• Nu S-Au Găsit Rezultate



Academic year: 2022



Text complet


Translation from Romanian



Prepared by Dr. Codrina Mihaela LEVAI, Legal Advisor Senate’s permanent board in charge of reviewing regulations and university charter


Legal endorsement Cristian HINT, Legal Advisor Signature Enacted by University Senate of Victor Babes University

of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara

Resolution no. 75 / 12188 / September 16th 2020

Effective as of September 29th 2020 Amended on

Withdrawn on



Chapter Title Page

CHAPTER 1. General Provisions CHAPTER 2. Mission and Objectives

CHAPTER 3. University autonomy and public liability

CHAPTER 4. Structure of undergraduate and postgraduate studies CHAPTER 5. Structure of scientific research

CHAPTER 6. Quality management

CHAPTER 7. Organisational structure of “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara (UMFVBT)

CHAPTER 8. University Management

8.1. Managing structures at the level of UMFVBT 8.1.1. University Senate

8.1.2. Board of Directors 8.1.3. Faculty Council 8.1.4. Department Council

8.1.5. Council for Doctoral Studies 8.1.6. Doctoral School Board

8.2. Managing and equivalent offices at the level of UMFVBT 8.2.1. Rector

8.2.2. Vice-rectors

8.2.3. Manager of Council for Council for Doctoral Studies 8.2.4. General Managing Director

8.2.5. Dean


8.2.6. Vice-Dean

8.2.7. Department Manager

8.2.8. Manager of Doctoral School

8.3. Repealing from the managing structures and offices CHAPTER 9. University Community.

CHAPTER 10. Patrimony, material base and financing

CHAPTER 11. Institutional cooperation and international relations CHAPTER 12. Final provisions



1. Generals

2. Fundamental principles of the UMFVBT community’s activity 2.1. Academic autonomy

2.2. Personal autonomy 2.3. Right and equity 2.4. Merit

2.5. Professionalism

2.6. Academic honesty and intellectual fairness 2.7. Transparency

2.8. Professional and social responsibility 2.9. Integrity

2.10. Respect and tolerance 2.11. Peers

2.12. Benevolence and care 2.13. Loyalty

3. Procedural rules 4. Final provisions



Art. 1.

The university charter is the main instrument which reflects the major options of the academic community and which covers the entire the university scope.

Article 2.

"Victor Babeş" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timişoara, hereinafter referred to as UMFVBT, is a public state higher education institution, duly incorporated and set up under the Royal Decree no. 660 / December 22, 1944 and the Romanian Law no. 361/1945, published into the Official Gazette no. 102 dated June 4, 1945. UMFVBT is non-profit and apolitical academic establishment.

Art. 3. The university is duly identified by the following identification elements:

a) Legal name: „Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timişoara b) Headquarters: Eftimie Murgu Square no. 2, postal code 300041 Timişoara

c) Website domain: www.umft.ro

d) Logo, seal and other university own signs: all these are determined under the decision of the University Senate and are duly protected under the law.

e) University days: are celebrated via scientific events involving international participation, being organised on a yearly basis, on a certain date set under the resolution of the Board of Directors.

Article 4.

(1) "Victor Babeş" University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timişoara operates as a state- funded higher education institution which is under the control of the Ministry of Education and Research (MEC), based on the Romanian Constitution, the Romanian Law no.1 / 2011 on National Education, as subsequently amended, as well as pursuant to the fundamental regulations of the rule of law, in compliance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the principles of the Declaration on Academic Freedom and Autonomy of Higher Education Institutions (Lima, 1988).


Article 5

(1) Under the provisions set forth by this Charter and the laws in force in the field, UMFVBT prepares and implements specific regulations organizing, structuring and governing the activities within the institution, namely regulations for teachers and students, for undergraduate, master's, doctoral and postgraduate studies, as well as for scientific research and, respectively, for administrative activity.

(2) All such rules, regulations and institutional methodologies are subject to the approval of the University Senate.


Art. 6.

The university aims to fulfil its mission as a public authority operating in the field of education, science and culture, being at the same time responsible for generating and transferring knowledge to society by means of:

a) incipient and continuous training of qualified and highly qualified human resources, respectively, in the field of Health, in accordance with the European and international standards and pursuant to the current and future needs of the national health system;

b) promoting scientific research meant to guarantee the progress of medical and pharmaceutical sciences;

c) participation in scientific and cultural development in the field of life-related sciences.

Article 7

In order to fulfil its mission, the university puts forth the following objectives:

a) Supporting a modern undergraduate and postgraduate education system in Romanian language as well as in various modern languages, in strict compliance with the national and international standards;

b) Training of Romanian and foreign specialists in the field of health care (physicians, pharmacists, physiotherapists, nurses and licensed technicians), research and education;


c) Postgraduate training of all specialists in the field via specific programs: residency, consultant programmes, postgraduate courses, specialization, fellowship and internships programmes;

d) Training of specialists in the field of scientific research through postgraduate studies such as master's degree, doctoral, specialization and improvement in the country and abroad;

e) Development of fundamental and applied scientific research in pilot units of medical, biological, pharmaceutical research or in research centres and institutes that promote excellence in the healthcare field;

f) Promoting performance in the field of education and research, by developing the interuniversity cooperation with similar academic institutions in the country and abroad;

g) Providing high-performance specialized medical care by highly qualified specialists of the university community;

h) Promoting freedom of thought and expression and a climate of trust within the academic community, based on respect and recognition of the merits of its members.

i) Selection and guidance of graduates towards fields of practice, research, technical-medical creativity, teaching careers and permanent cooperation with the national health system in order to provide their professional insertion;

j) Supporting the scientific performance of university members within national and international scientific events;

k) Defending and promoting the fundamental rights and freedoms of the members of the university community;

l) Regular self-evaluation of the teaching and scientific activity in order to promote an increased level of competence;

m) Maintaining professional and scientific cooperation relations with all university graduates.

Article 8

In order to successfully and efficiently fulfil its objectives, the university is organized and operates under to the following principles:

a) the principle of university autonomy;


b) the principle of academic freedom;

c) the principle of social responsibility;

d) the principle of quality assurance;

e) the principle of abiding by the standards of professional and scientific ethics;

f) the principle of equity and equal opportunities;

g) the principle of managerial and financial efficiency;

h) the principle of transparency;

i) the principle of observing the rights and freedoms of both the students, the academic and the administrative staff;

j) the principle of ideological, religious independence and political doctrine;

k) the principle of freedom of national and international mobility of students, teachers and researchers;

l) the principle of consulting the social partners in decision making process;

m) the principle of centering education on the student;

n) the principle of recognizing the merits of the academic community members.

