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View of The Need of Counseling Services in Pandemic Covid-19 for Vocational Students


Academic year: 2022

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The Need of Counseling Services in Pandemic Covid-19 for Vocational Students

Wulan Yuniarti1*, Asrowi2, Munawir Yusuf3

123Faculty of Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia Corresponding Email: [email protected]

Abstract:The goal of this study to understand the needs counseling services of vocational high school students. The uncontrolled distribution of Coronavirus (Covid-19) causes various problems to arise from students, both inside and outside, who use gadgets (digitalized) for every activity. For that, we need accurate information about the needs of students about expectations and obstacles during the distance learning processand providing counseling services. The research method used was a survey based on the Harry King sampling technique with a population. The questionnaire was chosen as a data collection tool because the data needed was factual data, both behavior and feelings that were being felt. The study results found students' needs about the barriers to new normal era counseling services. Students need counseling services during distance learning. The problems that appear to students in distance learning are emphasized on the limited use of quota ownership, less stable internet networks, laziness, and difficulty concentrating on understanding the material. Students need counseling services that are easy in terms of use, regulation, and simple.

Keywords:Survey; Counseling Services, New Normal Era; Counseling Services in New Normal Era


The outbreak of Corona Virus Diseases (Covid-19) has had a significant impact on various sectors. WHO (World Health Organization) data states that the latest news (January 26, 2021) confirmed positive for Covid-19 is 98,925,221 with 2,127,294 deaths worldwide, including Indonesia. Indonesia was experiencing a new surge of confirmed positive cases of Covid-19, with more than 10,000 cases a day.This incident resulted in the government imposing Large- Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) so that activities in the community were limited.All educational activities (teaching and learning) are carried out in a network (online), requiring distance learning.Staying at a distance aims to protect teachers, educators, and students (Lyer et al., 2020). The implementation of lockdown and quarantine in educational institutions reduces COVID-19 (Abdullah, et al., 2020).

The Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture explained that prolonged distance learning also results in negative things in children, including (1) students dropping out of school, (2) decreased learning achievement, (3) the risk of violence against children (Kompas, 2020).

Movement restrictions or lockdowns in educational institutions harm the learning process (Burgess & Sievertsen, 2020). Teachers experience decreased work motivation due to the increasing burden of electricity payments, internet/wifi costs, and quotas (Purwanto et al., 2020). The problems with the online learning process in China arise because of weaknesses in facilities and infrastructure, imbalance of information, teacher experience in online learning, and decreased student learning outcomes (Zhang et al., 2020). Various student problems when learning online are mental health, decreased achievement, misinformation, and inability to coping strategies (Pragholapati, 2020). Students need guidance and counseling services using technology during the Covid-19 pandemic to reduce their learning problems. Online


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collaboration and technological readiness have an impact on student success (Aliyyah et al., 2020).

Guidance and counseling teachers (counselors) as professionals, one of whose competencies is to provide services to students to help in solving their problems. The right services are provided to reveal students' problems, namely individual counseling online services, to reveal any problems behind the students in pandemic covid-19. Counselors or education practitioners open services in online counseling with social media applications to help individuals with psychological disorders. Counselors need to communicate with clients about the risks and limitations of telepsychology to avoid problems related to technology (Ifdil et al., 2020). Although no written consent has been obtained regarding online counseling, if no platform can provide encrypted communication, the counselor must ensure that the counseling process starts with verbal consent. Before the counseling process begins, the counselor or education practitioner must communicate the potential risks of online counseling to clients and maximize protection to maintain the confidentiality of client problems, such as (1) using a password when entering the online counseling room, (2) deleting chat history during the online counseling process, (3) ensure that the technology to be used is safe for clients and counselors. The principle of confidentiality in the implementation of counseling will make clients feel safe and have an open mind to resolve problems. (Chen et al., 2020).

