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View of On the convergence of a method for solving two point boundary value problems by optimal control


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Rev. Anal. Num´er. Th´eor. Approx., vol. 31 (2002) no. 2, pp. 217–227 ictp.acad.ro/jnaat




Abstract. Using the idea of the least squares method, a nonlinear two point boundary value problem is transformed into an optimal control problem. For solving the optimal control problem it is used the gradient method. The conver- gence of the method is investigated and numerical results are reported.

MSC 2000. 65P40.

Keywords. Two point boundary value problem, optimal control, least squares method, gradient method.


In this paper we study the convergence property of a method to solve the nonlinear two point boundary value problem (NTPBVP)

x(m)(t) =f x(t),x(t), . . . , x˙ (m−1)(t), t, t∈[a, b], (1)




αi,jx(j−1)(a) +βi,jx(j−1)(b)=γi, i∈ {1,2, . . . , m}


using an optimal control problem (OCP). For the problem x(t)¨ = f(x(t),x(t), t),˙ t∈[0, T], (3)

x(0) = α, (4)

x(T) = β, (5)

the method was described in a previous note [11].

Sokolowski, Matsumura and Sakawa [12] used optimal control methods to solve two point boundary value problems of the form

dtdha t, y(t),dydtdydti+qy(t) =f(t), t∈[0,1], y(0) =y(1) = 0.

The nonlinear two point boundary value problems and the optimal control problems are connected. The necessary optimality conditions, as Pontryagin’s

“Transilvania” University of Bra¸sov, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, st. Iuliu Maniu 50, 2200 Bra¸sov, Romania, e-mail:

[email protected].


maximum principle, lead for some optimal control problem to a nonlinear two point boundary value problem such as (3)–(5).

The multiple shooting method (Keller H. B. [6], Marzulli P., [8]), the col- location method (Ascher U., Christiansen J., Russell R. D., [1], [2]) are well known and widely used to solve a NTPBVP.

In our case, the derived OCP may be solved efficiently using the gradient method. The application of the gradient method to solve optimal control problems is well known: Polak E. [10], Polak E., Klessig R., 1973; Fedorenko P. R., 1878 and Miele A. [9].

Another possible method to solve the optimal control problem is the control parametrization (Goh C. Z., Teo K. L., 1988, Teo K. L., Goh C. J., Wong K. H., 1991).

Although the NTPBVP (1)-(2) has not a very general form, thanks to the boundary conditions, our approach emphasizes a class of NTPBVP which may be efficiently solved using optimization techniques.


Consider the NTPBVP (1)-(2).

We assume that the NTPBVP has an unique solution and that f is con- tinuous together with his partial derivates of first and second order. Ifx(t) is the solution of the NTPBVP (1)-(2) then the pair (u(t), x(t)) is the solution of the following OCP

(6) minimize I(u) = Z b


u(t)f(x(t),x(t), . . . , x˙ (m−1)(t), t)2dt subject to

(7) x(m)(t) =u(t), t∈[a, b],

and (2).

Denoting x1(t) = x(t), x2(t) = ˙x(t), . . . xm(t) = ˙xm−1(t), u(t) = ˙xm(t) and x= (x1, x2, . . . , xm),the above problem may be written as an OCP for a first order differential system:

(8) minimize I(u) = Z b


u(t)f(x1(t), x2(t), . . . , xm(t), t)2dt subject to

x(t) =˙ Qx(t) +ξmu(t), t∈[a, b], (9)

Ax(a) +Bx(b) =γ, (10)




0 1 0 . . . 0 0 0 1 . . . 0 ... ... ... ... 0 0 0 . . . 1 0 0 0 . . . 0


ξm = (0,0, . . . ,0,1)t, A= (αi,j)1≤i,j≤m, B = (βi,j)1≤i,j≤m,

γ = (γi)1≤i≤m.

For givenu the solution of the linear system (9) is

(11) xu(t) =H(t)c+

Z t a

ϕ(t, s)u(s)ds, where

H(t) =

1 t−a1! (t−a)2! 2 . . . (t−a)(m−1)!m−1 0 1 t−a1! . . . (t−a)(m−2)!m−2

... ... ... ...

0 0 0 . . . 1


ϕ(t, s) =(t−s)(m−1)!m−1, (t−s)(m−2)!m−2, . . . , 1t, c= (c0, c1, . . . , cm−1)t.

Using the shooting method, in order to satisfy the boundary condition (10), the vectorc is the solution of the following algebraical system

[A+BH(b)]c=γB Z b


ϕ(b, s)u(s)ds.