Article 9

(1) In order to fulfil its mission and objectives, the university may cooperate with other national and/or international universities, institutions or enterprises, setting up activity structures of common interest or consortia, under the conditions determined by the UMFVBT Senate, for each case, in compliance with the legal provisions in force.

(2) The University may work together with governmental or non-governmental bodies at local, national or international level, under the conditions determined by the UMFVBT Senate, for each case, in compliance with the legal provisions in force.

(3) The University promotes the partnership with similar higher education institutions in the country and abroad, based on the principles of academic freedom, pluralism of options and respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms.



Art. 10 Article 10

(1) UMFVBT operates and it is managed following the principle of university autonomy, provided that the applicable laws and the university's own internal regulations are strictly complied with.

(2) University autonomy identifies and determines the right of the university community to decide upon its mission and well as the institutional strategy, structure, activities, organization and operation rules and the manner in which the human and material resources are manages in accordance with the legal provisions in force.

(3) An essential condition for the university autonomy is the capacity to undertake public responsibility.

(4) The fundamental aspects of the university autonomy within UMFVBT, are outlined in strict accordance with the laws and regulations in force.

(5) Autonomy is defined by:

a) organizational and functional autonomy;

b) didactic and scientific autonomy;

c) financial and administrative autonomy;

a) jurisdictional autonomy.

Article 11

The organizational autonomy of UMFVBT is achieved by:

a) the right to elect and to be elected to the governing and executive structures and bodies of the university. by a secrete vote, as well as the right to express the academic freedom without any ideological, political or religious interference;

b) the right to select its own staff, according to validly established implementing regulations norms and pursuant to its own criteria, determined in accordance with the laws in force;


c) the right to set up, organize and reorganize all teaching components so as to provide the fulfilment of the mission and objectives that have been pursued, in accordance with the law;

d) the right to prepare its own regulations, in accordance with the laes and regulations in force.

Article 12

The functional autonomy of UMFVBT is achieved by:

a) the capacity to organise its own structures according to a hierarchy properly prepared within the context of the subordination and collaboration relations under the UMFVBT organizational chart, duly endorsed by the University Senate and which is an integral part of the Regulation that governs the organization and operation of the university;

b) determining its own methodologies regarding the admission contest and carrying out the bachelor's degree examinations and the dissertation exams, based on the general criteria determined by the relevant Ministry;

c) preparation of the payslips of both the teaching staff and the personnel involved in research activities within UMFVBT, as well as the curricula, curricula, the study units which are correlated to the financial resources available to the university, in compliance with the standards determined by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS);

d) organization and management of own units and centers.

Article 13. (1) The didactic autonomy of UMFVBT is reflected by the right to:

a) to organize, in accordance with the law, the university curriculum in accordance with the internal norms and of the European Union in such a way that the diplomas obtained in Romania can be recognized in the European space;

b) to organize training and continuous improvement activities;

c) to establish standards for evaluating the academic performance of teachers and students, in accordance with national and international standards that are published on the website;

d) to participate in international didactic programs organized by the European Union or other structures.

(2) Scientific autonomy is achieved by the right:


a) to set up methodological and scientific research units and centres in accordance with the law, with the approval of the University Senate;

b) to compete for research projects / grants in competitions organized at national and international level;

c) to establish the evaluation standards of the scientific research;

d) to capitalize by specific means the results of scientific research;

e) to use the net revenues obtained from the realization of the programs of scientific research, of provision of services, production, consultancy, or expertise.

Article 14

The financial and administrative autonomy of the university is achieved by granting and enforcing the following rights:

a) to manage, according to the law and pursuant to personal responsibility principles, all funds assigned from the budget or which derive from other sources, including the proceeds earned from the cashing in the foreign exchange fees paid by foreign students, master's degree students and doctoral students;

b) to determine the development priorities and the needs for investment;

c) to determine additional sources of income by setting up of research-development-innovation units, production facilities, service centres, consultancy and expertise units;

d) to determine certain fees in accordance with the legal provisions in force, provided that the Senate's approval has been previously obtained;

e) to carry out financial-banking operations with any partners;

f) to take over donations and bequests, provided that the Senate's approval has been previously obtained to that effect;

g) to manage the university area and the entire patrimony according to the university's own needs;

h) to benefit from subsidies, sponsorships and taxes from natural or legal entities. The revenues obtained from these sources shall be fully managed and used at the university level,


without payments to the state budget or ministry and without affecting the grants and subsidies from the state budget;

i) to use the financial resources based on the university's own priorities and decisions in compliance with its financial discipline;

j) to determine specific criteria for the award of excellence, merit, study and social aid grants, within the limits of the funds that have been assigned by the ministry or from its own revenues and based on the general criteria for awarding scholarships and grants, clearly defined by the legal standards in force and with the approval of the university Senate;

k) to manage the university premises as well as all endowments in conditions of profitability, providing at the same time the proper upgrade of the university's material resources;

l) to rent the available assets based on relevant contracts, with the approval of the Board of Directors, according to the legal standards in force;

m) to benefit from the investment funds in relation to any new objectives and additions of cutting-edge equipments.

Article 15

(1) The university's financial resources consist of basic and complementary financing, self- financing via legally determined fees, proceeds derived from scientific research, supply of medical services, donations, sponsorships, external financing via various research or partnership programs.

(2) At UMFVBT, the university own funds are used to complement the budgetary subsidies, to stimulate the personnel who earns such proceeds as well as for current repairs or investments, laboratory equipments or for acquisition of didactic material.

(3) The university' own funds earned under various research contracts or under non- reimbursable external financing contracts are used as per the scopes and purposes defined by the relevant contracts and the special guidelines and therefore, they cannot be used for other purposes.

(4). The university' own funds derived from various academic disciplines / earned within various university-controlled medical service supply centres shall be used in different quotas: 10%

shall be used for the university's autonomous administration purposes while the remaining


90% shall be assigned to that particular academic discipline to stimulate the personnel involve and to acquire the resources needed to supply those particular services.

