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View of Development of Professional and Methodical Competence of Future Primary School Teachers in Literacy Teaching


Academic year: 2022

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Development of Professional and Methodical Competence of Future Primary School Teachers in Literacy Teaching

N.A.Normurodova- Teacher at Termez State University

Annotation: This article highlights the development of professional and methodological competence of future primary school teachers.

Keywords: competence, universal competence, special competence, literacy training.

In the world system of pedagogical education, creative technologies for the development of professional and methodological competence of future primary school teachers in literacy have been introduced into the educational process. Particular attention is paid to the implementation of innovative directions of competitive training on the basis of a competent approach, different forms of teaching, mechanisms for the development of professional pedagogical training of future primary school teachers.

Research is being conducted in world higher education institutions to ensure the quality of professional and methodological training of primary school teachers, modeling, designing the educational process, improving professional training, developing professional qualities and competencies. At the same time, future primary school teachers will be taught and trained in accordance with international qualification requirements, the quality of education will be raised to the international level, literacy skills will be diagnosed, modular education will be introduced, social communication will be activated, and primary school teachers will be trained. scientific research is underway.

The legal and regulatory framework for the development of professional and methodological competence of future primary school teachers, the organization of the educational process in primary school using information technology, the development of competent specialists and professional competence has been created. The material and technical base of educational institutions has been improved. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-4947 "On the Strategy for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated February 7, 2017 "On further improving the system of continuing education, increasing access to quality education services, continuing the policy of training highly qualified personnel ”Was identified as an important priority. As a result, on the basis of a competent approach, conditions will be created for the improvement of professional and pedagogical activity of future primary school teachers on the basis of pedagogical technologies.

Issues of improving the methodological training of future primary school teachers were studied by B.Abdullaeva, G.Boymurodova, M.E.Jumaev, Sh.Yuldasheva, R.A.Mavlonova, M.Tashpulatova, S.Usmanov, K.Kasimova, H.Gulamova . Issues of improving the organization of primary school mother tongue classes U. Masharipova, M.Shodieva, issues of literacy M.

Gulomov, R.Gafforova, K.Kasimova, S.Matjonov, H.Gulamova, Sh.Yuldashev, Sh.Sariev, K.Nazarov, K.Abdullaev. The problems of organizing the educational process in primary school with the use of information technology are covered in the scientific and methodological work of A.Abdukodirov, B.Sabirov, S.Rahmonkulova, N.Taylakov.


8946 Formation of the culture of writing at different stages of education, issues of speech activity and approaches to the existing culture Scientists of the CIS countries: AN Vasileva, MV Gamezo, IA Zimnyaya, LS Isakova, EM Katonova, G. S.Kolyadenko, T.A.Ladijenskaya, M.R.Lvov, M.V.Matyuxina, T.S.Mixalchik, T.G.Ramzaeva, Z.I.Romanovskaya, N.N.Svetlovskaya, M.P. Senkevich, studied by E. Sepirs.

Competent specialist and professional competence development issues Dj. Berch, Sh.

Derri, D. Kerbi, A. Clark, Dj. Kollagan, Dj. Based on the scientific work of scientists such as Raven, D. Selin.

Each country defines certain competencies of the teacher based on their priorities in the professional field. At present, the requirements for the level of competencies in the field of education in our country are not sufficiently formed and are at the stage of scientific development. Nevertheless, the problem of developing the professional competence of an elementary school teacher has been little studied. There is a need to develop general criteria and indicators that determine the quality of professional training of future teachers in the higher education system.

Although the professional competence of the teacher was actively studied by scholars in the 90s of the twentieth century, it is interpreted differently in different literature, but different researchers agree on the initial conceptual views: the development of professional competence of the teacher is procedural and systematic, based on the level of professional education .

For this research work, the definition of professional competence of a teacher by TM Turkina is closer ... "... an important description of the theoretical and practical training of a specialist to carry out pedagogical activities and the ability to perform certain work tasks independently, responsibly and effectively."

If earlier the role of children’s first teacher was often understood in a narrow sense, as teaching students the basics of science knowledge and simple reading skills and competencies, today its responsibilities have expanded and equated with the responsibilities of a high school teacher. The main pedagogical task is to manage the educational process, which can be divided into three stages: preparation, implementation of the plan and the final stage. The preparation phase consists of goal setting, diagnosis, forecasting, design, and planning. At the stage of implementation of the plan, the teacher performs information, organizational, evaluation, control and correction tasks, and at the final stage - the analytical task.