We suppose that the matrix R=A+BH(b) is not singular. It results that (12) xu(t) =H(t)R−1γ+

Z b


K(t, s)u(s)ds, whereK(t, s) =ϕ+(t, s)−H(t)R−1Bϕ(b, s) and

ϕ+(t, s) =

(ϕ(t, s), if astb 0, if at < sb.

To solve the OCP (8)–(10) by the gradient method, it requires to construct the sequence


starting with a function u0L2[a, b]. The descent parameter µk is usually computed as the solution of the one dimensional optimization problem

I(ukµkI0(uk)) = min{I(ukµI0(uk)) :µ≥0}.


If we denote L(x, u, t) = [u(t)f(x1(t), x2(t), . . . , xm(t), t)]2 then the Gˆa- teaux derivate of the cost functional is

I0(u)(δu) = Z b



Lx(xu(t), u(t), t), δx(t)+Lu(xu(t), u(t), t)δu(t)idt, where the functionsδxand δu satisfy the linear boundary value problem

δx(t) =˙ Q δx(t) +ξmδu(t), t∈[a, b], A δx(a) +B δx(b) = 0.

From (12) it results that

δx(t) = Z b


K(t, s)δu(s)ds and then

I0(u)(δu) =

= Z b


Z b


DLx xu(t), u(t), t, K(t, s)Edt+Lu xu(s), u(s), s


Hence the expression of the gradient becomes I0(u)(s) =

Z b a


Lx xu(t), u(t), t, K(t, s)Edt+Lu xu(s), u(s), s. For the problem (3)–(5) the gradient of the cost functional may be computed by

(13) I0(u) =Lu(xu1, xu2, u, t)pu2,

where pu1 and pu2 are the solutions of the following two point boundary value problem (the co-state system)

p˙1 = Lx1(xu1, xu2, u, t), (14)

p˙2 = −p1+Lx2(xu1, xu2, u, t), (15)

p2(0) = 0, (16)

p2(T) = 0.


In this case, for the control function u the corresponding trajectory is given by

xu1(t) =α+β−αT t+ Z t


(t−s)u(s)dsTt Z T


(T−s)u(s)ds, (18)

xu2(t) = β−αT + Z t


u(s)dsT1 Z T





From (14)–(17) it follows that

pu2(t) = (20)

= Z t


hLx2(xu1(s), xu2(s), u(s), s)−(t−s)Lx1(xu1(s), xu2(s), u(s), s)ids−

Tt Z T


hLx2(xu1(s), xu2(s), u(s), s)−(T−s)Lx1(xu1(s), xu2(s), u(s), s)ids.


We state a convergence result for the method considered above applied to the problem (3)–(5).

Ifu0L2[0, T] we denote by MI(u0) the set defined by MI(u0)={u∈L2[0, T] :I(u)≤I(u0)}

and we introduce the assumption:

(H) For any u, vMI(u0) there existsC >0 such that

f(xu1, xu2, t)f(xv1, xv2, t)Ckuvk2;


k(xu1, xu2, t)v∂x∂f

k(xv1, xv2, t)


f(xu1, xu2, t)∂x∂f

k(xu1, xu2, t)f(xv1, xv2, t)∂x∂f

k(xv1, xv2, t)


for anyt∈[0, T] and k∈ {1,2}.

If the functionf has continuous and bounded first and second order partial derivatives then the assumption (H) is satisfied.

We state some preliminary results.

Theorem 1. There exist the positive constants C1 andC2 such that

|xu1(t)−xv1(t)| ≤C1ku−vk2,

|xu2(t)−xv2(t)| ≤C2ku−vk2, for any u, vL2[0, T]and any t∈[0, T].

Proof. From (18) we find


xu1(t)−xv1(t) = Z t


(t−s)[u(s)v(s)]dsTt Z T



It follows that

|xu1(t)−xv1(t)| ≤ Z t



12 Z t 0

[u(s)−v(s)]2ds 12

+ +




12 Z T


[u(s)−v(s)]2ds 12



3 T32ku−vk2. Thus C1 = 2


3 T32ku−vk2. Analogously, we deduce

|xu2(t)−xv2(t)| ≤C2ku−vk2, withC2 = 1 +

3 3


Theorem 2. If the assumption (H) is valid, then there exists the positive constants C3 andC4 such that

|pu2(t)−pv2(t)| ≤C3ku−vk2, ∀t∈[0, T], kI0(u)−I0(v)k2C4ku−vk2,

for any u, vMI(u0). Proof. (i) First, from

Lxk(xu1, xu2, u, t)Lxk(xv1, xv2, v, t) =

=−2uf(xu1, xu2, t)∂f

∂xk(xu1, xu2, t) + 2vf(xv1, xv2, t) ∂f

∂xk(xv1, xv2, t), using the assumption (H) we deduce that

Lxk(xu1, xu2, u, t)Lxk(xv1, xv2, v, t)

