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View of Social and Pedagogical Competenity as an Important Component of Professional Training of Future Teachers


Academic year: 2022

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Social and Pedagogical Competenity as an Important Component of Professional Training of Future Teachers

Kurbaniyazova Zamira Kalbaevna1

1Kurbaniyazova Zamira Kalbaevna, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Primary Education of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute.

ABSTRACT. This article analyzes the current issues of developing the socio-pedagogical competence of future teachers as an important component of professional training. The author reveals the need for a competency-based approach and socio-pedagogical competence on the basis of scientific evidence.

KEYWORDS: competence, competency, approach, competency approach, professional competence, pedagogical competence, socio-pedagogical activity, socio-pedagogical competence..

Social life itself shows that the rapid process of globalization, the development of the state and society are linked to the achievements in science, engineering and technology, the potential of scientific personnel in higher education, their future prospects, creativity and initiative. Today, especially in the field of education, full conditions have been created for our youth to receive modern education, study our national and spiritual values, conduct research in various fields, study world experience, apply foreign best practices, reach the pinnacle of modern science and technology. The time itself demands that future educators have innovative potential and adapt to rapidly changing conditions. Therefore, the development of socio-pedagogical competence of future teachers in higher education to meet modern requirements, radical reform of education is one of the important conditions for raising this system to a new level of quality.

In modern conditions, a competent scientific approach has an innovative character that meets the modern requirements of vocational education and serves to increase the role of education in the formation of a new generation of citizens. The essence of the implementation of a competency-based approach is reflected in the modernization of education (the interaction of education and upbringing), its qualitative transformation, the creation of a new system of human values as a priority of education.

Recently, the results of the educational process have been increasingly associated with the concept of "competence". In modern educational practice, competence is manifested in three states, such as the value, purpose, and outcome of education, because competence combines, first, the intellectual and skill components of education; second, the concept of competence includes the idea of interpreting the content of education that is formed “as a result”; third, competence is integrative in nature.1

I.A. Zimnyaya emphasizes that as a result of education a person will need to form a certain integrated socio-professional quality that will allow him to successfully perform production tasks, to interact with other people. This quality is defined by I.A. Zimnyaya as a holistic socio-professional competence of the person. It is a personal, integrative, formative quality that is manifested in the interplay of different social and professional tasks.2

A similar view was expressed by M.T. Mirsolieva in connection with socio- pedagogical competence as a separate type of professional competence: "Socio-pedagogical

1 Baskaev P.M. On the tendencies of changes in education and the transition to a competence-based approach //

Innovations in education. - M., 2007. - No. 1. - p.10-15.

2 Zimnyaya I.A. General culture and social and professional competence of a person / I.A. Zimnyaya // Higher education today. - M., 2005. - No. 11. - P.14-22.


competence is the ability to adapt to the rapidly changing social environment in the process of professional activity, to direct their capabilities to the needs of society."3

In psychology, the following rules served as the theoretical basis for the distribution of groups of social competencies: a) a person is a subject of communication, knowledge, labor (B.G. Ananev); b) man is manifested in the system of attitude to society, other people, himself, labor (V.N. Myasishev); c) there is a vector of acmeological development in human competence (N.V. Kuzmina); g) there is competence in professional maturity (A.K.

Markova); d) in the cluster of socio-psychological competencies, the competence "to have their own" is leading (O.E. Hayitov).4 Among these views, I.A. Zimnyaya distinguishes three groups of competencies: the individual, the attitude to himself as a subject of life activities;

interpersonal relationships; attitude to human activity, which manifests itself in various forms.

The author emphasizes that competencies such as internal, potential, latent psychological updates (knowledge, perceptions, algorithms of actions, value and relationship systems) are defined in human competencies.

Along with the "social" structural basis of the integrated socio-professional competence, there is also the professional part, which is formed in the educational process, applied to the specific features and tasks of the profession.

Professional activity for a teacher is a pedagogical activity, which requires consideration of how the category of “pedagogical competence” is defined in the scientific literature.

The multifaceted nature of pedagogical activity, the dynamics of the requirements for the level of training of pedagogical specialists attracted researchers to study the phenomenon of pedagogical (teacher) competence. One of the most well-known and widely used views is the view of A.K. Markova, which distinguishes the following types of professional competence: special, social, personal, individual.5

V.A. Sitarov presents the professional competence of the teacher as a system of separate interrelated types of competence: methodological, special, pedagogical, psychological and methodological. He stressed that this is “a complex education that includes a set of knowledge, skills and characteristics, qualities of the individual, ensuring the variability, optimality and effectiveness of the organization of the educational process.”6

N.V. Kuzmina highlights the following components of pedagogical competence:

special competence in the field of subject taught; methodological competence in the field of methods of formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students; psychological and pedagogical competence in the field of teaching; differential-psychological competence in the field of motives, abilities, directions of students; reflection of pedagogical activity (autopsychological competence).7

V.A. Slastenin described competence in the example of the profession of "pedagogue"

as a set of personality traits, which concluded that it (in this case, the teacher) ensures success in the performance of professional and pedagogical functions. Important indicators of pedagogical competence include: the ability to identify oneself with others or perceptual ability; a psychological condition that reflects the mobility of the person, the richness of his

3 Mirsolieva M.T. Improving the mechanisms for developing the professional competence of managers and teachers of higher education institutions:. - T., 2019. - 225 p.

