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View of Newton's method in Riemannian manifolds


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Rev. Anal. Num´er. Th´eor. Approx., vol. 37 (2008) no. 2, pp. 119–125 ictp.acad.ro/jnaat



Abstract. Using more precise majorizing sequences than before [1], [8], and under the same computational cost, we provide a finer semilocal convergence analysis of Newton’s method in Riemannian manifolds with the following advan- tages: larger convergence domain, finer error bounds on the distances involved, and a more precise information on the location of the singularity of the vector field.

MSC 2000. 65H10, 65B05, 65G99, 47H17, 49M15.

Keywords. Newton’s method, Riemannian manifold, local/semilocal conver- gence, singularity of a vector field, Newton-Kantorovich method.


We refer the reader to [1], [5], [7] for some of the concepts introduced but not detailed here.

Let X be a C1 vector field defined on a connected, complete and finite-di- mensional Riemannian manifold (M, g). In this study we are concerned with the following problem:

(1.1) find pM such that X(p) =oTpM.

A point p satisfying (1.1) is called a singularity ofX.

The most popular method for generating a sequence{pn} (n≥0) approxi- mating p is undoubtedly Newton’s method, described here as follows:

Assume there exists an initial guessp0M such that the covariantX0(p0) of X atp0 given by

(1.2) X0(p)v:=∇vX(p) = (∇yX)(p), vTpM,

is invertible, atp=p0, for each pair of continuously differentiable vector fields X,Y where the vector field∇yX stands for the covariant derivative ofXwith respect toY.

Define the Riemannian-Newton method by

(1.3) pn+1 = expp

n[−X0(pn)−1X(pn)], where expp:TpMM is the exponential map at p.

Cameron university, Department of Mathematics Sciences, Lawton, OK 73505, USA, e-mail: [email protected].


A survey of local as well as semilocal convergence results for method (1.3) can be found in [1]–[10] and the references there.

Here we are motivated by optimization considerations and the recent excel- lent study [1] of the Riemannian analogue of the property used by Zabreijko and Nguen [10].

In particular we show:

Under weaker hypotheses and the same computational cost finer error bounds on the distances d(pn+1, pn), d(pn, p) (n ≥ 0) and a more precise information on the location of the solution p are obtained.

All the above advantages are achieved because we use more precise error estimates on the distances involved than in [1] along the lines of our relevant works for Newton’s method for solving nonlinear equations on Banach spaces [2]–[6].

In Section 2 we cover the local whereas in Section 3 we study the semilocal convergence of method (1.3).


We need the definition [1], [5]:

Definition 2.1. Let G2(p0, r) denote the class of all the piecewise geodesic curves c: [0, T]→M which satisfy:

(a) c(0) =p0 and the length of c is no greater thanr;

(b) there exists τ ∈ (0, T) such that c[0,τ] is a minimizing geodesic and c

[τ,T] is a geodesic.

We can now introduce a Lipschitz as well as a center-Lipschitz-type conti- nuity of X0:

Let R >0. We suppose there exist continuous and nondecreasing functions

`0, `: [0, R]→[0,+∞) such that: for every r∈[0, R] andcG2(p0, r),


p0`0(r) Z b


c|, 0≤b, (2.1)


p0`(r) Z b


|c|,˙ 0≤ab,

(2.2) where

(2.3) Pc,t,0T(c(t)) =T(c(0)) + Z t


Pc,s,0T0(c(s)) ˙c(s)ds.

Without loss of generality we assume `0(r)>0, `(r)>0 on (0, R].

Remark 2.2. In general

(2.4) `0(r)≤`(r), r∈[0, R]


holds and ``(r)

0(r) can be arbitrarily large [3]–[6]. It is convenient to define pa- rameter

(2.5) η=|X0(p0)−1X(p0)|p0, functions v, w: [0, R]→[−∞,+∞) by

w(r) = ηr+ Z r


(r−s)`(s)ds, (2.6)

v(r) = −1 +`0(r) (2.7)

and iterations {tn},{rn}(n≥0) by

t0= 0, t1=η, tn+1 = tnw(tv(tn)

n) , (2.8)

r0= 0, rn+1 = rnww(r0(rnn))


for all n≥0.