Literature Review

The cyber counseling process can occur via the internet in the form of skype, e-mail, Facebook, video conferencing (yahoo messenger), a website, and the ideas of various other social media platforms. Online counseling is a therapeutic intervention on a website mediated by communication technology between professional counselors and counselors. Guidance and counseling teachers provide online counseling services during a pandemic to help solve student problems, optimize student psychological states, and improve student mental health to reduce high levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and other psychological conditions (Ifdil et al., 2020).Some policies are using online counseling as therapy online, electronic counseling, long-distance counseling, therapy email, web counseling, internet counseling, counseling session synchronization, and email therapy (Lau, Jaladin, Abdullah, 2013).

Online counseling is a therapeutic intervention on a website with communication technology media to provide professional counseling services to counselees. Emphasized that counseling is indeed possible to do remotely via the internet because its essence is not much different from counseling in general. Namely, there is a process of independent counseling, making decisions, increasing social confidence by maintaining the confidentiality of the counselee, strengthening self-acceptance and others through a different scope, easy in terms of time and place (Kraus, Stricker, and Speyer, 2010). There are 8 functions of individual counseling, namely: (1) developmental; (2) prevention; (3) repair; (4) investigation; (5) reinforcement; (6) cognitive function; (7) physiological; (8) psychological; and (9) Basile's enhancement (Gibson, Mitchell, & Basile, 1995).

Online counseling does require an understanding based on acceptance of conditions that are attempted to be free from distractions. Hence, the scope is according to his point of view on the attitudes of counselors and counselees during counseling sessions (Winberg & Rolnick, 2020). First, establish clear standards for the educational qualifications of counselors and supervisors. Second, emphasizing the importance of explaining the limitations of a person's mental health services' nature and scope by setting up safe online services to help and support people who are distressed by COVID-19. Third, Chen et al. said that the initial workload of mental health services is very large, so it is necessary to adjust the consultation time and limit


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the counselor's workload so that the counselor's health is maintained. Fourth, the client accepts and understands the limitations of consultation with mental health providers. Fifth, learn from experience. Web chat-based online counseling is increasingly being used to provide mental health support and care to people experiencing problems with mental health, addiction, gambling, and various other problems (Dowling & Rickwood, 2013; Gainsbury &

Blaszczynski, 2011; Rodda et al. 2013; Sucala et al., 2012).


The research method used by researchers is a survey method. The survey method is an investigation carried out to obtain facts from visible symptoms and seek factual information about the social, economic, and political institutions of a group or region (Nazir, 2003). The survey method dissects and skins and identifies problems. Similar to what was conveyed by Sugiyono, the data studied in the survey method is sample data taken from the population(S.

Apriyanto et al., 2020; Sigit Apriyanto, 2019; Sigit Apriyanto & Nurhayaty, 2019a, 2019b;

Hidayat et al., 2019). The relative incidence, distribution, and relationship between variables, sociological and psychological, is carried out in large and small populations (Sugiyono, 2013). Based on the views of the two experts above, it can be concluded that the survey research method is a way to reveal the facts of the symptoms seen or felt by individuals factually on a small or large scale so that correlated events are found. These advantages make the author's foothold reveal factual data that is the background of the obstacles during the distance learning process and the expectation of counseling services needed by students.

Sample and Data Collection

The subjects in this study were Vocational High School students (SMK) in Central Java from grade 10 to grade 12, majoring in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Electrical Engineering, Model Design and Building Information, and Software Engineering 10 classes. Subjects were taken as many as 304 children based on the total population of students. The basis for sampling using the theory of Harry King where the significance level is 5% of 2328, namely 304 subjects.

Analyzing of Data

The type of analysis used descriptive analysis(see Sigit Apriyanto et al., 2020). The type of research method chosen is descriptive analysis, whichdescribes or provides an overview of the object under study through collected data or samples (Sugiono, 2009). In other words, this type of analysis focuses on issues when the research was conducted. The results are then processed and analyzed for the conclusions drawn. The author uses a descriptive analysis method because it is suitable for knowing the phenomenon that is currently taking place. The following is the descriptive percentage analysis.

