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View of The approximation of the solutions of equations using approximant sequences


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Rev. Anal. Num´er. Th´eor. Approx., vol. 32 (2003) no. 1, pp. 21–30 ictp.acad.ro/jnaat



Abstract. We intend to characterize the convergence of a certain sequence that belongs to a subset of a Banach space towards the solution of an equation ob- tained by the annulment of a nonlinear mapping that is defined on this subset and that takes values in another linear normed space. This mapping has a Fr´echet derivative of a certain order which verifies the Lipschitz condition. We can es- tablish some conditions that are enough both for the existence of the equation’s solution and for a speed of convergence of a certain order for the approximant sequence.

MSC 2000. 65J15.

Keywords. Convergence of the approximant Sequences for operatorial equa- tions in Banach spaces.


One of the most often used methods for the approximation of the solution of an equation is that of constructing a sequence that is convergent to that solution.

Let us consider X and Y two normed linear spaces, their normsk·kX and respectivelyk·kY ,a setDX,a function f :DY, θY the null element of the space Y and, using these elements, the equation:

(1) f(x) =θY.

To clarify these notions, we consider:

Definition 1. In addition to the data above, let us also considerp∈N,not null and (xn)n∈ND. We say that the sequence is an approximant sequence of the order p of a solution of the equation (1), if there exist α, β ≥0 so that for any n∈N we have:


kf(xn+1)kYαkf(xn)kpY , kxn+1xnkXβkf(xn)kY .

As we showed in [3] and [4], if (xn)n∈N is an approximant sequence of the order p, p ≥ 2, X is a Banach space, f : DY is continuous, and the

“Babe¸s-Bolyai” University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, str. M. Ko- alniceanu 1, 3400 Cluj-Napoca, Romania, e-mail: [email protected].


constants α andβ from Definition 1 are chosen so that:

(3) ρ0=αp−11 kf(x0)kY ,

S(x0, δ) =xX : kx−x0kXδD with:

δ= βαp−11 1−ρp−10 ,

then the approximant sequence is convergent towards the element ¯x which, together with all the terms of the sequence (xn)n∈Nis placed in the ballS(x0, δ) and ¯x is a solution of the equation (1). For any n∈N we have the following inequalities:


kxn−1xnkXβαp−11 ρp0n,

xxnk ≤ βαp−11 ρp0n 1−ρp0n(p−1)

These inequalities justify the fact of calling it an approximant sequence of the orderp.

In order to verify the inequalities (4) as well as the affirmations preceding them we have to make the inequalities (2) true. But this often proves to be difficult, and this is the reason for which we will try to replace them with more practical conditions. Nevertheless we will consider that the function f :DY admits Fr´echet derivatives up to the orderp included.

As a series of iterative methods known in practice use the inverse of the Fr´echet derivative of the first order of the mapping f0(xn)−1,an unpractical condition, as the existence of this mapping implies solving the linear equation f0(xn)h = q; hX, qY, we will try to eliminate the conditions about the inverse of the Fr´echet derivative from the hypothesis, but we will try to demonstrate this existence.

From the results that have inspired this research we will mention primar- ily the well-known theorem of L. V. Kantorovich for the case when the ap- proximant sequence (xn)n∈Nis generated by the Newton–Kantorovich method [5], [6]. In this case the existence of the mapping f0(x)−1 ∈ (Y, X) is sup- posed only for x =x0, as this is the initial point of the iterative method. In what the convergence of the same method is concerned, we also mention the result obtained by Mysovski, I. P. [7], where from a certain point of view the conditions of the convergence are simpler, but the existence of the mapping f0(x)−1 and of a constantM >0 satisfying the inequality f0(x)−1M for anyxan element of a certain ball centered in the initial elementx0is imposed.

Then P˘av˘aloiu, I., in [8] and [9], generalizes these results for the convergence of a sequence generated by the relation of recurrence:

(5) xn+1=Q(xn),


where Q : XX verifies certain conditions and n ∈ N. In the result ob- tained by P˘av˘aloiu, I., Mysovski’s condition mentioned above does not appear explicitly, but the use of the result in concrete cases makes it necessary.

We will proceed in the same way as in our papers [1], [2].