Article 16

(1) The authority with jurisdiction over the university area is represented by the University Senate, the Board of Directors, the Councils of Faculties, the rector, the deans, the principals of departments and the chief administrative manager.

(2) The jurisdictional authority of UMFVBT represents its right to decide via its own governing bodies on the implementation of the University Charter, as well as in connection with all issues related to its competence, in accordance with the laws in force.

(3) The prerogatives deriving from the jurisdictional autonomy shall not be totally or partially outsourced

(4) Where disputes involving natural or legal entities occur, UMFVBT shall make use of all legal means of action, including mediation, and it shall be represented in the courts by a designated legal adviser.

Article 17

University autonomy is carried out under the conditions of public responsibility, which bounds the UMFVBT:

a) to comply with the laws and regulations in force, its own Charter and the national and European policies in the field of higher education centres;

b) to implement and to abide by the regulations in force regarding quality assurance and assessment in higher education system;

c) to observe the policies of equity and university ethics, outlined by the Code of professional ethics and deontology approved by the university Senate;

d) to provide and guarantee the managerial efficiency, the efficiency in terms of the proper use of both the resources and the funds deriving from public sources, according to the institutional contract;

e) to provide the transparency of all its decisions and activities, according to the laws in force;


f) to abide by the academic freedom of the teaching staff, the auxiliary teaching staff and the research personnel, as well as the rights and freedoms of students;

g) to issue the study completion documents, released in accordance with the legal provisions in force.


Art. 18. (1) The study programs and specializations provided by UMFVBT are determined according to the university development strategy and the existing demands on the labor market, upon the proposal of the Board of Directors and provided that the approval of the University Senate has been previously obtained.

(2) The number of avaialble seats for every study programme and specialization shall be determined by the university Senate, depending on the academic instruction capacity that derives from the evaluation of the study programs and the state-funded seats.

(3) At UMFVBT, the education within the bachelor's and master's degrees and the doctoral programs is provided free of charge for a limited number of publicly-funded seats assigned to the university by the Ministry of Education and Research and respectively, and as self-funded seats, within the number of seats approved by the university Senate, on a yearly basis, in compliance with the laws and regulations in force. The amount of the tuition fees shall be determined under the Regulation on the amount of tuition fees and other fees approved by the University Senate.

Article 19

(1) Every field of undergraduate study includes several specializations, which are individualized under relevant curricular papers pertainin to each and every study program, which, via the competencies thus provided, do satisfy both the needs and requirements existing on the labor market and the intellectual and scientific research expectations of the graduates.

(2) For each and every university degree cycle, the University Senate shall approve its own organization and functioning regulation, in accordance with the national and international quality standards in force.


(3) The structure of the curricular documents is determined by specific regulations and methodologies, enacted under the decision of the University Senate, in accordance with the laws in force.

Article 20

(1) The capacity of student, respectively of master;s degree student and doctoral student shall be acquired by admission to the bachelor's degree, master's degree and doctoral study programs, based on the relevant regulations approved by the University Senate, in accordance with the laws in force.

(2) The UMFVBT enrollment of the students from all study programmes, i.e. the bachelor;s degree, master's degree and doctoral studies shall be governed by the decision of the UMFVBT Rector and in compliance with the provisions of the Regulation on enrollment and registration of students and the Regulation / Methodologies for student admission, approved on an annual basis by to the University Senate.

Article 21

A person shall act as a student / master's degree student / doctoral student of UMFVBT if he / she meets the following requirements:

a) he/she is declared admitted to a study program;

b) he/she is definitively enrolled in a study program according to the legal provisions in force;

c) he/she has signed a study contract with UMFVBT.

Art. 22.

The capacity to act as a student / a master's degree student / a doctoral student with UMFVBT shall be acquired:

a) following the successfull pass of the admission contest according to the Regulation on organising and carrying out the admission contest to the bachelor's degree / master's degree / doctoral studies programmes, in force;

b) by transfer from an equivalent state-funded or private higher education institution, according to the Regulation on student mobility (transfer) and equivalence of studies;

c) by mobility, from other higher education institution, for a limited period of time;


d) by re-enrollment, under the conditions provided for by the Regulation on mobility (transfer) of students and equivalence of studies;

e) by orders issued by the Ministry of Education and Research.

Article 23

The capacity to act as a student / a master's degree student / a doctoral student with UMFVBT shall be lost where one or more of the following circumstances occur:

a) successful completetion of the study program;

b) withdrawal from studies;

c) expulsion;

d) interruption of studies for a certain period of time, according to the laws in in force.

Article 24

(1) The rights and duties of all students enrolled with UMFVBT are defined by the University Code of Student's Rights and Duties.

(2) A student's financial duties are duly stipulated by the Regulation on the amount of tuition fees and other fees.

Article 25

(1) The European Transferable Credit System (ECTS) shall be applied at UMFVBT, in accordance with the laws in force and pursuant to the international agreements.

(2) The number of transferable study credits related to each study program, the conditions to earn such credits, the conditions for recognition and equivalence of studies or periods of study completed in the country or abroad and the criteria for the completion of a study year shall be determined by relevant regulations approved by the University Senate.

Article 26

(1) A student's academic performances during a study program shall be determined by permanent assessments and by final evaluations such as the exams, oral exams, tests or projects.


(2) The examination and scoring rules applicable when assessing the students are stipulated in the related methodologies and therefore, they shall be known by the entire academic community.

(3) The methodology for examining students within UMFVBT is unitary and aims at: a) standardizing the knowledge acquired under the same academic course and b) providing the transparency and objectivity of the examination and scoring the students' performances.

(4) The results of an examination or another form of assessment may be cancelled, in accordance with the law, by the Faculty dean, when it is proved that they were obtained by fraudulent means or by breaching the provisions of the UMFVBT Code of Ethics and Professional Deontology, and the dean may order the reorganization of that particular exam.

Article 27

(1) University studies are deemed completed, in accordance with the laws in force, following a:

a) bachelor's degree exam, for bachelor's degree studies;

b) dissertation exam, for master's degree programmes;

c) public defense of doctoral thesis, for doctoral programmes.

(2) Planning and sitting for of all these exams shall governed by the Regulations / Methodologies on organizing and structuring the examinations for the completion of the undergraduate / master's degree / doctoral studies.

