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Evaluation metrics and Question-Answering systems Slides offered by Adrian Iftene


}  NLP Systems Evaluation

}  Information Retrieval

}  Information Extraction

}  Question Answering

◦  Introduction

◦  System components

– Background knowledge indexing

–  Index creation and information retrieval

–  Answer extraction

◦  Results

◦  Error analysis

}  Conclusions


}  “An important recent development in NLP has been the use of much more rigorous

standards for the evaluation of NLP systems”

Manning and Schutze

}  To be published, all research must:

◦  establish a baseline, and

◦  quantitatively show that it improves on the baseline and the state-of-the-art


}  “How well does the system work?”

}  Possible domains for evaluation

◦  Processing time of the system

◦  Space usage of the system

◦  Human satisfaction

◦  Correctness of results

}  Measures: (Accuracy, Error), (Precision, Recall, F-measure)


}  Comparing the output of the system with a gold standard we can verify what is correct

}  The results of a system are marked as:

◦  Correct: matches the gold standard

◦  Incorrect: otherwise


}  Accuracy = 66.66 %

}  Error = 33.33 %


}  Precision and Recall are set-based measures

}  They evaluate the quality of some set membership, based on a reference set membership

}  Precision: what proportion of the retrieved documents is relevant?

}  Recall: what proportion of the relevant documents is retrieved?


relevant documents retrieved documents

Precision = 4 / 10 = 40 % Recall = 4 / 14 = 28.57 %


relevant documents retrieved documents

Precision = 14 / 20 = 70 % Recall = 14 / 14 = 100 %


relevant documents retrieved documents

Precision = 0 / 6 = 0 % Recall = 0 / 14 = 0 %


}  F-measure is a measure of a test's accuracy, and it considers both the precision p and the recall r

}  General formula:

}  F1-measure:

}  F2-measure = ?


}  Question Answering (QA): a QA system takes as input a question in natural language and produces one or more ranked answers from a collection of documents.


}  QA systems normally adhere to the pipeline architecture composed of three main modules (Harabagiu and Moldovan, 2003):

◦  question analysis – the results are keywords, answer and question type, focus

◦  paragraph retrieval - the results are a set of relevant candidate paragraphs/sentences from the document collection

◦  answer extraction – the results are a set of candidate answers ranked using likelihood measures


}  Harabagiu and Moldovan, 2003:

◦  Factoid – “Who discovered the oxygen?”, “When did Hawaii become a state?” or “What football team won the World Coup in 1992?”

◦  List – “What countries export oil?” or What are the regions preferred by the Americans for


◦  DefinitionWhat is a quasar?” or “What is a question-answering system?”

◦  How, Why, hypothetical, semantically constrained, polar (Yes/No) and cross-lingual questions


}  Person - "What”, "Who”, "Whom", "With who"

}  Location (City, Country, and Region) - "What state/city“, "From where”, "Where“

}  Organization - "Who produced“, "Who made“

}  Temporal (Date and Year) – “When”

}  Measure (Length, Surface and Other) – “How much”

}  Count - "How many“

}  Yes/No – “Did the girl fear that?”, “Is the car blue?”


}  Local collections, internal organization documents, newspapers, Internet

}  Closed-domain - deals with questions from a specific domain (medical, baseball, etc.). Can exploit domain-specific knowledge

(ontologies, rules, disambiguation)

}  Open-domain – general question about

anything. Can use general knowledge about the world


}  The first QA systems have been created in the 60s:

◦  BASEBALL (Green 1963) - answer questions about baseball games

}  LUNAR (Woods, 1977) – geological analysis of rocks returned by the Apollo moon missions

}  IURES (Cristea, Tufiş, Mihăiescu, 1985) –

medical domain, querying national programs library

}  QUERNAL (Cristea, Tufiș, 1987) – personnel database, drilling and extraction, metallurgy, geography


}  Powerset: http://www.powerset.com/ ( http://www.bing.com/)

