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View of The Effect of Exposure to X-Rays on Some Blood Factors in Human Compared with Control


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The Effect of Exposure to X-Rays on Some Blood Factors in Human Compared with Control

MeenaSabah Farman1


WissamKhayer Al-Rawi2, Maryam I. Salman3

1,3Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Anbar, Anbar, Iraq

2Department of physics, College of science, University of Anbar,Anbar, Iraq


The effect of the radiation on living cells, tissues, organs, and the whole human body, which results in illness, is commonly correlated with X-Ray. The study's aim is to look at the differences in some blood factors in people who have been exposed to x-rays versus a control group, as well as the impact of exposure time on these blood factors. Samples were collected from patients exposed to radiation, and from people working in the field of radiography. Platelet, HB, ESR, RBC, Monocyte, Eosinophile, Basophile, Neutophile, Lymphocyte, and WBS were investigated as blood factors. The people exposed to radiation were divided into 3 groups according to period of exposure. 10 mL of blood were collected by venipuncture and then transferred to a bottle containing EDTA. RBC, WBC, ESR, and other variables were calculated using the hospital's protocol. The findings indicate that X-rays impact human blood cells; certain blood factors, such as RBC, were found to have no substantial difference between the patient group and the control group ,Although there is a substantial difference in WBS, platelets, and hemoglobin, the longer the time of radiation exposure, the greater the effect on blood factors.

There was no substantial difference between the patient and control groups in RBC, but there was a difference in WBS, platelets HB, and there is a direct connection between WBC and ESR, Lymphocytes, and Monocytes, according to this report.

Keywords: X-ray, blood factors, RBC, WBC, Ramadi Introduction

X-Ray, as described and agreed upon by the majority of scientists and researchers, is a high- energy electromagnetic radiation carried by photons 1 , that is used to produce images in every part of the human body. To do so, various technologies such as radiography, fluoroscopy, CT scan, and mammography were used 2, 3.X-rays are typically associated with health threats because the radiation has the potential to enter living organisms' tissues and affect them by


producing free radicals4, 5, It will affect the tissues, organs, and ultimately the whole body, causing disease, by breaking the molecules and causing fragments and ions, which will cause damage to DNA as well as malfunctions in the processes of the cells6, and depending on the dosage of radiation 7, the patient's sex (female or male), the region of the body exposed, the exposure limit, and the patient's age, the risk of cancer increases; although, in certain situations, radiation is used in cancer therapy called Radiotherapy 8, 9.

Radiation can interfere with cells in a number of ways. For example, radiation can interact with water within living cells, which makes up more than 70% of cell components, creating hydrogen and hydroxide free radicals that can react with other fragments or compounds to create dangerous and toxic products 10, 11. In terms of direct interaction, radiation interacts with the chromosomes and DNA of cells, influencing cell replication and ultimately leading to death.

Human cells, on the other hand, have a remarkable capacity to repair damage caused by X-rays, suggesting that not all forms of human cells are equally susceptible to radiation; certain cells are radiosensitive, while others are radio resistant9, 12.The truth that X-rays cause biological harm to humans has been known for a long time 13 , and the harmful effects of radiation on health have been observed and recorded since 1902 14 , with proof reported in the twentieth 15 , and thirty- first centuries, and it was reported as important before World War II 16, 17.In 1996, Ward and his coworker’s 18 finds that X-ray affect the blood and considered as a hazardous and cause decreases in the account of blood cells as well as some changes that eventually could be a reason of many diseases. As a result, numerous studies and investigations have been conducted on workers who have been exposed to X-rays and compared them to controls (people who have not been exposed to X-rays), as well as studies on the relationship between the dose of X-ray and its impact on the worker's health, especially on hematology parameters 19, 20 . This study was designed and carried out to determine whether there were any significant changes in hematology parameters in people who had been exposed to x-rays, and to compare the results to a control group.

Materials and Methods Collecting sample


Samples were collected from the Ramadi Teaching Hospital in Anbar, as well as from people employed in the radiography department at the hospital and from private clinics. Platelet, HB, ESR, RBC, Monocyte, Eosinophile, Basophile, Neutophile, Lymphocyte, and WBS were all used to determine the presence of various factors in the sample.