Results and Discussion

The research which took place at the State Vocational High School 5 Surakarta with the subject of 304 students from various backgrounds and classes resulted in: (1) 95% of students need counseling services during distance learning during a pandemic, 95% expect counseling services, but if examined more deeply, they produce the following data by gender: 45% men and 50% women need counseling services, (2) based on class: 23.5% of class 10; by 37.5%

class 11; and 40% of grade 12 need counseling services, (3) based on parent's occupation:

34.5% of parents work as PNS, and 65.5% of parents work as Non-PNS, (4) based on parent‟s


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income: 17% are categorized as high income; 30% categorized as middle income, and 53%

are categorized as low income.

The problems of students in participating in distance learning during a pandemic include: (1) do not own a cellphone 62%, (2) do not have a quota of 87 %, (3) at home while working to buy a quota of 28 %, (4) difficulty understanding material by 77 %, (5) the internet network is less stable by 90 %, (6) 62% stacked tasks, (7) laziness & difficulty concentrating by 96 %.

The counseling services needed by students during the Covid-19 pandemic: (1) it makes it easy for students to access (easy to use) by 100%, (2) easy to arrange (easy to arrange) for 98%, (3) simple, available on mobile phones in general, for example, Whatsapp, telegram, and websites are 100%. There is reluctance from students who do not want to consult due to feeling anxious to tell if the story will spread.The social distancing policyhas a psychological

impact on the effectiveness of learningreduced,lack

ofinteractionsocial,worrythathigh,andweakened immunity. Besidesthat, more assignments,much studying timeonline,andlack of material exposure cause academic stress (Mahmudah; 2020).

Based on the excavation above, it is known that several findings include: (1) students need counseling services for distance learning. Seen from the gender and class aspects, it shows that both men and women and grades 10-12 both need counseling services, the aspect of parents 'work shows that most of the students are mostly noncivil servants, the aspect of parents' income. This indicates that the majority are low-income. It can be concluded that students who need counseling services are students whose parents are mostly not civil servants and have low income. Students need comfort in communicating with the teacher. If the teacher demands student academic achievement that is too high, then communication will not go well, students will experience stress and have a bad impact on their psychology.

Machado et al., make electronic consulting even more visible. Electronic consultation helps patients control chronic disease and provides an early diagnosis. Telemedicine can "continue triage" of people with possible symptoms of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). This approach allows patients to be screened efficiently to avoid spreading the virus between patients, health professionals, and the exposed community (Machado et al., 2020).

The problems that appear to students in distance learning are emphasized on the limited use of quota ownership. The internet network is less stable, lazy, and difficult to concentrate on understanding the material. Students need counseling services that are easy in terms of use, regulation, and straightforward. The expected form of service is in website-based media, considering that the website only requires light internet access with a high level of data confidentiality and accuracy, especially computerized so that administration is well organized (see Syah et al., 2021). They made electroniccounseling gain even more visibility.To optimize counseling services during the Covid-19 pandemic, school counselors implemented social media in counseling services. The use of social media by considering relationships, visibility, and privacy, maintains the principles of ethical counseling (Giota & Kleftaras, 2014). The role of social media as a support for counseling services and counseling communication media following the professional ethics of the professional counselor and the ethics of using social media (Hartley et al., 2015; Kaplan et al., 2011).


The above research results indicate that thereare hopes and obstacles in counseling services for students of the State Vocational High School 5 Surakarta. For counseling to continue in


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the pandemic era, one solution that guidance and counseling teachers can do to help balance students' mental health is cyber counseling. The type of cyber counseling that will be used should be adjusted with the facilities and infrastructure owned by the guidance and counseling teachers and students. An adaptation process is needed to change face-to-face (conventional) counseling services to cyber counseling by guidance and counseling teachers and students.The findings were found that if the majority of students needed counseling, this was also researched by Ishaka & Bakara. He explained that if there were various psychological problems and the need for counseling services for students with special needs. More than 50%

of the sample needed perfectionism counseling services was the highest (94.04), followed by competitiveness (79.30), and low self-esteem (78), anxiety (77.04), identity formation (75.24), and extreme self-awareness (73.78). This research indicates that counseling is important for every student in helping to solve the problem. (Ishaka & Bakara, 2010).

