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Academic year: 2022



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Kimeera Ambati1, Dr. Santhi Sree Sunkara2

1Assistant Professor, Dept. of Home Science, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati.

2Assistant Professor, Dept. of Home Science, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati.


Recently studies showed that globally, more than 1.8 billion adults are overweight and in that around 650 million are obese. India is one among the most widely recognised countries which are identified with way of life today as being overweight. Obesity or overweight leads to heart diseases, Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension etc. Objectives: Adulthood is a period where we have to pay at most attention tohealthy nutritional diet. Preventive measures through assuring the nutritional status of adults such as anthropometric, dietary survey, food consumption pattern, nutritional awareness, physical activity and alertness about diseases will assist the community from being overweight and thus the occurrences of metabolic disorders.

Methods: zone chosen for the conduct of the study was Tirupati and based on the number of subjects required, their age profile; willingness to participate in the study; their health condition etc,. a private company which was willing was selected. The subjects chosen were in the age group of over 30-40 years. The selection was carried out using the purposive sampling technique. Results: The data indicates that some adults are in the border line of non- communicable diseases such as overweight or obesity, cardio vascular diseases, Type 2 diabetes and hypertension. Conclusion: This could be rectified through regular practice of consuming a nutritious and appropriate diet in conjunction with physical exercise routine.

Key Words: Diabetes, Overweight, Nutritional awareness, Physical activity, Food consumption.


With the increasing age, increases the chances and frequency of diseases or disorders (NIH, 2020). We are always flooded with importance of nutrition, health and wellbeing messages regularly and if we pay little attention and make little effort in following them, there is a possibility that it will help in reduction of health problems. For example, obesity, heart diseases, hypertension and diabetes[1]. Most of risk factors in the worldwide are the weight issues like of non-transmittable maladies in middle age is among asians[2]. The adulthood is the bridge between younger and older adulthood that is the third quarter of the average life span of human being [3]. Adulthood is a period to pay attention towards healthy nutritional diet for a healthy life. Globally, all the non-communicable diseases usually have their peak during this period. Preventive measures through assessing the nutritional status of adults and diet counselling will lend a hand to the community in preventing the occurrence of non- communicablediseases.Therefore, considering the health issues which are critical to the wellbeing and the way of life in adulthood so, making recommendations for their eating


practices, diet, exercise and mental wellbeing are considered to be the important components of the preventive health strategy for adults.


1. Acquire information on socio economic status of selected adults.

2. Acquire information on physical activity of the selected adults.

3. Assess the nutritional status of the selected adults through anthropometric measurement.

4. Study the dietary perspective of the selected adults and make recommendations.


The zone chosen for the study was Tirupati. It was selected due to the ready availability of the required subjects and their willingness to cooperate and participate in the study. The company chosen was college. The subjects chosen were in the age group of over 30-40 years covering both genders and utilizing purposive sampling technique. Eighty two subjects over the age of 30-40 from different branches and division of the organization were selected for the study. The subjects worked in general working hours. The hours of work are eight hours.

The adults aged between 30-40 years were shortlisted by the author and the same was communicated to each department. According to the scheduled timing, the interview schedule was prepared for each day and thus the target groups (of age between 30-40 years) were interviewed by the researcher.

Details regarding socio economic status, physical activity pattern and nutritional status of selected adults were collected with the help of interview schedule in which the data are updated in the SPSS version 16. The researcher collected the information using direct personal interview and recorded the data given by the respondents.

Nutritional status was assessed by using selected anthropometric measurement indices. In this study, the anthropometric measurements indices collected were height, weight, and BMI for all the selected adults. Body mass index has been proposed as simple and valid metric for monitoring fitness/fatness [4]. BMI was computed for all the subjects from the height and weight measurements using the following equation

In the current investigation, the stature and weight were estimated according to the conversion and BMI was determined and grouped by the proposals given by International Diabetes Federation [5].Dietary assessment

The researcher followed the 24 hours recall method for collecting the diet. The food consumed was determined by using the 24 hourrecall method by the food intake which recorded all foods and beverages consumed. From this the raw ingredients consumed were computed and the nutritive values of the foods were calculated. These values were then compared with RDA to assess the nutritional adequacy of the sub samples.


A. Socio economic position of the selected adults.

B. Physical activity of the selected adults.


C. Nutritional status of the selected adults.

D. Dietary prospective of the selected adults.

A. Socio economic position of the selected adults.

The Socio-economic status of the selected adults reveals that majority were of Hindu religion and were married, had completed graduation& were in the high income and some in nuclear family and were living with small family members and some in joint families.

