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Adrian Iftene [email protected] ◦ Alex Moruz [email protected]  Labs


Academic year: 2022

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Introduction – 17 February 2021



Course content





Communication protocol




Adrian Iftene [email protected]

Alex Moruz [email protected]


Adrian Iftene [email protected]

Ionuț Pistol [email protected]

Andrei Arusoaie [email protected]


Software engineering

Design models

Requirements engineering

UML diagrams

Design patterns

Testing and debugging


Software metrics

Project management

Intellectual property and rights


Why attend courses?

To better understand theoretical aspects + case studies

40 of 240 points for the exam come from questions which are discussed, without appearing on slides

Bonuses… Presentations…


UML diagrams, Design Patterns, Unit testing

Implementations in Java, C++, C#, OOP (coding style)

Topics proposed by the teacher, students

We will negotiate scores per team member (team of 4 can get 34 points, distributed 9 + 9 + 8 + 8, or any

combination determined by Scrum Master)

If all team members receive the same score, laboratory coordinator will decide who presents the solution next week

There is no upper limit to the points received

THERE exists a lower limit for the points received: 50% of the sum of labs points

Important: Make connections with the Java and Web technologies laboratories!!!



We will use: Github, BitBucket...


Why to come to the labs? To be a part of a team, to earn points, learn to use project management techniques, to pass


Team work!

It will involve:

Documentation, Modeling using UML diagrams

Implementation (main module, interface)

Testing, Evaluation, Documentation, Etc.


Proposed by IT companies

CLEF 2020 (http://clef2020.clef-initiative.eu/):

ImageCLEF, Plagiarism, QA, Social Book Search

Frameworks and languages: C++, Java, Perl, Python, Java Script, C#


The best projects (5-6) will participate,

during the last weeks of the semester (13- 16), at a session of presentations

At these sessions we will have a panel of professors and company representatives

Students will receive bonuses, diplomas and prizes

Learn & Earn - Amazon


Without documentation

30 minutes

Questions: grille + requiring answers on 2-3 lines + diagrams/schemes

The emphasis will be on understanding the

theoretical concepts presented in courses and practical ones used during the laboratories


Lab grade – obtained during the first 6 labs (weekly assignments, teamwork)

Project grade - obtained during the last 7

laboratories (a project where each member will contribute)

Exam grade – 30 minutes, the focus will be on understanding the concepts presented

Final grade = 10 x (Lab_grade + Project_grade + Exam_grade)/ MAX_GRADES_WITHOUT_BONUSES


Upon request, the solutions at certain stages will be sent by e-mail

3 requests:

Subject: [IP] – Solution stage X

Attachment: TGZ , RAR, archive etc. (not ZIP)

Content: Signature Ionescu George, Year II, Group 2 E

FAILURE to do so will result in downgrading (1 point for each missed requirement)


Course page Adrian Iftene


Ovidiu Gheorghieș page (he works with Adriana G.) http://profs.info.uaic.ro/~ogh/ip/

Ian Sommerville: Software Engineering, Addison Wesley, 2001

Craig Larman: Applying UML and Patterns, Addisson Wesley, 2002

Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vissides: Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Addisson Wesley, 1998



The continuation of these ideas and completing your graduation thesis in one of these areas

Research articles and participation in conferences

Long-term research bachelor, master, doctoral, post-doctoral (we have collaborations with

universities in Spain, Italy, England, Ireland, France, etc.)



campaign.org/2009/working_notes/CLEF200 9WN-Contents.html

7 din 8 lucrări indexate DBLP, Springer LNCS


Many themes continued as dissertation topics

Contests, publications








 cond gardă este o expresie booleană care se evaluează la fiecare apariție a evenimentului specificat; acțiunea se execută doar în cazul în care rezultatul evaluării

developed and evolved over time” (GOF - Gang-Of- Four (because of the four authors who wrote it), Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object- Oriented Software)..  In

model driven agile development, patterns of enterprise application architecture, test-driven development, refactoring: code architecture..  Object oriented design classes:

 O clasă care face multe lucruri care nu sunt relaționate sau face prea multe lucruri are o coeziune mică (slabă)..  Sunt principii vechi în

developed and evolved over time” (GOF - Gang-Of- Four (because of the four authors who wrote it), Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object- Oriented Software).  In

 Prefer small, cohesive interfaces - Interface is the interface type + All public members of a class.  Divide "fat" interfaces into

 Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vissides: Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Addisson

• The mechanism by which child processes or threads can call accept() is simpler and faster than the one in which the main thread calls accept() and then “forwards" the