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View of Gη-Homeomorphism in Topological Ordered Spaces


Academic year: 2022

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Gη-Homeomorphism in Topological Ordered Spaces

K. Sumathi1, T. Arunachalam2, D. Subbulakshmi3, K. Indirani4

1 Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, [email protected].

2 Professor, Department of Mathematics, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, [email protected].

3 Assistant professor, Department of Mathematics, Rathnavel Subramaniam College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, [email protected].

4 Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Nirmala College for Women, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, [email protected].


The aim of this paper is to introduce a new class of closed map, open map and homeomorphism in topological ordered spaces called xgη-closed map, xgη-open map are obtained. The concept of homeomorphism is called xgη-homeomorphism is defined and obtained some of its properties.


xgη-closed map, xgη-open map, xgη-homeomorphism.


In 1965, Nachbin [13] initiated the study of topological ordered spaces. A new class of gη-closed maps, gη-open maps and gη-homeomorphism has been introduced by Subbulakshmi et al [17].

In 2001, Veera kumar [20] introduced the study of i-closed, d-closed and b-closed sets. In 2017, Amarendra babu [1] introduced g*-closed sets in topological ordered spaces. In 2019, Dhanapakyam [7] introduced βg*-closed sets in topological ordered spaces. In 2002, Veera kumar [20] introduced Homeomorphism in topological ordered spaces. In 2020, Subbulakshmi et al [18] introduced gη-closed, continuity, and contra continuity in topological ordered spaces. In this paper a new class of xgη-homeomorphism in topological ordered spaces are defined and some of their properties are analyzed. Throughout this paper [x = i, d, b]

2. PRELIMINARIES Definition : 2.1

A subset A of a topological space (X, τ) is called

(i) α-open set [2] if A ⊆ int (cl(int (A))), α-closed set if cl (int (cl(A))) ⊆ A.

(ii) semi-open set [10] if A ⊆ cl(int (A)), semi-closed set if int (cl(A) ⊆ A.


(iii) η-open set [14] if A ⊆ int (cl(int(A))) ∪ cl (int (A)), η-closed set if cl (int (cl (A))) ∩ int(cl(A)) ⊆ A.

Definition : 2.2 A subset A of a topological space (X, 𝜏) is called

(i) g-closed set [11] if cl(A) ⊆ U whenever A ⊆ U and U is open in (X, 𝜏).

(ii) g*-closed set [19] if cl(A) ⊆ U whenever A ⊆ U and U is g-open in (X, 𝜏).

(iii) gη-closed set [15] if ηcl(A) ⊆ U whenever A ⊆ U and U is open in (X, 𝜏).

Definition : 2.3 A function f: (X, τ) → (Y, σ) is called

(i) continuous [3] if f -1 (V) is a closed in (X, 𝜏) for every closed set V of (Y, σ).

(ii) semi-continuous [10] if f -1 (V) is a semi-closed in (X, 𝜏) for every closed set V of (Y, σ).

(iii) α-continuous [5] if f -1 (V) is a α-closed in (X, 𝜏) for every closed set V of (Y, σ).

(iii) η-continuous [16] if f -1 (V) is a η-closed in (X, 𝜏) for every closed set V of (Y, σ).

(iv) gη-continuous [16] if f -1 (V) is a gη-closed in (X, 𝜏) for every closed set V of (Y, σ).

Definition: 2.4

A bijective function f: (X, τ) → (Y, σ) is called

(i) homeomorphism [12] if f is both continuous map and open map.

(ii) semi-homeomorphism [4,6] if f is both semi-continuous map and semi-open map.

(iii) α-homeomorphism [5] if f is both α-continuous map and α-open map.

(iv) η-homeomorphism [17] if f is both η-continuous map and η-open map.

(v) gη-homeomorphism [17] if f is both gη-continuous map and gη-open map.

Definition 2.5: [20] A topological ordered space is a triple (X, , ), where  is a topology on X and  is a partial order on X.

Let A be a subset of topological ordered space (X, 𝜏, ≤ ).