Grouping of samples

The patients were divided into groups based on their exposure duration, which ranged from less than 8 years to 9-13 years to more than 14 years. This study included 30 samples that were exposed to radiation over time and 10 control samples.


Venipuncture was used to draw 10 milliliters of blood, which was then transferred to an EDTA- containing jar. Haemocytometers were used to count red blood cells (RBCs) and white blood cells (WBCs).Then, blood samples were placed in an anticoagulant tube and counted using an automated platelet count method to determine platelet count.

ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate was measured using w. estrogen method. The sedimentation test was carried out according to ICSH 199321. All the other investigation regarding the hematology were carried out according to the protocols mentioned by Taqiand his coworkers 22.

Results and Discussion

The results were shown nosignificant difference in the number of red blood cells when exposed compared to the control group ( table 1) ,

These findings are match with findings Moore and Ledford 1985 (23); Suda et al., 1993 (24), Taqi et al., 2019 (22). However, a significant decrease in the number of white blood cells (WBC) and platelets wereobserved in people exposed to radiation compared to control, these findings match with the studies made by (Witas et al., 1977 (25); Duguid et al., 1991 (26); Talab et al., 2018 (20)).

The results showed also a decrease in the rate of sedimentation rate (ESR) of the red blood cells (erythrocyte), concentration of hemoglobin, as well as a decrease in the the number of


Neutrophile, Monocytes, and Lymphocyte. In another hand, the results were observed no change in the number of Basophile, and Eosinophile.

Table 1: The mean values and standard deviation of the studied factors for (patients and control groups)

Radiation RBC WBC Platelet ESR HB

Mean ±SD Mean ±SD Mean ±SD Mean ±SD Mean ±SD

Exposed 4.32 1.322 3.51 1.006 120.63 6.250 8.20 2.858 10.87 0.882 Control 4.72 0.865 6.43 1.164 348.60 75.482 14.80 1.932 14.46 0.955

Radiation Neutrophile Basophile Eosinophile Lymphocyte Monocyte

Mean ±SD Mean ±SD Mean ±SD Mean ±SD Mean ±SD

Exposed 31.50 14.137 1.70 .750 1.70 0.750 14.17 3.030 6.80 1.937 Control 49.50 9.336 1.50 .527 1.50 .527 41.90 13.503 9.80 1.317 Mean difference is significant at P<0.05

Table 2: The averages values and the standard deviation of patients exposed to X-rays with different exposure times

Duration RBC WBC Platelet ESR HB

Mean ±SD Mean ±SD Mean ±SD Mean ±SD Mean ±SD

Less than 8 years 4.22 1.05 4.10 .468 120.20 6.34 14.80 3.11 12.18 .48 9-13 years 4.40 1.41 3.41 .270 122.53 7.00 13.93 2.43 10.73 1.00 14 years and above 4.26 1.41 3.35 .331 118.00 4.21 13.80 3.32 10.92 .86

Control 5.72 .86 6.43 .331 348.60 75.48 8.80 1.93 14.46 .95


Neutrophile Basophile Eosinophile Lymphocyte Monocyte

Mean ±SD Mean ±SD Mean ±SD Mean ±SD Mean ±SD

Less than 8 years 134.40 15.11 1.60 .894 3.20 .837 11.80 2.168 6.00 .707 9-13 years 127.80 12.81 1.87 .743 3.80 1.373 14.13 2.973 8.40 2.324 14 years and above 122.1 10.71 1.50 .707 3.20 .789 14.90 3.479 9.30 1.703 Control 49.50 9.33 1.50 .527 3.40 1.174 41.90 13.503 9.80 1.317 Mean difference is significant at P< 0.05

The findings showed that the greater impact on blood factors matched studies conducted by Park and his colleagues (27), as well as Zhang's working group (28). In the hands of another researcher, the number of leukocytes decreased as the duration of radiation exposure increased.A substantial decrease in the amount of white blood cells as well as the number of blood platelets was observed in table 2. Only for hemoglobin concentration, an increase in the time of exposure to


radiation resulted in a significant decrease in concentration, as well as a significant decrease in the rate of ESR. There was no substantial difference in the number of red blood cells (RBC) due to the time span of radiation exposure, nor was there any difference in the number of acidified blood cells (Eosinophils) and basophile blood cells, but there was a significant decrease in the number of blood cells, according to the findings. Lymphocytes, monocytes, and neutrophils are all types of white blood cells. All of the variations were significant at the level of likelihood P<0.05. The values of the correlation coefficient between the studied variables in people who have been exposed to x-rays are shown in Table 3.

