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Academic year: 2022



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Benny Badaru 1

Lecturers Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia

Email: 1[email protected] Juhanis2

Lecturers Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia

Email: [email protected] Hasmyati3

Lecturers Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of online learning during the Covid_19 pandemic in sports and daily life education in students of SMK Negeri 1 Makassar. This type of research is a quantitative descriptive explanatory survey (Explanatory Survey). The data collection technique used was a questionnaire via google form which was given to students and interviews. The subjects of this study were students of class X and IX of SMK Negeri 1 Makassar. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Based on the results of research conducted by filling out a questionnaire using the google form application, in general the implementation of online learning for class X and IX of SMK Negeri 1 Makassar during the Covid-19 pandemic was quite effective in the moderate category with a value of 36.67%.

Keywords: Covid-19 Pandemi, Effectiveness, Online Learning and Physical Education


During the current pandemic, the international health organization or the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the status of the Covid-19 virus as a pandemic, requiring the whole world to immediately make efforts to stop and overcome the effects it caused. The method the government has chosen as an effort to suppress the spread of the virus in Indonesia is physical distancing.

Restrictions cause many changes in various aspects of social, economic, and cultural life, including in the world of education. The Indonesian government in the Ministry of Education and Indonesian culture issued a Minister of Education and Culture Circular No. (Sari & Sutapa, 2020) (Minister of Education and Culture, 2020) (Gani et al., 2020).

Online, online, or distance learning aims to meet educational standards by utilizing information technology using computer devices or gadgets that are connected to students and teachers as well as students and lecturers. (Pakpahan&



Fitriani, 2020). This technology allows students to stay connected to the teacher with the help of the internet so that the teaching and learning process can still be carried out properly. Technologies that can be used to carry out this learning are cell phones or cellphones and laptops as a medium for carrying out distance learning or online.

According to the Central Statistics Agency, (Mediarto et al., 2021) The percentage of the Indonesian population who already owned or controlled cellular phones in 2018 was 62.14%, while in the Special Region of Yogyakarta it was 68.32%. This means that more than half of Indonesians are tech-savvy and ready for change. In a study entitled "Analysis of the Use of Information Technology in Distance Learning in the Middle of the Corona Covid-19 Virus Pandemic," the implementation of distance learning in the midst of Covid-19 is very dependent on the important role of technology. (Pakpahan & Fitriani, 2020). One way to break the chain of spreading Covid-19 is by limiting community interaction which is applied by the term Physical Distancing (Pratama & Hidayat, 2020). However, this physical distancing policy can inhibit the rate of growth in various fields of life, both in the economic, social and of course education sectors. The government's decision to dismiss students, move the teaching and learning process at schools to at home by implementing the Work From Home (WFH) policy makes many parties nervous.

SMK Negeri 1 Makassar was established on July 1, 1951 based on the Decree of the Minister of Education, Teaching and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No.184 / BII, Jakarta, June 18, 1951. The use of online media or multimedia- based media is one solution to make students able to understand the subject matter with good. Online learning using online media has been implemented at SMK Negeri 1 Makassar since the implementation of work from home on March 16, 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Online media used in implementing the online learning process at SMK Negeri 1 Makassar such as the Zoom application, Google Classroom, Google Forms, Whatsapp, short videos, and reading materials. Each application has advantages and disadvantages in its use. However, in the implementation of online learning through online media, it is necessary to review the level of achievement in the teaching and learning process, especially in sports and health physical education subjects.

This application is considered simple and easy to use by educators and students, especially the Whatsapp application because almost all high school / vocational school students are able to use the application, but in Physical Education learning there must be other innovations from the teacher to present a learning medium that can also maximize practical learning by use google meet and zoom aplication to provide practical material directly. The challenge that arises in online learning is how a teacher creates attractive learning models and methods so that students are willing to voluntarily contribute and benefit from every learning that is carried out because we online learning is a new learning method for most teachers and students.


