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View of Assessment of Pregnant Woman's Awareness Regarding Urinary Tract Infection in Babylon Maternity Teaching Hospital


Academic year: 2022

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Assessment of Pregnant Woman's Awareness Regarding Urinary Tract Infection in Babylon Maternity Teaching Hospital

*Suad Abdul Hussein


, Huda abdal ruda


, Amal kareem Abdul rahman


, Deyar Basem


, Walaa Hussein Allawi


, Noor Muhamad Atyee


1 Nursing Department, Hilla university college, Babylon, Iraq.

*Correspondingauthor:[email protected]


Back ground: The most common bacterial infection during pregnancy is urinary tract infection its may be symptomatic and estimated that20 % of women will experience this infection in their lifetime, and the probability of infection is 30 time than men

Objectives: The mainobjectives of the study was determined the assessment of pregnant women's awareness regarding the urinary tract infection .

MethodologyA descriptive study was conductedin Babyl Maternity Hospital in Hilla City during the period December 20th 2020-Febreary20th 2021. The sample of the study included (purposive) sample (100) pregnant women with urinary tract infection the data were collected through the use of interview questionnaire and checklist.

Results: The study show the range of study sample was from(20-25) years(71%) and more than half of them with low education level , the urban residences were predominated its (76%) and most of them were employ (77%) with enough monthly income and in related to obstetric history the result reflect (40%) of sample they were having one abortion they were visited the antenatal care center one time and (62%) of them were in the second trimester of pregnancy, mostly of them without medical history,the studysample were having poor awareness regarding urinary tract infection because of low of education level according toIraqi educational sheet (Unicef, 2020). Conclusion: The overall awareness at low level of score , therefore the study recommending suggested that the prenatal care services should be readjusted about the risks of UTduring pregnancy.

Keywords-urinary tract infection. Pregnant woman.


Urinary tract infection(UTI)are common in pregnancy and may be asymptomatic, its estimated that 20%of women will develop urinary tract infection during their lifetime (ACOG,2008) . Most cases of UTIs are caused by bacteria especially gastrointestinal bacteria which infects the urethra

through contaminate the area around the rectum and spread to the to the bladder(Anulis 2016) Previous studies have showen that women with more than three children have urinary tract infections

(okonko et al ,2009).Urinary tract infection may be the result of misdiagnosis, and is regarding as the common hospital acquire infection(Koffuor 2012 –Kolawole 2009)

During pregnancy, the tendency of UTI increases partly due to the pressured of the gravid uterus on the ureters causing stasis of urine flow and is also attributed to the hormonal and immunological changes during normal pregnancy (WHO,2005 and Zeighmih, 2008) , Urinary incontinence occurs during pregnancy due to enlarged pelvis and kidneys,increased urine output and changes in the position of the bladder in pelvis to abdomen ,reduction in vesicles muscle tone and relaxation in the bladder and ureter smooth muscle tissues caused by impregnation with progesterone ,glycosuria and amino aciduria (Manual2005 –Hiilberg 2003) there for, pregnant women should have routine urine test in


low urine concentration and increased blood volume (Delzell.,2000). Pregnancy increases the risk of UTI at around 6th weeks of gestational age due to the physiological change of the ureters begin to dilate this is also known as hydronephrosis of pregnancy which peaks at 22-26 weeks and continue to persist until delivery (Delze2000)

The prevalence of UTI among pregnancy during the second trimester accounted up in 50% and has defined as consequences of lack of treatment during pregnancy(Koffuor 2012)Women with untreated urinary tract infection during third trimester of pregnancy are at risk with mental retardation or development delay(McDemott et al .,2001)the child which born

Objectives of study. To assess women awareness regarding to UTI

And to find out the relationship between UTI and some variable related to age, education level, resident, gravida ,para abortion and past medical history


Adescriptivedesign performed at Babylon maternity hospital conducted on a purposive sample of ( 100) pregnant women who have UTI during the period December 20th 2020-Febreary20th 2021.

The data have been collected via the questionnaire which consists demographic and reproductive data.

The datahave been analyzed by using the statisticpackage for social sciences version( 20 ) descriptive

and inferential statisticsweredescriptive and inferential statistics have beenused.


Table-1:Descriptive Statistic Analysis of Demographic Variables

Variables Rating N=100 %


>20 years old 3 3.0

20-25 years old 71 71.0

26-30 years old 9 9.0

31and older 17 17.0

Level of education

illiterate 5 5.0

Read and write 59 59.0

Primary school 8 8.0

Secondary school 18 18.0

Institute and above 10 10.0

Residence Urban 76 76.0

Rural 24 24.0

Occupation Employ 77 77.0

Unemployed 23 23.0


Enough 51 51.0

Partially enough 25 25.0

Not enough 24 24.0

N=Number, %= Percentage

The results reflect descriptive statistics of socio-demographic characteristics in terms of frequencies and percentages. Out of (100) subjects participated in our study aged range from (20-25) years of age and constituted (71 percent) of the study sample. Education-related results indicate that women read and write were more than half of study findings and represented that (59 percent) out total number. In terms of residence, the urban residences were predominated, it constituted (76 percent). Most of women were employ with enough monthly income, it composed (77 and 51 percent) respectively.


