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View of Overcoming Teenagers’ Emotional States by Music Therapy


Academic year: 2022

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Overcoming Teenagers’ Emotional States by Music Therapy

Аlisher Аlikulovich Berikbaev1, XodjakulovBakhodirXudaykulovich2 KhomidovZokirDjurakhulovich3, IbragimovaNilufarAthanovna4

KuychievaZamiraUnarovna5, KhonurovaLeylaRuslanovna6 AzamkhulovGayratOtakuziyevich7


Lecturer,Gulistan State University,Gulistan, Uzbekistan

3,4great lecturer,Gulistan State University,Gulistan, Uzbekistan

ANNOTATION:The article reveals the importance of music therapy with helping teenagers in overcoming a variety of negative emotional states. One of the ways is the formation in the child, the ability to arbitrarily evoke various musical spheres in the difficult situation.

Musical class evoke positive emotions for the child, helps him to cope with himself in the negative moments. As a result, adolescents develop the ability to differentiate andadequate interpretation of their own emotional states, the ability to empathy, skillto reflect by motor- expressive means their emotional state, interest in the aestheticactivities.

KEY WORDS:emotional states, negative emotions, self-regulation, training with elements, music, music therapy.


During the period of exacerbations in the development of society, the increasing in the emotional tension is observed not only among adults, but also children and teenagers, as result of variety of neuroses, emotional deviations. In the early teenager period, as a transitional period, some conformism, expansive behavior of children is considered the norm.

At the same time, there are serious non-specific behavioral manifestations: increasing aggressiveness, fears.Teenagers who 11-12 years old have experience a wide variety of negative emotions, some children need help to overcome them [1].

The child’s inability to cope with negative affects is fraught with the loss of mental integrity and stability. If the child has poorly developed mechanisms of self-regulation, he is inclined to respond to his negative experiences in the forms

affective “outbursts” and inappropriate behavior.A possible way to solve this problem is the formation in the child of the ability to voluntarily evoke in the difficult situation various fixed in his memory musical images associated with overcoming negative experiences [2].

These images are formed in the course of exercises in specially organized classes.

Stabilization of the child’s mental state can be facilitated by the ability

spontaneously evoke other positive memories. Their internalization can lead to positive changes in the personality of the child. With time of interiorized “good internal object”

becomes one of the prerequisites for the formation of mental integrity and self-sufficiency.


Such a “good inner object” can be music, which in the class arise in the positive emotions, that help him to cope with himself in moments of negative affects [4].

Music affects a person not only directly at the moment of listening, but also when remembering what he heard - through emotional and sound memory [3].

The study of the emotional significance of individual elements of music (rhythm, tonality) has shown their ability to cause certain emotional states of person. Minor tones have a

“depressive effect”, fast pulsating rhythms and consonances are exciting and cause negative emotions, “soft” rhythms and consonances are calming. The regulation of negative emotional states in younger adolescents can be carried out in the process of conducting training in the regulation of emotional states with the help of music.Music therapy is actively used in pedagogical and educational programs. Music relieves stress, stimulates creativity, and even improves physical fitness [4].

How can music affect a teenager’s condition? A teenager is listening to music, as if adjusting to it. Melodies that bring joy to a person have a good effect on the body:

 stimulate digestion;

 improve appetite;

 improve metabolism;

 increase attention;

 normalize blood pressure [5].

Music can change the physical state of a person. How can music affect a teenager’s condition?

 Music therapy is music healing;

 listening to the classical music increases the immunity of teenagers;

 relieves stress and irritability, headache and muscle pain;

 restores calm breathing.

 great attention is paid to the selection of the necessary melodies and sounds, with the help of which have a positive effect on the human’s body and improvewell-being, cheer up, improve performance [6].

In the morning, it is recommended to include good songs with good lyrics. To relax and relieve physical stress, for a pleasant immersion in a daytime sleep, teenagers can use the classic and modern relaxing music filled with sounds of nature (the sound of sea waves and the cry of dolphins, the murmur of a brook).


