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We are in the context of developing large, distributed applications.


Academic year: 2022

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Java Technologies

Enterprise Java Beans



The Context

We are in the context of developing large, distributed applications.

What components should contain the code that fulfills the purpose of the application: where

should we write the business logic?

– complex algorithms, database access objects, etc.

How to ensure the scalabilty of the application?

How to control more easily:

– transactions, concurrency, security?

How to reuse such business logic components?


Server Setups for Applications

One Server for Everything

– database, Web (UI), Application (Bussiness)

Separate Database Server

– Single, Master-Slave Replication

Separate Web Server(s)

– Load Balancer, HTTP Accelerators (Cache)

Separate Application Server(s)

– Load Balancer, Bussiness Modules


Enterprise Beans

Server-side, managed components that

encapsulate the business logic of an application in a standard manner (locating, invoking)

Integration with the:

– Persistence services (JPA)

– Messaging services (JMS)

– Web services

– Security services, etc.

Managed by EJB Containers

Simplified development Portability

Sharing and reusing logic


EJB Container


Enterprise Applications

Web Application

Components: Servlets, JSP, HTML, CSS, Images, etc.

Purpose: Creating the User Interface Layer.

Needed: Web Container

Deployment: WAR archive

EJB Application

Components: Enterprise Java Beans.

Purpose: Creating the Bussines Logic Layer.

Needed: EJB Container

Deployment: JAR archive

Enterprise Application

Web Applications + EJB Applications (called Modules)

Deployment: EAR archive

Needed: EE Application Server (Glassfish, WildFly, etc.)



person.xhtml uses JSF PersonBean

needs database access, CNP validation, etc.


public class PersonService { @PersistenceContext

private EntityManager entityManager;

public void create(Person person) { entityManager.persist(person);

} }



public class PersonBean { @EJB

private PersonService personService;

public String addPerson() {

Person person = new Person(...);


return "success";

} }

EJB Component

JSF Managed Bean

using an EJB


Clustering and Scalability

A cluster is a group of servers that act like a single system and

enable high availability via load balancing,

parallel procesing, session replication, etc.


Remote / Local

Remote Beans - can be accessed from anywhere on the network.

Client ↔ Stub ↔ (marshalling) ↔ Skeleton ↔ EJB Implemented using RMI.

Passing parameters involves serializing them.

Local Beans - for "internal use", called by other components in the same JVM.

Client ↔ EJB

Passing parameters is done using references.

Location Transparency: the precise location of a bean executing a specific request may not be known to the

caller. The caller only knows the JNDI name of the bean.


Types of Enterprise Beans

Session Beans: performs a specific action for a client, shielding it from complexity by

executing business tasks inside the server.

Stateful, Stateless, Singleton

– Optionally, may implement a web service.

Message-Driven Beans (MDB): acts as a listener for a particular messaging type.

Entity-Beans (deprecated)


Stateless Session Beans

Does not maintain a conversational state with the client.

Not shared: Each client gets his own instance.

Not persistent: Its state is not saved at the end of the action performed by the bean.

Offer better scalability for applications that require large

numbers of clients.


Creating a Stateless Bean



public class HelloBean {

public String sayHello(String name) { return "Hello " + name;

} }

A no-interface view of an enterprise bean exposes the public methods of the enterprise bean implementation class to clients.

public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet { @EJB

private HelloBean hello;

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {





Clients that run within a Java EE server-managed environment, JavaServer Faces web applications, JAX-RS web services, other enterprise beans, or Java EE application

clients support dependency injection using the javax.ejb.EJB annotation.

To the local client, the location of the enterprise bean it accesses is not transparent.


Defining the Bean as Remote

Define the Remote interface


public interface Hello {

public String sayHello(String name);


Create the implementation



public class HelloBean implements Hello {


public String sayHello(String name) { return "Remote Hello " + name;

} }

Use the EJB


private Hello hello;


Accessing an EJB from “outside”

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { InitialContext context = new InitialContext();

Hello hello = (Hello) context.lookup(



} }

Applications that run outside a Java EE server-managed environment, such as Java SE applications, must perform an explicit lookup. JNDI supports a global syntax for identifying Java EE components to simplify this explicit lookup.

The java:global JNDI namespace is the portable way of finding remote enterprise beans using JNDI lookups.

To a remote client, the location of the enterprise bean is transparent.


“Sharing” an EJB

Several applications might use the same EJBs

Create a Library containing the interfaces

public interface Hello { ... }

Create an EJB Module containing the

implementations of the interfaces and deploy it on the server (use the library)



public class HelloBean implements Hello, Serializable { ... }

In all other applications deployed on the server you can use the EJB (use the library).

@EJB(lookup="java:global/EJBModule/HelloBean") private Hello hello;


Stateful Session Beans

A session bean is similar to an interactive session: the instance variables of the bean represent the state of a unique client/bean session → conversational state.

A session bean is also not shared: each client gets

his own instance of the bean.


Creating a Stateful Bean



public class ShoppingCartBean { List<String> contents;


public void init() {

contents = new ArrayList<>();


public void addItem(String item) { contents.add(item);

} public List<String> getContents() { return contents;



public void save() {

System.out.println("Saving ... \n" + contents);


The bean needs to hold information about the client across method invocations.