Table 2:Descriptive Statistic Analysis of Obstetric History

Variables Rating N=100 %

Number of Gravida

No 9 9.0

1 53 53.0

2 28 28.0

3 10 10.0

Number of Para

No 16 16.0

1 52 52.0

2 26 26.0

3 6 6.0

Number of abortion

No 28 28.0

1 40 40.0

2 14 14.0

3 18 18.0

Visit antenatal care during this pregnancy

One 42 42.0

Two 19 19.0

Three 39 39.0

Trimester you are now

1st 29 29.0

2nd 62 62.0

3rd 9 9.0

N=Number, %= Percentage

Findings depicts that (53% & 52%) were one Gravida and Para, forty percent of them were with one abortion, and (62%) visit antenatal care in second trimester of pregnancy.

Table -3:Descriptive Statistic Analysis of Medical History

Variables Rating N=100 %

Previous Urinary Tract Infection Yes 53 53.0

No 47 47.0

History of gestational diabetic you or one of your family

Yes 16 16.0

No 84 84.0

History of Urinary tract stones Yes 6 6.0

No 94 94.0

History of genital urinary tract anomalies Yes 3 3.0

No 97 97.0

History of Anemia during pregnancy Yes 49 49.0

No 51 51.0

History of cystocele or rectocele Yes 3 3.0

No 97 97.0

History of using contraceptive Yes 43 43.0

No 57 57.0

N=Number, %= Percentage

The results reflect (53%) were have previous UTI , (97%) and the remaining mostly not have history of problems.

Table -4: Pregnant women awareness regarding UTI

List Awareness items Rating N=100 % S.d. M.s. Ass.

1 Washing perineum from front to back and dry it after each urination and defecation

Never 60 60.0

0.857 1.65 Poor

Sometime 15 15.0

Always 25 25.0

2 Immediately go to pass urine if you feel

Never 76 76.0

0.722 1.38 Poor

Sometime 10 10.0

Always 14 14.0


Always 16 16.0 4 Always eating healthy food

Never 63 63.0

0.892 1.65 Poor

Sometime 9 9.0

Always 28 28.0

5 Take some herbalist for UTI

Never 79 79.0

0.747 1.37 Poor

Sometime 5 5.0

Always 16 16.0

6 Take some medication to treat the UTI

Never 61 61.0

0.869 1.65 Poor

Sometime 13 13.0

Always 26 26.0

7 Take more coffee daily

Never 63 63.0

0.892 1.65 Poor

Sometime 9 9.0

Always 28 28.0

8 Use plenty of detergent to clean perineum daily

Never 58 58.0

0.957 1.79 Moderate

Sometime 5 5.0

Always 37 37.0

9 Take urine for bacterial test

Never 58 58.0

0.882 1.70 Moderate

Sometime 14 14.0

Always 28 28.0

"N= Number, %= Percentage, M.s.= Mean of score, Cut off point (0.66), poor (mean of score 1-1.66), moderate (mean of score 1.67-2.33), good (mean of score ≥2.34), S.d= Stander deviation"

Take in to account cut-off point, this table illustrates the pregnant women responses were poor awareness towards UTI infection (M.s.=1-1.66) except, the pregnant were moderate aware plenty of detergent to clean perineum daily and take urine for bacterial test (M.s.=1.67-2.33).

Table -5: Overall awareness regarding Urinary Tract Infection

Overall Knowledge

Rating N=100 % S.d. M.s. Ass.

Poor awareness 52 52.0

0.594 1.53 Poor awareness Moderate awareness 43 43.0

Good awareness 5 5.0

Total 100 100.0

"N= Number, %= Percentage, M.s.= Mean of score, Cut off point (0.66), poor (mean of score 1-1.66), moderate (mean of score 1.67-2.33), good (mean of score ≥2.34), S.d= Stander deviation"

Overall, according to the analysis mean of score, the findings indicate that the majority (52%) of pregnant women were poor awareness at low level score mean +S.d.= 1.53+0.594.

Figure -1: Overall Awareness Assessment 0

10 20 30 40 50 60

Poor (M.s.=1-1.66) Moderate (M.s.=1.67- 2.33)

Good (M.s.≥2.34)




Table -6:Chi-square analysis Relationship between Pregnant knowledge and their Demographic Characteristics

Variables Rating Awareness

Total d.f Sig.

