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View of Obstacles to Implementing the Gymnastics Lesson in Middle Schools from the Point of View of Supervisors the Jurisdiction in the Governorates of the Middle Euphrates


Academic year: 2022

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Obstacles to Implementing the Gymnastics Lesson in Middle Schools from the Point of View of Supervisors the Jurisdiction in the

Governorates of the Middle Euphrates

Ahmed Aneed Salman (1) , Asst. Prof. Dr. Mudhar Abdulbaqi Salem (2) , Asst. Prof. Dr. Hayder Mahmood Abdulah (3)

(1) Master. Student. Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Babylon, Iraq.

(2)Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Babylon, Iraq.

(3) Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Babylon, Iraq.

[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]


The school is the educational institution responsible for preparing the members of society in a comprehensive and balanced setting from all different aspects of life. It is the broad basic rule on which its programs depend on achieving the goals of education in general and the goals of physical education in particular.

The physical education lesson was distinguished in the school curriculum with great importance because of its positive impact on achieving the comprehensive growth of students from all different aspects of life (mental, psychological, social and physical). Sunni, in addition to teaching students proper corrective habits and balanced comprehensive growth.

As for the objectives of the research, it was to uncover the obstacles that stand behind the implementation of the gymnastics lesson in middle schools by preparing a special measure for that.

The researchers used the classroom curriculum by the survey method. The research community determined the educational supervisors specialization in physical education in the provinces of the central Euphrates (Babil, Najaf, Karbala, and Diwaniyah), as their number reached (48) supervisors.

As for the most important conclusions, there was a great negligence in the lack of playgrounds, tools and equipment for gymnastics in middle schools, as well as the failure to use the spaces and spaces in the schools in an optimal manner. While the most important recommendations were: The orientation towards investment by the private sector in the exploitation of the squares located in the schools

Key words: Obstacles, implementation, gymnastics lesson, middle school.


In recent years and around the world, educational curricula have witnessed a corrective revolution in order to develop and improve learning levels, and perhaps the design of school


curricula was one of the most prominent things addressed by those responsible for reformulating and amending curricula to suit the requirements of sustainable development.

The school is the educational institution responsible for preparing the members of society in a comprehensive and balanced setting from all different aspects of life. It is the broad basic rule on which its programs depend on achieving the goals of education in general and the goals of physical education in particular.

The physical education class in the school curriculum was characterized by great importance because of its positive impact on achieving the comprehensive growth of students from all different aspects of life (mental, psychological, social and physical). Gymnastics was distinguished in physical education programs, this is due to its beauty and its ability to satisfy the needs of students at various age stages, in addition to teaching students proper corrective habits and comprehensive and balanced growth.

From here, the Ministry of Education reviewed its educational curricula and worked to re- evaluate them in accordance with the requirements of the objectives of the lesson and work to overcome all obstacles and obstacles that stand in the way of implementing the programs and objectives set for the physical education study for middle school students. Teaching is a process for shaping meaningful teaching and learning, the positive achievement of educational and pedagogical foundations, and the teaching of methodological subjects such as physical education and sports science contributes to the development of the personal aspects of obtaining information and forming convictions about the values of society.

Human development in this era has become a necessity to take into account the growth of the physical, mental, social and emotional side of the human being in order to be able to meet the requirements of life and then be beneficial for himself and for society. The middle school is considered the appropriate educational milieu and the basic pillar for achieving what the country is satisfied with and strives for for the sake of its children, on this basis, the goals of physical education during the intermediate stage play the primary role along with the rest of the other school subjects in achieving the general goals that reflect a field translation of the ideals and values of society and its aspirations towards a bright tomorrow. Therefore, it has become necessary for the professor to become familiar with the goals of general education and sports in particular through his endeavor to implement them in practice based on the ministerial curriculum, as well as sufficient aspiration for the general characteristics of the stage of adolescence in terms of physical, motor and mental development in order for him to prepare effective educational units.

The playgrounds, equipment, and sports tools are the most important factor in the success of the physical education lesson, as by means of which the physical education teacher can produce his lesson in the best way, and the benefit is by students in the speed and accuracy of learning the required skills and without their availability, both the teacher and the student will suffer from the lack of benefit and difficulty in implementing the lesson and learning this results in several negative aspects, including the reluctance of both to study and the loss of the lesson’s importance. Unfortunately in our country, the physical education study suffers from a weak


interest compared to other subjects, therefore, the researchers believe that the situation is an urgent need to review and define the basic points of research and study to reach a new formulation that ensures support for all the data of physical education lessons, and to give them their real importance to achieve the objectives of the behavioral, cognitive and physical curricula within the model teaching mechanisms, hence the importance of research in identifying the obstacles that Faced with implementing a gymnastics lesson in middle school. The educational and educational institutions suffer from many problems in our schools in general, and middle schools in particular, including some weakness in the applications of physical education lessons and a slowdown and decline in achieving their educational and educational goals due to the deficit in the availability of appropriate equipment and halls for practicing gymnastics in schools.