Competence is an integral quality of a person that reflects the readiness of a person (professional, community member, citizen, etc.) to effectively perform this or that social role.

Professional competence is an integral description of the personality of the worker (specialist), which represents a set of personality traits that reflect not only the level of knowledge, skills and abilities in a particular field of professional activity, but also the ability to act effectively in society.

Competence is the result of education, which is expressed in the readiness of a person to solve certain tasks of professional and non-professional activity on the basis of his use of internal and external resources.


Professional competence is the result of vocational training, which is expressed in the readiness of a specialist to perform certain professional tasks based on the use of internal and external resources.

Specific competence is a view of professional competence that characterizes the functional specificity of the professional activity of a particular specialist.

Competency education (“competency approach in education”) is a complex and controversial topic that is considered insufficiently studied today, despite the growing number of publications on the problem. The concept emerged in the process of studying the work experiences of well-known teachers in the United States, and its analysis was the result of many attempts to develop a conceptual framework. Thus, the theory of competency education is based on experience, derived from best practice.

O.E. As Lebedev describes, a competency-based approach to education is "a set of general principles for determining the content of education, choosing the content of education, organizing the educational process and evaluating learning outcomes." The guiding idea of the competency approach is to understand the content of education that is shaped by the “outcome”

(the “final standard”).

A competent approach is required when the educational institution (more broadly - the education system) has a social interaction with its customers, consumers, first of all, with a broadly understood employer.

The competency approach is often confused with practice-oriented labor training, which is associated with the training and execution of this or that job, often simple operations. The competency approach is broader, for example, its implementation is not possible without in- depth knowledge, an important feature of this approach is that the learner then receives independent learning.

A modern approach to the structure of professional competence suggests looking at this phenomenon as a set of universal (general, basic), general (basic) and special (special professional) competencies.

Universal competencies are common to many specialties. These include: social, communicative, informational, problematic cooperative and other competencies. They are the subject of this dissertation research. General (basic) competencies include a set of universal competencies of the general professional category. In pedagogy, it is a set of psychological and pedagogical competencies that represent pedagogical staff in all specialties.

Specific competencies represent a set of job descriptions of a particular specialist. Of all the listed competencies, this paper examines, first of all, some special competencies of the primary school teacher (including teaching first-graders writing techniques), as well as the corresponding general professional-reflexive competencies.

All of the common types of competencies listed are part of a primary school teacher’s professional competence, and its development is the goal of training a future professional.

The source of determining the composition of the specific competencies of the primary school teacher is the general requirements of employers for the professional qualifications of


8948 teachers, professional standards and the qualification description of the primary school teacher.

Based on a theoretical analysis of the literature, the researcher’s personal pedagogical and managerial experience, and a study of mass pedagogical practice, we identified the feasibility and constructiveness of an elementary school teacher’s professional competence as a professional description. It is characterized by the professional activity of the teacher, provides readiness and ability to perform pedagogical functions in accordance with established norms, standards and requirements, the desire and ability to create a new pedagogical reality at the level of purpose, content, technology, as well as understanding and seeing the whole learning process.

This allows the primary school teacher to express his / her professional competence in the form of a structure consisting of competencies: psychological-pedagogical, normative-legal, reflexive, scientific and methodological (Scheme 1).

Scheme 1.

The structure of professional competence of an elementary school teacher PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE














Such a structure of the professional competence of the primary school teacher reflects a set of types of activities related to the social order of society, the characteristics of the creative side of the teacher's activity. Psychological-pedagogical, normative-legal and reflexive competencies are general for the pedagogical profession, ie general, scientific and methodological competencies are special competencies, which are related to the ability of a primary school teacher to perform special professional duties as a specialist.

All of the listed organizers are directly linked and form a complex structure that shapes the professional competence of an elementary school teacher. The content of the expressed


competencies reflects the requirements for the professional activity of the primary school teacher.

