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View of Semilocal convergence of Newton-like methods under general conditions with applications in fractional calculus


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J. Numer. Anal. Approx. Theory, vol. 44 (2015) no. 2, pp. 113–126 ictp.acad.ro/jnaat




Abstract. We present a semilocal convergence study of Newton-like methods on a generalized Banach space setting to approximate a locally unique zero of an operator. Earlier studies such as [5, 6, 7, 14] require that the operator involved is Fr´echet-differentiable. In the present study we assume that the operator is only continuous. This way we extend the applicability of Newton-like methods to include fractional calculus and problems from other areas. Some applications include fractional calculus involving the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral and the Caputo fractional derivative. Fractional calculus is very important for its applications in many applied sciences.

MSC 2010. 65G99, 65H10, 26A33, 47J25, 47J05.

Keywords. Generalized Banach space, Newton-like method, semilocal conver- gence, Riemann-Liouville fractional integral, Caputo fractional derivative.


We present a semilocal convergence analysis for Newton-like methods on a generalized Banach space setting to approximate a zero of an operator. The semilocal convergence is, based on the information around an initial point, to give conditions ensuring the convergence of the method. A generalized norm is defined to be an operator from a linear space into a partially order Banach space (to be precised in section 2). Earlier studies such as [5, 6, 7, 14] for Newton’s method have shown that a more precise convergence analysis is ob- tained when compared to the real norm theory. However, the main assumption is that the operator involved is Fr´echet-differentiable. This hypothesis limits the applicability of Newton’s method. In the present study we only assume the continuity of the operator. This may expand the applicability of these methods.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: section 2 contains the basic concepts on generalized Banach spaces and auxiliary results on inequalities

1 Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152, U.S.A., e-mail: [email protected].

2 Department of Mathematical Sciences, Cameron University, Lawton, Oklahoma 73505- 6377, USA, e-mail: [email protected].


and fixed points. In section 3 we present the semilocal convergence analysis of Newton-like methods. Finally, in the concluding sections 4-5, we present special cases and applications in fractional calculus.


We present some standard concepts that are needed in what follows to make the paper as self contained as possible. More details on generalized Banach spaces can be found in [5, 6, 7, 14], and the references there in.

LetXbe a linear space. A subset CofX is called a cone ifC+CCand αCC for α > 0. The cone C is proper if C ∩(−C) = {0}. The relation

”≤” defined by

xy if and only if yxC

is a partial ordering onC which is compatible with the linear structure of this space. Two elements x and y of X are called comparable if either xy or yxholds. The spaceXendowed with the above relation is called a partially ordered linear space (POL-space). If X has a topology compatible with its linear structure and if the cone C is closed in that topology then X is called a partially ordered topological space (POTL-space).

We remark that in a POTL-space the intervals [a, b] ={x:axb} are closed sets. A stronger connection is considered in the following definitions:

Definition 2.1. A POTL-space is called normal if, given a local base V for the topology, there exists a positive number η so that if 0 ≤ zUV then[0, z]⊂ηU.

Definition 2.2. A POTL-space is called regular if every order bounded increasing sequence has a limit.

If the topology of a POTL-space is given by a norm then this space is called a partially ordered normed space (PON-space). If a PON-space is complete with respect to its topology then it is called a partially ordered Banach space (POB-space). According to Definition 2.1 a PON-space is normal if and only if there exists a positive number α such that

kxk ≤αkyk, for all x, yX with 0≤xy.

Let us note that any regular POB-space is normal. The reverse is not true.

For example, the spaceC[0,1] of all continuous real functions defined on [0,1], ordered by the cone of nonnegative functions, is normal but is not regular. All finite dimensional POTL-spaces are both normal and regular.

Definition2.3. A generalized Banach space is a triplet(X,(E, K,k·k),/·/) such that

(i) X is a linear space over R(C).

(ii) E= (E, K,k·k) is a partially ordered Banach space, i.e.

(ii1) (E,k·k) is a real Banach space,


(ii2) E is partially ordered by a closed convex cone K, (ii3) The norm k·kis monotone on K.

(iii) The operator/·/ :XK satisfies

/x/ = 0⇔x= 0, /θx/ =|θ|/x/,

/x+y/≤/x/ + /y/, for each x, yX, θ∈R(C).