From the second half of the 20th century, theinterest in music therapy and mechanism, its influence has increased significantly. Today, music therapy is used on a smaller scale in almost all countries of the world. The experiments are being conducted in several directions:

- the influence of certain musical instruments on living organisms;

- the influence of the music of the great geniuses of mankind; individual influence;

- individual works of composers;

- the effect on the human body;

- traditional folk directions in music, as well as moderndirections;


Gradually accumulatescientific evidence confirming the knowledge of the ancients that music is the most powerful source of energies that affectthe emotional world of a person. No art affects a person like music, awakening everything beautiful in him, making him cleaner and kinder.Immortal works of the great composers Mozart, Beethoven,Schubert, Tchaikovsky are able to activate energy processesorganism and direct them to its physical recovery [7].Russian scientists I.M. Sechenov, S.P. Botkin and I.P. Pavlov proved that with the help of music it is possible to regulate the mental state of patients with choosing the right musical rhythm, it is possible to alleviate the state of teenager after stress [9].

It has been proven that the healing properties of music are not related to musical trends.

Folklore, modern melodies, jazz and classics can heal. The main condition is that music should awake positiveemotions. D.D. Shostakovich said: “People need all kinds of music - from the simple tune of the flute to the sound of a huge symphony orchestra, from the unpretentious a popular song to Beethoven’s sonatas”[8].

Deep Learning Swedish School psychology believes that music therapy should be the main and central role with its amazing features are able to penetrateinto the deep layers of the subconscious, touching the “strings of the soul” of a person. Sechenov, Dogel, Bekhterev, Tarkhanov studied the influence of music on gas exchange, breathing, circulation [10]. V.

Petrushin developed the concept of music-rational psychotherapy, in which he combinedscientific discoveries and ancient methods, based on the state of a person as a whole. In other words, the music chosen for therapy should only elicit favorable responses from the patient or subject [8,9]. The more emotional color will be associated with positive emotions, the more opportunities to “reach out” to the subject and achieve the desired result.

The sound of music with influencing the physiological processes of the teenager’s body increases the efficiency of the muscular and respiratory systems. If a teenager performs exercises with musical accompaniment - pulmonary ventilationis improved, the amplitude of respiratory movements is increased.When performing movements to music, children develop musicality, its main components are hearing, emotionality, responsiveness.An emotional outburst charges the teenager with vital energy, so need to dance with peers every day, but not for long. It should be remembered to pay attention to the teenager’s physical and mental health.


The following are indicated as psychological mechanisms of the corrective effect of music therapy:

 confrontation with life problems;

 catharsis - emotional release, regulation of the emotional state;

 the acquisition of new means of emotional expression;

 facilitating the awareness of their own experiences.

Depending on the condition and activity of the patients,the degree of their participation in the process of music therapy fromassigned tasks in music therapy, a form of active music therapy can be presented, when the patientactively expresses himself in music, and passive, when the patient is asked only to listen to music [11].


Passive music therapy is used for therapeutic purposes.There are three forms of passive music therapy:

 communicative form (joint listening to musical works aimed at maintaining mutual contacts, mutual understanding and trust);

 reactive form (aimed at achieving catharsis);

 regulatory form (helps to reduce neuropsychic stress).

In connection with the set goals and objectives, the following research methods and techniques were used in the work: to study the mental state of teenager:

- SAN technique (well-being, activity, mood);

- Sonatal test M. Lazarev (1996): psychoemotional status (color test M. Lusher);

psychophysical status: heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), control pause (CP - test with breath holding on expiration);

- observation method;

- conversation with teenagers.

To study the personal properties of teenagers:

- Questionnaire by G.Yu. Eysenck for the definition of neuroticism, psychoticism, extraversion-introversion;

- questionnaire S.A. Budassi to determine the accentuations of character;

- R. Cattell’s 16-factor questionnaire.

To study the characteristics of music perception by the subjects:

- self-report questionnaire and interviews of teenagers;

- a method for studying color-music associations (based on the phenomenon of synesthesia);

- qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results obtained.

Methods of mathematical statistics were used in the work:

- correlation analysis to study the correspondence of the state to personal properties and their interaction;

- analysis of variance to identify the dynamics of the mental state of teenagers during one session of music therapy (computer program SPSS for Windows, version 11.5);

- Wilcoxon criterion for studying significant differences in the dynamics of the state of teenagers in the experimental and control groups during the course of music therapy (computer program SPSS 15).

Scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the research:

- Firstly, the features of musical perception of teenagers and their musical preferences have been investigated, which expands the concept of changes in the mental state of teenagers as a result of music perception.

- Secondly, the correspondence of the musical preferences of teenagers to their mental states and personal properties was studied, which creates the preconditions for the development of a regulation on the criteria for the selection of music for musical and therapeutic assistance to teenagers.

