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View of Effect of Achievement Motivation Training Program on Self efficacy among Nursing Students


Academic year: 2022

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Effect of Achievement Motivation Training Program on Self efficacy among Nursing Students

Hagar MahmoudHamed Abdulla1, SaharHamdyEl Sayed2,Fatma Gouda Metwally3, Nagwa Gouda Ahmed4

1Assistant lecturer, Department of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, KafrElshiekh University, Egypt

2Professor, Department of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University, Egypt

3Assistant professor, Department of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University, Egypt

4Assistant professor, Department of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, KafrElshiekhUniversity, Egypt

Corresponding author: Hagar Mahmoud Hamed Abdulla, Email: [email protected]


Background:Achievement motivation is prerequisite for achievement to succeed and to perform well in relation to a standard of excellence. Motivation is the driving force behind all the actions of an individual.

The aim: of study was to assess the effect of achievement motivational training program on self-efficacy among nursing students.Materials and Methods Quasi experimental design was conducted at Faculty of Nursing - KafrElshiekh University, two tools were used for data collection namely; the achievement motivation questionnaire&self-efficacy questionnaire.Results:before the program implementation the nursing student had low level achievement motivation, and low level self-efficacy (62%,98%) however after program implementation the highest percentage of them have high level of achievement motivation and high level of self-efficacy (96%, 52 %) .

Keywords:Nursing students, self-efficacy, Achievement motivation, Training program.


Achievement motivation has always been considered a central factor in academic achievement. Achievement motivation refers to a pattern of actions and feelings connected to striving to achieve some internalized standard of excellence in performance as achievement motivation gives students the ability to persevere, achievement and competence in the academic side and make students have a high concept of themselves as they are very mobile and constant desire to develop and grow and obtain high grades in various subjects, and they also have the ability to withstand pressure and its constancy (4,3).Achievement motivation effects on nurse students' self-efficacy as achievement motivation has caused students to use their maximum power to achieve the goal and to be able to continue to achieve a high level of efficiency where is a dynamic relation between of self-efficacy and the achievement motivation. Self-efficacy is defined as the beliefs of individuals about their ability to plan and execute the necessary actions in the process of achieving their goals (20, 22). In the academic environment, self-efficacy is one of important factor that has a major contribution for the students’ success, because it greatly influences the choices and actions to achieve the expected goals and achieve higher academic results. Self-efficacy among nurse students is defined as an individual’s belief in his or her ability to succeed in a specific situation or accomplish a specific task. Students with high self-efficacylevel can be seen from their ability to manage, carry out and solve the problems related to the learning tasks,high enthusiasm in


working on the tasks, never complaining when an assignment is given, always trying to do the tasks given despite having a high level of difficulty and study harder and struggle against difficulties and have clear goals and make maximum efforts to achieve them thus becoming more successful(23, 6).Achievement motivation training provides awareness in students to find out the potential possesses and inspires enthusiasm for achievement as much as possible.

It is a desire to succeed, try hard and outperforming others on basis certain quality standards.

Apart from that, achievement motivation is an encouragement or desire in you to achieve success as high as possible so that it is reached (16).The main aim of our research was to assess the effect of achievement motivational training program on Self-efficacy among nursing students.

Materials and Methods

A quasi-experimental designwas conducted in a period of three months from the beginning of October 2019 to the ending of December 2019 in Faculty of Nursing, KafrElshiekh University,Egypt. Simple random sample of the fourth year nursing students from the academic year 2019 - 2020, they enrolled in the nursing administration course who agreed to participate in the study and their total number were 292. The sample included 100 students in fourth academic year divided into two equal groups; study and control. The procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards in faculty of nursing, KafrElshiekhUniversity. Two tools were used to collect data for the study, Tool I: The achievement Motivation scale developed originally in Arabic language by(9)to determine the achievement motivation level among nursing studentswhich include two parts as following:

Part one: personal characteristics data sheet Part two: The achievement Motivationquestionnaire sheet to determine the achievement motivation level among nursing students and consists of 50 items divided into five dimension and each one contain10 items.

Tool II: Self-efficacy developed by (21) to assess general sense of perceived self-efficacy among nursing students. It consists of 10 statements. The reliability coefficient for the achievement Motivation scale0.919,.877forself-efficacy. Ethical approval for the study was obtained ethics research committee at the faculty of Nursing, KafrElshiekh University. The research data were processed using the Statistical Package Social Science (SPSS)(Version 20) software .Chi –square and fisher exact tests were used to obtain the statistical significance, P–value of less than 0.05considered significant.


Table 1:shows that the highest percentage of nursing students in the study and control groups were in the age group less and equal to 21 years old, female, single, andjoining to the faculty because of their score

Table 1: Personal characteristics of nursing students (n= 100) Personal


Study group (n=50)

Control group (n=50)

χ 2 p-


No % No %

Age(per years )

0.36 0.55

≤21 26 52.0 29 58.0

>21 24 48.0 21 42.0


0.33 0.56

Male 8 16.0 6 12

Female 42 84.0 44 88

Marital status

2.6 0.16

Single 34 68.0 41 82.0


Married 16 32 9 18 Reason for joining to this faculty

4.3 0.037

Desire 23 46 13 26

Score 27 54 37 74

χ 2:chi square F :fisher test

Figure (1):Total level of achievement motivation scores among nursing students in the study group throughout program phases

The table shows that almost all nursing students in the study group had high level of

achievement motivation (96%) , while more than half of nursing student in the control group had high level of achievement motivation (60%) , with statistically significant differences in the achievement motivation score between nursing students in both groups as mentioned in table 2.

