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Determinantal inequalities for J -accretive dissipative matrices


Academic year: 2022

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DOI: 10.24193/subbmath.2017.0009

Determinantal inequalities for J -accretive dissipative matrices

Nat´ alia Bebiano and Jo˜ ao da Providˆ encia

Abstract. In this note we determine bounds for the determinant of the sum of twoJ-accretive dissipative matrices with prescribed spectra.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010):46C20, 47A12.

Keywords: J-accretive dissipative matrix, J-selfadjoint matrix, indefinite inner norm.

1. Results

Consider the complexn-dimensional spaceCnendowed with the indefinite inner product

[x, y]J=yJ x, x, y∈Cn, whereJ =Ir⊕ −In−r, and correspondingJ-norm

[x, x]J =|x1|2+. . .+|xr|2− |xr+1|2−. . .− |xn|2.

In the sequel we shall assume that 0< r < n, except where otherwise stated.

TheJ-adjoint ofA∈Cn×n is defined and denoted as [A#x, x] = [x, Ax]

or, equivalently,A#:=J AJ, [4]. The matrixAis said to beJ-HermitianifA#=A, and isJ-positive definite(semi-definite) ifJ Ais positive definite (semi-definite). This kind of matrices appears on Quantum Physics and in Symplectic Geometry [10]. An arbitrary matrixA∈Cn×n may be uniquely written in the form

A= ReJA+iImJA, where

ReJA= (A+A#)/2, ImJA= (A−A#)/(2i)

areJ-Hermitian. This is the so-called J-Cartesian decomposition ofA.J-Hermitian matrices share properties with Hermitian matrices, but they also have important differences. For instance, they have real and complex eigenvalues, these occurring in


conjugate pairs. Nevertheless, the eigenvalues of aJ-positive matrix are all real, being rpositive andn−rnegative, according to theJ-norm of the associated eigenvectors being positive or negative. A matrixA is said to beJ-accretive(resp.J-dissipative) ifJReJA(resp.JImJA) is positive definite. If both matricesJReJAandJImJAare positive definite the matrix is said to beJ-accretive dissipative. We are interested in obtaining determinantal inequalities forJ-accretive dissipative matrices. Determinan- tal inequalities have deserved the attention of researchers, [2], [3], [5]-[9], [11].

Throughout, we shall be concerned with the set

DJ(A, C) ={det(A+V CV#) :V ∈ U(r, n−r)},

where A, C ∈ Cn×n are J-unitarily diagonalizable with prescribed eigenvalues and U(r, n−r) is the group ofJ-unitary transformations inCn(V isJ-unitaryifV V#= I), [12]. The so-calledJ-unitary group is connected, nevertheless it is not compact. As a consequence,DJ(A, C) is connected. This set is invariant under the transformation C → U CU# for every J-unitary matrix U, and, for short, DJ(A, C) is said to be J-unitarily invariant.

In the sequel we use the following notation. By Sn we denote the symmetric group of degreen, and we shall also consider

Snr={σ∈Sn:σ(j) =j, j=r+ 1, . . . , n}, (1.1) Sˆnr={σ∈Sn:σ(j) =j, j= 1, . . . , r}. (1.2) Let αj, γj ∈ C, j = 1, . . . , n denote the eigenvalues of A and C, respectively. The r!(n−r)! points

zσ=zξτ =








jτ(j)), ξ∈Snr, τ ∈Sˆnr. (1.3)

belong toDJ(A, C).

The purpose of this note, which is in the continuation of [1], is to establish the following results.

Theorem 1.1. LetJ =Ir⊕−In−r, andAandCbeJ- positive matrices with prescribed real eigenvalues

α1≥. . .≥αr>0> αr+1≥. . .≥αn (1.4) and

γ1≥. . .≥γr>0> γr+1≥. . .≥γn, (1.5) respectively. Then

|det(A+iC)| ≥ (α2112). . .(α2nn2)1/2 .

Corollary 1.2. LetJ =Ir⊕ −In−r, andB be aJ-accretive dissipative matrix. Assume that the eigenvalues ofReJB andImJB satisfy (1.4) and (1.5), respectively. Then,

|det(B)| ≥ (α2112). . .(α2nn2)1/2 .


