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View of Weighted quadrature formulas for semi-infinite range integrals


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J. Numer. Anal. Approx. Theory, vol. 44 (2015) no. 1, pp. 69–80 ictp.acad.ro/jnaat



Dedicated to prof. Ion P˘av˘aloiu on the occasion of his 75th anniversary

Abstract. Weighted quadrature formulas on the half line (a,+∞),a >0, for non-exponentially decreasing integrands are developed. Suchn-point quadrature rules are exact for all functions of the form x 7→ x−2P(x−1), where P is an arbitrary algebraic polynomial of degree at most 2n−1. In particular, quadrature formulas with respect to the weight functionx7→w(x) =xβlogmx(0β <1, mN0) are considered and several numerical examples are included.

MSC 2010. 65D30, 65D32.

Keywords. Gaussian quadrature rules, nodes, Christoffel numbers, non- exponentially decreasing integrands.


In this paper we consider weighted quadrature formulae on the half line (a,+∞),


Z +∞


w(x)f(x) dx=




Akf(xk) +Rn(f),

whereais a finite real number andx7→w(x) is a given weight function. Such a quadrature formula fora= 0 andw(x) =xαe−x,α >−1, is the well known generalized Gauss-Laguerre quadrature rule (cf. [10, p. 325]), which is exact for all algebraic polynomials of degree at most 2n−1, i.e., whenf ∈P2n−1.

Error analysis and convergence of such Gaussian formulas on unbounded intervals (with the classical measures of Laguerre and Hermite) was given in 1928 by Uspensky [17]. Otherwise, the corresponding problems for quadrature rules on finite intervals was studied much earlier by [15], Markov [8], Stieltjes [16], etc. On some new results in this directions see books [5] and [10], in- cluding the so-called truncated quadrature rules obtained by ignoring the last part of its nodes (see Mastroianni and Monegato [9]).

This paper was supported by the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Techno- logical Development (No. #OI 174015).

„Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Beograd, Serbia & State University of Novi Pazar, Serbia, e-mail: [email protected].


Very recently Gautschi [6] has constructed a special logarithmically weighted quadrature formula on (0,+∞), when x7→ (x−1−logx)e−x. Also, Xu and Milovanovi´c [18] have developed generalized Gaussian quadrature rules of the form (1.1), with x 7→ w(x) = e−x on (0,+∞), which are exact on the set of basis functions {1,logx, x, xlogx, . . . , xn−1, xn−1logx}. In the other words, these rules are exact for each f(x) = p(x) +q(x) logx, where p, q ∈ Pn−1, so that they can calculate integrals with a sufficient accuracy, regardless of whether their integrands contain a logarithmic singularity, or they do not.

For a similar approach for integrals on the finite intervals see [12] and [14].

On the other side, a large number of integrals of the form Ra+∞F(x) dx which appear in applications do not have exponentially decreasing integrands F(x), and in such cases Gauss-Laguerre quadrature rules are notoriously poor (see Evans [2]). As a starting simple example, Evans [2] has consideredF(x) = 1/(x2+ 0.25), where the convergence of the corresponding integral depends on the 1/x2 term for largex. He has proposed a quadrature method based on the set of basis functions {1/xk} and demonstrated its effectiveness on a series of numerical examples.

In this paper we develop a general approach for constructing a class of n- point generalized quadrature rules (1.1) of Gaussian type on (a,+∞), a >0, which are exact for all functions of the form x 7→ x−2P(x−1), where P is an arbitrary algebraic polynomial of degree at most 2n−1. In particular, we consider quadrature formulas with respect to the weight functionx7→w(x) = xβlogmx(0≤β <1,m∈N0), which reduces to the constant weight forβ= 0 and m = 0. In order to show the efficiency of the obtained quadrature rules we present a few numerical examples.


Supposea >0, as well as that the weight function x7→w(x) on (a,+∞) is such that

(2.1) 0<

Z +∞



x2 dx <+∞.