The analysis of general competencies made it possible to determine their content. For example, we understand psychological-pedagogical competence as the acquisition of basic invariant psychological-pedagogical knowledge and skills. It is the success of solving a wide range of educational and pedagogical tasks in different pedagogical systems; compliance with certain professional and pedagogical requirements, regardless of the specialty of the future teacher;

students have mastered various forms of quality assessment of education; the ability to identify the individual abilities of students and build the educational process taking them into account;

the ability to establish relationships with students, colleagues, parents in accordance with the pedagogical purpose; creating a comfortable environment in the teaching staff; the variability and individual orientation of the learning process is related to the ability to design.

Normative-legal competence. It includes knowledge of the normative relations in the field of teacher-student, teacher-parent, the use of basic documents on the rights of the child and the obligations of adults to children (Convention on the Rights of the Child, International Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, The Law on Education), the introduction of moral and legal norms governing the relationship of man to man, society and nature, the ownership of environmental and legal culture.

The content of reflexive competencies includes: the ability to analyze and evaluate one’s own work and student behavior, self-awareness, self-motivation, and self-realization. He is the regulator of the educator’s personal achievements, as well as a motivator for professional growth and improvement of pedagogical skills. Reflexive competence is directly integrated with specific special competencies.

Special competencies distinguish an elementary school teacher from other educators and require additional learning. We have defined its content as follows:

a) scientific competence - readiness to apply knowledge of the scientific basis of the content of the primary education course, a positive attitude to the subject, conscious mastery of the necessary amount of special terms in relation to the content of the curriculum, the ability to understand and systematize scientific information; the ability to adapt the content of the subject to the capabilities of the students.

b) methodical competence - readiness to plan, select, synthesize and build educational material on the subject, readiness to organize various forms of study on the subject, readiness to implement active approaches to learning and the ability to organize educational work of primary school students, application of innovative teaching technologies training, qualified use of health technologies in teaching.

It is advisable to determine the number of hours for the study of each subject (department) and to develop specific requirements for the specific competencies of students. In this case, the total number of hours for the study of these methodological subjects in higher education institutions should be proportional to the number of hours allocated for the study of relevantsubjects in primary education.

An important task of our research work is the selection of pedagogical technology that helps to


8950 develop the professional competence of the specialist. Since the subject of our research was the development of professional competence of the primary school teacher in writing methodology, this selection was made in relation to the specific special competencies of the teacher.

The modular technology of construction of the subject "Methods of teaching the native language" was chosen as the basis of the projected pedagogical technology.

A module (learning module) is a part of an educational program that has a certain logical completion in relation to the stated goals and outcomes of teaching and learning.

Assessment of learning outcomes under the modular-competency approach has the following two characteristics. First, the assessment is performed on each specific module. The assessment process involves demonstrating or confirming that students have mastered the required competencies expressed in this module and are able to perform all required actions within those competencies. Second, the assessment is based on criteria, in which the assessment criteria are pre-defined and formulated in terms of the results of the module's activities (module tasks).

A set of conditions for the development of professional competencies of students of higher education institutions was identified, including four groups of conditions: conceptual, meaningful, organizational-technological, auxiliary.

Conceptual conditions: personal orientation of the educational process in higher education at all levels: purposeful, meaningful, procedural, building the educational process of higher education on the basis of pedagogical theory of activity and the concept of modular teaching, use of primary school teacher professiogram as a model of higher education; an important part of it is the professional competence of the primary school teacher.

Meaningful conditions: use of a specially prepared educational-methodical complex "Methods of teaching the native language";

Organizational and technological conditions: use of pedagogical technology of modeling of professional activity in the educational process, involvement of students in real professional- labor relations in the educational process, organization of monitoring of the educational process in higher education institutions with the use of active teaching methods; building higher education institutions using active teaching methods: project method, modeling and game methods.

Auxiliary conditions: training of pedagogical staff of higher education institutions to work on new pedagogical technologies.

Since the subject of this research is limited to the development of special competencies of primary school teachers in the field of teaching writing to first-graders, the introduction of the subject "Mother tongue teaching methodology" and modular pedagogical technology was a system-forming element in the set of pedagogical conditions. .

The developed "Methodology of teaching the native language" addresses the task of improving the professional training of primary school teachers, taking into account the changes that occur as a result of modernization of primary education and is associated with the development of social education requirements of primary general education.



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