For any x ∈ X,

(i) 𝑥, → = { 𝑦 ∈ 𝑋/𝑥 ≤ 𝑦} and (ii) [←, 𝑥] = {𝑦 ∈ 𝑋/𝑦 ≤ 𝑥}.

The subset A is said to be

(i) increasing if A = i(A), where i(A) = 𝑎∈𝐴[𝑎, →] and (ii) decreasing if A = d (A), where d(A) = 𝑎∈𝐴[←, 𝑎]

(iii) balanced if it is both increasing and decreasing.


The complement of an increasing set is a decreasing set and the complement of a decreasing set is an increasing set.

Definition: 2.6 [20] A subset A of a topological ordered space (X, , ≤ ) is called

(i) x-closed set [18] if it is both increasing (resp. decreasing, increasing and decreasing) set and closed set.

(ii) xα-closed set [18] if it is both increasing (resp. decreasing, increasing and decreasing) set and α-closed set.

(iii) xsemi-closed set [18] if it is both increasing (resp. decreasing, increasing and decreasing) set and semi-closed set.

Definition: 2.7 A function f : (X, τ, ≤) → (Y, σ, ≤) is said to be

(i) xclosed map [20] if the image of every closed set in (X, τ, ≤ ) is an x-closed set in (Y, σ, ≤).

(ii) xα-closed map [20] if the image of every closed set in (X, τ, ≤ ) is an xα-closed set in (Y, σ, ≤).

(iii) xsemi-closed map [20] if the image of every closed set in (X, τ, ≤ ) is an xsemi-closed set in (Y, σ, ≤).

Definition: 2.8 A function f : (X, τ, ≤) → (Y, σ, ≤) is said to be

(i) xopen map [8] if the image of every open set in (X, τ, ≤ ) is an x-open set in (Y, σ, ≤).

(ii) xα-open map [8] if the image of every open set in (X, τ, ≤ ) is an xα-open set in (Y, σ, ≤).

(iii) xsemi-open map [8] if the image of every closed set in (X, τ, ≤ ) is an xsemi-open set in (Y, σ, ≤).

Definition: 2.9 A function f : (X, τ, ≤) → (Y, σ, ≤) is said to be

(i) x-homeomorphism [9] if f is both x-continuous function and x-open map.

(ii) xα-homeomorphism [9] if f is both xα-continuous function and x-open map.

(iii) xsemi-homeomorphism [9] if f is both xsemi-continuous function and x-open map.

3. igη-closed map

Definition : 3.1 A function f : (X, τ, ≤) → (Y, σ, ≤) is said to be an iη-closed map if the image of every closed set in (X, τ, ≤ ) is an iη-closed set in (Y, σ, ≤).

Definition : 3.2 A function f : (X, τ, ≤) → (Y, σ, ≤) is said to be an igη-closed map if the image of every closed set in (X, τ, ≤ ) is an igη-closed set in (Y, σ, ≤).

Theorem 3.3: Every i-closed, isemi-closed, iα-closed, iη-closed maps are igη-closed map, but not conversely.


Proof: The proof follows from the fact that every closed, semi-closed, α-closed, η-closed maps

are gη-closed maps. [17]. Then every i-closed, isemi-closed, iα-closed, iη-closed maps are igη-closed map.

Example 3.4: Let X = Y = {a, b, c}, τ ={X, υ{a}, {b}, {a, b}} and σ ={Y, υ, {a}}. ≤ = {(a, a), (b, b), (c, c), (a, b), (c, b)}. Define a map f: (X,  ≤) → (Y, σ, ) by f (a) = a, f (b) = c, f (c) = b.

This map is igη-closed map, but not i-closed, isemi-closed, iα-closed, igα-closed, ig*-closed, isg-closed, iη-closed map. Since for the closed set V= {a, c} in (X,  ≤). Then f (V) = {a, b} is

igη-closed but not i-closed, isemi-closed, iα-closed, igα-closed, ig*-closed, isg-closed, iη-closed in (Y, σ, ).

4. dgη-closed map

Definition : 4.1 A function f : (X, τ, ≤) → (Y, σ, ≤) is said to be a dη-closed map if the image of every closed set in (X, τ, ≤) is a dη-closed set in (Y, σ, ≤).