Guidance and counseling teachers must help students express their feelings to avoid stress, for example, problems with family, parents, friends, academic achievement, and so on.If students are stressed, their immune system will decrease, and they are more susceptible to disease.

Therefore, counseling guidance teachers provide counseling services to students to help solve problems that students are facing.

Since 2008, online counselinghas been used as a tool to make it easier for young people todo counseling is young people. They don't have to spillemotions directly and only take a short time. Althoughlikewise, some of the disadvantages of online counseling are also discussed.

Along the time, that weakness can be overcome by the latest findings from related researchonline counseling. It's just that socialization is needed to be related to the procedure for useonline counseling among young people, especially those who are alreadyworking.

Because it is not only the problem of bullying that is often encountered butalso depression because of work. (Anaway et al., 2019). Research from Ahmed and Firdous explains that there have been changes in the provision of guidance and counseling services during the Covid-19 pandemic to require service delivery methods. He uses the RAPID method (Reflective Listening, Assessment, Prioritization, Intervention, and Disposition) or Reflective Listening, Assessment, Priority, Intervention, Disposition. Through this approach, it is more effective in providing services during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study emphasizes that a guidance and counseling teacher needs to change the paradigm of service delivery, especially in the new normal era. The correlation with this study strengthens if students with counseling services need to be done online with easy access. (Ahmed and Firdous, 2020).

Research from Supriyanto , Hartini , Irdasari , Miftahul, Oktapiana , Mumpuni explains the use of asynchronous media such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media such as webex, zoom, google meet, which can help solve problems and develop the potential of students. For this reason, researchers recommend counselors in schools adjust to the era of disruption(Supriyanto , Hartini , Irdasari, Miftahul, Oktapiana, Mumpuni, 2020). The use of technology media can increase student interest in the implementation of counseling services in schools (Alhadi et al., 2016).Online counseling provides deep youth safety bursting with emotions because reducing emotions among young people makes it easier for the counselor to approach. The disadvantage of reduced proximity emotional or face-to-face differences, including an absence of non-verbal cues and assessing young people is inaccurate. This research shows that it takes a method to improve both the effectiveness of online counseling needed continually. Thus extending the duration of the session is one way to increase the effectiveness of online counseling. However, on the other hand, an increase in counseling costs occurred. It is more productive because the counselor can take advantage of pre- counseling questions to activate the interactive data collection of information among young people and identify related problems, objectives, contextual factors, and resources among


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young people without requiring direct presence. So, the counselor can review the information before starting counseling and take advantage of the time counseling optimally (Bambling et al., 2008).

Research from Seidel, Mohlman, Basch, Fera, Cosgrove, Ethan explains his research on providing counseling services using websites on students' mental health. The use of website messages that are used for counseling services allows a counselor to provide services more optimally while still reducing the risk of the spread of Covid-19. This research confirms that it is possible to manage students' mental health through the media, namely the website, to solve message conversations (Seidel, Mohlman, Basch, Fera, Cosgrove, Ethan, 2020). Counselors in this study identified both benefits anddisadvantages to providing counseling to youngpeople in an online environment. The main benefitwas emotional safety due to reduced emotionalproximity to the counselor. The online counselingenvironment might be described as relatively “cool” inemotional temperature compared to the relatively„warm‟ telephone and face-to-face environments. Theonline environment was reported to reduce youngpeople‟s anxiety about receiving counseling, makingit easier to discuss problems and be assertive withcounselors (Bambling et al., 2008).

There was also a difference in emphasis concerning time limitations. For young people, timerestrictions were a source of frustration and sometimes led to feelings of rejection.