(iv) X is a Banach space with respect to the induced norm k·ki :=k/·/k. Remark2.4. The operator /·/ is called a generalized norm. In view of (iii) and (ii3)k·ki , is a real norm. In the rest of this paper all topological concepts

will be understood with respect to this norm.

Definition 2.5. Let L Xj, Y stand for the space of j-linear symmetric and bounded operators from Xj toY, whereX andY are Banach spaces. For X, Y partially orderedL+ Xj, Ystands for the subset of monotone operators P such that

(2.1) 0≤aibiP(a1, ..., aj)≤P(b1, ..., bj).

Definition 2.6. The set of bounds for an operator QL(X, X) on a generalized Banach space (X, E,/·/)is defined to be:

(2.2) B(Q) :={P ∈L+(E, E), /Qx/≤P/x/ for each xX}. Let DX andT :DDbe an operator. If x0Dthe sequence {xn}given by

(2.3) xn+1:=T(xn) =Tn+1(x0) is well defined. We write in case of convergence (2.4) T(x0) := lim (Tn(x0)) = lim

n→∞xn. We need some auxiliary results on inequations.

Lemma2.7. Let (E, K,k·k)be a partially ordered Banach space, ξK and M, NL+(E, E).

(i) Suppose there existsrK such that

(2.5) R(r) := (M+N)r+ξr


(2.6) (M+N)kr→0 as k→ ∞.

Then,b:=R(0) is well defined, satisfies the equation t=R(t) and is smaller than any solution of the inequalityR(s)≤s.

(ii) Suppose there exists qK and θ ∈(0,1) such that R(q) ≤ θq, then there existsrq satisfying(i).


Proof. (i) Define sequence {bn} by bn = Rn(0). Then, we have by (2.5) thatb1 =R(0) =ξrb1r. Suppose thatbkr for each k= 1,2, ..., n.

Then, we have by (2.5) and the inductive hypothesis that bn+1 =Rn+1(0) = R(Rn(0)) = R(bn) = (M+N)bn+ξ ≤ (M+N)r+ξrbn+1r.

Hence, sequence {bn} is bounded above by r. Set Pn =bn+1bn. We shall show that

(2.7) Pn≤(M+N)nr for each n= 1,2, ...

We have by the definition ofPn and (2.6) that P1 =R2(0)−R(0) =R(R(0))−R(0)

=R(ξ)−R(0) = Z 1


R0(tξ)ξdtZ 1



Z 1


R0(r)rdt≤(M +N)r,

which shows (2.7) for n = 1. Suppose that (2.7) is true for k = 1,2, ..., n.

Then, we have in turn by (2.6) and the inductive hypothesis that Pk+1 =Rk+2(0)−Rk+1(0) =Rk+1(R(0))−Rk+1(0)

=Rk+1(ξ)−Rk+1(0) =RRk(ξ)RRk(0)

= Z 1


R0Rk(0) +tRk(ξ)−Rk(0) Rk(ξ)−Rk(0)dt

R0Rk(ξ) Rk(ξ)−Rk(0)=R0Rk(ξ) Rk+1(0)−Rk(0)

R0(r)Rk+1(0)−Rk(0)≤(M+N) (M+N)kr= (M+N)k+1r, which completes the induction for (2.7). It follows that {bn} is a complete sequence in a Banach space and as such it converges to some b. Notice that R(b) =Rlim

n→∞Rn(0)= lim

n→∞Rn+1(0) =bbsolves the equationR(t) =t.

We have that bnrbr, where r a solution of R(r) ≤ r. Hence, b is smaller than any solution ofR(s)≤s.

(ii) Define sequences{vn},{wn}by v0 = 0,vn+1=R(vn), w0 =q,wn+1= R(wn). Then, we have that

0≤vnvn+1wn+1wnq, (2.8)


and sequence{vn} is bounded above byq. Hence, it converges to somer with rq. We also get by (2.8) that wnvn → 0 as n → ∞ ⇒ wnr as

n→ ∞.

We also need the auxiliary result for computing solutions of fixed point problems.