Definition : 4.2 A function f : (X, τ, ≤) → (Y, σ, ≤) is said to be a dgη-closed map if the image of every closed set in (X, τ, ≤) is a dgη-closed set in (Y, σ, ≤).

Theorem 4.3: Every d-closed, dsemi-closed, dα-closed, dη-closed maps are dgη-closed map, but not conversely.

Proof: The proof follows from the fact that every closed, semi-closed, α-closed, η-closed maps

are gη-closed map [17]. Then every d-closed, dsemi-closed, dα-closed, dη-closed maps are dgη-closed map.

Example 4.4 : Let X = Y = {a, b, c}, τ ={X, υ{a}} and σ ={Y, υ, {a}, {b, c}} . ≤ = {(a, a),

(b, b), (c, c), (a, b), (b, c), (a, c)}. Define a map f: (X,  ≤) → (Y, σ, ) by f (a) = c, f (b) = b, f(c) = a. This map is dgη-closed map but not d-closed, dsemi-closed, dα-closed, dη-closed map.

Since for the closed set V= {b, c} in (X,  ≤). Then f (V) ={a, b} is dgη-closed but not d-closed, dsemi-closed, dα-closed, dη-closed in (Y, σ, ).

5. bgη-closed map

Definition : 5.1 A function f : (X, τ, ≤) → (Y, σ, ≤) is said to be a bη-closed map if the image of every closed set in (X, τ, ≤ ) is a bη-closed set in (Y, σ, ≤).

Definition : 5.2 A function f : (X, τ, ≤) → (Y, σ, ≤) is said to be a bgη-closed map if the image of every closed set in (X, τ, ≤ ) is a bgη-closed set in (Y, σ, ≤).

Theorem 5.3: Every b-closed, bα-closed maps are bgη-closed map, but not conversely.


Proof: The proof follows from the fact that every closed, α-closed maps are gη-closed map [17].

Then every b-closed, bα-closed maps are bgη-closed map.

Example 5.4: Let X = Y = {a, b, c}, τ ={X, υ{a}, {b, c}} and σ ={Y, υ, {a}, {b}, {a, b}} . ≤ = {(a, a), (b, b), (c, c), (a, c)}. Define a map f: (X,  ≤) → (Y, σ, ) by f (a) = b, f (b) = a, f (c) = c. This map is b gη-closed map but not b-closed, bα-closed map. Since for the closed set V= {a}

in (X,  ≤). Then f (V) ={b} is bgη-closed but not b-closed, bα-closed in (Y, σ, ).

Theorem 5.5: Every bsemi-closed, bη-closed maps are bgη-closed map, but not conversely.

Proof: The proof follows from the fact that every semi-closed, η-closed maps are bgη-closed map [17]. Then every bsemi-closed, bη-closed maps are bgη-closed map.

Example 5.6: Let X = Y = {a, b, c}, τ ={X, υ{a}, {b, c}} and σ ={Y, υ, {a}} . ≤ = {(a, a), (b, b), (c, c), (a, c)}. Define a map f: (X,  ≤) → (Y, σ, ) by f (a) = b, f (b) = a, f (c) = c. This map is bgη-closed map but not bsemi-closed, bη-closed map. Since for the closed set V= {b, c} in (X,

 ≤). Then f (V) = {a, c} is bgη-closed but not bsemi-closed, bη-closed in (Y, σ, ).

6. igη open map

Definition :6.1 A function f : (X, τ, ≤ ) → (Y, σ, ≤) is said to be an iη-open map if the image of every open set in (X, τ, ≤ ) is an iη-open set in (Y, σ, ≤).

Definition :6.2 A function f : (X, τ, ≤ ) → (Y, σ, ≤) is said to be an igη-open map if the image of every open set in (X, τ, ≤ ) is an igη-open set in (Y, σ, ≤).

Theorem 6.3: Every i-open, isemi-open, iα-open, iη-open maps are igη-open map, but not conversely.

Proof: The proof follows from the fact that every open, semi-open, α-open, η-open maps are gη-open map [17]. Then every i-open, isemi-open, iα-open, iη-open maps are igη-open map.