}  Assimov the chat bot: http://talkingrobot.org/b/

}  AnswerBus: http://www.answerbus.com/index.shtml

}  NSIR: http://tangra.si.umich.edu/clair/NSIR/html/nsir.cgi

}  START (The first question answering system):



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}  CLEF (Cross Language Evaluation Forum) started in 2000 -

http://www.clef-campaign.org/ European languages in both monolingual and cross- language contexts

◦  Coordination: Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione, Pisa, Italy

◦  Romanian Institute for Computer Science, Romania

}  TREC (Text REtrieval Conference) - started in 1992 http://trec.nist.gov/

◦  National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA


An excerpt from the gold standard file


}  Our group participates at CLEF exercises since 2006:

◦  2006 – Ro–En (English collection) – 9.47% right answers

◦  2007 – Ro–Ro (Romanian Wikipedia) – 12 %

◦  2008 – Ro–Ro (Romanian Wikipedia) – 31 %

◦  2009 – Ro–Ro, En–En (JRC-Acquis) – 47.2 % (48.6%)

◦  2010 – Ro-Ro, En-En, Fr-Fr (JRC-Acquis, Europarl) – 47.5% (42.5%, 27 %)

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50


Lucene index 1

Lucene indexes 2 Background

knowledge Test data (documents,

questions, possible answers)

Questions processing:

- Lemmatization - Stop words elimination - NEs identification - Lucene query

Answers processing:

- Lemmatization - Stop words elimination - NEs identification - Lucene query

Identify relevant documents


Partial and global scores

per answers


}  The Romanian background knowledge has 161,279 documents in text format

◦  25,033 correspond to the AIDS topic

◦  51,130 to Climate Change topic

◦  85,116 to Music and Society topic

}  The indexing component considers the name of the file and the text from it => Lucene index 1


}  Test data was an XML file with 12 test documents

◦  4 documents for each of the three topics (12 in total)

◦  10 questions for each document (120 in total)

◦  5 possible answers for each question (600 in total)

}  Test data processing involved 3 operations:

◦  extracting documents

◦  processing questions

◦  processing possible answers


}  The content of <doc> => <topic id>\<reading test id>\1..10

topic id

reading test id


}  Stop words elimination

}  Lemmatization

}  Named Entity identification

}  Lucene query building


}  Similar to processing questions +

}  We use ontology (Iftene and Balahur, 2008) for

elimination of possible answers with low probability to be final answer (relation [is_located_in])

}  In which European cities has Annie Lennox performed?

}  We eliminate from the list of possible answers the answers with non-European cities (we replace non- European cities with the value XXXXX)


}  For every question we index relevant documents returned by Lucene at the previous step and relevant documents saved from the initial test file


}  Then in every index, we performed searches using Lucene queries associated to possible answers

}  For every answer, we obtained a list of documents with Lucene relevance scores

}  Score2(d, a) is the relevance score for document d when we search with the Lucene query associated to the answer a


}  Results of UAIC’s runs at question answering level

Ro-Ro En-En

answered right 30 11 19 25

answered wrong 85 19 43 47

total answered 115 30 62 72

unanswered right 0 19 11 12

unanswered wrong 0 66 42 34

unanswered empty 5 5 5 2

total unanswered 5 90 58 48

Overall accuracy 0.25 0.09 0.16 0.21 C@1 measure 0.26 0.16 0.23 0.29


}  Yes–no question: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yes%E2%80%93no_question

}  Question Answering: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Question_answering

}  Lecture 13: Evaluation: Precision and Recall


}  Precision and Recall of Five Search Engines for Retrieval of Scholarly Information in the Field of Biotechnology:




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• Question Answering (QA): a QA system takes as input a question in natural language and produces one or more ranked answers from a collection of documents.. – By providing a

}  Question Answering (QA): a QA system takes as input a question in natural language and produces one or more ranked answers from a collection of documents.. }  QA systems

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