Lemma 2.8. Let (X,(E, K,k·k),/·/) be a generalized Banach space, and PB(Q) be a bound for QL(X, X). Suppose there exists yX and qK such that

(2.9) P q+ /y/≤q and Pkq →0, as k→ ∞.

Then, z =T(0), T(x) :=Qx+y is well defined and satisfies: z=Qz+y and/z/≤P/z/ + /y/≤q. Moreover,z is the unique solution in the subspace {x∈X|∃ θ∈R:{x} ≤θq}.

The proof can be found in [14, Lemma 3.2].


Let (X,(E, K,k·k),/·/) and Y be generalized Banach spaces, DX an open subset, G:DY a continuous operator and A(·) : DL(X, Y). A zero of operator G is to be determined by a Newton-like method starting at a point x0D. The results are presented for an operator F = J G, where JL(Y, X). The iterates are determined through a fixed point problem:

xn+1 =xn+yn, A(xn)yn+F(xn) = 0 (3.1)

yn=T(yn) := (I−A(xn))ynF(xn). LetU(x0, r) stand for the ball defined by

U(x0, r) :={x∈X : /x−x0/≤r}

for somerK.

Next, we present the semilocal convergence analysis of Newton-like method (3.1) using the preceding notation.

Theorem 3.1. Let F :DXX, A(·) :DL(X, X) and x0D be as defined previously. Suppose:

(H1) There exists an operatorMB(I−A(x)) for each xD.

(H2) There exists an operatorNL+(E, E) satisfying for eachx, yD /F(y)−F(x)−A(x) (y−x)/N/y−x/.

(H3) There exists a solution rK of

R0(t) := (M+N)t+ /F(x0)/≤t.

(H4) U(x0, r)D.

(H5) (M+N)kr →0 as k→ ∞.

Then, the following hold:

(C1) The sequence {xn} defined by

xn+1 =xn+Tn(0),

Tn(y) := (I−A(xn))yF(xn) (3.2)

is well defined, remains in U(x0, r) for each n = 0,1,2, ... and con- verges to the unique zero of operatorF in U(x0, r).


(C2) An apriori bound is given by the null-sequence{rn} defined by r0:=r and for eachn= 1,2, ...

rn=Pn(0), Pn(t) =M t+N rn−1.

(C3) An a posteriori bound is given by the sequence{sn} defined by sn:=Rn (0), Rn(t) = (M +N)t+N an−1,

bn:= /xnx0/≤rrnr, where

an−1:= /xnxn−1/, for each n= 1,2, ...

Proof. Let us define for eachn∈Nthe statement:

(In) xnX andrnK are well defined and satisfy rn+an−1rn−1.

We use induction to show (In). The statement (I1) is true: By Lemma 2.7 and (H3), (H5) there exists qr such that:

M q+ /F(x0)/ =q and MkqMkr→0 ask→ ∞.

Hence, by Lemma 2.8x1 is well defined and we havea0q. Then, we get the estimate

P1(r−q) =M(r−q) +N r0

M rM q+N r=R0(r)−q

R0(r)−q =rq.

It follows with Lemma 2.7 that r1 is well defined and r1+a0rq+q =r=r0.

Suppose that (Ij) is true for eachj = 1,2, ..., n.We need to show the existence of xn+1 and to obtain a bound q foran. To achieve this notice that:

M rn+N(rn−1rn) =M rn+N rn−1N rn=Pn(rn)−N rnrn. Then, it follows from Lemma 2.7 that there existsqrn such that (3.3) q =M q+N(rn−1rn) and (M+N)kq →0, ask→ ∞.

By (Ij) it follows that bn= /xnx0/≤








(rjrj+1) =rrnr.

Hence,xnU(x0, r)Dand by (H1)M is a bound forIA(xn). We can write by (H2) that

/F(xn)/ = /F(xn)−F(xn−1)−A(xn−1) (xnxn−1)/

N an−1N(rn−1rn). (3.4)


It follows from (3.3) and (3.4) that

M q+ /F(xn)/≤q.