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Physical Education Sports and Health is a subject with many physical activities such as running, throwing, hitting, and jumping. (Walton-Fisette &

Wuest, 2015)explains that: "physical education is defined as an educational process that uses physical activity as a means to help individuals acquire skills, fitness, knowledge, and attitudes that contribute to their optimal development and wellbeing." That is, PJOK is an educational process that uses physical activities that help individuals to learn skills, freshness, knowledge, and behavior so that they develop optimally and well. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, learning was mostly carried out outside the classroom or outside of school for schools that did not have a field. After this pandemic, all teaching and learning activities in schools were stopped so that the implementation of PJOK learning turned into online learning that could not be carried out carelessly outside the room without complying with the health protocols set by the government. The online learning media used at SMK NEGERI 1 Makassar are the Zoom application, Google Classroom, and Whatsapp. Each application has advantages and disadvantages in its use. Therefore, the implementation of online PJOK learning needs to be known for its effectiveness so that it is evaluated to find remedial steps so that the teaching and learning process can run well as expected to maintain and improve the quality of education in Indonesia during the current Covid-19 pandemic.


This research is a descriptive quantitative research type to describe the effectiveness of online learning in the subjects of Physical Education, Sports and Health. According to (Gunawan, 2016) Quantitative research methods are research methods based on the philosophy of positivism to examine populations or samples. This quantitative approach was used by researchers to examine the effectiveness of online learning carried out during Covid-19. The research method used is a descriptive explanatory survey approach (Explanatory Survey). The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. The questionnaire before being asked to research subjects, has been consulted with the supervisor. That is, the supervisor gives an assessment of the contents of the questionnaire based on the theory used by the researcher (judgment expert).

The questionnaire was sent using a google form which contained several questions and the link was distributed through the WhatsApp group to students.

(Zed, 2004). The subjects in the study were students of class IX at SMK Negeri 1 Makassar in the 2019-2020 Academic Year with a total of 30 students.

Determination of the number of samples in this study using the Roscoe guidelines in (Sugiyono & Quantitative, 2009) that the appropriate sample size in a study is 30 to 500. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics with computerized assistance using SPSS version 21 (Statistical Product and Service Solution). SPSS is an application program that has high analytical capabilities and data management in a graphical environment using simple descriptive menus and dialog boxes so that it is easy to understand how to operate it.(Basuki, 2014).



Result And Discussion 1. Descriptive Analysis

Analysis of data on research on the effectiveness of online distance learning during the Covid_19 pandemic in the subject of sports and health physical education (PJOK) in students of SMK Negeri 1 Makassar shows mixed results.

The following is a summary of descriptive statistical analysis.

Table 1. Descriptive Analysis of the Effectiveness of Online Distance Learning During the Covid_19 Pandemic, Sports and Health Physical Education (PJOK) Subjects in Students of SMK Negeri 1 Makassar.

Statistics Effectiveness of Online Learning

N 30

Mean 100.87

Median 100

Mode 102

Std. Deviation 6.53

Minimum 86

Maximum 115

Based on table 1 above, it can be seen that the results of the descriptive analysis of the effectiveness of online distance learning during the Covid_19 pandemic in sports and health physical education (PJOK) for students of SMK Negeri 1 Makassar, obtained the lowest score (minimum) 86, highest score (maximum) 115, mean (mean) 100.87, mean (median) 100, recurrence (mode) 102, standard deviation (SD) 6.53.

Table 2. Frequency Distribution of Online Distance Learning Effectiveness During the Covid_19 Pandemic Subjects Physical Education, Sports and Health (PJOK) in Students of SMK Negeri 1 Makassar.

Category Interval Frequency Percentage (%)

Very low X <91 1 3.33%

Low 91 <X ≤ 97 10 33.33%

Moderate 97 <X ≤ 104 11 36.67%

High 104 <X ≤ 110 4 13.33%

Very high 110 <X 4 13.33%

Total 30 100%

Based on table 2 above, the effectiveness of online distance learning during the Covid_19 pandemic in physical education and health subjects for students of SMK Negeri 1 Makassar, the percentage results can be presented in Figure 1 as follows:


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Figure 1. Diagram of the Effectiveness of Online Distance Learning During the Covid_19 Pandemic Subjects for Physical Education, Sports and Health (PJOK) in Students of SMK Negeri 1 Makassar.

Based on table 4 and figure 1 above, it shows the effectiveness of online distance learning during the Covid_19 pandemi, the subjects of physical education, sports and health for students of SMK Negeri 1 Makassar are in the

"very low" category of 3.33%, the "low" category of 33, 33%, the "medium"

category was 36.67%, the "high" category was 13.33%, and the "very high"

category was 13.33%. So that the percentage level of effectiveness of online learning is in the medium category.