Article 28

(1) UMFVBT organizes master's degree programmes in the Healthcare sector (Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy), all being provided with validly accredited specializations at the bachelor's degree level, as well as in other fields determined under the ARACIS approval and by means of ministerial orders.

(2) Each and every master's degree program is coordinated by a program coordinator who shall mandatorily be a senior professor within the university and, at the same time, a tenure professor.


(3) The coordinator of the master's degree program shall be proposed by the dean of the faculty where the master's degree program is provided and, he / she shall be subsequently be validated by the university Senate once the program is approved or when appropriate.

Article 29

(1) UMFVBT is an Organizing Institution of Doctoral Studies (IOSUD-UMFVBT), having two Doctoral Schools: Medicine - Pharmacy Doctoral School and Dentistry Doctoral School, each of them being coordinated by a Council of the Doctoral School.

(2) IOSUD-UMFVBT is led by the Council for doctoral studies (CSUD), and the the Rector of UMFVBT is the legal representative of IOSUD - UMFVBT.

(3) The procedure for admission to doctoral studies consists in the process of selection of candidates for each vacant position of doctoral student and it is completed in accordance with the provisions of the Methodology for admission to doctoral studies.

Article 30

The forms of postgraduate instruction in the medical, medico-dental and human pharmacy sectors, duly organised by UMFVBT are as follows:

a) residency, including the training afferent to a second specialization which is a self-funded specialization;

b) postgraduate training courses;

c) continuing education in the medical, medico-dental and human pharmacy sectors, which includes:

- programs for obtaining the certificates of complementary studies - other forms of training provided by law.

Article 31

(1) At UMFVBT, the organization and structure of postgraduate education programmes take place in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation for postgraduate studies via residency and respectively the provisions set forth by the Regulation on the organization of postgraduate education at UMFVBT, duly endorsed by the University Senate.


(2) At UMFVBT the postgraduate instruction is organised under the coordination of the Vice-rectorate for Postgraduate Studies and residency.

Article 32

Residency is the specific form of postgraduate instruction for the graduates of the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy, which provides the necessary training to obtain a valid qualification certificate in one of the specialties included in the Nomenclature of medical, medico-dental and pharmaceutical specialties available for the healthcare network.

Article 33

(1) Prior to the beginning of each and every academic year, UMFVBT, via the Vice-rectorate for Postgraduate and Residency Studies, prepares and submits to the approval of the University Senate the offer for postgraduate courses, classified by specialties, as well as the offer for postgraduate training courses whose completion gurantees the award of the relevant certificates of complementary studies.

(2) The certificate attesting the completion of a postgraduate training course shall indicate the number of EMC or EFC credits that were awarded by the Romanian College of Physicians, the Romanian College of Dentists and the Romanian College of Pharmacists, respectively.


Article 34.

The scientific research activity conducted at UMFVBT is duly organized and operates in accordance with the provisions set forth by the Romanian Law no.1 / 2011on National Education, as subsequently amended, the University Charter and the Research Strategy approved by the University Senate in accordance with the strategy adopted at European and national level and in compliance with the provisions of the laws and regulations in force.

Article 35

(1) The fundamental and applicative scientific research represents the basis for the training and upgrading the professional performances of the members of the university community, contributing at the same time to the progress of knowledge in the field of life-based sciences.


(2) The scientific research activity is a major component of the duties undertaken by each and every professor and together with the faculty competence, they stand for the fundamental criteria for assessing the academic qualification and performance.

(3) At UMFVBT, the research is carried out by professors, researchers, students, master's degree students and doctoral students.

Article 36

(1) The Vice-Rectorate responsible for Scientific Research is the institutional department responsible for all aspects related to scientific research within the university.

(2) The Vice-Rectorate is supported by the coordination body, the Scientific Committee and the administrative structure, the Department of Research and Management of Grants generated by the university for this purpose and which is organized and operates according to its own regulations.

(3) The plan of the scientific research activity within the university is prepared by the Vice- rector in charge of the research with the support of the Scientific Committee and it is approved by the university Senate.

(4) The coordination structure of the doctoral research activity is represented by the Council for Doctoral Studies (CSUD) which is organized and operates according to the provisions set forth by the Institutional Regulation governing the planning and development of doctoral university studies within UMFVBT.

(5) The scientific research activity is endorsed, from an ethical point of view, by the Ethics Committee for Scientific Research (CECS) which prepares the operational procedures needed for the release of an ethics opinion on scientific research projects / programs in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.

(6) The CECS is an independent body whose mission is to supervise the compliance with the ethical principles in scientific research carried out on human subjects and lab animals.

Article 37

(1) At UMFVBT, the research is carried out within the university's own methodological centers, the centres of advanced scientific research and centres of excellence as well as at the level of


the departments, subjects and committees that may get together due to various national and international research networks / consortia.

(2) Research-development-innovation (RDI), production, service supply, consultancy, expertise, design facilities may be set up at the level of UMFVBT, with the approval of the University Senate. These facilities shall act autonomously, shall be entitled to prepare and implement their own regulations and shall operate as self-financing units.

(3) Methodological and advanced scientific research and excellence centers may be set up and may also operate at the level of certain academic disciplines and departments within the faculties and the university, respectively, being incorporated via voluntary association put forth by the teaching staff who has relevant and nationally and/or internationally recognized scientific experience and expertise.

(4) UMFVBT Methodological and research centers have their own material resources as well as their own staffing schemes duly designed in accordance with the provisions of both the applicable law and the Regulation for setting up, recognition and operation of the centers within UMFVBT. The centers prepare and implement research projects / grants, use the results of all research projects that have been conducted, organize training courses and scientific events, supp,ly various services, finance the relevant staffing costs as well as the expenses relatd to materials and equipment, etc., in accordance with the aforementioned Regulation.

(5) The chief executive officer of any such methodological and research center and, respectively, the chief executive officer of a RDI, production, services, consultancy, expertise, design facility, may be a professor, an associate professor, a lecturer or a researcher level I and II.

(6) The methodological and research centers and respectively, the facilities described by par.

(5) may hire, under relevant contracts and agreements and in accordance with the laws in force and the provisions of the Regulation, a number of researchers to occupy the vacancies available at the level of the teaching staff as well as the researcher positions, previously approved by the University Senate.

Article 38.


(1) The faculty members are all involved in scientific research as an integral part of their activity, within individual or collective research plans, at the level of the course / department methodological and research center or at the level of a facility, as provided by Art. 37 par. (2).