Example 6.4: Let X = Y = {a, b, c}, τ ={X, υb, c}} and σ ={Y, υ, {a}, {b, c}} . ≤ = {(a, a),

(b, b), (c, c), (a, b), (b, c), (a, c)}. Define a map f: (X,  ≤) → (Y, σ, ) by f (a) = c, f (b) = b, f (c) = a. This map is igη-open map, but not i-open, isemi-open, iα-open, iη-open map. Since for

the open set V= {b, c} in (X,  ≤). Then f (V) ={a, b} is igη-open but not i-open, isemi-open, iα-open, iη-open in (Y, σ, ).

7. dgη open map

Definition :7.1 A function f : (X, τ, ≤ ) → (Y, σ, ≤) is said to be a dη-open map if the image of every open set in (X, τ, ≤) is a dη-open set in (Y, σ, ≤).


Definition :7.2 A function f : (X, τ, ≤ ) → (Y, σ, ≤) is said to be a dgη-open map if the image of every open set in (X, τ, ≤) is a dgη-open set in (Y, σ, ≤).

Theorem 7.3: Every d-open, dα-open maps are dgη-open map, but not conversely.

Proof: The proof follows from the fact that every open, α-open maps are gη-open map [17].

Then every d-open, dα-open maps are dgη-open map.

Example 7.4: Let X = Y = {a, b, c}, τ ={X, υa, b}} and σ ={Y, υ, {a}, {b}, {a, b}} . ≤ = {(a, a), (b, b), (c, c), (a, b), (c, b)}. Define a map f: (X,  ≤) → (Y, σ, ) by f (a) = c, f (b) = b, f (c) = a. This map is dgη-open map, but not d-open, dα-open, map. Since for the open set V= {a, b} in (X,  ≤). Then f (V) = {b, c} is dgη-open but not d-open, dα-open in (Y, σ, ).

Theorem 7.5: Every dsemi-open, dη-open maps are dgη-open map, but not conversely.

Proof: The proof follows from the fact that every semi-open, η-open maps are dgη-open map [17]. Then every dsemi-open, dη-open maps are dgη-open map.

Example 7.6: Let X = Y = {a, b, c}, τ ={X, υc}} and σ ={Y, υ, {a}} . ≤ = {(a, a), (b, b), (c, c), (a, b), (c, b)}. Define a map f: (X,  ≤) → (Y, σ, ) by f (a) = c, f (b) = a, f (c) = b. This map is dgη-open map, but not dsemi-open, dη-open map. Since for the open set V= {c} in (X,  ≤).

Then f (V) ={b} is dgη-open but not dsemi-open, dη-open in (Y, σ, ).

8. bgη open map

Definition :8.1 A function f : (X, τ, ≤ ) → (Y, σ, ≤) is said to be a bη-open map if the image of every open set in (X, τ, ≤ ) is a bη-open set in (Y, σ, ≤).

Definition :8.2 A function f : (X, τ, ≤ ) → (Y, σ, ≤) is said to be a bgη-open map if the image of every open set in (X, τ, ≤ ) is a bgη-open set in (Y, σ, ≤).

Theorem 8.3: Every b-open, bα-open maps are bgη-open map, but not conversely.

Proof: The proof follows from the fact that every open, α-open maps are bgη-open map [17].

Then every b-open, bα-open maps are bgη-open map.

Example 8.4: Let X = Y = {a, b, c}, τ ={X, υa}, {b, c}} and σ ={Y, υ, {a}, {b}, {a, b}} . ≤ = {(a, a), (b, b), (c, c), (a, c)}. Define a map f: (X,  ≤) → (Y, σ, ) by f (a) = b, f (b) = a, f (c) = c. This map is bgη-open map, but not b-open, bα-open map. Since for the open set V= {b, c} in (X,  ≤). Then f (V) = {a, c} is bgη-open but not b-open, bα-open in (Y, σ, ).

Theorem 8.5: Every bsemi-open, bη-open maps are bgη-open map, but not conversely.