By Lemma 2.8,xn+1 is well defined andanqrn. In view of the definition of rn+1 we have that

Pn+1(rnq) =Pn(rn)−q=rnq, so that by Lemma 2.7, rn+1 is well defined and


which proves (In+1). The induction for (In) is complete. Let mn, then we obtain in turn that

(3.5) /xm+1xn/≤








(rjrj+1) =rnrm+1rn. Moreover, we get inductively the estimate


It follows from (H5) that {rn} is a null-sequence. Hence, {xn} is a complete sequence in a Banach space X by (3.5) and as such it converges to somexX. By letting m→ ∞in (3.5) we deduce that xU(xn, rn). Furthermore, (3.4) shows that x is a zero ofF. Hence, (C1) and (C2) are proved.

In view of the estimate


the apriori, bound of (C3) is well defined by Lemma 2.7. That issn is smaller in general thanrn. The conditions of Theorem 3.1 are satisfied forxnreplacing x0. A solution of the inequality of (C2) is given by sn (see (3.4)). It follows from (3.5) that the conditions of Theorem 3.1 are easily verified. Then, it follows from (C1) thatxU(xn, sn) which proves (C3).

In general the a posteriori estimate is of interest. Then, condition (H5) can be avoided as follows:

Proposition 3.2. Suppose: condition(H1) of Theorem 3.1 is true.

(H03) There existssK, θ∈(0,1)such that

R0(s) = (M+N)s+ /F(x0)/≤θs.

(H04) U(x0, s)D.

Then, there exists rs satisfying the conditions of Theorem 3.1. Moreover, the zero x of F is unique in U(x0, s).

Remark3.3. (i) Notice that by Lemma 2.7Rn (0) is the smallest solution of Rn(s) ≤s. Hence any solution of this inequality yields on upper estimate forRn (0). Similar inequalities appear in (H2) and (H02).

(ii) The weak assumptions of Theorem 3.1 do not imply the existence of A(xn)−1. In practice the computation of Tn(0) as a solution of a linear


equation is no problem and the computation of the expensive or impossible to compute in general A(xn)−1 is not needed.

(iii) We can use the following result for the computation of the a posteriori estimates. The proof can be found in [14, Lemma 4.2] by simply exchanging

the definitions ofR.

Lemma 3.4. Suppose that the conditions of Theorem 3.1 are satisfied. If sKis a solution ofRn(s)≤s, thenq :=s−anKand solvesRn+1(q)≤q.

This solution might be improved by Rkn+1(q)≤q for each k= 1,2, ....


Application4.1. The results obtained in earlier studies such as [5, 6, 7, 14]

require that operatorF (i.e. G) is Fr´echet-differentiable. This assumption lim- its the applicability of the earlier results. In the present study we only require that F is a continuous operator. Hence, we have extended the applicability of Newton-like methods to classes of operators that are only continuous. If A(x) =F0(x) Newton-like method (3.1) reduces to Newton’s method consid-

ered in [14].

Example 4.2. The j-dimensional space Rj is a classical example of a gen- eralized Banach space. The generalized norm is defined by componentwise absolute values. Then, as ordered Banach space we set E =Rj with compo- nentwise ordering with e.g. the maximum norm. A bound for a linear operator (a matrix) is given by the corresponding matrix with absolute values. Simi- larly, we can define the ”N” operators. Let E =R. That is we consider the case of a real normed space with norm denoted by k·k. Let us see how the

conditions of Theorem 3.1 look like.

Theorem 4.3. Assume:

(H1) kI−A(x)k ≤M for some M ≥0.

(H2) kF(y)−F(x)−A(x) (y−x)k ≤Nky−xk for some N ≥0.

(H3) M+N <1,

(4.1) r= kF(x0)k

1−(M+N). (H4) U(x0, r)D.

(H5) (M+N)kr →0 as k→ ∞, where r is given by(4.1).

Then, the conclusions of Theorem 3.1hold.


Our presented earlier semilocal convergence Newton-type general methods, see Theorem 4.3, apply in the next two fractional settings given that the following inequalities are fulfilled:

(5.1) k1−A(x)kγ0 ∈(0,1),



(5.2) |F(y)−F(x)−A(x) (y−x)| ≤γ1|y−x|, whereγ0, γ1∈(0,1), furthermore

(5.3) γ =γ0+γ1∈(0,1),

for all x, y∈[a, b].

Here we consider a < b < b.

The specific functionsA(x),F(x) will be described next.