Table 2:Comparison between study group and control groupas regard achievement motivation level

Achievement motivational level

Study group Control group χ 2 p-value

No % No %


˃ 90 48 96.0 30 60.0


≤ 90 2 4.0 20 40.0 18.88

1 < 0.001

Figure (2): Total level of self-efficacy among nursing students in the study group throughout program phases (n= 50)


% 100


Pre Post



62% 96%

Level of achievement motivation

Low High


% 50

% 100


pre post




% 98




High Low


Table 3: the table shows that more than of nursing students in the study group had high level of self- efficacy (52%) , while the lowest percentage of nursing student in the control group had high level of self- efficacy (2%), with statistically significant differences in the self- efficacy score between nursing students in both groupsas mentioned in table3.

Table (3): Comparison between study group and control groupas regard self-efficacy level Self-efficacy


Study group Control group χ 2 p-value

No % No %

High˃ 30 26 52.0 1 2.0

Low≤ 30

24 48.0 49 98.0 31.

710 < 0.001 Table 4:The table shows that there was a positive correlation founded between achievement motivation and self-efficacy scores before and after implementation of the program (r=0.52, 0.83& p=0.0001) In addition, there was found that there was positive correlation between achievement motivation and self-efficacy scores (r=0.66& p=0.0001)as mentioned in table4.

Table (4): Correlation matrix between Achievement motivation andself-efficacyamong nursing students in the study and control groups (n=100)

Control Achievement


Study group pre program Achievement


Study group post program

Achievement motivation

(r) P (r) P (r) P

Self-efficacy 0.66** 0.0001 0.52** 0.0001 0.83** 0.0001 (r) Correlation coefficient


The findings of the current study reveals that slightly more than half of nursing students in the study and control groups were in the age group less and equal 21years old. This result may be due to the nursing students were in the same academic year. This finding disagreed witha previous study was conducted in Zagazig University, Egypt by (2) who reported that the highest percentage of fourth-year nursing students who were enrolled in the course entitled nursing administration were in the age group 21 years old and less.The present study revealed that the highest percentage of nursing students in the study and control groups were female and single, while highest percentage of the nursing students in the control group joining to the faculty because of their score but this percentage slightly above half among nursing students in the study group. The possible explanation for these results may be due to that the faculty of nursing is predominantly attended by females and nursing considered a feminist career and entering of male to the faculties of nursing is recent in Egypt in general and in KafrElshiekh university in particular, as well as the system of study in the faculty require attendance the theoretical lectures and clinical training in the hospital and prepare assignments this put students under overload and stress and have no time to marry and take a family responsibility.These results were in agreement with a study was carried out in Egyptby(12,13) who reported that the highest percentage of nursing students were female,single and joining to the faculty because of their score. Conversely, these findings disagreed with a study carried out in Yemen by (1) who found that more than half of the nursing students were male.The results of the current study revealed that there was highly statistically significant difference between mean score of achievement motivation among


nursing students in the study group before and after training, where more than half of nursing students in the study and control groups had high level of achievement motivation before training. While almost all nursing students in the study group had high level of achievement motivationafter training. But this improvement after the program may be due to the program training session that created an interactive environment in which students begin to think and speak about their goals in the life and how to achieve excellence in their career to get the desired job and they were satisfied with the content of the program and endeavor to apply what learn in it. These results are consistent with studiesin Indonesiaby(7, 8, 18) who found that there was significant difference improvement in achievement motivation scores before and after achievement motivation training intervention.The finding of the current study showed that there was highly statistically significant difference between mean score of self- efficacy among nursing students in the study group before and after training, where almost all nursing students in the study and control groups had low self-efficacy before training. While more than half of nursing students in the study group had high level of self-efficacy after training .This might be due to the effect of comprehensive content of training programthat helping nursing students to better use their trust in their abilities and increase their self- confidence.This result in the same line with, the study in college of UIN sunankalijaga Yogyakarta by (24),in Anta sari (15) andin Indonesia (14) who found thatfound that there were significant differences in the self-efficacy scores before and after attending training program.On contrary, studies conducted by (19) inAt Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi and by (11,16)who found that there wereno significant difference in self-efficacy after attending the training program.The finding of the current study shows that there is a positive correlation between achievement motivation and self-efficacy scores of nursing students in the study and control group. This may be due to nursing students in the age of maturity and having high sense of responsibility considers them more responsible for the learning process and they enter the faculty based on their desire so they exert maximum of their effort to achieve the highest grade to get the desired job. In addition to the effect of achievement motivation training program which increases students' achievement motivation. Achievement motivation is the driving force for learning, the eagerness to acquire knowledge and grow in self-improvement. Students with a high achievement motivation display a high level of aspiration , active, work hard, set high goals, take challenging tasks, drive pleasures from doing difficult things and look for quality. The results are consistent with previous studies that have been conducted in Syria by (5,10) and in Iran(17)who found that highly self- efficacious students had higher achievement motivation.


The study interventions led to statistically significant improvement in nursing students' achievement motivation and subsequently increase self-efficacy among nursing students. In addition to, there was no statistically significant relation between nursing students' personal characteristics and both of achievement motivation, self-efficacy.

Future Studies

It is recommended that nursing teaching staff should try to provide support for their students and should try to explain the real motive behind an academic task rather than focusing on grades that creating the suitable atmosphere for learning,encourage students to talk about their future planning including career and personnel goals and assist them in mapping out steps to be taken to meet their goals.Nursing teaching staff should be boosts up student’s level of confidence and morale through persistent encouragement and provide guidance to them when needed, Offer extended learning opportunities for all students such as summer and vacations to improve academic and social skills.



The authors would like to thank the professors of nursing administration, Faculty of nursing, ZagazigandKafrElshiekhUniversity, for their guidance, encouragement and valuable supervision, and to thank all students involved in this study.


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