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View of Wellness Opportunities for Regular Swimming as a Student


Academic year: 2022

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Wellness Opportunities for Regular Swimming as a Student

Dmitry Mikhailovich Pravdov1, Natalia Nikolaevna Marinina1, Maxim Viktorovich Eremin1*, Mikhail Nikonorovich Komarov1,

Oksana Viktorovna Marandykina2, Victor Ivanovich Sharagin3

1 Faculty of Physical Education/ Russian State Social University / Moscow, Russia

2Department of Physical Education / Moscow State Linguistic University / Moscow, Russia

3Department of Physical Education and Fundamentals of Life Safety /Moscow State University of Psychology and Education / Moscow, Russia


Sequential movements in the aquatic environment in the form of swimming are a versatile and very useful form of muscle activity. As a result of swimming in the human body, there are many- sided positive effects. As a result of systematic swimming lessons, functional restructuring and improvement of all systems of the human body are realized. Swimming regularly improves health and improves overall physical and mental performance. Swimming structurally and functionally strengthens the heart and blood vessels, striated muscles, the immune system, activates breathing, reduces the effects of stress and tones the entire body to the required extent.

Swimming is considered a variant of gentle physical activity, capable of simultaneously providing positive emotions and general recovery of the whole body. The reaction of the nervous system to the performance of movements in the aquatic environment greatly exceeds the similar reactions manifested when exercising in the fresh air. This is due to the fact that water stylishly stimulates skin receptors, significantly increases the biological capabilities of brain neurons, forcing them to work more actively. Regular swimming activities increase the activity of the components of the autonomic nervous system. They weaken the tone of her sympathetic part and increase the capabilities of her parasympathetic part. This leads to the normalization of peripheral vascular resistance, optimization of the heart rate, a decrease in blood pressure, an increase in the activity of the entire respiratory system, contributing to a significant increase in blood oxygen and an increase in metabolism throughout the body.

Keywords: Muscle load; Health; Water environment; Organism; Swimming.


There is no doubt that swimming is a universal and highly physiological variant of muscle loading [1,2]. The health-improving effects of regular swimming can be traced in all organs [3].

It stimulates the muscles of the heart, normalizes vascular tone, activates muscles, increases the biological capabilities of immunity, enhances respiration, minimizes the effects of stress [4] and mental stress [5]. It relaxes with excessive tone, and stimulates in the case of functional stability [6]. In this regard, swimming is considered a very functionally effective variant of physical activity, which increases the emotional background and significantly heals all body systems [7].

According to modern views, swimming is available to everyone, regardless of their health and age. It is noticed that regular swimming procedures, even in a light form, are very effective in the prevention of any pathology [8,9] and in terms of the effective elimination of a large number of diseases of various organs [10,11].

When comparing swimming with other variants of aerobic loads realized in conditions of atmospheric air resistance, it shows the maximum stimulating effect [12,13]. Being the external environment during swimming, water creates twice as much resistance to body movements as compared to air, which very powerfully stimulates the work of the whole body [14].

Being immersed in water, a person undergoes a complex of sensations very similar to such


when creating weightlessness due to the fact that the density of water available is greater than the density of air [12]. This helps a person to stay in a relaxed state, close to a state of weightlessness, when in water.

The purpose of this work was to assess the effects of swimming on the functioning of the human body.

Materials and methods

The material for this study was the sources of information contained in the open press. The search was carried out in the database of the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU and in the Scopus database. The research methods in this work were the methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction and the method of mathematical processing using standard statistical programs.

Results and Discussions

In the course of swimming, hardening mechanisms are activated in the body, which increases the level of protective forces in relation to any adverse effects from the external environment. In this regard, feasible swimming training can be very useful for people who often suffer from acute respiratory diseases [15].

According to many observations, swimming can be considered as a very effective variant of physical training in terms of overall health improvement [16]. Even a simple immersion of the human body in cool water leads to the stimulation of the functions of almost all of its organs.

The respiration process is especially actively stimulated, the pulse value increases, all types of metabolism are enhanced (Figure 1) [17].

Figure 1. Beginning of swimming lessons


Swimming has a positive effect on all functional processes in the human body. It strongly develops the respiratory muscles, increases the degree of mobility of the entire chest, causes an increase in the vital capacity of the lungs and increases the volume of their vegetation [18]. The


17957 upcoming listed changes significantly enhance the work of the respiratory system as a whole. In addition, swimming reduces the gravitational load on the spine and spinal cord. Under these conditions, the muscle elements of the chest are strengthened, contributing to the optimization of posture [19]. At the same time, due to stimulation from the aquatic environment to superficially located nerve endings, the brain is stimulated with an effective overcoming of signs of physical and mental fatigue and an increase in the activity of all nervous processes [14, 20].