(2) Students, master's degree students and doctoral students participate in scientific research together with the faculty members and the researchers, within specific forms of organization (student scientific circles, etc.), methodological and research centers of the university or facilities, as provided by Art. 37 par. (2) in compliance with the laws in force and the regulations governing the operation of such centres / facilities.

(3) PhD students carry out their activity as part of the research training and production of high- quality scientific products under the guidance and coordination of doctoral coordinators (including co-supervisors) and other teachers or scientific researchers under relevant interdisciplinary and interuniversity collaborations.

Article 39

The activity of all structures involved in research is supported by the administrative departments from the university's organizational chart (Research and Grants Management Department, Procurement Services, financial-accounting, etc.).

Article 40

(1) Scientific research activities may be carried out based on research projects / grants won via internal competitions - at the university level, respectively at national levels - duly coordinated by the Ministry of Education and Research, via the Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI), The Romanian Academy, the Regional Development Agencies or other pilot units of the Programs related to both the National RDI Program and the international programs - those programs financed by the European Union or its bodies, UN and partner countries, COST, as well as by other foreign universities / institutions / research units with whom Romania has entered into relevant collaboration treaties in the field of scientific research, as well as on the basis of the funds gained by employing the research grants offered by related industries, the private enterprises, the national and international scientific societies, via sponsorships, firm orders, etc.

(1) The activities deriving from the research projects / grants / contracts are remunerated according to the law and pursuant to the contractual provisions under the decision of the project


/ grant manager. The research contract determines both the actual payment method and the amounts to be paid.

Article 41

(1) The results of the scientific research activity are disseminated by publishing in specialized journals; furthermore, such results are materialized by applying for and acquiring relevant patents for the benefit of knowledge, medical and pharmaceutical scientific heritage, for the recognition of value and for advertising purposes related to their authors, as well as to increase the international visibility of UMFVBT, to obtain financial benefits pertaining to the university and, respectively, to be awarded relevant rewards for their authors.

(2) An annual record of the research results, as well as a list of the publications and the participations in national and international scientific events are prepared at the level of each department and faculty; there are also analysed the results obtained following the research activities conducted by each and every professor.

(3) The results obtained in the scientific research by each and every professor are taken into account in the evaluations and competitions for occupying the vacancies available at the level of the teaching staff.

Article 42

(1) UMFVBT provides, fosters and promotes the freedom of research in terms of identifying the research themes, choosing the research methods and procedures, capitalizing the results, in strict compliance with the ethical standards of scientific research and pursuant to the legal provisions in force.

(2) The standards and responsibilities of researchers, as well as any deviations from good practice research procedures and any sanctions are regulated in the Code of Ethics of Scientific Research in UMFVBT, adopted by the University Senate, according to the legal provisions in force.

Article 43

(1) The Committee on Scientific Research Ethics (CSRE) operates at the level of UMFVBT.

(2) The structure and members of the CSRE is proposed by the Board of Directors, being then endorsed by the University Senate and approved by the Rector of UMFVBT.


(3) Among the CSRE's main attributions are:

a) ensuring the compliance of all research projects carried out within the UMFVBT with the ethical principles defined by the Code of Ethics of scientific research of the UMFVBT and the draft of a pertinent opinion;

b) protection of the participants against any inconveniences that may occur during the research process;

c) observance of researchers' rights and duties;

d) observance of the research subjects' rights and duties.

(4) CSRE prepares the Operational Procedures to issue relevant ethics opinions on scientific research projects in accordance with the laws in force.


Article 44.

Article 44

(1) Quality management represents the core of the general management function that determines the quality policy as well as the objectives and responsibilities implemented within the quality system via: planning, control, assurance and quality improvement.

(2) Providing the quality of education and research represents a duty of paramount importance undertaken by UMFVBT and materialized through joint efforts of academia, administrative staff and students, in order to promote performance at all university structures and activities and to act in the spirit of the quality-related culture.

(3) The Department of Educational Quality Assurance (DEQA), as well as the Educational Quality Assurance Commissions set up for each and every faculty within the university (EQAC) are set up withion the UMFVBT; these bodies work in an integrated way, according to the Regulation on organizing and operation of DEQA, the Regulation on organizing and operation of UMFVBT, ARACIS guidelinces and the laws and regulations in force.

(4) DEQA is coordinated by the Didactic Vice-Rector and it is directly subordinated to the UMFVBT Rector.

Article 45


(1) The criteria, standards and indicators for the assessment of the professors and faculty members are put forth by the DEQA and are then validated by the UMFVBT Senate, based on the relevant ARACIS guidelines and the laws in force as well as in accordance with the provisions set forth by the Methodology on evaluating the individual professional performance of the teaching staff.

(2) The teaching staff self-evaluation is conducted on an annual basis, using the form published on the UMFVBT website. The properly filled out questionnaires shall be archived at the course department level, and the results shall be firstly analyzed by the course coordinator who shall forward them as a Centralizer of self-assessment questionnaires, to EQAC/ faculty. These questionnaires also contain the scores given following the peer review and student assessment processes.

(3) The teaching staff peer review is mandatory and it is conducted on an annual basis, according to the form published on the official website of UMFVBT. The properly filled out questionnaires shall be archived at the course department level, and the results shall be entered into the professor's self-evaluation form.

(4) The assessment of the professors by students shall be conducted on an annual basis, according to the form published on the official website of UMFVBT. The results are confidential and they may be accessed only by the course coordinator, the Dean and the professor under evaluation. The properly filled out questionnaires shall be archived at the course department level, and the results shall be entered into the professor's self-evaluation form.

(5) The DEQA Chairman receives directly and confidentially, from each and every EQAC/

faculty chairman, the Faculty Evaluation Report, which shall include, in tabular form, the results of all professors' self-evaluation, grouped by academic disciplines / departments (including the scores entered onto the peer evaluation questionnaire and the evaluations from students). The summary of the questionnaires from each and every faculty, as well as copies of the Self- Assessment Reports, shall be made available (upon request) to the Deans, in order to assit them in preparing the Self-Assessment Reports of the study programs.

(6) The final results of the professors' evaluation (peer-review, self-evaluation, student-based assessments) shall be discussed at the level of each course / department, as well as in the Faculty Council, until the end of the academic year, in order to find and implement proper


corrective measures to cure any issues that have been brought out. These solutions / measures shall be accepted and implemented by the professor subject to evaluation.