I) Let α >0 and fL([a, b]). The right Riemann-Liouville integral [4, pp. 333–354] is given by

(5.4) (Jbαf) (x) := Γ(α)1 Z b


(t−x)α−1f(t)dt, x∈[a, b]. Then

|(Jbαf) (x)| ≤ Γ(α)1 Z b



Γ(α)1 Z b


(t−x)α−1dtkfk= Γ(α)1 (b−x)α α kfk (5.5)

= Γ(α+1)(b−x)α kfk= (ξ1). Clearly

(5.6) (Jbαf) (b) = 0.

(5.7) (ξ1)≤ Γ(α+1)(b−a)α kfk. That is

(5.8) kJbαfk∞,[a,b]Γ(α+1)(b−a)α kfk<∞, i.e. Jbα is a bounded linear operator.

By [3] we get that (Jbαf) is a continuous function over [a, b] and in particular over [a, b]. Thus there existx1, x2 ∈[a, b] such that

(Jbαf) (x1) = min (Jbαf) (x), (5.9)

(Jbαf) (x2) = max (Jbαf) (x) , x∈[a, b]. We assume that

(5.10) (Jbαf) (x1)>0.


(5.11) kJbαfk∞,[a,b]= (Jbαf) (x2)>0.

Here it is

(5.12) J(x) =mx, m6= 0.


Therefore the equation

(5.13) J f(x) = 0, x∈[a, b], has the same solutions as the equation

(5.14) F(x) := J f(x)

2 Jbαf(x2) = 0, x∈[a, b]. Notice that

(5.15) Jbα f

2 Jbαf(x2)


(x) = (Jbαf) (x) 2 Jbαf(x2) ≤ 1

2 <1, x∈[a, b]. Call

(5.16) A(x) := (Jbαf) (x)

2 Jbαf(x2), ∀ x∈[a, b]. We notice that

(5.17) 0< (Jbαf) (x1)

2 Jbαf(x2) ≤A(x)≤ 1

2, ∀x∈[a, b]. Hence the first condition (5.1) is fulfilled

(5.18) |1−A(x)|= 1−A(x)≤1− (Jbαf) (x1)

2 Jbαf(x2) =:γ0,x∈[a, b]. Clearly γ0 ∈(0,1).

Next we assume thatF(x) is a contraction, i.e.

(5.19) |F(x)−F(y)| ≤λ|x−y|; all x, y∈[a, b], and 0< λ < 12.

Equivalently we have

(5.20) |J f(x)−J f(y)| ≤2λ(Jbαf) (x2)|x−y|, all x, y∈[a, b]. We observe that

|F(y)−F(x)−A(x) (y−x)| ≤ |F(y)−F(x)|+|A(x)| |y−x|

λ|y−x|+|A(x)| |y−x|

= (λ+|A(x)|)|y−x|

=: (ψ1) , ∀x, y∈[a, b]. (5.21)

We have that

(5.22) |(Jbαf) (x)| ≤ (b−a)α

Γ (α+ 1)kfk<∞, ∀x∈[a, b]. Hence


|A(x)|= |(Jbαf) (x)|

2 Jbαf(x2) ≤ (b−a)αkfk

2Γ (α+ 1) Jbαf(x2) <∞, ∀ x∈[a, b].


Therefore we get

(5.24) (ψ1)≤ λ+ (b−a)akfk 2Γ (α+ 1) Jbαf(x2)


|y−x|,x, y∈[a, b]. Call

(5.25) 0< γ1 :=λ+ (b−a)akfk 2Γ (α+ 1) Jbαf(x2),

choosing (b−a) small enough we can makeγ1 ∈(0,1), fulfilling (5.2).

Next we call and we need that

(5.26) 0< γ:=γ0+γ1= 1− (Jbαf) (x1)

2 Jbαf(x2)+λ+ (b−a)akfk

2Γ (α+ 1) Jbαf(x2) <1, equivalently,

(5.27) λ+ (b−a)akfk

2Γ (α+ 1) Jbαf(x2) < (Jbαf) (x1) 2 Jbαf(x2), equivalently,

(5.28) 2λ(Jbαf) (x2) +(b−a)akfk

Γ (α+ 1) <(Jbαf) (x1),

which is possible for small λ, (ba). That is γ ∈ (0,1), fulfilling (5.3). So our numerical method converges and solves (5.13).