2. Characteristics of Respondents

Respondents in this study were students of SMK Negeri 1 Makassar Class X and class XI. The total number of respondents is 30 people consisting of 15 students of class X and 15 students of class XI. With the percentage of respondent data as follows.

Table 3. Characteristics of Respondents No. Class Respondents

1 Class X 15

2 Class XI 15

Total 30

3. Use of Information and Communication Technology

Table 4. Frequency Distribution of Information and Communication Technology Usage Indicators

Category Interval Frequency Percentage (%)

Very low X <16 2 6.67%

Low 16 <X ≤ 18 5 16.67%

Moderate 18 <X ≤ 20 16 53.33%

High 20 <X ≤ 22 5 16.67%

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1 10 11 4 4




Efektivitas Pembelajaran Daring



Very high 22 <X 2 6.67%

Total 30 100%

Based on the frequency distribution in table 4 above, the effectiveness of online distance learning during the Covid_19 pandemic in physical education and health subjects for students of SMK Negeri 1 Makassar, based on indicators of the use of information and communication technology, the percentage results can be presented in Figure 1 as follows:

Figure2. Bar Chart of Indicators for the Use of Information and Communication Technology

Based on table 4 and Figure 2 above, it shows the effectiveness of online distance learning during the Covid_19 pandemic, the subjects of physical education, sports and health for students of SMK Negeri 1 Makassar based on indicators of the use of information and communication technology are in the

"very low" category 6.67%, category "Low" was 16.67%, "medium" category was 53.33%, "high" category was 16.67%, and "very high" category was 6.67%. So that the percentage level of indicators for the use of information and communication technology is in the medium category


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of online distance learning during the Covid_19 pandemic in sports and health physical education (PJOK) in students of SMK Negeri 1 Makassar which is divided into several indicators that show mixed results. From the results of the research that I have done, it is found that the level of effectiveness of online distance learning at SMK Negeri 1 Makassar is in the medium category because students are used to accessing the internet with their cellphones even though there are still other obstacles such as internet network problems. The effectiveness of using cell phones in learning is in






0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00



Penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi





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harmony with that which is conveyed by(Kurniasari et al., 2020) which explains the behavior of children and adolescents in using the internet noted that 84 percent of the total number of Indonesians are cell phone users.

From the results of research that I did with indicators of the use of information and communication technology, it was found that students in accessing learning material were in the medium category because there were still some students who did not have cellphones to access the internet so that students rarely participated in the learning process and collected assignments and their level of understanding. teachers in using information technology are lacking due to age constraints. In general, information technology can be defined as all technology related to the return, collection, processing, storage, dissemination and presentation of information.(Eka Maelani, 2020). The main task of the teacher is how to condition a pleasant learning environment so that it can arouse the curiosity of all students so that their interest and desire to learn grows. (Hida, 2020).

From the results of the research I did with the distance learning task reaction indicator, it was in the high category because in the process of collecting assignments, students were facilitated by collecting assignments through photos so that students had high activeness in collecting assignments. According to (Sutriani et al., 2014) The assignment method is used so that students have more stable learning outcomes, because students carry out exercises while doing assignments, so that the experience of students in learning something can be more integrated. During the Covid 19 pandemic facing a new era (new normal), an innovation is needed in the world of education, especially in the subjects of physical education, sports and health (PJOK) so that students can benefit from the learning process carried out in school even though it is online. Giving material and assignments to students so that they are still done well so that students can still think critically even though they are learning online.


The Covid-19 pandemic has transformed the education system in Indonesia into distance learning using online media. This is done in order to reduce and stop the chain of spread. Based on the results and discussion discussed in the previous chapter, the conclusion that can be drawn is that the effectiveness of online learning during the Covid_19 pandemic, sports and health physical education learning subjects for students of SMK Negeri 1 Makassar are running well and are considered quite effective by students. Educators have a very important role in determining the success of this online learning. Educators must create learning methods that are creative, innovative, and creative to stimulate students to be willing to be actively involved in online learning and feel the meaning of learning.

AcknowledgmentsGratitude to the Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology at the State University of Makassar for encouraging the author to



complete the article regarding the effectiveness of online learning in sports and health physical education subjects.


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