Table 3: The correlation coefficient values between the studied factors of blodd in patients group (people exposed to x-ray)

RBC WBC Platelet ESR HB Neutrophile lymphocyte Eosinophile basophile Monocyte

RBC 1 0.073 0.271 0.043 0.031* 0.002 0.024 0.267 0.027 0.082

WBC 0.073 1 0.036 0.013* 0.113 0.070 0.035* 0.078 0.178 0.031*

Platelet 0.271 0.036 1 0.174 0.075 0.299 0.083 0.080 0.215 0-.120

ESR 0.043 0.013* 0.174 1 0.123 0.266 0.013 0.011 0.000 0.043

HB 0.031* 0.113 0.075 0.123 1 0.088 0.296 0.311 0.241 0.017

Neutrophile 0.002 0.070 0.299 0.266 0.088 1 .125 0.027 0.036 0.063

lymphocyte 0.024 0.035* 0.083 0.013 0.296 .125 1 0.061 0.008 0.123

Eosinophile 0.267 0.078 0.080 0.011 0.311 0.027 0.061 1 0.325 0.329

basophile 0.027 0.178 0.215 0.000 0.241 0.036 0.008 0.325 1 0.159

Monocyte 0.082 0.031* 0.120 0.082 0.017 0.063 .123 0.329 .159 1

x103/µL x103/µL x103/µL % mg/dl x103/µL x103/µL x103/µL x103/µL x103/µL


The findings revealed that the number of white blood cells (WBC) and the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation rate are related (ESR).The number of red blood cells and the concentration of hemoglobin HB were also found to be related. The findings also revealed a link between the number of lymphocytes and total white blood cells (WBC), as well as a link between the number of monocytes and total WBCfor those who have never been exposed to x-rays, the mean values and standard deviations of the variables evaluated table 4.


Table 4: Descriptive statistics Parameter Mean Std. Deviation No.

RBC 4.32 ± 1.322 30

WBC 3.51 ± 1.006 30

Platlat 120.63 ± 6.250 30

ESR 14.20 ± 2.858 30

HB 10.87 ± 0.882 30

N 131.50 ± 14.137 30

B 1.70 ± 0.750 30

E 3.50 ± 1.137 30

Lympho 14.17 ± 3.030 30

Mono 8.80 ± 1.937 30

The effect of radiation on the bone marrow, which is significantly influenced by the rays and is considered the key generator of the different types of cells in the body, was the cause of these changes in relation to the studied causes. The results obtained from the research are consistent with the findings of the WHO study for radiation protection, as 90% of the total radiation doses received by people from different countries of the world are due to their exposure to X-rays, as the bone marrow cells divide rapidly, they are very sensitive to radiation and thus appear on the various types of cells that the bone marrow generates. (17, 29).


X-ray affect human cells, tissues, organs, and may cause fatal depending on time of exposure, the dose of the radiation and other factors.Blood cells affected with radiation, and some blood factors was found with no significant difference between patient group and control group in RBC, while there is a significant difference in WBS, platelets HB, There is a direct correlation between WBC from a side and ESR, Lymphocyte, and Monocytes.The greater the period of exposure to radiation, the greater the effect on the blood factors except RBC, Eosinophils, Basophiles which does not affected with exposure time.

Conflict of interest

The authors have stated no conflicts of interest.


Authors’ Declaration

The writers declare that the work discussed in this article is their own original work, and that any arguments based on its content will be held against them.


The authors are grateful to everyone who contributed to the success of this report.


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