≤2C|u(t)−v(t)|+ 4C |xu1(t)−xv1(t)|+|xu2(t)−xv2(t)|

≤2C|u(t)−v(t)|+ 4C(C1+C2)ku−vk2. Then, from

pu2(t)−pv2(t) =

= Z t



Lx2(xu1(s), xu2(s), u(s), s)−Lx2(xv1(s), xv2(s), v(s), s)

−(t−s)Lx1(xu1(s), xu1(s), u(s), s)−Lx1(xv1(s), xv1(s), v(s), s)ods−

t T

Z T 0


Lx2(xu1(s), xu2(s), u(s), s)−Lx2(xv1(s), xv2(s), v(s), s)

−(T −s)Lx1(xu1(s), xu1(s), u(s), s)−Lx1(xv1(s), xv1(s), v(s), s)ods,


using the above inequalities we have

|pu2(t)−pv2(t)| ≤

≤2 Z T


2C|u(s)−v(s)|+ 4C(C1+C2)ku−vk2ds+


3 3 T32



2C|u(s)−v(s)|+ 4C(C1+C2)ku−vk22ds 12

C3ku−vk2, withC3 = 4C√

T+ 8C(C1+C2) + 4


3 T32Cp2 + 8(C1+C2).

(ii) From the equality I0(u)(t)−I0(v)(t) =

=Lu(xu1, xu2, u, t)pu2(t)Lu(xv1, xv2, v, t)pv2(t)

= 2u(t)v(t)−2f(xu1, xu2, t)f(xv1, xv2, t)pu2(t)−pv2(t) we obtain

I0(u)(t)−I0(v)(t)≤2|u(t)−v(t)|+ (2C+C3)ku−vk2. Hence

kI0(u)−I0(v)k= Z T




1 2



h2u(t)v(t)+ (2C+C3)ku−vk2i2dt 12


and C4= 2 + (2C+C3)T.

LetU be a Hilbert space andJ :U →Ra Gˆateaux differentiable functional.

We shall establish an adequate convergence theorem for the gradient method used to solve the optimization problem


Theorem 3. Let u0U. If

(1) J is Gˆateaux differentiable and bounded below;

(2) There existsL >0 such that

kJ0(u)−J0(v)k ≤Lkuvk, for anyu, vMJ(u0)=uU :J(u)≤J(u0) ;

then there exists δ∈(0,L1) such that the sequence (uk)k∈N, defined by


uk+1 =ukµkJ0(uk), with µkEδ = [δ,L2δ], has the properties:

a) The sequence (J(uk))k∈N is convergent;

b) limk→∞J0(uk) = 0.

Proof. First we prove that there exists δ ∈ (0,L1) such that for any uMJ(u0), for anyµEδ and for any t∈[0, µ] we have utJ0(u)∈MJ(u).

Let us suppose, by contrary, that for any δ ∈ (0,L1) there exists u1MJ(u0), µ1Eδ and t1∈[0, µ1] such that

u1t1J0(u1)6∈MJ(u1)J(u1t1J0(u1))> J(u1).

Obviously J0(u1)6= 0. From


1 λ

J(u1λJ0(u1))−J(u1)=−kJ0(u1)k2 <0

it follows that there exists µ2 such that for any µ∈[0, µ2]J(u1µJ0(u1))<

J(u1). Necessarilyµ2 < t1. The continuity of the functiont7→J(u1tJ0(u1)) implies that there exists t2 ∈[µ2, t1] such that J(u1t2J0(u1)) =J(u1) and for anyt∈[0, t2], u1tJ0(u1)∈MJ(u1).

The following relations are then valid

0 =J(u1t2J0(u1))−J(u1)≤ Lt222t2kJ0(u1)k<0, which are contradictory.

Consequently, the assertions of the theorem follows from the inequalities J(uk+1)−J(uk)≤ 22kµkkJ0(uk)k ≤ 22δkJ0(uk)k, ∀k∈N.

Because the functionalI is Gˆateaux differentiable, bounded below and satis- fies the Lipschitz property (Theorem 3.2), as a consequence of the Theorem 3.3 we obtain the following result.

Theorem 4. If the hypothesis (H) is valid then the sequence (uk)k∈N con- structed by the gradient method (17) to solve the NTPBVP (1)–(3) has the following properties:

(1) The sequence (I(uk))k∈N is convergent;

(2) limk→∞I0(uk) = 0.