Proof: The proof follows from the fact that every semi-open, η-open maps are gη-open map [17]. Then every bsemi-open, bη-open maps are bgη-open map.

Example 8.6: Let X = Y = {a, b, c}, τ ={X, υa}, {b, c}} and σ ={Y, υ, {a}} . ≤ = {(a, a), (b, b), (c, c), (a, c)}. Define a map f: (X,  ≤) → (Y, σ, ) by f (a) = b, f (b) = a, f (c) = c. This map is bgη-open map, but not bsemi-open, bη-open map. Since for the open set V= {a} in (X,  ≤).

Then f (V) = {b} is bgη-open but not bsemi-open, bη-open in (Y, σ, ).

9. igη-Homeomorphism:

Definition: 9.1 A bijection function f : ( X, τ, ≤) → (Y, σ, ≤) is called a iη-homeomorphism if f is both i η-continuous function and i η-open map.

Definition: 9.2 A bijection function f : ( X, τ, ≤) → (Y, σ, ≤) is called a igη-homeomorphism if f is both i gη-continuous function and i gη-open map.

Theorem 9.3: Every i-homeomorphism, iα-homeomorphism are igη-homeomorphism but not conversely.

Proof: The proof follows from the fact that every i-continuous, iα-continuous functions are igη- continuous [18]. Also every i-open, iα-open maps are igη-open map. By theorem [6.3].

Example 9.4: Let X = Y = {a, b, c}, τ ={X, υaba, b}} and σ ={Y, υ, {a}, {b, c}} . ≤ = {(a, a), (b, b), (c, c), (a, c)}. Define a map f: (X,  ≤) → (Y, σ, ) by f (a) = b, f (b) = a, f (c) =

c. This map is igη-homeomorphism, but not i-homeomorphism, iα-homeomorphism.

Since for the closed set V= {a} in (Y, σ, ). Then f -1(V) = {b} is igη-closed but not i-closed, iα- closed in (X,  ≤).

Theorem 9.5: Every isemi-homeomorphism, iη-homeomorphism are igη-homeomorphism but not conversely.

Proof: The proof follows from the fact that every isemi-continuous and iη-continuous functions are igη-continuous [18]. Also every isemi-open, iη-open maps are igη-open map. By theorem [6.3].

Example 9.6: Let X = Y = {a, b, c}, τ ={X, υa} and σ ={Y, υ, {a}, {b, c}} . ≤ = {(a, a), (b, b), (c, c), (a, c)}. Define a map f: (X,  ≤) → (Y, σ, ) by f (a) = b, f (b) = a, f (c) = c. This map is igη-homeomorphism, but not isemi-homeomorphism, iη-homeomorphism. Since for the closed set V= {b, c} in (Y, σ, ). Then f -1(b, c) = {a, c} is igη-closed but not isemi-closed, iη-closed in (X,  ≤).


10. dgη-Homeomorphism:

Definition 10.1 A bijection function f : ( X, τ, ≤) → (Y, σ, ≤) is called a dη-homeomorphism if f is both dη-continuous function and dη-open map.

Definition 10.2 A bijection function f : ( X, τ, ≤) → (Y, σ, ≤) is called a dgη-homeomorphism if f is both dgη-continuous function and dgη-open map.

Theorem 10.3: Every d-homeomorphism, dα-homeomorphism are dgη- homeomorphism but not conversely.

Proof: The proof follows from the fact that every d-continuous, dα-continuous functions are dgη-continuous [18]. Also every d-open, dα-open maps are dgη-open map. By theorem [7.3].

Example 10.4: Let X = Y = {a, b, c}, τ ={X, υaba, b}} and σ ={Y, υ, {a}, {b, c}} . ≤

= {(a, a), (b, b), (c, c), (a, c)}. Define a map f: (X,  ≤) → (Y, σ, ) by f (a) = b, f (b) = a, f (c) = c. This map is dgη-homeomorphism, but not d-homeomorphism, dα-homeomorphism. Since for the closed set V= {a} in (Y, σ, ). Then f -1(V) = {b} is dgη-closed but not d-closed, dα-closed in (X,  ≤).

Theorem 10.5: Every dsemi-homeomorphism, dη-homeomorphism are dgη-homeomorphism but not conversely.