There is no solution to our research problem except through uncovering the obstacles that stand behind the implementation of the gymnastics lesson in middle schools by preparing a special scale for that.

Method and procedures:

The researchers used the classroom curriculum using the survey method to suit the nature of the problem (Abdel Fattah Al-Essawi, 2001)(1). The research community determined the educational supervisors specialization in physical education in the provinces of the central Euphrates (Babil, Najaf, Karbala, and Diwaniyah), as their number reached (48) supervisors. As for the research tools used, they were (testing and measurement, observation, sources, Arab and foreign references, questionnaire form, directorates of education covered in research procedures.

As for the field procedures, they were, first: preparing a measure of obstacles that stand behind the failure to implement the objectives of the study of gymnastics in middle schools.

In order to determine the obstacles that stand behind the non-implementation of the gymnastics lesson in middle schools, the researchers prepared an opinion poll form, for the purpose of reaching the results of the current research, the objectives of which must be achieved, which stipulate the building of a measure of the obstacles that stand behind the implementation of the gymnastics lesson for the middle stage from the viewpoint of the specialized educational supervisors / In order to achieve this, the researchers prepared a questionnaire consisting of (13) paragraphs concerned with implementation obstacles, after that, it was presented to a group of (20) specialized supervisors from within the research community, in order to demonstrate the validity of the paragraphs or not. After explaining the observations by the supervisors, the percentage of acceptance was (70%) or more through the use of the law (Ki2) at the level of significance (0.05) and the degree of freedom (1) which amounts to (3.84). This is evidence of the sincerity of the paragraph. This is considered a source True to the outward honesty, and this is confirmed by (Amer Husayn Ali: 2010)(2), "The arbitrators' opinions are a method for assessing apparent honesty".

Therefore, the final conclusion results in the acceptance of all 17 paragraphs, the reliability of the resolution was calculated by testing and re-testing, as the correlation coefficient (Spearman) was calculated between the results of the two tests, and the value of the correlation


coefficient (0.82) was a value greater than the tabular, which indicates the high stability of the resolution.

Main experience:

The researchers conducted the main experiment on Monday, 27/12/2020, at exactly nine o'clock in the morning on the research community of (48) supervisors specializing in the central Euphrates governorates, with the help of the assistant team. Al-Mwiyah, and the correlation coefficient (Spearman), (Muhammad Jasim Al-Yasiri: 2011) (3) .

Results presentation:

A measure of barriers to implementing a gymnastics lesson in middle schools:

Table (1) shows the statistical estimates of the results of the paragraphs of the barrier measure to implementing the lesson of gymnastics:

N Obstacles

Response by number

Ki2 Calculated Ki2 Tabular Sig type




% No %

1 Lack of budget to provide

hardware and tools 45 93.75 2 4.17 1 2.08 78.85 5.99 Sig


Most of the budget provisions for sporting activities are given to cover

the needs of other sporting events, excluding your


46 95.84 1 2.08 1 2.08 84.37 5.99 Sig


The available tools and devices are not appropriate for preparing students when


42 97.5 5 10.42 1 2.08 63.37 5.99 Sig

4 Unavailability of gymnastics

stadiums and halls 39 81.25 7 14.85 2 4.17 50.37 5.99 Sig 5

Failure to periodically maintain the available tools

and devices for gymnastics

33 68.75 13 27.08 2 4.17 30.87 5.99 Sig


The insufficient and qualified staff to teach

gymnastics in schools

37 77.08 8 16.67 3 6.25 42.12 5.99 Sig


The insufficient space inside the schools to construct private halls for practicing