(7) The assessment of the teaching, research and administrative performances of all the professors is analysed by the didactic Vice-rectorate and the DEQA.


Article 46.

Article 46

(1) In order to fulfill the objectives of the mission it has undertaken, UMFVBT has gathered up, as constituent elements, a series of didactic, research, administrative organizational structures, as well as any other types of structures, in compliance with the laws in force.

(2) The organizational structures of UMFVBT are set up, operate and may be dissolved according to the regulations approved by the University Senate, in compliance with the laws in force.

Article 47.

(1) At UMFVBT, the teaching organizational structures are represented by faculties and departments, which gather the appropriate academic disciplines.

(2) Faculties represent the organizational structure where both the didactic activity within the study programs and the related research activity are carried out.

(3) The structure and operation of the UMFVBT faculties comply with the provisions set forth by the Regulation governing the organization and operation of UMFVBT, the internal Regulation of UMFVBT and the Regulations governing the organization and operation of the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy.

Article 48

(1) Departments represent the organizational structures within the faculties, clustering academic disciplines which are similar or complementary in terms of the teaching activities and / or research activities and /or services provided.

(2) The structure and operation of the departments of the UMFVBT faculties comply with the provisions set forth by the Regulation governing the organization and operation of UMFVBT,


the internal Regulation of UMFVBT and the Regulations governing the organization and operation of the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy.

Article 49

(1) The academic disciplines represent the structural and functional units of the departments within which didactic and research activity related to a specific subject or a group of related / complementary subjects are carried out, according to the objectives of the mission adopted by the UMFVBT Research Strategy.

(2) The structure and operation of the departments of the UMFVBT departments comply with the provisions set forth by the Regulation governing the organization and operation of UMFVBT and respectively, the internal regulations of the aforementioned faculties.

(3) The academic discipline represents an individualized structure in the index of function.

Article 50

(1) UMFVBT is an Institution legally authorized to organize doctoral study programmes (IOSUD-UMFVBT).

(2) IOSUD-UMFVBT operates under the Institutional Regulation on organizing and planning doctoral studies at UMFVBT, duly approved by the University Senate, in accordance with the law and in compliance with the provisions of the Code of doctoral studies.

Article 51

At UMFVBT, the organizational research structures are represented by methodological and research centers and RDI units as well as by services, production, consultancy, expertise, design facilities, whose organization, operation and evaluation are approved by own regulations and methodologies, duly endorsed by the University Senate and in compliance with the laws in force.

Article 52

At UMFVBT, the administrative structures are represented by directorates and offices whose organization and operation comply with the provisions of the Regulation on the organization and operation of the UMFVBT and its own regulations, endorsed by the University Senate and which observes the laws in force.



Article 53.

Article 53

(1) The management structures at UMFVBT are: a) The university Senate and the Board of Directors, at the university level; b) The faculty council; c) The department council.

(2) The UMFVBT Council for Doctoral Studies (CSUD-UMFVBT) represents the management structure of IOSUD-UMFVBT.

Article 54

(1) The executive offices at UMFVBT are as follows: a) the rector, the vice-rectors and the general administrative principal, at the university level; b) the dean and vice-deans, at the faculty level; c) the department principal, at the department level.

(2) The offices assimilated to the management positions are the following: a) the director of the Council for Doctoral Studies, at the level of IOSUD-UMFVBT; b) the directors of Doctoral Schools, at the level of the UMFVBT Doctoral Schools.

Article 55.

(1) The representation mandates in the management structures of UMFVBT and IOSUD- UMFVBT, the mandate afferent to the rector position and the mandate afferent to the position of department principal are given following an election procedure, in accordance with the laws in force.

(2) The mandates for the position of director of the Council for Doctoral Studies and, respectively, the dean's office are granted following a contest organized by the Rector of UMFVBT, in accordance with the applicable law.

(3) The vice-rectors are appointed by the rector, and the vice-deans of each faculty are appointed by the deans of those particular faculties.

(4) The directors of Doctoral Schools are appointed by the Council for Doctoral Studies.

(5) The process of determining and choosing the managerial structures and operations at the level of the university, the faculties and departments is carried out based on a regulation


approved by the University Senate, in compliance with the principle of representativeness on faculties, departments and study programs.

Article 56.

(1) The representativeness in the management structures of UMFVBT, for the 2020-2024 mandate, shall apply as follows:

a) The Senate gathers up 51 members (38 professors and 13 students);

b) The Council of the Faculty of Medicine is composed of 51 members (38 professors and 13 students);

c) The Council of the Faculty of Dentistry is composed of 11 members (8 professors and 3 students);

d) The Council of the Faculty of Pharmacy is composed of 11 members (8 professors and 3 students).

(2) Under no circumstances shall the representation quota be changed during the ongoing mandate.

Article 57.

Under no circumstances shall the managing offices, such as the rector, the vice-rector, the dean, the vice-dean, the department principal or the research-development, design, micro- production facility manager be cumulated.

Article 58.

(1) Organization and operation of the management structures are made on the basis of regulations approved by the University Senate.

(2) The decisions made by the senate, the faculty councils and the department councils are based on the vote of the majority of the attending members, provided that the number of the present members is at least 2/3 of the total number of members.


8.1. Managerial structures at the level of UMFVBT

8.1.1. University Senate

Article 59.

Article 59

(1) The university senate represents the university community and it is the highest decision and deliberation body at the level of UMFVBT.

(2) The university senate is composed of 51 members, out of whom 38 representatives of the teaching and scientific research staff and 13 representatives of students.

(3) The term of the teaching and research staff representation mandate in the University Senate covers 4 years.

(4) The terms of the student representation mandate in the University Senate covers 4 years.

(5) The representatives of the teaching and research staff in the University Senate are elected by universal, direct, secret, equal and freely expressed vote of all full-time professors and researchers, in compliance with the representation quota of each faculty and department.

(6) The representatives of the students in the University Senate are elected by universal, direct, secret, equal and freely expressed vote of all students within the university.

(7) The University Senate elects, by universal, direct, secret, equal and freely expressed vote, a president who leads the meetings of the University Senate and represents the University Senate in the relations with the UMFVBT Rector.

(8) The university senate prepares and approves its own regulation governing its organization and operation.