Table 1 Socio economic position of the selected adults (n=82)

Variable Number Percentage

Age (yrs) 30-32 23 28

33-35 42 51

36-38 17 21

Religion Hindu 78 95

Christian 0 0

Muslim 4 5

Education Higher secondary school 6 7

Graduates 40 49

Post-graduates 24 29

MBBS/PhD 10 12

Monthly Income <10000 30 37

10000-20000 18 22

20000-30000 8 10

>30000 26 32

Marital status Single/ Unmarried 30 37

Married 52 63

Type of Family Nuclear 54 66

Joint 28 34

No. of Family Members <3 10 12

3-5 56 68

5-8 16 20

>8 0 0

B. Physical activity of the selected adults

Table 2 illustrates 29 percent (24 subjects) had the sedentary activity and 66 percent (54 subjects) were engaged in moderate activity and 5 percent (4 subjects). The results depict that the prevalence rate of non-communicable diseases like diabetes and hypertension was high in the sedentary workers than in the moderate and heavy workers. Sedentary life style, obesity, less physical activity and less exercise leads to non-communicable diseases.

Table 2 Physical activity level of the selected adults

Activity Number Percentage

Sedentary 24 29

Moderate 54 66


Heavy 4 5

Total 82 100

C. Nutritional status of the selected adults 1. Anthropometric details

a. Mean height, weight and BMI

The mean BMI was shown as 24 kg/m3 among selected adults. The data showed that the selected adults were in slightly overweight category which indicates the minimum physical activity, slight knowledge on dietary pattern.

Table 3 Mean height, weight and BMI of selected adults

Parameters Mean+SD (n=82)

Height (cm) 160+10.6

Weight (Kg) 60+1.4

BMI (kg/m2) 24+3.43

b. Body Mass Index

Table 4 Classification of the selected adults according to body mass index Classification Number Percentage

BMI Category

<18.5 Underweight 8 10

18.5- 24.9

Normal 46 56

25-29.9 Overweight 18 22

30-34.9 Grade I Obese

6 7

35-39.9 Grade II Obese

4 5

>40 Grade II Obese

0 0

Total 82 100

*Global data base, (WHO, 2006)

Table 4 illustrates the classification of the adults according to the Body mass index categories recommended by WHO (2006). It is evident from the data that 56 percent (46 subjects) of the selected adults were in normal category of BMI (18.5-24.9), 10 percent (8 subjects) were in underweight category of BMI (less than 18.5) and 34 percent (38 subjects) were overweight and obese category of BMI (25-39.9) in which 22 percent are classified as overweight followed by 7 percent classified as obese I, 5 percent classified as grade II and 0 percent in Grade III obesity. The results of the BMI classification clearly point out that the majority of the subjects are either normal and overweight. The 34 percent of the overweight and obesity who are st risk of non-communicable diseases.


Graph1 Percentage of selected adults and their BMI

c. BMI and physical activity analysis

Table 5 Correlation analysis of the BMI and physical activity of the selected adults (n=82)

Category BMI

Physical activity

*Significant at 0.05% level


Physical activity of the selected adults was strongly correlated with the body mass index (BMI). This data shows that the less physical activity and sedentary life style of some subjects was prevalent in the selected adults. This particular trend will lead to the incidence of metabolic disorders and non-communicable diseases.

D. Dietary perspective of the selected adults

Dietary surveys for assessing the dietary intake and the nutritional status of the population is very important for monitoring the nutrition status and to initiate the appropriate interventions.

1. Dietary details

Type of diet of the selected adults show that 73 percent were non-vegetarian. The selected adults consuming three meals per day were predominant. Ten percent of the selected adults had the habit of skipping one meal day and another 10 percent had a habit of skipping one meal per week. The eating habits of the selected adults highlight that out of 82 adults, 76 percent have the practice of eating with moderate speed and 10 percent of adults had quick eating habits. The quick eating habit might be due to time pressure or they may be eating quickly from childhood itself. One should always give time for the brain to judge the fullness and slow eating habits help in good digestion and reduces the risk of over eating and thus health problems like Diabetes, hypertension, obesity etc.


Table 6 Dietary perceptive of the selected adults (n=82)