- Thirdly, the new data obtained on the dynamics of the mental state ofteenagers in the process of music therapy supplement the modern ideas of medical psychology about the


possibility of positive changes in the mental state of teenagers as a result of the perception of music.

- Fourthly, the possibility of a projective musical-diagnostic approach to identify the psychological state of teenagers and their personal properties has been substantiated.

Practical value of the work:

 The developed method of music therapy can be used as an additional one in the practice of medical and psychological assistance toteenagers, enhancing the effectiveness of traditional methods of psychological support for teenagers.

 The projective musical-diagnostic approach can be applied in the psychodiagnostics ofteenagers , complementing other methods of assessing the mental state.

 Music therapy during teenagers enriches the variety of methods of psychological assistance to teenagers and the development of young adolescents, since the experiences of musical impressions of teenagers have a positive effect on the mental development of the children born.

 Developed a methodology for musical and therapeutic assistance to teenagers in the process of prenatal preparation, taking into account their mental properties and musical preferences.

 Musical perception of women during teenagers has specific features and is characterized by a limited range of musical preferences. Quiet lyrical music evokes a positive reaction inteenagers. They react negatively to loud, sharply dissonant sounds.

 Peculiarities of music perception by teenagers depend mainly on the mental state at the moment of perception and, to a lesser extent, on personal characteristics. The choice of music for music therapy classes should correspond to the specifics of the musical perception ofteenagers , taking into account their psychological characteristics.

 The use of music therapy for teenagers contributes to the positive dynamics of the mental state of teenagers, which is expressed in a decrease in the level of anxiety, an improvement in well-being and mood, an increase in activity, adaptive capabilities, which contribute to an increase in psychological readiness for a successful future.

The reliability of the research results is ensured by:

1) the use of scientifically grounded methods, their compliance with the purpose and objectives of the work;

2) representativeness of the sample;

3) the correctness of the application of methods of mathematical statistics.


A program was developed in the form of classes with elements of training, focused onschoolchildren 11-12 years old and designed for 22 lessons, held twice a week for 45 minutes for six months. The number of people in the group is 12-15 people. The purpose of programs - development of skills of self-regulation and independent overcoming of negative emotional states in younger adolescents.

As a result, adolescents develop

 the ability to differentiate and adequate interpretation of their own emotional states;

 the ability to empathy;


 the ability to reflect with motor-expressive means your emotional condition;

 the interest in the aesthetic activity [12].

Super heavy rhythms or super fast, strong volume, very high or, on the contrary, very low sounds may not have a beneficial effect on health of teenager. A quiet environment can negatively affect the child, it affects the psyche, since it is not a familiar surrounding background. Teenagers, as we know, with different temperaments, therefore, the music must be selected in accordance with the character of the teens. Melodies with a calm rhythm - must listen to restless teenager. According to doctors, Viennese or German music from the works of Mozart, Haydn, Schubert is suitable for such children. Teen with poor appetite, breathing problemsis advised to listen to music by Tchaikovsky (waltzes), Vivaldi.The following things have a calming effect on the nervous system: birdsong, Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata”, Tchaikovsky’s “The Seasons” [13].

Music therapy - In the psychotherapeutic method, music is usedas a means of correction. A large number of techniques existing in music therapy are presented

in the form of independent listening to musicworks; as an adjunct to other techniques,for example, meditation, relaxation, massage, and actuallyplaying music itself (a person plays the piano himself).

As a correction for emotional deviations,fears, psychosomatic diseases, sleep disturbances,for communication difficulties is widely usedmusic therapy. Furthermore, the more emotional color will be associated with positive emotions, the more opportunities to “reach out” to the subject and achieve the desired result.

There are three forms of therapy in music therapy:

Receptive.In this type of therapy, the teen simplylistens to music: using headphones or throughspeakers. However, the psychologist may insist on choosingone way or another, depending on the circumstances.

Active. In this version, the patient himself takesparticipation in the creation of a masterpiece:

sings or plays a musical instrument.

Interactive. In this version, theteen patient not only listens to the necessary music, but also engages in creativity. He writes poetry, draws, embroiders, and in general creates. As studies show, the latter type of music therapy shows the best results in a shorter time.Thus, music therapy may not serve not only an auxiliary means of establishing contact between the psychologist and the adolescent patient, but also, an independent tool that can improveemotional, physical condition of a person and his body as a whole [13,14].