Let us consider the assumption: the functionwgiven by (2.6) has a unique zero r in [0, R] with

(2.10) w(R)≤0.

We showed in [2] (see also [6], [7]):

Proposition2.3. Under hypothesis(2.10)iterations{tn},{sn}(n≥0)are well defined, monotonically increasing and convergent to t, r, respectively, with

(2.11) tr.

Moreover, the following estimates hold for all n≥0 tnrn,


tn+1tnrn+1rn, (2.13)


(2.14) ttnrrn.

Furthermore if (2.4) holds as a strict inequality so do (2.12) and (2.13) for n≥1. Since we shall show both{tn}, {rn}are majorizing sequences for{pn}, it follows by Proposition 2.3 that the claims made in the introduction for the local convergence of method (1.3) hold true.

We can now state the main local convergence result for method (1.3) which improves the corresponding Theorem 3.1 in [1, p. 8]:

Theorem 2.4. Under hypotheses (2.1), (2.2)and (2.10) the following hold true:

(a) the vector field X admits a unique singularity p in U(p0, R) = {p ∈ X | kp −p0k ≤ R} which belongs to U(p0, t). If `0(t) < 0 then X0(p)∈GL(TpM).


(b) Sequence {pn} (n ≥0) generated by method (3) is well defined, pnU(p0, tn) for all n≥0, and lim

n→∞pn=p. (c) The following estimates hold true for alln≥0:

(2.15) d(pn+1, pn)≤ |X0(pn)−1X(pn)|pntn+1tnrn+1rn, and

(2.16) d(pn, p)≤ttnrrn.

Proof. Uses the more accurate (i.e. the one really needed) condition (2.1) in- stead of condition (2.2) used in [1] for the computation of the inversesX0(pn)−1 (n≥0). The rest of the proof is identical to [1] and is omitted.

Remark 2.5.

(a) If `0(r) = `(r) our Theorem 2.4 reduces to Theorem 3.1 in [1]. Oth- erwise (see (2.4)) it is an improvement over it as already shown in Proposition 2.3. Note also that the rest of the bounds obtained in Theorem 3.1 in [1] (see parts (iv)-(v) of Theorem 3.1) hold true with {tn}replacing sequence{rn}there but we decided not to include those bounds here to avoid repetitions.

(b) Theorem 2.4 remains valid for a C1 vector field X: DMT M which is defined only on an open subsetDofMprovidedU(p0, R)D [1], [5], [7].

(c) It follows from the proof of the theorem that the sharper (than {tn}) scalar{tn}(n≥0) given by


t0 = 0, t1 =η, tn+2=tn+1+1` 1


Z 1 0

`(tn+t(tn+1−tn))(tn+1−tn)dt(n≥0), is also a majorizing sequence for{pn} (n≥0).

Sufficient convergence conditions for sequence (1.27) which are weaker than (2.10) have already been given in [3]–[7]. Note that

tntn, (2.18)

tn+1tntn+1tn, (2.19)

ttnttn, (2.20)


(2.21) tt.

See also Remark 3.3.


An extension of the Newton-Kantorovich theorem to finite-dimensional and complete Riemannian manifolds has been given by Ferreira and Svaiter in [7]

and has been improved by us in [4]. Moreover the results in [7] were shown


to be special cases of Theorem 3.1 in [1]. Here we weaken these results using L-Lipschitz andL0-center Lipschitz conditions for tensors.