Let us now note by (Xp, Y) the set of p-linear and continuous mappings defined on Xp =X× · · · ×X (the p times Cartesian product), taking values inY.

The fact that the mappingf(p):D→(Xp, Y)verifies the Lipschitz condi- tion is resumed to the existence of the constantL >0,so that for anyx, yD we have:

(6) f(p)(x)−f(p)(y)Lkx−ykX, so that Lwill be called Lipschitz constant.

We can easily deduce the following inequality for anyx, yD we have:

(7) f(x)−f(y)−



i=1 1

i!f(i)(y)(x−y)iY(p+1)!L kx−ykp+1X . Then if we takex0Dand δ >0 so that:

S(x0, δ) =xX:kx−x0kXδD

and we define the numbers L0, . . . , Lp, Lp+1 > 0 through Lp+1 = L and for any k∈ {0,1, . . . , p} we have:

(8) Lk=f(k)(x0)+Lk+1δ, then for anyxS(x0, δ) andk∈ {0,1, . . . , p}we have:

(9) f(k)(x)Lk+1δ

and for any x, yS(x0, δ) andk= 1,2, . . . , p+ 1 we have:


Under the conditions mentioned above, the following takes place:

Theorem 2. In addition to the data above we consider p ∈ N, δ > 0, (xn)n∈ND.

Assume that:

i) X is a Banach space andS(x0, δ)D, S(x0, δ) representing the ball with the centerx0 and radius δ;

ii) the function f : DY admits Fr´echet derivatives up to the order p including it, and for f(p) : D → (Xp, Y), L > 0 such that the following inequality holds for any x, yD we have the inequality:

f(p)(x)−f(p)(y)Lkx−ykY ;


iii) there exist the numbers a, b≥0 so that for any n∈N we have:

(10) f(xn) +



i=1 1


Yakf(xn)kp+1Y and

(11) f0(xn) (xn+1xn)Ybkf(xn)kY ; iv) the mapping f0(x0)∈(X, Y) is invertible;

v) using the notation:


ρ0 =f(x0)

Y, B0=f0(x0)−1, h0 =bL2B02ρ0, M =B0e1+2−2p+3, α=a+L(bM)(p+1)!p+1

suppose the following inequalities hold:

(13) h012, α1pρ0 < 14, δ1−αρbM ρ0p 0

, then:

j) xnS(x0, δ), f0(x0)−1 exists and f0(x0)−1M, for anyn∈N; jj) equation (1) admits a solution x¯∈S(x0, δ);

jjj) the sequence(xn)n∈N is an approximant sequence of the order p+ 1of this solution of the equation(1);

jv) the following estimates hold for anyn∈N: (14) maxnkf(xn)kY ,M b1 kxn+1xnkXoα


p kf(x0)k(p+1)Y n and

(15) kx¯−xnkXM bα


p kf(x0)k(p+1)Y n 1−(αkf(x0)kpY)(p+1)n.

Proof. From the invertibility of the mapping f0(x0) ∈ (X, Y) we clearly deduce thatkf0(x0)k,kf0(x0)−1k>0.

Let the sequences (ρn)n∈N, (Bn)n∈Nand (hn)n∈Nbe so thatρ0 =kf0(x0)k, B0 =kf0(x0)−1k,and for any n∈N,we have:

hn=bL2B02ρn, ρn+1=αρp+1n , Bn+1 = Bn

1−hn. We will show that for anyn∈N the following statements are true:

a) xnS(x0, δ) ;

b) f0(xn)−1∈(Y, X) exists, andkf0(xn)−1k ≤Bn; c) kf(xn)kYρn=α1p α1pρ0(p+1)n


d) hn≤minn12, β1p(βh0)(p+1)no,whereβ = (4h4

0)p; e) B0BnM.


Using the mathematical induction we notice that for n= 0 the statements a)–e) are evidently true from the hypotheses of the theorem with the notations we have introduced.