Example 1.3. In order to illustrate the necessity ofAandCto beJ-positive matrices in Theorem 1.1, letA= diag(α1, α2), C= diag(γ1, γ2), withα11= 1,α2= 3/2, γ2 = −2, and J = diag(1,−1). We find (α2121)(α2222) = 27/2. However, the minimum of|det(A+iV BV#|2, forV ranging over theJ-unitary group , is 49/4.

Theorem 1.4. LetJ =Ir⊕ −In−r, andAandCbeJ-unitary matrices with prescribed eigenvalues

α1, . . . , αr, αr+1, . . . , αn


γ1. . . , γr, γr+1, . . . .γn, respectively. Assume moreover that


2(1 +<α1) ≤. . .≤ =αr

2(1 +<αr)<0< =αr+1

2(1 +<αr+1) ≤. . .≤ =αn

2(1 +<αn) (1.6) and


2(1− <γ1)≤. . .≤ =γr

2(1− <γr) <0< =γr+1

2(1− <γr+1) ≤. . .≤ =γn

2(1− <γn). (1.7) Then

DJ(A, C) = (α11). . .(αnn)[1,+∞[ .

We shall present the proofs of the above results in the next section.

2. Proofs

Lemma 2.1. Let g:U(r, n−r)→Rbe the real valued function defined by g(U) = det(I+A−10 U C0J UJ A−10 U C0J UJ),

whereA0= diag(α1, . . . , αn), C0= diag(γ1, . . . , γn)andαi, γj satisfy (1.4) and (1.5).

Then the set

{U ∈ U(r, n−r) :g(U)≤a}, where

a >




1 + γ2j α2j

! ,

is compact.

Proof. Notice thatJ A0>0, J C0>0,so we may write g(U) = det(I+W WW W), where

W = (J A0)−1/2U(J C0)1/2.

The conditiong(U)≤aimplies thatW is bounded, and is satisfied if we require that W W ≤κI, forκ >0 such that (1 +κ2)n≤a.Thus, also U is bounded. The result

follows by Heine-Borel Theorem.


Proof of Theorem 1.1

Under the hypothesis, A is nonsingular. Since the determinant is J-unitarily invariant andC isJ-unitarily diagonalizable, we may considerC= diag(γ1, . . . , γn).

We observe that

|det(A+iC)|2= det ((A+iC)(A−iC)) =






det (I+iA−1C)(I−iA−1C)


det (I+iA−1C)(I−iA−1C)

= det(I+A−1CA−1C).

The set of values attained by|det(A+iC)|2is an unbounded connected subset of the positive real line. In order to prove the unboundedness, let us consider theJ-unitary matrixV obtained from the identity matrixI through the replacement of the entries (r, r), (r+ 1, r+ 1) by cosh u, and the replacement of the entries (r, r+ 1), (r+ 1, r) by sinh u,u∈R. We may assume thatA0= diag(α1, . . . , αn). A simple computation shows that

|det(A0+iV CV#)|2=





−2(αr−αr+1)(γr−γr+1)(αr+1γrrγr+1)(sinh u)2 + (αr−αr+1)2r−γr+1)2(sinh u)4.

Thus, the set of values attained by|det(A0+iV CV#)|is given by [(α2112)1/2. . .(α2nn2)1/2,+∞[.

As a consequence of Lemma 2.1, the set of values attained by|det(A+iC)|2is closed and a half-ray in the positive real line. So, there exist matrices A, C such that the endpoint of the half-ray is given by|det(A+iC)|2. Let us assume that the endpoint of this half-ray is attained at|det(A+iC)|2. We prove thatAcommutes withC. Indeed, for∈Rand an arbitraryJ-HermitianX, let us consider theJ-unitary matrix given as

eiX =i+iX−2

2X2+. . . . We obtain by some computations

f() := det(I+A−1e−iXCeiXA−1e−iXCeiX)

= det(I+A−1CA−1C−i(A−1[X, C]A−1C+A−1CA−1[X, C]) +O(2)

= det(I+A−1CA−1C)

×det I−i(I+A−1CA−1C)−1(A−1[X, C]A−1C+A−1CA−1[X, C])


= det(I+A−1CA−1C)

×exp −itr((I+A−1CA−1C)−1(A−1[X, C]A−1C+A−1CA−1[X, C]))



where [X, Y] = XY −Y X denotes the commutator of the matrices X and Y. The functionf() attains its minimum at det(I+A−1CA−1C), if

df d =0

= 0.