Variables Number Percentage

Type of Diet Vegetarian 10 12

Non-Vegetarian 60 73

Ova-Vegetarian 12 15

Number of meals consumed Two 6 7

Three 62 76

Four 12 15

Skipping Meal Daily one meal 8 10

Weekly one meal

8 10

Weekly two meal

6 7

None 60 73

Habit of fasting A meal per day 8 10

A meal per week 6 7

A meal per week 12 15

None 66 80

Habit of eating Quick 8 10

Moderate 62 76

Slow 12 15

Quantity of water Consumption per day

<4 glasses 12 15

4-8 glasses 50 61

>8 glasses 20 24

Food Allergy Brinjal 6 7

Spinach 4 5

Peanuts 1 1

Soyabean 1 1

cauliflower 1 1

millets 1 1

mayonnaise 1 1

sugar 1 1

none 66 80

2. Food consumption pattern

Table 7 analyses the pattern of food consumption of the selected adults. It was found that rice and wheat were consumed as the prime food. Eighty five percent of adults consumed pulses, 68 percent of legumes were consumed on daily basis. Sixty three percent of adults consumed green leafy vegetables and 80 percent consumed vegetables on daily basis, but the quantity was less, 62 percent consumed roots and tubers also on a daily basis. Fifty to sixty percent adults consumed meat products on a daily basis and remaining consumed on


weekly basis. Egg consumption (59 percent) was greater than fleshy products (50-54 percent). The consumption of milk products was around 87 percent on daily basis. Seventy nine percent consume sugar and jaggery products.

Table 7 Frequency of food consumption pattern of the selected adults.

Food items Daily Weekly Occasionally Never Total No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %

Cereals 71 87 6 7 4 5 1 1 82 100

Pulses 70 85 9 11 3 4 - 0 82 100

Legumes, nuts, seeds 56 68 22 27 4 5 - 0 82 100 Green leafy vegetables 52 63 29 35 1 1 - 0 82 100

other vegetables 66 80 14 17 2 2 - 0 82 100

Vitamin A rich fruits 54 66 19 23 8 10 1 1 82 100

Other fruits 49 60 21 26 11 13 1 1 82 100

Roots & Tubers 51 62 23 28 7 9 1 1 82 100

Milk 71 87 5 6 5 6 1 1 82 100

Sugar and Jaggery 65 79 9 11 7 9 1 1 82 100

Spices and Condiments 63 77 14 17 5 6 - 0 82 100

Egg 48 59 29 35 4 5 1 1 82 100

Poultry 43 52 26 32 12 15 1 1 82 100

Meat 44 54 22 27 15 18 1 1 82 100

Fish 41 50 14 17 23 28 4 5 82 100

3. Consumption of junk foods

From table 8 it was observed that 22 percent of the adults consumed fried items weekly basis and 73 percent of adults consumed occasionally. Other junk foods consumed by the selected adults were baked items (88 percent), chat items (80 percent), carbonated beverages (85 percent), pizza (82 percent), sweets (82 percent) respectively on occasional basis.

Table 8 Consumption of junk foods by the selected adults

Food items Daily Weekly Occasionall


Never Total No


% No. % No. % No. % No



Baked items 1 1 6 7 72 88 3 4 82 100

Chat items 1 1 9 11 66 80 6 7 82 100

Fried items 2 2 18 22 60 73 2 2 82 100

Sweets 2 2 10 12 67 82 3 4 82 100

Pizza - 0 5 6 67 82 10 12 82 100

Savories - 0 6 7 64 78 12 15 82 100

Burger - 0 5 6 64 78 13 16 82 100

Carbonated beverages - 0 2 2 70 85 10 12 82 100


4. Mean nutrient intake

Table 9 depicts the mean nutrient intake of the selected adults calculated from 24 hour recall survey.

Table 9 Mean nutrient intake of the selected adults

Nutrients RDA* Actual Intake Excess/Deficit nutrient intake

Energy (Kcal) 2400 2110-545

Protein (g) 60 62+2

Fat (g) 20 45+20

Carbohydrate (g)

300 320+75

Fibre (g) 25 20

Calcium (mg) 1000 698+188

Iron (mg) 29 23

Dietary guidelines for Indians- manual, NIN, ICMR, 2010

The data presented in table 9 reveals that all the nutrients consumed are adequate where as fibre and iron is slightly low.


The result of the current study has brought in view the dietary status of the selected adults.

The data indicates that some of the adults were overweight or slightly obese putting on the verge of non-communicable diseases such as obesity, heart problems, hypertension, type II diabetes, etc. These can be rectified by decreasing the sweet and savoury consumption and regular practice of healthy and nutritious diet and appropriate diet and including some nutrition awareness camps, practicing suryanamaskara, pranayama, yoga in their day to day life.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST There is no Conflict of Interest


I would like to express my gratitude to all the participants who has helped and contributed for collecting the data and analysis.


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3. Arnett, J.J. (2001). “Conceptions of the transition to adulthood: Perceptives from adolescence through midlife”. Journal of adult development, vol:8(2), pp-133-144.

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5. International diabetes federation (2008). “Metabolic syndrome rationale. International Diabetes Federation, Diabetes Atlas.

6. NIH (National institute of Health), 2010. “NIH study identifies ideal body mass index”. United states Department of health and human services.

7. WHO (World Health Organization, 2006). The Global data base, World Health Organization, Geneva.

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