Hydromassage of the skin that takes place in swimming conditions stimulates the processes of regulation on the part of the autonomic nervous system inside the organs. As a result, the resistance of the whole organism to the action of low temperatures on the skin increases [12,21].

Swimming exercises have a positive effect on the functioning of the cerebral cortex [2].

Swimming in the form of any kind of water sports can stimulate synapse growth and intensify synapse activity in all parts of the brain. Against the background of these exercises, a balance between excitation and inhibition occurs in the cerebral cortex against the background of optimizing the blood supply to all its parts. The feeling of weightlessness in the aquatic environment has a positive effect on thinking processes and improves the general emotional background [23].

Swimming training is a good remedy for asthenia, fatigue, and any form of insomnia.

Regular swimming exercises increase memory capacity, enhance attention, improve overall mood, minimize irritability and eliminate feelings of fatigue [24,25]. Swimming exercises stimulate the regulatory processes within the organs. As a result, the resistance of the whole organism to the influence of low temperatures increases. The human body strengthens anti- infectious and anti-cancer immunity [26,27].

The effect of water on the skin levels the nervous tension at any age [28]. Swimming optimizes the course of mental processes in people, especially those with impaired brain function, stimulates the efficiency of brain processes and increases attention [30]. Also, swimming has a vivid therapeutic effect in asthenia, insomnia and various phobias [31].

It is recognized that swimming is very effective in preventing organ disorders, tic phenomena, and the progression of degenerative changes in the body. These trainings improve vision, help to increase the overall tone of the body and stabilize the emotional background [32].

In case of disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system, swimming is especially indicated. In such patients, swimming stimulates the muscles of the heart, its nervous regulation, and oxidation processes in it [33,34]. This develops due to the fact that swimming stimulates the heart and weakens the violation of vascular tone, which helps the supply of the required amount of oxygen and metabolites to cardiomyocytes [35]. Therefore, during swimming in patients with cardiac pathology, all body systems are strengthened [36].

During swimming, the static muscle tension required to maintain the vertical position of the body is minimized, which greatly facilitates the functioning of the heart [37]. The impact of water on the skin of the human body during swimming stimulates hemocirculation from the periphery to the center. Rhythmically occurring contractions of the muscles of the body under conditions of deep breathing during the swimming process stimulate the flow of venous blood and its return to the heart [38]. The resulting situation contributes to the optimal distribution of blood in the tissues in the horizontal plane, and not as usual along the vertical, which greatly facilitates the entire hemodynamic process [39]. During swimming, muscles have a pumping effect, helping to push blood into the large venous vessels that go to the heart. This situation greatly facilitates the entire circulatory system [40]. As a result, when the human body is immersed in water, the heart can pump a much larger volume of blood. At the same time, a lower water temperature in comparison with body temperature promotes an accelerated return of blood from peripheral vessels to the central vessels and the heart (Figure 2) [41].


Figure 2. The process of swimming lessons


In experienced swimmers, the heart muscle is very hardy. At rest, their heart beats no more than 60 times in one minute. Under these conditions, the heart works less and rests more. At the same time, it consumes a sufficient amount of nutrients and oxygen [42, 43]. A swimmer's trained heart functions very economically compared to non-swimmers. A large force of contraction of the heart muscle expands the functionality of the entire cardiovascular system [44]. The achieved economization of the activity of the cardiovascular system is carried out not only in a state of complete rest. During swimming exercises, swimmers' hemodynamics are more significantly optimized than when performing these exercises in the air [45].

Regular swimming exercises have a positive effect on the tone of blood vessels [46,47].

They increase their elasticity, improve trophism in their walls, and enhance regeneration processes. The emerging situation inhibits the deposition of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels. In experienced swimmers, the lumen of the arteries is significantly larger than in ordinary people [48]. For this reason, regular swimmers have normal or low blood pressure.


Swimming regularly improves health and improves overall physical and mental performance. Swimming strengthens the heart and blood vessels, striated muscles, the immune system, activates breathing, reduces the effects of stress and tones the entire body to the required extent. Swimming provides positive emotions and general recovery of the whole body. The effect of exercising in an aquatic environment exceeds that of physical exercise in the fresh air.

Regular swimming exercises help to increase the activity of all parts of the nervous system. This leads to the normalization of the neuroendocrine regulation of the body, contributing to a significant increase in metabolism throughout the body.

Conflict of interest

No conflict of interest is declared.

Sources of financing

The study was conducted at the expense of the authors.


17959 Ethics Committee Resolution

The study was approved by the local ethics committee of the …..on September 15, 2018 (protocol №11).


The authors are grateful to all those who participated in the study and their direct leaders for the organizational assistance in conducting the study.


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