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Literature review of deep learning nowcasting models


Academic year: 2022

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Deep learning models for composite reflectivity prediction

Albu Alexandra

Babe¸s-Bolyai University

WeADL 2021 Workshop

The workshop is organized under the umbrella of WeaMyL, project funded by the EEA and Norway Grants under the number RO-NO-2019-0133.

Contract: No 26/2020.

Working together for agreen,competitiveandinclusiveEurope


1 Computational approaches for nowcasting

2 AutoNowP

3 NowcastX

4 Conclusions and future directions of research


Computational approaches for nowcasting

Computational approaches: Numerical Weather Prediction methods, optical flow algorithms

Deep learning methods

provide a data-driven approach:

minimal assumptions about the physical system learn patterns from the data itself

model nowcasting as a spatio-temporal prediction problem convolutional and recurrent networks

learn a mapping from weather states in a geographical region at timestampstk,tk+ 1 ...,t to the state at that location at timestampst+ 1,t+ 2, ... t+p, wherek,p1


Literature review of deep learning nowcasting models

Two categories of deep learning approaches:

recurrent neural networks: ConvLSTMs [10,12, 13], TrajGRUs [11,7]

fully convolutional neural networks (i.e. convolutions applied on concatenated timestamps): U-Net [3,14,4], 3D

convolutions [9], causal convolutions [5]


Literature review of deep learning nowcasting models

Neural networks can be trained by optimizing:

pixel-wise loss functions (Mean Squared Error, Root Mean Squared Error, Mean Absolute Error)

similarity losses [13]

weighted loss functions [11,7]


Challenges and limitations of current deep learning models

Underestimation of high values ←highly imbalanced data sets Blurry predictions when training with traditional methods Predictions for large areas are difficult to obtain

Lack of interpretability


Our Approach

The aim of our research is to improve the weather nowcasting solutions using deep learning techniques.

Approaches developed in the project so far:

AutoNowP NowcastX


Radar Data Sources

Radar data available on the MET Norway THREDDS data server Composite reflectivity



Reflectivity on multiple elevations, corrected and uncorrected + velocity




Data analysis

Figure:Visualization of composite reflectivity. From MET Norway THREDDS Data server [1]


AutoNowP classification model

binary classification model

predicts whether a point will have a value greater or smaller than a given threshold using the neighbours of that point at a previous timestamp

uses two convolutional autoencoders - one for each class - trained to learn the characteristics of that class


AutoNowP classification model

Figure: Overview of the AutoNowP approach.


Loss function

MSEgreater(X,X0) = 1 d2


1≤i,j≤d xij

(xij −xij0)2

MSEsmaller(X,X0) = 1 d2


1≤i,j≤d xij≤τ

(xij −xij0)2

L(X,X0) =α·MSEgreater(X,X0) + (1−α)·MSEsmaller(X,X0) whereX = (xij)1≤i,j,≤d is the point neighbourhood,

X0= (xij0)1≤i,j,≤d is the reconstructed neighbourhood


Data set

Product # % of “+” % of “-” Entropy of interest instances instances instances

Composite 6,607,836 31.97% 68,03% 0.904 reflectivity

Table:Description of the data set gathered from MET Norway THREDDS data server for a threshold of 10.


Evaluation metrics

Critical success index: CSI = TP+FN+FPTP False alarm rate: FAR = TP+FPFP

Probability of detection: POD = TP+FNTP True skill statistic: TSS = TP·TN−FP·FN


Positive predictive value: PV = TP+FPTP Negative predictive value: NPV = TN+FNTN Specificity: Spec = TN+FPTN

Area Under the ROC Curve

Area Under the Precision-Recall Curve



τ CSI TSS POD PPV NPV Spec AUC AUPRC 10 0.681 0.740 0.872 0.757 0.936 0.867 0.870 0.814

± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±

0.014 0.009 0.019 0.027 0.005 0.026 0.005 0.008 15 0.566 0.626 0.675 0.793 0.920 0.951 0.813 0.734

± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±

0.05 0.09 0.12 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.029

20 0.401 0.500 0.536 0.710 0.947 0.963 0.750 0.623

± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±

0.090 0.223 0.269 0.173 0.026 0.046 0.111 0.048

Table:Experimental results for a 3-fold cross-validation evaluation procedure. 95% CIs are used for the results.

performance decreases with the increase of the threshold


Comparison with other classifiers


AutoNowP 0.681 0.740 0.872 0.757 0.936 0.867 0.870 0.814

± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±

0.014 0.009 0.019 0.027 0.005 0.026 0.005 0.008 Logistic 0.760 0.796 0.853 0.875 0.932 0.943 0.898 0.864

regression ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±

0.006 0.002 0.001 0.007 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.004 Linear SVC 0.761 0.798 0.858 0.870 0.934 0.940 0.899 0.864

± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±

0.006 0.002 0.001 0.007 0.003 0.003 0.001 0.004 Decision 0.670 0.710 0.804 0.801 0.908 0.906 0.855 0.803

tree ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±

0.010 0.004 0.005 0.009 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.007 Nearest Centroid 0.681 0.728 0.831 0.791 0.919 0.897 0.864 0.811

Classification ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±

0.009 0.005 0.009 0.007 0.001 0.006 0.003 0.007

Table:Comparative results betweenAutoNowP and other classifiers.

95% CIs are used for the results.



encoder-decoder convolutional neural network based on the Xception architecture [6]

Figure:Convolution versus Depth-wise separable convolution. Picture taken from [8]



32 64

128 128

256 256

256 256 256

256 256

128 128 64


Channel-wise concatenated past timestamps Single-step prediction

Regression problem →RMSE loss

Architecture drawn using PlotNeuralNet [2]


Data sets

Composite reflectivity

10 days with meteorological events, selected from CAP warnings available athttps:

//api.met.no/weatherapi/metalerts/1.1?show=all&lang=en 8 days used for training, 1 for validation, 1 for testing time resolution: 5 minutes

200x200 region around Oslo Base Reflectivity

Preliminary experiments:

uncorrected reflectivity on first level 321 days with no missing timestamps

128 days for training, 33 for validation, 160 for testing time resolution: 10 minutes

400x400 square (center of the radar grid)


Data analysis

Figure:Histogram of composite reflectivity values in the 10-days dataset.


NowcastX - temporal context analysis


evaluate the impact of the temporal context Training configuration

multiple past timestamps concatenated channel-wise Evaluation measures

CSI, FAR, POD metrics at multiple thresholds


NowcastX - preliminary results

(a)10 days data set (b)321 days data set Figure:CSI metric for multiple timestamps and thresholds.

performance increases up to 20-25 minutes, then stagnates or


NowcastX - preliminary results

(a)10 days data set (b)321 days data set Figure:POD metric for multiple timestamps and thresholds.


NowcastX - preliminary results

(a)10 days data set (b)321 days data set Figure:FAR metric for multiple timestamps and thresholds.


NowcastX - sample predictions

Figure:Predictions using the best model on the 10 days dataset.


NowcastX - sample predictions

Figure: Predictions using the best model on the 321 days dataset.


Alternative loss function

Model limitation: performance decreases for larger thresholds

→ the network fails to predict extreme values, which are relevant for nowcasting

Proposed solution: use a weighted loss which puts more emphasis on errors obtained for high values [11]


Alternative loss function

Model limitation: performance decreases for larger thresholds

→ the network fails to predict extreme values

Proposed solution: use a weighted loss which puts more emphasis on errors obtained for high values [11]

Lw(X,X0) = 1 n2



w(xij)·(xij −xij0)2

whereX = (xij)1≤i,j,≤n is the ground truth radar image,

X0= (xij0)1≤i,j,≤n is the prediction andw is a step function which assigns higher weights to the errors corresponding to higher pixel values.


Alternative loss - preliminary results

Threshold Loss CSI FAR POD 5 RMSE 0.828 0.086 0.897 Lw 0.822 0.087 0.891 10 RMSE 0.797 0.087 0.863 Lw 0.790 0.096 0.863 15 RMSE 0.737 0.092 0.796 Lw 0.739 0.117 0.812 20 RMSE 0.613 0.097 0.656 Lw 0.629 0.125 0.691

Table:Comparative results with RMSE and weighted loss function for 5 timestamps using the 10 days data set, obtained using a step function with 5 intervals.

the weighted loss provided higher CSI and POD than the RMSE for higher thresholds


Conclusions and future directions of research

Accurate nowcasting of severe events is challenging Future directions:

multi-step prediction

using an adaptive weighted loss

quantifying uncertainty in our predictions


Thank you!


Bibliography I

MET Norway Thredds data server.


Accessed: 2021-05-07.



Accessed: 2021-05-25.

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Machine learning for precipitation nowcasting from radar images.

arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.12132, 2019.


Bibliography II

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R. Castro, Y. M. Souto, E. Ogasawara, F. Porto, and E. Bezerra.

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F. Chollet.

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In2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pages 1800–1807, 2017.


Bibliography III

G. Franch, D. Nerini, M. Pendesini, L. Coviello, G. Jurman, and C. Furlanello.

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Bibliography IV

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Bibliography V

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