Poor Moderate Good


>20 years old 2 1 0 3


Chi − square= 5.121 P-value=0.528 NS

20-25 years old 40 28 3 71

26-30 years old 3 6 0 9

31and older 7 8 2 17

Total 52 43 5 100


Unable to read 2 3 0 5


Chi − square= 26.673 P-value=0.001


Read and write 35 22 2 59

Primary school 6 2 0 8

Secondary school 4 14 0 18

Institute and ≥ 5 2 3 10

Total 52 43 5 100


Urban 39 34 3 76


Chi − square =0.952 P-value=0.621 NS

Rural 13 9 2 24

Total 52 43 5 100


Employ 47 29 1 77


Chi − square = 16.651 P-value=0.000


Unemployed 5 14 4 23

Total 52 43 5 100

Monthly income

Enough 33 15 3 51


Chi − square =8.036 P-value=0.090 NS

Partially enough 9 15 1 25

Not enough 10 13 1 24

Total 52 43 5 100

"𝛘𝟐= Chi-square, Df= Degree of freedom, P-value= Probability value, S= significant, NS= non significant, S= significant, HS= high significant"

This table indicate that pregnant women age, residences and monthly income have been no significant associated with their awareness at p-value>0.05. as well as, the pregnant their education and occupation have been associated with their awareness at p-value ≤0.05

Table -7: Mean differences (ANOVA) between the Overall Awareness and their Obstetric History

Variables d.f Mean Square F Sig.

Number of Gravida

Between Groups 2 2.271

3.848 0.025

Within Groups 97 0.590 NS

Total 99

Number of Para

Between Groups 2 1.201

1.982 0.143

Within Groups 97 0.606 NS

Total 99

Number of abortion

Between Groups 2 0.261

0.233 0.793

Within Groups 97 1.120 NS

Total 99

Visit antenatal care during this pregnancy

Between Groups 2 8.661

13.211 0.000 HS

Within Groups 97 0.656

Total 99

Trimester you are now

Between Groups 2 0.121

0.347 0.708

Within Groups 97 0.348 NS

Total 99

By ANOVA test, findings shows that there is no statistical significant between obstetric history and pregnant awareness at p-value >0.05 except, the number of antenatal visit were highly influenced with pregnant awareness at p-value <0.01.


Table -8: Mean differences (ANOVA) between the Overall Awareness and their Medical History

Variables d.f Mean Square F Sig.

Previous Urinary Tract Infection

Between Groups 2 2.408

11.626 0.000

Within Groups 97 0.207 HS

Total 99

History of gestational diabetic you or one of your family

Between Groups 2 0.069

0.500 0.608

Within Groups 97 0.137 NS

Total 99

History of Urinary tract stones

Between Groups 2 0.020

0.353 0.704

Within Groups 97 0.058 NS

Total 99

History of genital urinary tract anomalies

Between Groups 2 0.042

1.425 0.245

Within Groups 97 0.029 NS

Total 99

History of Anemia during pregnancy

Between Groups 2 8.488

102.725 0.000 HS

Within Groups 97 0.083

Total 99

History of cystocele or rectocele

Between Groups 2 0.011

0.374 0.689 NS

Within Groups 97 0.030

Total 99

History of using contraceptive

Between Groups 2 0.673

2.816 0.065 NS

Within Groups 97 0.239

Total 99

By ANOVA test, findings shows that there is no statistical significant between medical history and pregnant awareness at p-value >0.05 except, the previous urinary tract infection and history of anemia during pregnancy were highly affected pregnant awareness at p-value <0.01.

Table (1) shows that the high percentage of pregnant women within age(20-25) years (71%), education result indicate that women read more than half of study findings and represented that (59 percent) of the total number. .In terms of residence, the urban residences were predominated, it constituted (76 percent) According to Iraq education fact sheets 2020 ,two third of child not attending early childhood education (67%) and (68%) live in urban area. Most women have sufficient monthly income, it composed (77 and 51 percent) respectively. The result showthat the maternal education statues and occupation had been significantly association with developing the UTI.This result is similar to study done in ALsadder City 2016 byAli Sh,at el .This is may be due to the same societies(Mohammed, 2020).

Table (2) shows that the high percentage for pregnant women that (53% & 52%) were one Gravida and Para, forty percent of them were with one abortion, and (62%) visit prenatal services in second trimester of pregnancy, and findings shows that there is no statistical significant between obstetric history and pregnant awareness at p-value >0.05 except, the number of antenatal care visit were highly influenced with pregnant awareness at p-value <0.01. This finding is similar kind of study were carried to investigate the prevalence of UTI and the associated risk factors among pregnant women the first antenatal visit by Sescon et al.2003.

Table (3) this table illustrates the pregnant women responses were poor awareness towards UTI infection (M.s.=1-1.66) except, the pregnant were moderate aware plenty of detergent to clean perineum daily and take urine for bacterial test (M.s.=1.67-2.33).and there is no statistical significant between medical history and pregnant awareness at p-value >0.05 except, the previous urinary tract infection and history of anemia during pregnancy were highly affected pregnant awareness at p-value <0.01.Study done by Emiru et al 2013 and Haider et al found the significant of risk factors like anemia, low income level ,past history of UTI and sexual activity in causing UTI among women during pregnancy was been explored and validated by several research, Overall, according to the analysis mean of score, the findings show that the majority (52%) of pregnant women has poor awareness at low level score mean +S.d.= 1.53+0.594. So the study recommended that the prenatal care services should be readjusted aiming to enable more program for explanation about the risks of UTI during pregnancy.



The overall awareness at low level of score , therefore the study recommending suggested that the prenatal care services should be readjusted about the risks of UT during pregnancy.


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