4 Hayitov O.E. Modeling the psychological competence of middle managers of higher education institutions:. - T., 2020. - 78 p.

5 Markova A.K. Psychology of labor teachers. - M .: Prosveshchenie, 1993. - 192 p.

6 Sitarov V.A. Didactics: a textbook for universities in the specialty "Pedagogy". - M .: Academy, 2002 .-- 363 p. - p.74-75.

7 N. V. Kuzmina Professionalism of the personality of the teacher and master of industrial training. - M .: Higher school, 1990 .-- 119 p. - p.32.


inner energy, will, creativity, etc .; emotional stability that provides resilience and self- control; professional-pedagogical thinking, that is, entering into the cause-and-effect relationship of the process, analyzing its activities, looking for scientifically based explanations of successes and shortcomings, thinking that allows to predict the results of work.8

Aila Paaso and Katie Corento have practical work experience as important aspects of developing professional competence; professional knowledge and skills and in relation to the continuing education of the specialist aimed at personal and professional development.9 Adnan Hakim, an Indonesian scholar, explains that “professional competence is the ability of a person to perform a certain type of activity in accordance with the requirements of the job based on his knowledge, worldview, skills and abilities.”10

German scientists J.Baumert, M.Kunter, W.Blum, U.Klusmann, S.Krauss and M.Neubrand, who conducted research on professional competence, professional competence of the teacher, evaluated the professional competence of the educator as a necessary unit of professional knowledge, skills and professional ethics recognized social analysis, diagnosis of pedagogical situations, reflection and professional actions as its main components.11

In particular, according to researchers, the professional competence of the teacher is his special scientific and theoretical knowledge in the relevant field of science and education, as well as the ability to effectively solve the assigned tasks; to find effective solutions to specific pedagogical situations arising from the interests of students on the basis of special professional ethics; is defined by a sense of responsibility and accountability to each individual for each pedagogical action in the performance of the above professional duties.

O.Musurmonova12, N.A.Muslimov13, M.B.Urazova14, M.T.Mirsolieva15 and other authors assess professional competence by the level of preparation of a specialist for professional activity, acquisition of professional knowledge, skills and abilities and their application in practice.

Professional competence is a complex integrated concept that reflects the unique knowledge, skills and personality traits that are formed in the process of training a future specialist on the basis of his subjective experience and personal spiritual and moral potential.

Modern higher pedagogical education is based on different theoretical approaches, and it is impossible to analyze its development without analyzing the most important of them.

8 V. A. Slastenin Professional self-development of a teacher // Siberian pedagogical journal. Siberia, 2005. - No.

2. - P.3-12.

9 Aila Paaso & Kati Korento. OSAAVA OPETTAJA 2010–2020. Toisen asteen ammatillisen koulutuksen opetushenkilöstön osaaminen. – Tampereen yliopistopaino Oy - Juvenes Print, Tampere 2010. – P.224.

10 Adnan Hakim. Contribution of Competence Teacher (Pedagogical, Personality, Professional Competence and Social) On the Performance of Learning // The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES) ||

Volume || 4 || Issue || 2 || Pages || PP.01-12|| 2015.

11 Baumert, J., Kunter, M., Blum, W., Klusmann, U., Krauss, S. & Neubrand, M. (2011). Professionelle Kompetenz von Lehrkräften, kognitiv aktivierender Unterricht und die mathematische Kompetenz von Schülerinnen und Schülern (COACTIV) – Ein Forschungsprogramm. In M. Kunter, J. Baumert, W. Blum, U.

Klusmann, S. Krauss, & M. Neubrand (Hrsg.). Professionelle Kompetenz von Lehrkräften. Ergebnisse des Forschungsprogramms COACTIV

12 Musurmonova O. Educational-methodical complex of the module "Professional competence and creativity of the education manager". - T .: BIMM, 2015. - 288 p.

13 Muslimov N.A. Theoretical and methodological bases of professional formation of a teacher of vocational education: - Tashkent: 2007. - 357 p.

14 Urazova M.B. Improving the technology of preparing a future teacher of vocational education for design activities: Diss. ... doc. ped. sciences. - T .: TGPU, 2015 .-- 280 p.

15 Mirsolieva M.T. Improving the mechanisms for developing the professional competence of managers and teachers of higher education institutions: - Tashkent, 2019. - 225 p.


We have come to the conclusion that, in accordance with the views of I.A. Zimney, it is necessary to define the concept of “approach” for use in our future work. An approach is a certain position, a point of view that determines the implementation, design, organization of a process. An approach as a method of conceptualizing knowledge is defined by an idea, a concept, and is directed to one or more categories that are fundamental to it. There are many approaches in the field of history and modern science, but it is clear that different approaches do not exclude each other, they implement different plans to analyze a single phenomenon.16

Since the professional training of a teacher is manifested as a complex, dynamic, self- organizing system, it is impossible not to analyze it in terms of the theory of a systematic approach, says N.A. Muslimov. The essence of the systematic approach is that relatively independent components are considered not in isolation, but in their interdependence, development, and movement. Subjects, objects, purpose, content, methods and forms of organization of the educational process, the result are the elements of the pedagogical system.