Counselors acknowledged that it was difficult to achieve counseling goals within the space of an hour. Still, they were lesstroubled about this than they were about the difficulty of assessing the seriousness of a problem the level of risk. In contrast, there was relatively little evidence that young people were troubled by difficulties communicating the severity of their problem (King et al., 2006). The experience reported by counselors helps to explainthe finding that alliance, session impact, and session outcome were weaker for online counseling than for telephone counseling (King et al., 2006). A relatively weak alliance may beassociated with counselors' experience that online relationships develop very quickly, and young people require very little time to disclose problem issues. At the same time, the relationship is easily strained and ruptured, usually due to misunderstanding of text communication. Basic information gathering also takes up a lot of time, resulting in less time for investigating client goals and working with clients to identify solutions consistent with these goals (Bambling et al.,2008).

Research from Yuksel-Sahin explains that the services provided by guidance and counseling teachers from data analysis, service determination, program design, and implementation. To evaluation are only about 46% of services that have been provided, meaning that there are still potentials that need to be done by guidance and counseling teachers in providing services.

This research indicates that during the development of counseling, especially during a pandemic, a guidance and counseling teacher must be active in providing services, not surrendering and accepting. The current process of assisting needs to be adjusted to the needs of students, so a guidance and counseling teacher needs to criticize existing teacher input, educational level, educational background, and competence must be appropriate (Yuksel- Sahin, 2009).During and after the COVID 19 pandemic, it requires the establishment of forums to deal with psychological conditions. Online mental health services in Indonesia are currently being developed, for example, the Mobile App Survey (AMMS). The Southeast Asia Mental Health and Counseling Association (SAMHCA) was founded by Ifdil Ifdil, Itsar Bolo Rangka, Kadek Suranata, and colleagues from various countries, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, and Timor-Leste. It is hoped that this association can become a forum for mental health and counseling practitioners to help people through the post-COVID- 19 era. The Mobile App Survey (AMMS) provides services by assisting people to overcome


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the global psychological crisis and other developing psychological problems in Indonesia.

(Ifdil et al., 2020).Web-chat based online counseling increasingly used to provide support and care to people who have problems with mental health, gambling, addiction, and various other problems (Dowling & Rickwood, 2013; Gainsbury & Blaszczynski, 2011; Rodda, Lubman, Dowling, & Mc Cann, 2013; Sucala et al., 2012).

However,services tend to target people experiencing problems, many to services that support their family and friends. Families have special support needs that may differ from people others seeking support (Wilsonet al., 2017). However, research has focused on how online counseling can be catered to families with special needs. In that study, researchers use online counseling as an empirical example to explore how these web features can support families seeking help online or limit opportunities. Although it is different from previous research,several in Indonesia apps offer free online counseling, such as KALM. Application KALM is online counseling that provides opportunities for young people who have problems and provide counselors professional according to online needs (KALM, 2020). Thus, online counseling is not only for families with special needs but also among young people.The benefits of online counseling for young people have been covered in part large literature and outlined some of the benefits of a new way of working. Counselors use information technology to control issuesamong young people (Anaway et al., 2019).


This research can be concluded that students need good counseling services in grades 10-12 with various backgrounds. It's just that students expect counseling services that are easy to access and simple.So, the author directs to use the website considering that there is less quota consumption to open the website and do not have to use gadgets (can use computers, or borrow friends). In addition, data confidentiality is well guaranteed because it is computerized.


Guidance and counseling teachers must adapt counseling services to the rapid changes due to the Covid-19 pandemic. So that the counseling service must be invincible with the situation, seeing the student's need for counseling services.One of the recommendations for counseling during a pandemic, guidance and counseling teachers can provide website-based counseling services


The limitation in this study is on what factors are the obstacles to the continuity of distance learning in students. It is realized that if these factors are very broad, it needs to be limited from internal and external factors of students. In addition, in the sample where several schools must carry out the sample used in one school, this research is for data mining directed at the manufacture of products, which can be a preliminary study by conducting a survey.


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