Let us suppose that for anynkthe assertions a)–e) are true, and let us demonstrate them for n=k+ 1.

a) We notice that for any n∈N, nkwe have:


YM bα1p α1pρ0(p+1)n, from where:

kxk+1x0kXM bα1pρ0




α1pρ0(p+1)n−1M bρ0 1−αρp0δ which shows thatxk+1S(x0, δ).

b) Let

HK =f0(xk)−1 f0(xk)−f0(xk+1)∈(X, X),

its existence and its belonging to (X, X) being guaranteed by the hypothesis of the induction. It is obvious that:

kHkk ≤BkL2kxk+1xkkXbL2Bk2ρk=hk12 <1,

and according to the Banach theorem we deduce that (IXHk)−1 ∈(X, X) and:

k(IXHk)−1k ≤ 1

1− kHkk ≤ 1 1−hk,

whereIX :XX represents the identical mapping of the spaceX.

Obviously f0(xk+1) = f0(xk) (IXHk) and because f0(xk)−1 ∈ (Y, X) exists, the mappingf0(xk+1)−1= (IXHk)−1f0(xk)−1exist as well and:

kf0(xk+1)−1k ≤ k(IXHk)−1k · kf0(xk)−1k ≤ Bk

1−hk =Bk+1. c) Clearly:




i=1 1



+f(xk) +



i=1 1



ha+L(M b)(p+1)!p+1ikf(xk)kp+1Y



asαp1ρk+1 = α1pρkp+1,soρk+1 =α1p α1pρ0(p+1)k+1.


d) We have the equalities:

hk+1 =L2bB2k+1ρk+1=L2bαρp+1k 1−hBk



=αρpk hk

(1−hk)2. Since hk12 and ρk < ρ0, we have hk+1≤2αρp0,sohk+112. Also:

hk+1 = αhk

(1−hk)2 · hpk

bL2Bk2p = α

(L2b)p · 1

Bk2p · (hk)p+1 (1−hk)2. FromBkB0 and (1−h1

k)2 ≤4 we deduce that:

hk+1 ≤ 4αhp+1k

(bL2)pB02p < 4hp+1k

4pρp0 bL2B02p =βhp+1k

and then, it the same way as in the proof of c) we deduce that hk+1 = β1p β1ph0(p+1)



e) Because of the relation:

Bk+1 = Bk 1−hk

and from the condition hk ∈]0,12] which implies 1−h1

k ≥ 1, Bk+1Bk from whereBk+1B0.

Asβ1ph0= 41/p4 ≤1 we deduce that:


nβ1p β1ph0(p+1)


=β1p β1ph0=h0 and the same initial relation implies:

Bk+1= B0

(1−h0) (1−h1). . .(1−hk)

≤B0h1 +k+11



i=0 hi



≤B0h1 +(k+1)(1−h1

0) k




For anyk∈N we have:

hk+1= αhkρpk

(1−hk)2 ≤2 αp1ρ0p(p+1)







hi =h0+ 2





<h0+ 2αρp0





<h0+ 2αρ

p 0


<12 +22p



=12 + 2−2p+2. So, from h0 < 12,we have:

Bk+1B0 1 +1+2k+1−2p+3k+1B0exp1 + 2−2p+3=M.

From the above we deduce that the statements a)–e) are true forn=k+ 1.

According to the principle of mathematical induction these statements are true for any n∈N.

Now we will deduce that the sequence (xn)n∈N is a Cauchy sequence, be- cause:

kxn+mxnkX <M bα1p α1pρ0(p+1)n m





< M b αp1ρ0(p+1)n

α1p1−(αρ0)(p+1)n .

The last inequality and the condition αp1ρ0 < 14 < 1, determine the fact that (xn)n∈N is a fundamental sequence in the Banach spaceX, so (xn)n∈N is convergent. If we note ¯x= limn→∞xnX and if we make so thatm→ ∞in the previous inequality we deduce the inequality (15), from where for n= 0 we can deduce:

xx0kXbM ρ0

1−αρp0δ, so ¯xS(x0, δ).


kf(xn)kYα1p α1pρ0(p+1)n

and the conditionα1pρ0<1 we deduce that limn→∞kf(xn)kY = 0,from where fx) =θY, so ¯x is a solution of the equation (1).

The inequalities:

kxn+1xnkXM bkf(xn)kY , kf(xn+1)kYαkf(xn)kp+1Y ,


show that the sequence (xn)n∈N is an approximant sequence of the orderpfor the solution ¯x. In this way the theorem is proved.


Now we will see how Theorem 2 is applied in the case of particular process of approximation.