Following Evans [2], we develop a general approach for constructing generalized Gaussian quadrature formulas of the form (1.1). In the cases of integrals on (α,+∞), whenα < a, we simply take

Z +∞


w(x)f(x) dx= Z a


w(x)f(x) dx+ Z +∞


w(x)f(x) dx

and apply to first integral on the right hand side some of rules for calculating integrals on the finite intervals. Also, we mention here that a faster conver- gence of the corresponding quadrature process can be achieved by taking a greater value of a.


Thus, the basic idea is to construct a quadrature formula of the form (1.1), which is exact for all functions of the form

x7→ 1 x2Pm1


, m= 0,1, . . . ,2n−1,

wherePm(t) are arbitrary selected algebraic polynomials intof degreem, i.e., (2.2)

Z +∞


w(x) 1 x2Pm1

x dx=




Ak x2kPm 1


, m= 0,1, . . . ,2n−1.

Remark. Because of linearity, it is easy to see that this system of 2nnon- linear equations inxk andAk,k= 1, . . . , n, is equivalent to the corresponding system with monomials, i.e., when Pm(x) =xm,m= 0,1, . . . ,2n−1.

On the other side we consider the Gauss-Christoffel quadrature formula with respect to the weight functiont7→w(1/t) on (0,1/a), i.e.,


Z 1/a 0

w1 t

g(t) dt=




Bkg(τk) +RGn(g),

whereτkandBkare its nodes and Christoffel numbers, respectively, andRGn(g) is the corresponding remainder term. According to (2.1), such quadrature formulas exist uniquely, because the all momentsµk=R01/aw(1/t)tkdt,k≥0, exist and µ0 >0.

It is known that the nodesτk in (2.3) are eigenvalues of the following sym- metric tridiagonal Jacobi matrix (cf. [10, pp. 325–328])

(2.4) Jn=


β1 O

β1 α1β2

β2 α2 . ..

. .. . .. pβn−1

O pβn−1 αn−1


whereαk and βk are coefficients in the three-term recurrence relation πk+1(t) = (t−αkk(t)−βkπk−1(t), k= 0,1, . . . , (2.5)

π0(t) = 1, π−1(t) = 0,

for the (monic) polynomials {πk}k∈N0 orthogonal with respect to the inner product

(2.6) (p, q) =

Z 1/a 0

w1 t

p(t)q(t) dt.

In fact,πn(t) = (t−τ1)· · ·(t−τn).

The weight coefficientsBk in (2.3) are given by Bk =β0vk,12 , k= 1, . . . , n,


where vk,1 is the first component of the eigenvector vk (= [vk,1 . . . vk,n]T) corresponding to the eigenvalue τk and normalized such that vTkvk = 1, and β0 =µ0 =R01/aw(1/t) dt.

The most popular method for solving this eigenvalue problem is the Golub- Welsch procedure, obtained by a simplification of QR algorithm [7]. This pro- cedure is implemented in several packages including the most known ORTPOL given by Gautschi [4].

As we can see from (2.4), for constructing Gauss–Christoffel quadratures (2.3) for any number of nodes less than or equal to n, we need the first n recursion coefficientsαk andβk,k= 0,1, . . . , n−1, in (2.5).

In general, the recursion coefficients are known explicitly only for some narrow classes of orthogonal polynomialsc(e.g. for the classical orthogonal polynomials). In the case of the so-called strongly non-classical polynomi- als, these recursion coefficients must be constructed numerically (cf. [3], [5], [10, pp. 159–166]). However, recent progress in symbolic computation and variable-precision arithmetic today makes it possible to generate the recur- sive coefficients in (2.5) directly by using the original Chebyshev method of moments. Respectively symbolic/variable-precision software for orthogonal polynomials and Gaussian (and similar) quadratures is available. OurMath- ematica package OrthogonalPolynomials (see [1] and [13]), is download- able from the web site http://www.mi.sanu.ac.rs/˜gvm/. Also, there is Gautschi’s software inMatlab(packages OPQand SOPQ).