Let nN. On [0,1] we consider the mesh 0 = t0 < t1 < . . . < tn = 1 whereti =ih, i= 0,1, . . . , nand h= 1/n. Let

ukh = (uk0, uk1, . . . , ukn), xk1,h = (xk1,0, xk1,1, . . . , xk1,n), xk2,h = (xk2,0, xk2,1, . . . , xk2,n), pk2,h = (pk2,0, pk2,1, . . . , pk2,n)


be the discretization of the functionsuk, xu1k, xu2k and pu2k respectively, at the pointsti, i= 0,1, . . . , n.

Using the formulas (18), (19), (20) and (6) xk1,h, xk2,h, pk2,h and I(ukh) were computed with the trapezoidal rule of integration.

Ifskh = (sk0, sk1, . . . , skn) are defined by

−ski = 2ukif(xk1,i, xk2,i, ti)pk2,i i= 0,1, . . . , n,

then using an algorithm of one dimensional optimization based on a parabolic interpolation, it is findµk as

I(ukh+µkskh) = minI(ukh+µskh) :µ≥0 . The next approximation is given by

uk+1i =uki +µkski i= 0,1, . . . , n.

The stopping condition is given by Xn


(uk+1iuki)21/2 < = 0.001.


Example 1. Consider the equation

x¨= expx, x(0) =x(1) = 0 with the solution

x(t) = ln 2 + 2 ln c/cosc(t−0.5)2 , wherec≈1.3360656. In this casef(x1, x2, t) =ex1.

The results are presented in Table 1. On the other hand, the value of the cost functional I(ukh) and the error






are presented in Table 2.

Example 2. Consider the equation

−d dt

h(x2+ 0.1)dx dt

i+x= 10t4−20t3+ 11t2+ 0.2, x(0) =x(1) = 0 with the solution x(t) = tt2 (Sokolowski J., Matsumura T., Sakawa Y., [12]). In this case

f(x1, x2, t) = x1−2x1x22−10t4+ 20t3−11t2+t−0.2

x21+ 0.1 .

The results are presented in Table 3 and Table 4, respectively.

Remark. The discretization was done with n = 10(h = 0.1). The initial approximations were taken u0i = 0,i= 0,1, . . . , n.


Table 1. The discrete solution. Table 2. The evolution of the cost functional.

tj xk1,j x1(tj) |xk1,jx1(tj)|

0 0 0 0

.1 −.0414 −.0414 .2750E−4 .2 −.0732 −.0732 .5038E−4 .3 −.0957 −.0958 .6596E−4 .4 −.1092 −.1092 .7502E−4 .5 −.1136 −.1137 .7799E−4 .6 −.1092 −.1092 .7502E−4 .7 −.0957 −.0958 .6596E−4 .8 −.0732 −.0732 .5038E−4 .9 −.0414 −.0414 .2750E−4

1 0 0 0

k I(uk) ek

1 1.0000000 .26327643E+0 2 .46221580E−2 .79034139E−2 3 .19229175E−4 .13256727E−2 4 .89363358E−7 .14495543E−3 5 .41923597E−9 .18614450E−3

Table 3. The discrete solution. Table 4. The evolution of the cost functional.

tj xk1,j x1(tj) |xk1,jx1(tj)|

0 .0000 .0000 0

.1 .0899 .0900 .9783E−5 .2 .1600 .1600 .1367E−4 .3 .2100 .2100 .1578E−4 .4 .2400 .2400 .1712E−4 .5 .2500 .2500 .1761E−4 .6 .2400 .2400 .1712E−4 .7 .2100 .2100 .1578E−4 .8 .1600 .1600 .1367E−4 .9 .0899 .0900 .9783E−5

1 .0000 .0000 0

k I(uk) ek

1 .15649330E+2 .57732140E+0 2 .67351863E+0 .23050035E−1 3 .22708556E+0 .68533936E−1 4 .84461831E−1 .84342953E−2 5 .30519258E−1 .26329220E−1 6 .11536148E−1 .33611155E−2 7 .43714834E−2 .10240440E−1 8 .16967369E−2 .14039690E−2 9 .66307694E−3 .40626219E−2 10 .26265512E−3 .58864895E−3 11 .10459776E−3 .16319149E−2 12 .41961555E−4 .24410568E−3 13 .16892649E−4 .65968634E−3 14 .68264829E−5 .10047550E−3 15 .27639249E−5 .26765030E−3 16 .11212327E−5 .41146389E−4 17 .45530150E−6 .10879322E−3 18 .18506415E−6 .16800688E−4


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Received by the editors: November 25, 1999.



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