All elements of the system are integrated into a common goal and management unit of the activity. Changes in the system of professional training of teachers, its reorganization and adaptation are made depending on which elements in it are affected. To understand the stability of a system, it is necessary to refer to the theory of social self-organization.

World educational practice today links learning outcomes to human qualifications.

Therefore, the problem of a competent approach to the professional training of future teachers in terms of new priorities remains relevant at the same time.

A number of documents on the modernization of education define a competency- based approach as one of the important conceptual rules for the modernization of the content of education, including vocational education.

The concepts of “competence” and “competency” are expressed in different proportions as categories of specific meaning of the competency approach we are considering. In the pedagogical literature, there are different views on the interdependence of these concepts, and many definitions with different arguments have been proposed.

According to I.A. Zimnyaya, who distinguished between the concepts of "competence" and

"competency" on the basis of potential-actual, by competence, competence is our

"knowledge-based, intellectual and emerging personal quality as a socio-professional description of the individual". .

If we understand competence as a set of rules, as N. Khomsky suggests, in terms of knowing the structure (we are talking about language), then with such an interpretation, as many researchers point out, a competency-based approach is no different from the interpretation of knowledge, skills and competencies.

Many authors who study the competency approach emphasize its positive aspects as follows:

- Many definitions of the concepts of "competence", "competency" and "competence approach" constantly reflect the changes from the knowledge-oriented paradigm of education to competence-based;

- Competency approach is described by scientists and practitioners-pedagogues as a methodological basis for the renewal and modernization of the education system in response to changing socio-cultural conditions and the needs of the labor market;

- Competence is considered as a complex multicomponent phenomenon, which includes not only knowledge, skills and abilities in a particular professional field, but also the creative potential of the individual, his activity and reflexive ability to their own activities;

16 Zimnyaya I.A. Competence approach. What is its place in the system of modern approaches to education problems (theoretical and methodological aspect) // Higher education today. - M., 2006. - No. 8. - p.20-26. - p.22.


- Competence as a formed feature of the person is the purpose and result of professional training of the specialist.

As the competency approach has become more popular in recent times, there are also concerns that it will be generalized. It is clear that there are “many complex issues that are difficult to define clearly and sufficiently” both in the interpretation of the essence of the competency approach and at the level of its application.17

Some researchers are concerned about the complexity of implementing the flexible and generalizing functions of education under this approach. There is also the view that an over-indulgence in competency-based learning ideas can lead to a change in students‟

personal motivation and can only shape a „desire to conform‟. There is also the idea that a competency-based approach will not “take root” in the national context, as it has been proposed and developed by European scholars for the needs and wants of young Europeans.

Another worrying point is that the use of a competency-based approach enhances mainly practice-oriented education, resulting in the loss of a fundamental aspect of the national education system that had previously had its place.

If we combine a competency-based approach with other approaches in the analysis of pedagogical situations, taking into account the positive aspects of the national education system, without comparing the competency-based approach with the traditional “knowledge- oriented” approach, but rather if the possibilities of this approach are constantly explored and carefully and objectively analyzed, such concerns and controversies can be easily overcome.

As noted above, some scholars believe that a competency-based approach increases the focus on the operational, skill-based aspect of learning outcomes. In the national psychological and pedagogical subjects, the focus is on the meaningful, personality-related components of education. In our opinion, the advantage of using a competency-based approach in education is that the content of teaching, its organizational and methodological aspects are significantly enriched, education develops the individual's readiness and ability to live effectively.

Thus, emphasizing the importance of socio-pedagogical competence for the future teacher, we concluded that the development of this quality has a positive impact on his adaptation to changing socio-economic conditions, readiness to respond to these changes in a timely and pedagogically appropriate manner. Expanding the worldview, the system of value relationships, the motivation to acquire independent knowledge, allows you to form a holistic view of your interest in your profession. At the same time, there are qualitative changes in the development of professional pedagogical functions of teachers, the implementation of moral values, which are the basis of socio-pedagogical activity; pedagogical assistance and support to students; close assistance to the child in the process of socialization, aimed at harmonizing the relationship between all subjects of the educational process (teachers, parents, students);

is evident in respect for individual and group differences. As a rule, such teachers strive to ensure social justice, creating conditions for the social and personal development of students, striving for high standards of personal and professional ethics.

Socio-pedagogical competence is a necessary part of acquainting the future specialist with the society, socio-cultural environment, forming the ability to respect the heritage of the past, creative perception of reality and change. It is characterized by a person's social experience, aspiration to self-development in the future, mentality, and embodies a solid foundation of worldview and behavior.

17 Muslimov N.A. Theoretical and methodological bases of professional formation of a teacher of vocational education: Tashkent: 2007. - 357 p. - B.75.



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