Rhythm.Music is a mystical tool that can awaken even dormant hair follicles. As ifit didn’t sound mysterious, it’s quite rationalexplanation. Music is life! The physiological effect of music on a person is due to the fact that the nervoussystem and the musculoskeletal system, in particular the musculature, have the ability to assimilate the rhythm. Music as a rhythmic stimulus stimulatesphysiological processes of the body, which rhythmicallyoccur both in the motor and vegetative spheres.Every human organ resonates at a certain frequency, corresponding to a certain note. When the organstops vibrating at the required frequency, there is

disruption of the organ, which can sometimes lead tolethal outcome. The role of music in human health is really huge. This is evidenced by many studies. Depending on the rhythm of the personcan either fall asleep or write a dissertation. Betweenthe rhythm of movement and


the rhythm of internal organs there is a certain connection. Remember the rituals of shamans,where, to the monotonous rhythm of a tambourine or drum, people gathered around the shaman entered a state of trance.The pulse quickened, the heart began to pump blood more quickly. A person sweats, ceases to notice what is happening around, consciousness floats away [14]. And after the trance mancould swear he traveled, roamed the greenmeadows, flowering fields, on the ocean.

The study of the emotional significance of certain elements of music (rhythm, tonality) has provedtheir ability to induce in a person a state equivalent to the nature of the stimulus: minor tonalitiescause depression. Rapid pulsating rhythms are exciting and cause negative emotions, and if there is an oscilloscope monitor in front of us, then can see a line of work of the brain that is morewould resemble a cardiogram of a sick person with a heart attack. But soft rhythms soothe, dissonances excite, consonances soothe. On the oscilloscope monitor they can see how a calmer melodynormalizes the work of the brain, the line from chaotic and intermittent, zigzag lines turns into a wavy line, which would indicate that the brain is cominginto a normal state of working activity.

As psychological mechanisms of correction, the impact of music therapy is indicated by:

 confrontation with life problems;

 catharsis - emotional release, regulatingemotional state;

 the acquisition of new means of emotional ex-press;

 facilitating the awareness of their own experiences [15].

Depending on the condition and activity of the patients,the degree of their participation in the process of music therapy from assigned tasks in music therapy can be a form of active music therapy was put in place, when the patient actively expresses himself in music, and passive when the client is only asked to listen to the music.

Passive music therapy is used with therapeuticgoal.There are three forms of passive music therapy:

 communicative form (joint listeningthe production of musical works aimed at supporting, maintaining mutual contacts, mutual understanding andfaith);

 reactive form (aimed at achieving atarsis);

 regulatory form (helps to reduce nervesbut mental stress) [9,10,16].

To reduce irritability and relieve emotions in local tension, it can be used melodies,having a relaxing effect, flute sounds, playingon the piano performed by the Paul Mauriat orchestra.

Almost all sounds of nature (the sound of the sea, forest) have a wave-calming property.For less persistent forms of depression, to improvemood, itcanbe used violin music. Choir chants in Latin can calm even in a chronic form of depression. Classics: Prod- reference Mozart, Handel “Minuet”, Bizet “Carmen”. However, the last piece is rather the oppositeoverexcites in the nervous system. Therefore, “Carmen” is betterlisten, then, when it is necessary to work, this productionDenia will give the pace. For relieving migraines, headaches and other pain more religious music is suitable, and from classical works denius - Mozart

“Symphony№ 40", Liszt “Hungarian Rhapsody 1, Beethoven “Fidelio”.

For insomnia, for a calm and sound sleep: Sibe-Lius “Sad Waltz”, Schumann “Dreams”, Gluck “Melody”.Ifteenager does not sleep well, he may notplay music loudly while sleeping with a slow tempo and clear rhythm. For example, the works of the group “The Beatles”,


especially “Yesterday”, “Michelle”. These production leads can put even an adult to sleep, if teenlisteninthe low tones.

Thematically, the program consists of four blocks, each of several activities subordinate to the general topic of the block.

Block 1: “Awareness of experiences and emotional states”.

1. Acquaintance. Program presentation. Acceptance of the rules of conduct in the group.W.A. Mozart “Little Night Serenade”, L. Beethoven “Moonlight Sonata”, Polka.

2. Perception of experiences and images of musical works. Evaluation internal state. C.

Debussy “Moonlight on the Terrace”, Potpourri. Songs “Smile”, “The Road of Kindness”.

3. Emotions and feelings that arise mood of people. W. A. Mozart, finale of “Little Night Serenade”; J. Bizet, Youth Symphony(the final); dance music from operettas by R.

Strauss, I. Kalman, F. Lehar. Song “Fly, pigeons!” by I. Dunaevsky.