II) Let again a < b < b, α > 0, m = dαe (d·e ceiling function), α /∈ N, GCm−1([a, b]), 06=G(m)L([a, b]). Here we consider the right Caputo fractional derivative (see [4, p. 337]),

(5.29) Dαb−G(x) = (−1)m Γ (m−α)

Z b x


By [3] Dαb−G is a continuous function over [a, b] and in particular continuous over [a, b]. Notice that by [4, p. 358], we have that Db−α G(b) = 0.

Therefore there exist x1, x2 ∈[a, b] such thatDαb−G(x1) = minDαb−G(x), and Db−α G(x2) = maxDb−α G(x), for x∈[a, b].

We assume that


(i.e. Db−α G(x)>0,∀x∈[a, b]).


Dαb−G∞,[a,b]=Dαb−G(x2). Here it is

J(x) =mx,m6= 0.

The equation

J G(x) = 0, x∈[a, b],


has the same set of solutions as the equation F(x) := J G(x)

2Dαb−G(x2) = 0, x∈[a, b]. Notice that

Dαb− G(x) 2Dαb−G(x2)


= Db−α G(x) 2Dαb−G(x2) ≤ 1

2 <1, ∀ x∈[a, b]. We call

A(x) := Db−α G(x)

2Dαb−G(x2), ∀x∈[a, b]. We notice that

0< Db−α G(x1)

2Db−α G(x2) ≤A(x)≤ 1 2. Hence the first condition (5.1) is fulfilled

|1−A(x)|= 1−A(x)≤1− Db−α G(x1)

2Db−α G(x2) =:γ0,x∈[a, b]. Clearly γ0 ∈(0,1).

Next we assume thatF(x) is a contraction over [a, b], i.e.

|F(x)−F(y)| ≤λ|x−y|; ∀ x, y∈[a, b], and 0< λ < 12.

Equivalently we have

|J G(x)−J G(y)| ≤2λ Dαb−G(x2)|x−y|,x, y∈[a, b]. We observe that

|F(y)−F(x)−A(x) (y−x)| ≤ |F(y)−F(x)|+|A(x)| |y−x|

λ|y−x|+|A(x)| |y−x|

= (λ+|A(x)|)|y−x|

=: (ξ2) , ∀ x, y∈[a, b]. We observe that

Db−α G(x)Γ(m−α)1 Z b



Γ(m−α)1 Z b



= Γ(m−α)1 (b−x)(m−α)m−αG(m)

= Γ(m−α+1)1 (b−x)m−αG(m)Γ(m−α+1)(b−a)m−αG(m). That is

Dαb−G(x)Γ(m−α+1)(b−a)m−αkG(m)k<∞, ∀ x∈[a, b].


Hence,∀ x∈[a, b] we get that



2Db−α G(x2) ≤ (b−a)m−α 2Γ (m−α+ 1)

G(m) Dαb−G(x2) <∞.

Consequently we observe (ξ2)≤λ+ (b−a)m−α

2Γ (m−α+ 1)

kG(m)k Db−α G(x2)

|y−x|,x, y∈[a, b]. Call

0< γ1:=λ+ (b−a)m−α 2Γ (m−α+ 1)

kG(m)k Dαb−G(x2),

choosing (b−a) small enough we can makeγ1 ∈(0,1). So (5.2) is fulfilled.

Next we call and need

0< γ :=γ0+γ1 = 1− Dαb−G(x1)

2Db−α G(x2)+λ+ (b−a)m−α 2Γ (m−α+ 1)

kG(m)k Db−α G(x2) <1, equivalently we find,

λ+ (b−a)m−α 2Γ (m−α+ 1)


Dαb−G(x2) < Db−α G(x1) 2Dαb−G(x2), equivalently,

2λDb−α G(x2) + (b−a)m−α

Γ (m−α+ 1)kG(m)k< Dαb−G(x1), which is possible for small λ, (ba).

That is γ ∈ (0,1), fulfilling (5.3). Hence equation (5) can be solved with our presented numerical methods.


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Received by the editors: July 9, 2015.



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