(9) The university senate sets up specialized commissions by means of which it controls the activity of the executive management of UMFVBT and the Board of directors. The supervision and control reports are presented on a regular basis and ar further discussed in the University Senate, underlying the resolutions of the University Senate.

(10) The University Senate may be called on by the Rector of UMFVBT or upon the request of at least 1/3 of its members.


Article 60

The powers and authorities of the University Senate in the field of university management are as follows:

a) guarantees academic freedom and university autonomy;

b) after elaborate debates with the university community, it prepares and adopts the University Charter;

c) approves the strategic plan for institutional development and the operational plans, upon the proposal of the UMFVBT Rector;

d) approves, upon the proposal of the UMFVBT Rector and in compliance with the laws in force, the structure, organization and operation of the university;

e) puts forth and approves the setting up, organization or dissolution of the faculties within the university structure, in compliance with the provisions of art. 132 par. (2) of the Romanian Law no. 1/2011 on national education, as subsequently amended;

f) approves the methodologies and regulations on the organization and operation of the university;

g) represents the collective governing body of the component institutions of IOSUD and approves the foundation of Doctoral Schools, upon the proposal of the UMFVBT Rector;

h) enters into the management contract with the UMFVBT Rector;

i) prepares the methodology for the election of deans and validates the deans elected for the relevant faculties;

j) validates the public contests organized to occupy the vacancies available in the Board of Directors;

k) validates the contests organized to occupy the vacancy of the University General Administrative Director;

l) approves the structure and composition of the University Ethics Committee, proposed by the Board of Directors;

m) prepares and approves the Quality Assurance Code and the Code of Professional Ethics and Deontology;

n) approves the setting up of foundations or associations, in compliance with the provisions of the laws;

o) approves the inter-institutional agreements;


p) decides on the identification and use of signs and symbols specific to the University;

r) orders the reorganization or dissolution of departments or non-performing institutions of UMFVBT, at the proposal of the Rector, based on a reasonable internal evaluation, in accordance with the applicable law, without affecting the students' rights;

s) validates the annual report of the UMFVBT Rector, based on the reports made by its specialized commissions;

t) other attributions, according to the law.

Article 61

The powers and duties of the University Senate with reference to the didactic sector are as follows:

a) approves the setting up and financing of study programs;

b) on an annual basis, it approves the university study programs (bachelor's degree, master's degree, doctoral studies, residency, postgraduate studies), their curricula, annual number of student seats and the relevant study units;

c) approves the structure of the academic year;

d) approves the cancellation of a certificate or a diploma of studies when it is proved that such certificate of diploma was obtained by fraudulent means or by breaching the provisions of the University's Code of Ethics and Professional Deontology, upon the proposal of the UMFVBT Rector;

e) approves the extension / interruption of the doctoral study program, at the proposal of the doctoral coordinator and within the available funds, based on the CSUD endorsement;

f) approves, on a yearly basis, the Regulation / Methodology of admission to the university study programs;

g) approves the Methodology for the recognition and equivalence of studies and the fees regarding the equivalence operations in order to confirm or complete the studies and the recognition abroad of certain diplomas, according to the applicable law;

h) approves, on a yearly basis, within at least 3 months before the beginning of the academic year, the Regulation on the professional activity of students, including the Methodology used


to assess the students' knowledge, as well as the calendar of educational activities specific to academic semesters, which, stands for the structure of the academic year;

i) approves the Methodologies for completing the bachelor's degree, master's degree, doctoral and postgraduate studies;

j) approves the University Code of the student's rights and duties, in compliance with the legal provisions in force;

k) other attributions, according to the law.

Article 62.

Article 62

The powers and duties of the University Senate in the field of scientific research are the following:

a) approves the setting up of research centers / units;

b) approves the Regulation for setting up, recognition and operation of the centers within the UMFVBT;

c) other attributions, according to the applicable law.

Article 63

The powers and duties of the University Senate in the field of personnel policies are the following:

a) approves, on a yearly basis, the lists of positions drawn up according to the university internal procedure as well as the number of positions for the auxiliary teaching and research staff;

b) within the limits expressly provided by art. 287 of the Romanian Law no. 1/2011 on National Education, as subsequently amended, determines, following an individualized model, the effective academic workload, depending on the field, specialization, the weight of disciplines in the specialized training of students and the size of study units, observing the principles of equity and non-discrimination;

c) approves the job descriptions of the teaching, auxiliary, administrative and research staff;


d) approves the regulation / methodologies for filling in the vacant teaching and research positions;

e) approves the contest boards for filling in the vacant teaching and research positions and validates the decisions of the Faculty Councils regarding the results of such contests;

f) approves the continuance of the academic activity carried out by the teaching and research staff who has already reached the legal retirement age, in accordance with the applicable law and the university's own regulations, based on a specific methodology, and seeing the evaluation criteria applicable to those particular circumstances;

i) approves the performance-based teaching certification for the foreign specialists without a university teaching certification recognized in the country;

j) approves the Regulation on awarding honorary titles, distinctions and awards in UMFVBT and approves the award of titles upon the proposal of the Board of Directors;

k) approves the boards for the analysis of disciplinary violations, appointed by the Rector of UMFVBT, according to the applicable law;

l) approves, with the vote of 2/3 of the members of the Senate, the application of the following types of disciplinary sanctions: suspension of the right to register for a contest regarding a higher teaching or managerial position and/or a guidance or control position, as a member in the doctoral boards, master's or bachelor's degree examination boards; dismissal from an executive position in education; disciplinary termination of the employment contract; orders the cancellation and lifting of the above-mentioned sanctions, in accordance with the applicable law, based on the decisions of the University Ethics Committee or the University Disciplinary Analysis Boards;

m) analyses and settles the appeals filed in relation to the sanctions involving written warnings or reduction of the basic salary;

n) approves the requests of the teaching and research staff regarding the performance of teaching and research activities in other higher education or research institutions;

o) other duties, according to the applicable law.

Article 64.

The powers and duties of the University Senate in the social & student field are as follows:


a) approves the Regulations on scholarships granted to students;

b) approves the Regulation governing the studentys' accommodation in university campus, the Regulation governing the operation of the student cafeterias and the Regulation governing the operation of the university library;

c) other attributions, according to the applicable law and the University Charter.

Article 65.