Now, we can give our main result:

Theorem2.1. Let x7→w(x) be a weight function on (a,+∞),a >0, such that the condition (2.1) holds. Assume also that τk and Bk, k = 1, . . . , n, are nodes and Christoffel numbers of the Gaussian quadrature formula (2.3), respectively. Then there exists the generalized Gaussian quadrature formula


Z +∞


w(x)f(x) dx=




Akf(xk) +Rn(f), with

(2.8) xk= 1

τk, Ak= Bk

τk2 >0, k= 1, . . . , n,

which is exact for all functions of the form f(x) = x−2P(x−1), where P ∈ P2n−1.

The remainder term in this quadrature rule can be expressed in the following form Rn(f) =RGn(g), where g(t) =t−2f(t−1).

Proof. We start with the system of 2n nonlinear equations (2.2), whose solution determines the parameters of the quadrature formula (2.7). Our aim is to prove that this solution uniquely exists.

First, we take the sequence of orthogonal polynomials {πm}2n−1m=0 in the system (2.2) and then by a simple change of variablesx= 1/tin the integral


on the left hand side we obtain Z +∞


w(x) 1 x2πm

1 x

dx = Z 1/a


w1 t

πm(t) dt

= (π0, πm)

= µ0δ0,m,

where the inner product is defined by (2.6) and δk,mis Kronecker’s delta.

Evidently, this leads to the system of equations (2.9)




Ak 1 x2kπm

1 xk

=µ0δ0,m, m= 0,1, . . . ,2n−1,

but, by an application of the Gaussian rule (2.3), it gives also another system of equations





Bkπmk) =µ0δ0,m, m= 0,1, . . . ,2n−1,

because RnG(g) = 0 for each g ∈ P2n−1. The last system has the unique solution, and it represents the parameters τk and Bk, k = 1, . . . , n, of the Gaussian quadrature (2.3).

Since the systems of equations (2.9) and (2.10) are equivalent, the statement

of this theorem follows directly.


In this section we consider special cases of quadrature formulas with respect to the weight function x7→ w(x) =xβlogmx, where 0β < 1 and m∈N0. For β = 0 and m = 0, it reduces to the constant weight w(x) = 1. In order to show the efficiency of the obtained quadrature formulas we present a few numerical examples.

We start this section with the weight functionx7→w(x) =xβ, 0≤β <1.

The condition (2.1) is satisfied, because Z +∞



x2 dx= aβ−1 1−β.

Here we consider only the caseβ = 0, i.e., whenw(x) = 1. Since Z +∞


f(x) dx=a Z +∞


f(ax) dx,

we see that for this important case the following statement holds.

Proposition 3.1. Let (3.1)

Z +∞


f(x) dx=




Ak(a)f(xk(a)) +Rn(f;a), a >0,


be a generalized Gaussian quadrature (2.7) (with the constant weight function w(x) = 1). Then

Ak(a) =aAk(1) and xk(a) =axk(1), k= 1, . . . , n.

This means that it is enough to know only quadrature parameters fora= 1.

These parameters can be obtained directly using (2.8) and Gauss-Legendre parameters τk and Bk for transformed interval (0,1).

Recursive coefficients in (2.5), in this case for translated monic Legendre polynomials, are

αk= 1

2, k≥0, β0 = 1, βk= k2

4(4k2−1), k≥1.

Otherwise, it can be obtained using ourMathematicaPackageOrthogonal- Polynomialsin symbolic form (see [1] and [13]). For example, if we need the first forty recurrence coefficients, then we start with the first eighty moments µk = 1/(k+ 1), k = 0,1, . . . ,79, and then we use the standard Chebyshev algorithm (cf. [10, 160–162]:

<< orthogonalPolynomials‘

mom=Table[1/(k+1), {k,0,79}];

{al,be} = aChebyshevAlgorithm[mom, Algorithm -> Symbolic]

These recursive coefficients enable us to construct quadrature formulas (2.3) for any number of nodes up to 40.