Indicates to the container that the stateful session bean is to be removed by the container after completion of the method.


Using the Stateful Bean

Inside an enterprise application client

public class Main {


private static ShoppingCartBean cart;

public static void main(String[] args) {

// The cart intance was already created via dependency injection // The PostConstruct method was already invoked

//Invoke business methods

cart.addItem("Christmas Tree");

cart.addItem("Jingle Bells");

//The state of the bean is maintained System.out.println(cart.getContents());

//The conversation ends here due to the Remove annotation cart.save();

} }

Application clients directly access enterprise beans running in the business tier, and may, as

appropriate, communicate via HTTP with servlets running in the Web tier.

An application client is typically

downloaded from the server, but can be installed on a client machine.


Singleton Session Beans

Instantiated once per application and exists for the lifecycle of the application:

as opposed to a pool of stateless session beans, any of which may respond to a client request.

Designed for circumstances in which a single enterprise bean instance is shared across and concurrently accessed by clients.

Singleton session beans maintain their state

between client invocations but are not required to maintain their state across server crashes or



Creating a Singleton Bean


@ConcurrencyManagement(BEAN) public class CounterBean { private int hitCount;

//Data access synchronization

public synchronized int incrementAndGetHitCount() { return hitCount++;

} }


BEAN: Bean developer is responsible for managing concurrent access to the bean.

CONTAINER: Container is responsible for managing concurrent access to the bean.

Bean Managed Concurrency (BMC)


Container Managed Concurrency


@ConcurrencyManagement(CONTAINER) public class ExampleSingletonBean { private String state;


public String getState() { return state;



public void setState(String newState) { state = newState;




timeUnit=SECONDS) public void doTediousOperation { ...



Declares a concurrency lock for a singleton session bean with

container managed concurrency.


Allows simultaneous access to methods designated as READ, as long as no WRITE lock is held.

@Lock(WRITE) → default A WRITE lock can only be

acquired when no other method with either a READ or WRITE lock is currently held.


Singletons for Startup / Shutdown

If the singleton is annotated with the @Startup the singleton instance is created upon

application deployment.

The method annotated @PostConstruct can be used for application startup initialization.

The method annotated @PreDestroy is invoked only at application shutdown.

Like a stateless session bean, a singleton

session bean is never passivated.


Message-Driven Beans

Process messages asynchronously.

Similar to an event listener, implements

javax.jms.MessageListener interface.


Creating a MDB


public class SimpleMessageBean implements MessageListener { public void onMessage(Message inMessage) {

TextMessage msg = null;

try {

if (inMessage instanceof TextMessage) { msg = (TextMessage) inMessage;

} else { ...


} catch (JMSException e) { e.printStackTrace();

} } }


Sending a Message

@Resource(mappedName="jms/ConnectionFactory") private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;

@Resource(mappedName="jms/Queue") private static Queue queue;

JMSContext context = connectionFactory.createContext();

producer = context.createProducer(queue);

Message message = context.createTextMessage();



the destination


Asynchronous Methods

Session beans can also implement asynchronous methods: long-running operations, processor-intensive tasks,

background tasks, or whenever the invocation result isn't required immediately.

Declaring an asynchronous method:


public Future<String> longRunningOperation() { //Execute heavy stuff


//At some point of the execution (or from time to time)

//we may check to see if the request was not cancelled if (SessionContext.wasCancelled()) ...

String response = ...;

return new AsyncResult<>(response);

Who gets the response?


Invoking an asynchronous method

Future<String> result = asyncService.longRunningOperation();

//The invocation of this method returns immediately ...

//At some point of the excution, we may need the response.

try {

if (result.isDone()) {

//Handle successful invocation

System.out.println("success: " + result.get());

} else {

System.out.println("not yet done, let's cancel it...");



} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException ex) { System.err.println(ex);




A transaction is an indivisible unit of work.

begin transaction

add value to account1

subtract value from account2 commit transaction

Transactions end in a commit or a rollback.

The Java Transaction API (JTA) allows

applications to access transactions in a manner that is independent of specific implementations.

– Container-Managed Transactions

– Bean-Managed Transactions



Container-Managed Transactions

The EJB container sets by default the boundaries of the transactions → Implicit Middleware.


public class ShoppingCartBean { @PersistenceContext(name="MyPU") private EntityManager em;

public void save(ShoppingCart shoppingCart) throws Exception { em.persist(shoppingCart);


} }

Typically, the container begins a transaction immediately before an enterprise bean method starts and commits the transaction just before the method exits.

Each method can be associated with a single transaction.

Nested or multiple transactions are not allowed within a method.

each business method has an active transaction


Transaction Scope

method-A begins a transaction and then invokes method-B of Bean-2.

When method-B executes, does it run within the scope of the transaction started by method-A, or does it execute with a new transaction?


Transaction Attributes

REQUIRED: If the client is running within a transaction and invokes the enterprise bean's method, the method executes within the client's

transaction. If the client is not associated with a transaction, the container starts a new transaction before running the method. (default)

REQUIRES_NEW: The container will suspends the client's transaction, start a new transaction, delegate the call to the method and then resume the

client's transaction after the method completes.