Proof: The proof follows from the fact that every dsemi-continuous, dη-continuous functions are dgη-continuous [18]. Also every dsemi-open, dη-open maps are dgη-open map. By theorem [7.5].

Example 10.6: Let X = Y = {a, b, c}, τ ={X, υa} and σ ={Y, υ, {a}, {b, c}} . ≤ = {(a, a), (b, b), (c, c), (a, c)}. Define a map f: (X,  ≤) → (Y, σ, ) by f (a) = b, f (b) = a, f (c) = c. This map is dgη-homeomorphism, but not dsemi-homeomorphism, dη-homeomorphism. Since for the

closed set V= {b, c} in (Y, σ, ). Then f -1(V) = {a, c} is dgη-closed but not dsemi-closed, dη-closed in (X,  ≤).

11. bgη-Homeomorphism:

Definition 11.1 A bijection function f : ( X, τ, ≤) → (Y, σ, ≤) is called a bη-homeomorphism if f is both bη-continuous function and bη-open map.

Definition 11.2 A bijection function f : ( X, τ, ≤) → (Y, σ, ≤) is called a bgη-homeomorphism if f is both bgη-continuous function and bgη-open map.


Theorem 11.3: Every bsemi-homeomorphism, bα-homeomorphism, bη-homeomorphism, are bgη-homeomorphism but not conversely.

Proof: The proof follows from the fact that every bsemi-continuous, bα-continuous, bη-continuous functions are bgη-continuous [18]. Also every bsemi-open, bα-open, bη-open,

maps are bgη-open map. By theorem [8.3 and 8.5].

Example 11.4: Let X = Y = {a, b, c}, τ ={X, υa and σ ={Y, υ, {a}, {b, c}} . ≤ = {(a, a), (b, b), (c, c), (a, c)}. Define a map f: (X,  ≤) → (Y, σ, ) by f (a) = b, f (b) = a, f (c) = c. This map

is bgη-homeomorphism, but not bsemi-homeomorphism, bα-homeomorphism, bη-homeomorphism. Since for the closed set V= {b, c} in (Y, σ, ). Then f -1(V) = {a, c} is

bgη-closed but not bsemi-closed, bα-closed, bη-closed in (X,  ≤).

Theorem 11.5 : Every b-homeomorphism is bgη-homeomorphism but not conversely.

Proof: The proof follows from the fact that every b-continuous functions is bgη-continuous [18].

Also every b-open map is bgη-open map. By theorem [8.3].

Example 11.6: Let X = Y = {a, b, c}, τ ={X, υaba, b and σ ={Y, υ, {a}, {b, c}} . ≤

= {(a, a), (b, b), (c, c), (a, c)}. Define a map f: (X,  ≤) → (Y, σ, ) by f (a) = b, f (b) = a, f (c) =

c. This map is bgη-homeomorphism, but not b-homeomorphism. Since for the closed set V= {a} in (Y, σ, ). Then f -1(V) = {b} is bgη-closed but not b-closed in (X,  ≤).


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are considered on the standard contour (unitary circle with the centre in zero or the segrnent of a straight line or the real axis; the case of other contours

to see that_in.arry other r-clative posi corlchlsion holds.5. Then there exists a

By way of the closed form expression for obtaining the value of Young’s modulus concerning carbon nanotubes in which the variables t(connected with thickness), n+m (related to

We shall prove that the families of all nonempty closed bounded, respectively compact, subsets of a complete probabilistic metric space L are also complete with respect to

Every locally compact convex subset of a Hausdorff locally convex space which does not contain lines agrees with the closed convex hull of its extreme points and extreme

Closed subspaces of compact Hausdorff spaces are compact Hausdorff (2.140), open subspaces are locally compact Hausdorff (2.170), and arbitrary subspaces are completely regular

Theorem 5.8 tells us that if (X, d) is a metric space the notion of a closed set is the same whether we consider the metric or the topology derived from it.. Just as in the metric

A topological space X is compact if and only if for every collection C of closed subsets of X with the finite intersection property, the intersection of all sets in C is