Let us first suppose that the function f :DY admits for any xD a Fr´echet derivative of the first order, anL >0 exists so that:


for any x, yD, and the sequence (xn)n∈ND verifies for any n ∈ N the equality:

(16) f0(xn) (xn+1xn) +f(xn) =θY.

Obviously, if for any n∈N, f0(xn)−1 exists, the relation (16) is equivalent to:

(17) xn+1 =xnf0(xn)−1f(xn),

form under which the Newton–Kantorovich method is well known. But the form (16) will be one of the conclusions of the statement that will be estab- lished.

It is clear that the inequalities (10) and (11) of the hypothesis iii) of Theo- rem 2 are verified fora= 0 and b= 1.

In this case p = 1, L2 =L, h0 = 2LB02ρ0, α = LM22, M = kf0(x0)−1ke3, and thus the inequality of hypothesis v) of Theorem 2 becomesρ0< 14.

As αρ0 = LM2h0

4LB02 = e94h0, we need the condition h0 < e19 or B02ρ0 < 2e19L, condition that evidently also impliesh012.

In what the radius of the ball on which the properties take place is con- cerned, it verifies the inequality δ1−αρM ρ0

0. Asαρ0 < 14 we deduce that 1−αρ1

0 < 14 and so ifδ3M ρ4 0 the requirement is fulfilled. Also, M =kf0(x0)−1ke3.

In this way we have the following:

Corollary 3. We consider the same elements as in Theorem 1. If the hypotheses i), ii) andiv)of this theorem are verified for p= 1,in addition the sequence verifies, for any n∈N,the equalities:

f0(xn) (xn+1xn) +f(xn) =θY, and the initial point x0D verifies the inequality:

kf0(x0)−1k2kf(x0)kY < 1 2e9L, then:


j) xnS(x0, δ),the mapping f0(xn)−1 ∈(Y, X) exists and:

xn+1 =xnf0(xn)−1f(xn), kf0(xn)−1k ≤ kf0(x0)−1ke3, for anyn∈N;

jj) equation (1) admits a solution x¯∈S(x0, δ);

jjj) the sequence(xn)n∈N is an approximant sequence of the second order of the solution x¯ of this equation;

jv) the following evaluations take place:

maxkf(xn)kY ,M1 kxn+1xnkXLM222n−1kf(xn)k2Yn,xxnkXM ρ0 ρ0LM2



1− ρ0LM222n ,

where M =kf0(x0)−1ke3 and L >0 represent the Lipschitz constant of the mappingf0 :D→(X, Y).

Another case in which Theorem 2 is applied is the case of the Chebyshev method, that is to be studied in a forthcoming paper.


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[2] Diaconu, A., Sur la mani`ere d’obtenir et sur la convergence de certaines m´ethodes it´eratives, “Babe¸s–Bolyai” University, Faculty of Mathematics and Phisics, Research Seminars, Seminar on Functional Analysis and Numerical Methods, Preprint Nr. 1, pp. 27–74, 1987.

[3] Diaconu, A.,On the approximation of the solution of equations in Banach spaces using approximant sequences,Proceeding of the Conference on Analysis, Functional Equations, Approximation and Convexity in Honor of Professor Elena Popoviciu, Cluj-Napoca, Oc- tober 15–16, pp. 62–72, 1999.

[4] Diaconu, A.,Remarks on the convergence of some iterative methods of the Traub type, Studia Univ. “Babe¸s–Bolyai”, Mathematica,XLII, no. 2, pp. 47–60, 1997.

[5] Kantorovich, L. V.,Functionalnˆıi analiz i pridcladnaia mathematica,U. M. N.III,6, (28), pp. 89–185, 1948 (in Russian).

[6] Kantorovich, L. V.,and Akilov, G. P., Functional Analysis, Editura S¸tiint¸ific˘a ¸si Enciclopedic˘a, Bucure¸sti, 1986 (in Romanian).

[7] Mysovski, I. P.,Na shodimosti metoda Newtona,Trudˆı mat. inst. V., A., Steklova,28, pp. 145–149, 1949 (in Russian).

[8] av˘aloiu, I., Sur les proc´ed´es `a un ordre ´elev´e de convergence, Mathematica, Cluj, 12(35), no. 2, pp. 309–324, 1970.

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Received by the editors: September 28, 1998.



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