learning sources.

 Encouragement of active feedback from students.

 Establishing training program for nursing teachers to improve and evaluate their self- efficacy.

 Incorporate the concept of self-efficacy in nursing school curriculum.


Figure (1): Level of career interest among studied nursing students (N: 153)

Figure (2): Total self- efficacy level among studied nursing students (n= 153)

Figure (3): Level of perception of nursing practice, nursing value and nursing public image among studied nursing students (n=153)




% 32.70


low moderate high


% 20.00

% 40.00

% 60.00

% 80.00

% 100.00



% %2.60


% 38.50





% 56.90






low moderate high


Figure (4): Level of perception of nursing as a profession among studied nursing students (n = 153)

Table 1: Personal characteristics of studied nursing students (n=153)

Items No %

Age per years



Mean± SD

64 89

41.8 58.2 16.8±0.94 Nursing students’

academic year First year Second year

Third year 40

53 60

26.1 34.4 39.2 Entering nursing school

on desire Yes No

90 63

58.8 41.2

Table (2): Correlation between different study variables as reported by studied nursing students (n=153)

Variables Career interest score

Perception score

r P r p

Perception of Nursing

0.34 .0001

Self-efficacy 0.17 0.038 .19 0.018 (r) Correlation coefficient significant p >0.05

Table (3):Relationship between nursing students’ career interest and their personal characteristics

Personal characteristics Career interest Level High N=50 Moderate


Low N=16

No % No % No %

Age per year

<17 ≥17

27 23

54 46

34 53

39 61

3 13

19 81

P-value 0.038*

Academic year First year Second year Third year

16 21 13

32 42 26

23 28 36

26 32 41

1 4 11

6.25 25 68.7 5 P-value 0.035*

48.40 51.60 %


moderate high


Entering school on desire Yes


29 21

58 42

55 32

63.22 36.78

6 10

37.5 62.5 P-value 0.039*

(s)= significant P<0.05

Table (4): Relationship between nursing students’ self-efficacy and their personal characteristics

Personal characteristics Self-Efficacy Level

Moderate N=12

Low N=141

No % No %

Age per year

<17 ≥17

5 7

42 58

59 82

41.8 58.2

P-value 0.99

Academic year First year Second year Third year

3 7 2

25 58 17

37 46 58

26.3 32.6 41.1 P-value 0.15

Entering school on desire Yes


8 4

66.66 33.34

78 63

55.31 44.69 P-value 0.143

(s)= significant P>0.05

Table (5): Relationship between nursing students’ perception of nursing as a profession and their personal characteristics

(s)=significant, P<0.05

Personal characteristics

Perception Level

High N=79 Moderate N=74

No % No %

Age per year

<17 ≥17

38 41

48 52

26 48

35 65

P-value 0.1

Academic year First year Second year Third year

26 33 20

33 42 25

14 20 40

19 27 54 P-value 0.001**

Entering school on desire Yes


59 20

74.68 25.32

55 19

74.32 25.68 P-value 0.029*



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The college offers a four year undergraduate course Bsc Nursing (basic) each batch 100 students, two year B.Sc Nursing (post basic) course each batch 60 students, two

Unlike to the previous study findings, Jovanović et al .,(2017),who studied Factors associated with the depression, anxiety and stress among Professional students and

Background: Nursing students’ desire to pursue ‘Geriatric nursing’ as a specialty in postgraduate study is a subject that is under-studied. This study was conducted to assess

In this study, 34 movies were evaluated by considering to study certain parameters include nurse’s dedication, nurses behavior, dress code of nurses, the approach of the

Accordingly, this study was aimed to prepare basic data for the development of curriculum and education programs for the role of forensic nurses which is newly required by

In order for nursing students to improve their perception of caring which is the essence of nursing and to increase their major satisfaction and professional self-concept, it

While there are studies on effects of group art programs on career decision self-efficacy [4-6], problem solving capacity [4], subjective well-being [7], career identity and

The study on nursing students showed that the perception of organ donation had a negative correlation with death attitude, and a positive correlation with spiritual health [13] and