4. Recognition of emotions.Yu. Shatunov “Childhood”, L. Beethoven “To Eliza”, the song “Moscow Nights”, “The Road of Kindness”.

5. Emotional states in the color palette. Fragments “Classical masterpieces”, the song “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”.

6. Continuation of the theme “Colors of emotions”. C. Saint-Saens “The Swan”, L.

Beethoven “Finals of Sonatas”.

Block 2: “The influence of musical means at the personal level”,

7. Skills of using imagination to regulate your emotionalstates.L. Beethoven. “Finals of Sonatas” 14, 23; folk music “Pleskach”, K. Schumann “Impulse”, F. Chopin “Mazurka and Preludes”, I. Strauss “Waltzes”, N. Rubinstein “Melody”.

8. The system of personal values and self-esteem. Cheerful background, song “If there was no winter”.

9. “Man in conflict” The nature of his own emotional problems inconflicts. L. Beethoven

“Finals of Sonatas” 14, 23; K. Shuman Gust. The song “Oh frost”, “The Christmas tree was born in the forest”.

10. Defense mechanisms and resistance. F. Chopin “Mazurka and Preludes”, I. Strauss

“Waltzes”, N. Rubinstein “Melody”.

Block 3: “Approaches to the regulation of states”.

11. Stimulation of humane feelings through gestures and facial expressions. P.I.

Tchaikovsky “Seasons: Autumn Song”, cheerful background, songs “Moscow Nights”, “The Road of Kindness”.

12. Change in emotional state, optimistic image A. Borodin “Nocturne from String Quartet”, F. Chopin Concerto №1 for piano with orchestra, part II; L. Beethoven - Concerto

№3 for piano and orchestra, Part II. I. Dunaevsky “Fly, pigeons”.

13. Introducing Emotionally Oriented Coping Techniquesstress. Deep breathing technique. Waltz from the ballet “The Sleeping Beauty” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, Waltz Strauss, J. Bizet,Youth Symphony (final)

14. Techniques of state control.

15. Dance music from operettas by I. Strauss, I. Kalman, F. Lehar, P. Whitman, Song of Joy. The song “Blue Carriage”.

16. Techniques for regulating emotional states: anchoring technique “Sounds of nature”.


17. Continuation of the topic: emotional and muscle tension and relaxation. Excerpts from the opera “The Magic Flute” by W.A. Mozart.

Block 4: “Socio-psychological: regulation at the level of behavior”.

18. The concept of “Reflection”. Development of empathy. I.-S. Bach “Italian Concert”.

Song “Birthday”.

19. Social supportive behavior.

20. I. Brahms “Lullaby”, F. Chopin. “Nocturne in F major” (extreme parts); “Etude in E major” (extreme parts).

21. Acquaintance with different types of behavior: aggressive, passive, confident;

development of skills of confident behavior.

22. F. Chopin “Nocturne in G minor”, F. Chopin Scherzo, F. Leaf “Hungarian Rhapsody Song”, “The Road of Good”.

23. Continuation of the theme: types of behavior. Electronic music.

24. The concept of “Emotional support”. Circus marches.

25. The Joy of Life. Generalizing lesson. Summarizing.

26. Musical medley.


A repeated diagnostic study showed that the use of music therapy in an educational institution effectively with the aim of prevention and self-correction of negative psycho-emotional states of teenagers. Musical art has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of students. The results were confirmed for two criteria: the level of good breeding, the level of personal anxiety. The work on methodological development showed us that the use of music therapy, both during breaks between lessons, at home and during extracurricular activities develops creativity, helps to express feelings, relieve nervous tension, cope with psychological problems and restore emotional balance.

The work on the use of music therapy in the educational process plan to continue on a wider scale and frequency of use music therapy not only during breaks, but also on creative activities (Fine art, technology), requiring a lot of creative activity.

Based on the material studied, it is possible to assertexpect that music therapy is, first of all, psycho-a raphetical method in which music is used as a as a means of correction. A large number of techniques music therapy uses a holistic, isolated

use of music as the main and leading faculty torus impact (listening to musical performances leading, individual or group playing music), as well as, as a supplement, musical accompaniment waiting for other corrective techniques to enhance theirimpact and efficiency gains.

Summing up the above, it should be noted that music therapy is an important component of the development of every teenager, as it brings positive,both in the life of teenagers and in the inner world of everyone.The main thing to remember is that doctors treat, and music heals the souls of people.



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