The powers and duties of the University Senate in relation to the financial field, the material resources and the resource management sector are as follows:

a) approves the budget project and the budget execution,

b) approves the investment program for the development of the university material base, in consideration of the proposals of the Board of Directors;

c) approves the university's tax regulations;

d) other attributions, according to the applicable law and the University Charter.

8.1.2. Board of Directors

Article 66.

(1) The Board of Directors of UMFVBT provides, under the coordination of the Rector, the operative management of the university and implements the strategic decisions issued by the University Senate.

(2) The Board of Directors has the following powers and authorities:

a) provides the operative management of the university and settles the current problems of the university

implements the strategic decisions of the university Senate;

b) determines the institutional budgetin using relevant operational terms ; c) approves the budget execution and the annual balance sheet;


d) approves the proposals for new study programs and puts forward relevant proposals to the University Senate concerning the dissolution of the study programs that are no longer falling within the mission of the university or that are academically and financially inefficient;

e) approves the financial operations that exceed the thresholds determined by the University Senate;

f) proposes to the University Senate long and medium term university strategies and policies on the fields of interest for the university;

g) submits to the University Senate, for analysis and decision, proposals regarding the development of the didactic, research and administrative activity within the university;

h) submits to the University Senate, for analysis and decision, proposals regarding any reasonable changes in terms of the amount of the tuition fees and other fees;

i) informs the university community about its own decisions;

j) analyzes and submits to the University Senate, for approval, the curricula related to the university study programs;

k) proposes to the University Senate, for approval, the study units and their scales and extents, complying with the applicable quality standards;

l) proposes to the University Senate, for approval, all regulations, methodologies and procedures;

m) proposes to the University Senate, for approval, the structure of the academic year and the calendar of educational activities;

n) implements the decisions / strategic decisions of the university Senate and adopts decisions or measures that are required for the enforcement of the senate decisions;

o) manages the movable and immovable assets owned by the university;

p) approves the materials to be submitted to the approval of the University Senate, according to the legal provisions;

q) works together with the commissions of the university Senate;


r) proposes to the university Senate, for approval, the structure and composition of the Ethics Committee of UMFVBT;

s) approves the proposals for position openings in relation to the teaching and research staff vacancies as well as any other auxiliary teaching positions, as well as the administrative vacancies;

t) approves the employment of specialists from the country or from abroad, with scientific and professional value recognized in various fields, as associated professors, with the approval of the Department Council;

u) puts for consideration the award of honorary titles, distinctions and awards within UMFVBT complying with the law and its own regulations;

v) approves, under the conditions provided by law, unpaid leave for the entire university staff;

w) approves the structure of the admission boards, the studies completion examination boards and the dissertations commissions under the master's degree programs;

x) approves the structure of the doctoral thesis defence boards as well as the composition of the commissions for defending the habilitation theses;

y) approves, based on the favorable endorsement released by the faculties deans , the coordinators / directors of the master's degree programs, the directors of the Doctoral Schools, the students' requests for withdrawal, interruption, re-enrollment, resumption of academic studies, except for the requests for interruption and extension of doctoral studies;

z) approves, within the limits of the funds assigned from the public budget or from extra- budgetary funds, including the budgets deriving from research contracts or via sponsorships, the full or partial coverage of the travel expenses and participation in scientific events organized abroad, of the university teaching and research staff.

aa) endorses / approves the conclusions of the Disciplinary Commission, as the case may be;

bb) in compliance with the labor laws in force, determines the material liability of the didactic and research staff, the auxiliary and administrative personnel in relation to any brought to the university;

cc) approves the reports prepared in order to recover the damages brought to the university;


dd) in well-justified cases, approves the interruption of the legal annual leave.

ee) liaises the contacts between the university and the Ministry of Education and Research, other bodies of the central and local administration, public and private institutions;

ff) implements and completes all the other attributions incumbent on it based on the legal provisions and the decisions of the University Senate.

(1) The Board of Directors consists of the rector, vice-rectors, deans, the general administrative director and a student representative, appointed by the student organization representative at the level of UMFVBT.

(2) A delegate of the representative union at UMFVBT level has the quality of observer during the meetings of the Board of Directors.

(3) The Board of Directors prepares and implements its own regulation regarding its organization and operation and, at the same time, it submits this regulation for the approval of the University Senate.

8.1.3. Faculty Council

Article 67.

(1) The faculty council represents the executive, deliberative and decisional body at faculty level, being chaired by the dean of each faculty.

(2) The faculty council has the following powers, duties and authorities:

a) defines the mission, objectives and development strategy of the faculty;

b) approves, upon the dean's proposal, the structure, organization and operation of the faculty;

c) approves the study programs managed by the faculty;

d) approves the proposals for new study programs and puts for the Board of Directors's consideration the dissolution the programs which are no longer falling within the mission of the university or which are academically and financially inefficient;

e) approves the positions of the teaching and research staff within the faculty departments and submits such positions to the University Senate for approval purposes;


f) decides, upon the proposal of the department director, to increase the workload of the teaching staff who is not involved in scientific research activities or equivalent activities, as well as, in exceptional cases, to decrease the minimum workload and to supplement it with scientific research activities, under the legal provisions in force;

g) analyses and submits to the Board of Directors, for approval, the curricula of the university study programs;

h) proposes to the Board of Directors the setting up, merger, division or dissolution of the departments based on a simple majority;

i) controls the activity of the dean, vice-deans and department directors and approves the annual reports on the general status of the faculty, quality assurance and observance of university ethics at the faculty level;

j) approves the evaluation and re-evaluation commissions of the didactic and scientific activity of the teaching and research staff of the faculty;

k) approves the departments' proposals to organise relevant contests to occupy the vacancies available in the teaching and research staff;

l) approves the results of the effective elections at the level of the faculty departments;

m) approves the candidates for the selection contest regarding the occupation of the following position(s): dean, according to the law;

n) approves the employment of specialists with recognized scientific value in various fields, from the country or from abroad, as invited teachers or researchers with the status of associate professors, in accordance with the law;

o) proposes to the university Rector the dismissal of the faculty dean, when it finds that the faculty dean has breached the legal provisions in force and the Code of professional ethics and deontology;

p) determines the disciplinary sanctions it may impose by virtue of the applicable laws;

q) prepares and adopts strategies and policies in relation to the faculty's fields of interest;

r) fulfils other attributions approved by the University Senate in accordance with the laws in force.



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