MANDATORY: The method executes within the client's transaction. If the client is not associated with a transaction, the container throws a


NOT_SUPPORTED: The container suspends the client's transaction before invoking the method. After the method has completed, the container

resumes the client's transaction.

SUPPORTS: The method executes within the client's transaction. If the

client is not associated with a transaction, the container does not start a new transaction before running the method.

NEVER: If the client is running within a transaction and invokes the

enterprise bean's method, the container throws a RemoteException.


Setting Transaction Attributes

@Stateless public class MyFirstEjbBean { @EJB private MySecondEjb ejb2;

@PersistenceContext(name="MyPU") private EntityManager em;

@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public void createPerson(String name, String deptName){

Person person = new Person(name);


Departament dept = ejb2.findDepartament(deptName);


} }

@Stateless public class MySecondEjbBean { @PersistenceContext(name="MyPU")

private EntityManager em;

@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public Departament findDepartament(String name){

Query q = Query.createQuery("...").setParameter("name", name);


return (Departament) q.getSingleResult();

} catch(NoResultException nre){ return null; } }



Rolling Back a Container-Managed Transaction

Runtime exception is thrown → the container will automatically roll back the transaction.


public class MyFirstEjbBean {

@PersistenceContext(name="MyPU") private EntityManager em;

public void boom(){

throw new IllegalStateException("Boom!");


public void bang(){


throw new IllegalStateException("Bang!!");

} catch(Throwable t){

ErrorLog log = new ErrorLog(t.getMessage());

em.persist(log); //???

} } }

Invoking the setRollbackOnly method of the

EJBContext interface.


Example: DataRepository

public abstract class DataRepository<T, ID extends Serializable>

implements Serializable { protected Class<T> entityClass;


private EntityManager em;

protected DataRepository(Class<T> entityClass) { this.entityClass = entityClass;



protected void init() { ... } //why this instead of the constructor?

public T newInstance() { try {

return entityClass.newInstance();

} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { //...should throw a custom runtime exception

return null;

} }



Why use @Inject instead of @PersistenceContext?


DataRepository (continued)

public void persist(T entity) { em.persist(entity);


public void update(T entity) { em.merge(entity);


public void remove(T entity) { if (!em.contains(entity)) { entity = em.merge(entity);




public T refresh(T entity) { if (!em.contains(entity)) { entity = em.merge(entity);



return entity;



DataRepository (continued)

public T findById(ID id) { if (id == null) {

return null;


return em.find(entityClass, id);


public List<T> findAll() { String qlString =

"select e from " + entityClass.getSimpleName() + " e";

return em.createQuery(qlString).getResultList();


public void clearCache() {


} ...


DataRepository (usage)

Creating an actual implementation


public class PersonRepository extends DataRepository<Person, Integer> { @Inject

private EntityManager em;

public PersonRepository() { super(Person.class);

} ...


Using it in a managed component



public class PersoaneView extends DataView<Person, Integer> { @EJB

private PersonRepository personRepo;




Creating Threads in EJBs

“The enterprise bean must not attempt to

manage threads. The enterprise bean must not attempt to start, stop, suspend, or resume a

thread, or to change a thread’s priority or name.

The enterprise bean must not attempt to manage thread groups.” [EJB 3.1 spec]

“An enterprise bean must not use thread synchronization primitives to synchronize execution of multiple instances.”





public class TimerSessionBean { @Resource

TimerService timerService;

public void createTimer(long milliseconds) {

Date timeout = new Date(new Date().getTime() + milliseconds);

timerService.createTimer(timeout, "Hello World!");



public void timeoutHandler(Timer timer) {

logger.info("Timer event: " + timer.getInfo());


//or simply

@Schedule(second="*/1", minute="*",hour="*", persistent=false) public void doWork(){

System.out.println("Working hard...");


}The EJB Timer Service allows stateless session beans, singleton session beans,

message-driven beans to be registered for timer callback events at a specified time, after a specified elapsed time, after a specified interval, or according to a calendar-based



EJB Interceptors


public class ShoppingCartBean {

// All the bean's methods will be intercepted by "log()"


public Object log (InvocationContext ctx) throws Exception { String className = ctx.getTarget().getClass().getName();

String methodName = ctx.getMethod().getName();

String target = className + "." + methodName + "()";

long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();

try {

return ctx.proceed();

} catch(Exception e) { throw e;

} finally {

long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();

System.out.println(target + " took " + (t2-t1) + "ms to execute");

} } }


Security Services (to be continued...)



public class ShoppingCartBean { @RolesAllowed({"AdminUser"})

public void addProduct (Product product, int quantity) { // ... ...



public float getDiscount (Product product) { // ... ...



public List<Product> getProducts () { // ... ...

} }


EJB Session Facade


When to Use EJBs?

When the application is distributed across multiple servers.

When the application is performance-centric, EJBs and the application server provide high performance and very good scalability.

When transaction management is required to ensure data integrity.

When you need to declaratively manage security.

When you want a pure separation between

presentation and business logic.



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