However, in this Legendre case (translated to (0,1)) we can directly use aGaussianNodesWeightsroutine to construct nodes and weights in the Gauss- ian quadrature formula (2.3), as well as ones in the quadrature formula (2.7):

<< orthogonalPolynomials‘

transLeg[n_] := (aGaussianNodesWeights[n, {aLegendre}, WorkingPrecision -> 70, Precision -> 65] + {1,0})/2;

parQF = Table[transLeg[n], {n,2,40,2}];

For[m = 1, m < 21, m++,

parQF[[m]][[2]] = parQF[[m]][[2]]/parQF[[m]][[1]]ˆ2;

parQF[[m]][[1]] = 1/parQF[[m]][[1]];]

Thus, in this way for a = 1, we obtain quadrature parameters xk and Ak for each n= 2(2)40.

Example 3.2. In order to show the efficiency of our quadrature rule (2.7) we apply it to the integral

J(a;c) = Z +∞



(x−2)2+c2 dx= 1 2c

π−2 arctan a−2 c


for different values of a >0 and c > 0. In Figure 3.1 we present graphics of the function

x7→f(x;c) = 1 (x−2)2+c2


forc= 18,14,12, and 1, as well as the corresponding graphics of the exact values of this integralJ(a;c) (right).

In order to test the quadrature formula (3.1), we apply it to J(a; 1) for a= 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8, when n= 2(2)40.










Fig. 3.1. The functionx7→f(x;c) (left) and the integrala7→J(a;c) (right) forc= 18 (blue line),c=14 (black line),c=12 (brown line), andc= 1 (red line).

Relative errors in the quadrature sums Qn(f(·;c);a) =




Ak(a)f(xk(a);c), defined by

errn(f(·;c);a) =Qn(f(·;c);a)J(a;c) J(a;c)


are displayed in Figure 3.2 in a log-scale. Numerical results show that the

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

◆ ◆

◆ ◆ ◆

◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

◆ ◆

◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

◆ ◆

10 20 30 40

10-60 10-40 10-20

1 10 20 30 40







Fig. 3.2. Relative errors errn(f(·; 1);a) in quadrature sumsQn(f(·; 1);a).


convergence is much faster if the parameter a is larger. For example, if a= 2, then for n = 10(10)40, the relative errors are 1.71×10−7, 1.83×10−14, 1.91×10−21, 1.94×10−28, respectively, while the corresponding errors for a= 4 are 5.52×10−15, 1.21×10−29, 1.40×10−44, 1.44×10−59.

Otherwise, this integrand f(x;c) has poles at the points 2±ic, which are approaching the real line when c tends to zero. In this case, for small val- ues of a (near 2 or less than 2), the convergence of the quadrature process slows down considerably, because of a strong influence of these singularities.

This effect can be seen from Table 3.1, where quadrature approximations and corresponding relative errors are presented for (a, c) = (1,14), (2110,10−6), and (4,10−6). In order to save space, in last case only relative errors are given.

Digits in error are underlined, and numbers in parenthesis indicate the decimal exponents.

Notice that the integral J(a; 0) for a≤2 does not exist.

Finally, the last column shows that for (a, c) = (4,10−6), the convergence of the quadrature rule (3.1) is very fast.

n (a, c) = (1,1/4) (a, c) = (21/10,10−6) (a, c) = (4,10−6) 2 2.83088 7.56(−1) 4.21706255691703 5.78(−1) 5.92(−3) 4 5.38719 5.35(−1) 8.01223217799471 1.99(−1) 9.70(−6) 6 7.41379 3.60(−1) 9.47887835712778 5.21(−2) 1.24(−8) 8 8.88711 2.33(−1) 9.88043864297441 1.20(−2) 1.42(−11) 10 9.89102 1.46(−1) 9.97447558340612 2.55(−3) 1.53(−14) 20 11.45438 1.14(−2) 9.99999276505451 7.23(−7) 1.47(−29) 30 11.57808 7.23(−4) 9.99999999813998 1.53(−10) 1.08(−44) 40 11.58606 3.41(−5) 9.99999999966638 2.86(−14) 6.99(−60)

Table 3.1. Quadrature sumsQn(f(·;c);a) and their relative errors errn(f(·;c);a) for integralsJ(a;c).