Then we must have

tr (I+A−1CA−1C)−1(A−1[X, C]A−1C+A−1CA−1[X, C])

= 0, for everyJ-HermitianX. That is

[C,(A−1C(I+A−1CA−1C)−1A−1+ (I+A−1CA−1C)−1A−1CA−1)] = 0, and so, performing some computations, we find

[C,(A−1C(I+A−1CA−1C)−1A−1C+ (I+A−1CA−1C)−1A−1CA−1C)]

= 2

C, A−1CA−1C I+A−1CA−1C

= 2

C, I− I



C, I


= 2I

I+ (A−1C)2

C, (A−1C)2 I

I+ (A−1C)2 = 0.


[C,(A−1C)2] = 0.

Assume thatC, which is in diagonal form, has distinct eigenvalues. Then (A−1C)2 is a diagonal matrix as well as ((J A)−1J C)2. Furthermore, ((J C)1/2(J A)−1(J C)1/2)2 is diagonal. Since (J C)1/2(J A)−1(J C)1/2 is positive definite, it is also diagonal, and so are (J A)−1J C andA−1C . Henceforth,Ais also a diagonal matrix and commutes withC. (IfChas multiple eigenvalues we can apply a perturbative technique and use a continuity argument).

Forσ∈Sn, such thatσ(1), . . . , σ(r)≤r,we have

21σ(1)2 ). . .(α2nσ(n)2 )≥(α2121). . .(α2nn2).

Thus, the result follows.

In the proof of Theorem 1.4, the following lemma is used (cf. [1, Theorem 1.1]).

Lemma 2.2. Let B, D beJ-positive matrices with eigenvalues satisfying β1≥. . .≥βr>0> βr+1≥. . . > βn,


δ1≥. . .≥δr>0> δr+1≥. . . > δn. Then

DJ(B, D) ={(β11). . .(βnn) t:t≥1}.

Proof of Theorem 1.4

Since, by hypothesis, A, C, are J-unitary matrices, considering convenient M¨obius transformations, it follows that

B = i 2


A+I, D=−i 2


C−I (2.1)


areJ-Hermitian matrices. Since

B+D=−i(A+I)−1(C+A)(C−I)−1, we obtain

det(B+D) =in det(A+C) Qn

j=1(1 +αj)(1−γj). Assume that the eigenvalues ofB andD are

σ(B) ={β1, . . . , βn}, σ(D) ={δ1, . . . , δn},

respectively. From (2.1) we get, βj =− =αj

2(1 +<αj), δj=− =γj

2(1− <γj). From (1.6) and (1.7) we conclude that

β1≥. . .≥βr>0> βr+1≥. . . > βn, and

δ1≥. . .≥δr>0> δr+1≥. . . > δn,

so that the matricesB and DareJ-positive. From Lemma 2.2 it follows that DJ(B, D) = (β11). . .(βnn)[1,+∞[.

Thus,DJ(A, C) is a half-line with endpoint at (α11). . .(αnn), or, more precisely,

DJ(A, C) ={(α11). . .(αnn)t:t≥1}.

Acknowledgments.This work was partially supported by the Centro de Matem´atica da Universidade de Coimbra (CMUC), funded by the European Regional Develop- ment Fund through the program COMPETE and by the Portuguese Government through the FCT - Funda¸c˜ao para a Ciˆencia e a Tecnologia under the project PEst- C/MAT/UI0324/2011.


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Nat´alia Bebiano

CMUC, Departament of Mathematics Universidade de Coimbra

3001-454 Coimbra, Portugal e-mail:[email protected] Jo˜ao da Providˆencia Departamento de F´ısica Universidade de Coimbra 3001-454 Coimbra, Portugal e-mail:[email protected]



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