24 50 15 31.25 9 18.75 71.12 5.99 Sig


The lack of qualified sports fields in a way that

guarantees social

33 68.75 13 27.08 2 4.17 30.87 5.99 Sig


reservations for female students


Failure to take into account students' desires and preferences in choosing

activities without discrimination

33 68.75 13 27.08 2 4.17 30.87 5.99 Sig


High prices for gymnastics tools and equipment compared to other sports

44 91.67 4 8.33 0 0 74 5.99 Sig


The lack of belief of management and officials in the importance of gymnastics

for such a group of people

35 72.91 11 22.92 2 4.17 36.37 5.99 Sig


Failure to support and motivate the administration

for the teaching staff to participate in the activities of

the internal and external gymnastics game

28 58.33 12 25 8 16.67 14 5.99 Sig


Canceling the physical education quota from schools

due to the Corona pandemic and moving to electronic


35 72.91 11 22.92 2 4.17 36.37 5.99 Sig

In order for the researcher to achieve the objectives of the research, he must search for the expectation of the result, as Table (1) indicates that the respondents responded to all the paragraphs in a positive and good manner and in favor of the general index (yes) with high rates and for all the paragraphs, and the percentages were different, but they are real about potential Identify the main obstacles that stand in the way of implementing the objectives of physical education, to find out the reality of this difference in the distribution of response alternatives, the researchers used the (Ca2) test, from which the results indicated the existence of real differences of significant statistical significance with a high and effective degree in favor of responding to the alternative (yes). The study of physical education is the cornerstone of all curricula, and the success of the plan and the achievement of the goals of physical education depend on good preparation, implementation and output, and as if studying physical education in the school aims to contribute to building the integrated personality of the individual. (Al-Dairy, 1999) (4) .

The physical education lesson is a place to discover sports talents and select athletes in various sports, which will produce a sports base and a sports generation that will serve clubs and national teams with distinguished players, as the presence of appropriate equipment and equipment contributes to uncovering talented people. (Habibian M, 2010) (5) .

The element of achieving educational goals is one of the main axes of the subject of this study because it is the source from which the objectives of physical education are fed into


knowledge, as educational goals are closely related to the needs of the individual and society, and scholars stress the need for clarity of educational goals because this thing serves the development of the curriculum, and thus the selection of appropriate activities and tools, this is what Abu Al-Ela indicated (Abu Al-Ela, 2003) (6) , that the goals of physical education are influenced by the general educational goals, as the goals of physical education are translated into activities that derive their components from social life with its multiple contents, and these activities are affected by the stages of the individual's development and the characteristics of his growth in terms of psychological and educational terms.

Conclusions and recommendations:


- There is great neglect in the lack of playgrounds, tools and equipment for gymnastics in middle schools.

- Failure to optimize the use of spaces and spaces in schools.

- Lack of conviction among those in charge of the educational process of the necessity and importance of studying physical education.

- Failure to provide qualification courses for physical education teachers.


- The orientation towards investment by the private sector in the exploitation of the squares located in the schools.

- Preparing the teaching staff present in schools in a manner appropriate by entering them in specialized courses in psychological aspects and how to deal with such an important segment of students.

- Building specialized sports facilities that ensure the ability for students to practice sports activities.


1. Mohammed Jassim Al-Yasiri: (2011); Nonparametric methods in analyzing statistical data.

First Edition, Baghdad: Dar Al-Dhia for Publishing and Distribution.

2. Abd Al-Fattah Al-Issawi: (2001);Scientific Research Curricula in Islamic Thought and Modern Thought, Beirut, Al-Ratib University House.

3. Abu Al-Ela Ahmed: (2003);Psychology of Sports Training, 1st Edition (Cairo, Arab Thought House).

4. Wafik Al-Dairi: (1999);Genetics: Cairo, The Arab Thought House.

5. Amer Hussain Ali Omran: Professional competencies are an indication of the objective selection of the supervisor specializing in physical education from the viewpoint of teachers nominated for specialist supervision, Master Thesis, University of Babylon, 2010.

6. Habibian M , Farzanegi P ,Moosavi SJ , (2010);Mazandaran Base Sports .



Shows the scale of obstacles in implementing your gymnastics lesson.

N Obstacles

Response by number

Yes % Almo

st % No %

1 Lack of budget to provide hardware and tools 2

Most of the budget provisions for sporting activities are given to cover the needs of other sporting events,

excluding your gymnastics

3 The available tools and devices are not appropriate for preparing students when teaching

4 Unavailability of gymnastics stadiums and halls 5 Failure to periodically maintain the available tools and

devices for gymnastics

6 The insufficient and qualified staff to teach gymnastics in schools

7 The insufficient space inside the schools to construct private halls for practicing gymnastics

8 The lack of qualified sports fields in a way that guarantees social reservations for female students 9

Failure to take into account students' desires and preferences in choosing activities without


10 High prices for gymnastics tools and equipment compared to other sports

11 The lack of belief of management and officials in the importance of gymnastics for such a group of people 12

Failure to support and motivate the administration for the teaching staff to participate in the activities of the

internal and external gymnastics game 13

Canceling the physical education quota from schools due to the Corona pandemic and moving to electronic