In the sequel we consider quadrature rules with respect to the weight func- tion x 7→ w(x) = xβlogx, 0β < 1. Here we suppose that a ≥ 1. The condition (2.1) is satisfied, because

(3.2) 0<

Z +∞



x2 dx= aβ−1

(1−β)2[1 + (1−β) loga]. In this case, the moments

µk= Z 1/a


w(1/t)tkdt= Z 1/a


tk−βlog1 t dt can be expressed in the form

(3.3) µk= aβ−k−1[(k+ 1−β) loga+ 1]

(k+ 1−β)2 , k≥0.

Taking the first one hundred moments (mom) (e.g. for a= 1 and β = 1/4) and using Mathematica Package OrthogonalPolynomials, we can get the


first fifty recurrence coefficients αk and βk (denoted by {al1,be1}) in the three-term recurrence relation (2.5) in a symbolic form

<< orthogonalPolynomials‘

mom=Table[(aˆ(-1+b-k)(1+(1-b+k)Log[a]))/(1-b+k)ˆ2, {k,0,99}];

mom1=mom/. {a->1, b->1/4}

{al1,be1} = aChebyshevAlgorithm[mom, Algorithm -> Symbolic]

For example, first four coefficients are α0= 9

49, α1= 209897

452025, α2= 6582284926939

13538179995075, α3= 7618613698603068100869609 15464687102113919816429449 and


9 , β1= 11808

290521, β2= 213147564896

3717280400625, β3= 421267942813254097088 6997413354065613077481.

Example 3.3. As a test example we consider the function x7→f(x) = 1

(x+ 1)2 and integral (see [2])

I(f;a) = Z +∞


x1/4logx (x+ 1)2 dx

= 1

36a74(a+ 1)

−9(a+ 1)Φ

1 a,2,7



3(a+ 1)(loga+ 4)2F1

3 4,1;7

4;1 a

+ 4a+ 9aloga+ 4


where Φ and 2F1 are the Lerch transcendent and Gauss hypergeometric func- tion, defined by

Φ(z, s, a) =





(k+a)s and 2F1(a, b;c;z) =




(a)k(b)k (c)k

zk k!, respectively, and (a)k=a(a+ 1). . .(a+k−1) is the Pochhammer symbol.

We consider this integral for two values of the lower bound: a = 1 and a= e, i.e.,

I(f; 1) = 1.359 743 280 976 008 95. . . and I(f; e) = 1.228 976 186 680 372 55. . . .

Applying Gauss-Laguerre rule toI(f; 1) (translated from (1,+∞) to (1,+∞)) gives poor results. Relative errors in the corresponding Gauss-Laguerre quad- rature sums are presented in Table 3.2. As we can see only two two decimal digits are true in quadrature sum with 2048 nodes!

Now, we apply our quadrature formula (2.7), with parameters given by (2.8), to I(f; 1) and I(f; e), with only n= 2(2)12 nodes. The relative errors


n= 2 n= 8 n= 32 n= 128 n= 512 n= 2048 6.72(−1) 3.60(−1) 1.64(−1) 7.00(−2) 2.90(−2) 1.18(−2)

Table 3.2. Relative errors in Gauss-Laguerre quadrature sums withn= 2,8,32,128,512 and 2048 nodes.

in the quadrature sums Qn(f;a) =Pnk=1Akf(xk), errn(f;a) =Qn(f;a)I(f;a)

I(f;a) , are presented in Table 3.3.

a n= 2 n= 4 n= 6 n= 8 n= 10 n= 12

1 2.94(−3) 4.24(−6) 5.15(−9) 5.72(−12) 4.74(−13) 7.07(−13) e 2.40(−4) 1.64(−8) 8.91(−13) 8.83(−14) 5.31(−14) 3.80(−14) e2 7.18(−6) 1.28(−11) 3.10(−14)

Table 3.3. Relative errors errn(f;a) in quadrature sumsQn(f;a) for different number of nodesnand three values ofa(= 1,e, and e2).