Definition 3.1. A (1, k)-tensor T onM is said to be: L0-center Lipschitz continuous on a subset S of M, if for all geodesic curve γ: [0,1]→ M with endpoints in S and p0M

(3.1) kPγ,1,0T(γ(1))−T(p0)kp0L0

Z 1 0

|γ(t)|dt,˙ and L-Lipschitz continuous on S, if

(3.2) kPγ,1,0T(γ(1))−T(γ(0))kγ(0)L Z 1



We can show the following improvement of Theorem 5.1 in [1] for the semilo- cal convergence of method (1.3) (see [3, page 387, Case 3, for δ=δ0]):

Theorem 3.2. Under hypotheses (3.1) and (3.2) on S =U(x0, R) further suppose there existsp0M such that X0(p0)∈GL(Tp0M). Set:

a=kX0(p0)−1kp0 and

L= 18 (L+ 4L0+pL2+ 8L0 L).


(3.3) h0 =aηL12,

(3.4) U(p0, s)⊆U(p0, R), where

(3.5) s= lim

n→∞snb η, b= 2−b2

0, b0= 12


0 + v u u t

L L0


+ 8 LL



(3.6) s0 = 0, s1 =η, sn+2 =sn+1+a L(s2 (1−Ln+1−sn)2

0sn+1) (n≥0).


(a) scalar sequence {sn} generated by (3.6) is monotonically increasing, bounded above by b η and converges tos∈[η, b η].

(b) Sequence {pn} (n ≥ 0) generated by method (1.3) is well defined, re- mains inU(p0, s) for alln≥0 and converges to a unique singularity of X in U(p0, s).

(c) The following error bounds hold true for alln≥0:

(3.7) d(pn+1, pn)≤sn+1sn, and

(3.8) d(pn, p)≤spn.


(d) If there existsR1∈[s, R]such that

(3.9) aL0(s+R1)≤2,

thenp is unique in U(p0, R1).

Proof. As the proof in Theorem 5.1 in [1, p. 18] but we use condition (3.1) for the computation of the upper bounds of X0(pn)−1 (n≥0) which is really

needed instead of (3.2) used in [1].

Remark 3.3. (a) As in Remark 2.2

(3.10) L0L

holds in general and LL

0 can be arbitrarily large [3]–[7]. IfL0 =L holds then our theorem reduces to Theorem 5.1 in [1]. Otherwise it is an improvement.

Indeed, the condition corresponding to (3.3) in [1] is given by

(3.11) h=aηL12.

Note that

(3.12) h12h012

but not vice versa.

Moreover the corresponding majorizing sequence is given by (3.13) z0= 0, zn+1 =znww10(zn)

1(zn), where

(3.14) w1(r) =ηr+aLr22 , and again

snzn, (3.15)

sn+1snzn+1zn, (3.16)

ssnzzn, (3.17)


(3.18) sz = lim

n→∞zn= 1−

1−2h aL

with (3.15), (3.16) holding as strict inequalities for n≥1 if L0 < L. Finally note that in [3] we provided sufficient convergence conditions for iteration (3.6)

that are even weaker than (3.3).

All the above justify the advantages of our approach already stated in the introduction of the paper. These ideas can be used to improve the rest of the results stated in [1]. However we leave the details for the motivated reader.



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[2] Argyros, I. K., An improved convergence analysis and applications for Newton-like methods in Banach space, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim., 24, nos. 7–8, pp. 653–672, 2003.

[3] Argyros, I. K.,A unifying local-semilocal convergence and applications for two-point Newton-like methods in Banach space, J. Math. Anal. Applic.,298, pp. 374–397, 2004.

[4] Argyros, I. K., On the Newton-Kantorovich method in Riemannian manifolds, Ad- vances in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities, 8, no. 2, pp. 81–85, 2005.

[5] Argyros, I. K., Computational theory of iterative methods, Series: Studies in Com- putational Mathematics, 15, Editors, C.K. Chui and L. Wuytack, Elsevier Publ. Co., 2007, New-York, USA.

[6] Argyros, I. K.,On a class of Newton–like methods for solving nonlinear equations, J.

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[7] Do Carano, M.,Riemannian Geometry, Birkh¨auser, Boston, 1992.

[8] Ferreira, O. P. andSvaiter, B. F.,Kantorovich’s theorem on Newton’s method in Riemannian manifolds, J. Complexity,18, pp. 304–353, 2002.

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Received by the editors: May 12, 2008.



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