As we can see, the convergence is faster whenais bigger. In the third line of the same table we also present the corresponding relative errors whena= e2 and n= 2,4, and 6.

Finally, we mention that this approach can be applied also in the case of the weight functions

w(x) =wm(x) =xβlogmx, 0≤β <1, m= 2,3, . . . , on the interval (a,+∞), witha≥1.

The condition (2.1) forUm=Ra+∞x−2wm(x) dxis also satisfied, because Um = 1


hmUm−1+aβ−1logmai, m= 2,3, . . . , whereU1 is given in (3.2). The corresponding moments

µ[m]k = Z 1/a



tdt, k= 0,1, . . . , can be expressed recursively in terms of the momentsµ[m−1]k ,

µ[m]k = 1 k+ 1−β

[m−1]k +aβ−k−1logma, m= 2,3, . . . ,

where the momentsµ[1]k (≡µk) are given by (3.3). For example, form= 2 we get

µ[2]k =

aβ−k−1h(k+ 1−β)2log2a+ 2(k+ 1−β) loga+ 2i

(k+ 1−β)3 , k≥0.


The corresponding recursive coefficients, for example for β = 0 and a= 1, are


8, α1= 115

296, α2= 28200187

62721512, α3= 28003451041760695 59414538084233528, . . . and

β0= 2, β1= 37

1728, β2= 211897

4620375, β3= 945381680572419

17600932734728000, . . . .

Example 3.4. We consider the function x 7→ 1/(1 +x2) and the corre- sponding weighted integral over (a,+∞)

I(f;a) = Z +∞


log2x 1 +x2dx, for two values ofa (= 1 and = e), for which

I(f; 1) = 1.937 892 292 518 738 760 967 269 691 69. . . and

I(f; e) = 1.809 886 879 397 869 426 020 164 472 46. . . .

Applying our quadrature formula (2.7), with parameters given by (2.8), to I(f; 1) andI(f; e), with n= 2(2)12 nodes, we get the corresponding quadra- ture approximations Qn(f;a) with the relative errors errn(f;a) presented in Table 3.4.

a n= 2 n= 4 n= 6 n= 8 n= 10 n= 12

1 1.66(−4) 1.31(−6) 1.98(−10) 5.73(−12) 2.08(−15) 2.56(−17) e 5.33(−5) 5.04(−10) 1.86(−13) 2.05(−17) 1.22(−21) 3.30(−26)

Table 3.4. Relative errors errn(f;a) in quadrature sumsQn(f;a) for different number of nodesnand two values ofa(= 1 and = e).

Here also we can note a faster convergence when ahas a larger value.


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Received by the editors: November 6, 2015.



S., Midpoint-type Rules from an Inequalities Point of View, Handbook of Analytic-Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, Editor:.. Anastassiou, CRC Press, New

and Wang, S., An inequality of Ostrowski-Gr¨ uss’ type and its appli- cations to the estimation of error bounds for some special means and for some numerical quadrature rules,

In the present paper we consider weighted integrals and develop ex- plicit quadrature formulae of Gauss–Christoffel–Stancu type using simple Gauss- ian nodes and multiple fixed

As the approximation order of the boolean-sum cubature cannot be in- creased, it is preferable to choose the quadrature procedures Q x 2 and Q y 2 such that each term of the

It is shown how the construction of Gaussian quadrature rules for Cauchy type principal value integrals, as well as for finite-part integrals with an algebraic singularity, can be

interval and can be applied for example in the case of the integrand function having a singularity near the integration interval.. In the next two sections we

The present study aims to investigate the possible aromatic character of 1,2,4- heterobenzenes of type (Λ 3 -X-Λ 3 -Y) 3 (where X,Y = CH, N, P, As, Sb, Bi) by using the geometric,

The molecular graph of NS 1 [n] has three similar branches with the same number x′ 23 of edges connecting a vertex of degree 2 with a vertex of degree 3.. Suppose y 23 is the